
Reverse Engineering Project 2004 The disassembly and analysis of a standard computer keyboard a.k.a. “This wuz a k3ybored” Group Members: Steven Maresca 203-605-9533 [email protected] Justin DeMaris 427-2127 [email protected] Matthew Rice 427-4533 [email protected] OverviewOverview OfOf PresentationPresentation ResearchResearch • LayoutLayout • KeyboardKeyboard VarietiesVarieties • MechanicsMechanics • ElectricalElectrical DisassemblyDisassembly ProbingProbing ResultsResults ReseaResearrchch MechanicalMechanical AspectsAspects • Keyboard Layouts and Varieties • Size and Shape • Keyboard Components: - Keycaps - Key Switches - Key Pitch - LED’s KeyboKeyboardard LLayoutsayouts ManyMany andand variedvaried Include:Include: • AlphabeticAlphabetic layoutslayouts • TheThe QWERTYQWERTY layoutlayout • TheThe DvorakDvorak layoutlayout • OtherOther experimentalexperimental layoutslayouts AAlplphahabbeetictic ArrangedArranged alphabeticallyalphabetically AA typewritertypewriter basedbased onon suchsuch aa layoutlayout waswas grantedgranted aa patentpatent inin 1868,1868, toto designersdesigners Scholes,Scholes, Gidden,Gidden, && SouleSoule DevelopedDeveloped forfor “hunt“hunt andand peck”peck” railwayrailway ticketticket typiststypists asas protectionprotection againstagainst forgeryforgery Two-rowTwo-row designdesign (A-M(A-M && N-Z)N-Z) QWERTYQWERTY Three-rowThree-row designdesign namednamed forfor thethe firstfirst sixsix lettersletters inin thethe toptop rowrow (QWERTYUIOP)(QWERTYUIOP) PatentedPatented inin 1878,1878, byby designerdesigner SholesSholes ReasonsReasons forfor implementationimplementation ofof QWERTYQWERTY areare manymany andand varied.varied. TheThe mostmost commoncommon keyboardkeyboard layoutlayout todaytoday WhyWhy QWERTY?QWERTY? PurportedlyPurportedly designeddesigned toto helphelp preventprevent jammingjamming inin sluggish,sluggish, clumsyclumsy mechanicalmechanical typewriterstypewriters byby spacingspacing outout commoncommon keyskeys (and(and therebythereby slowingslowing typetype rate)rate) TheThe design,design, whilewhile notnot especiallyespecially efficient,efficient, waswas wellwell supported,supported, wellwell marketed,marketed, wellwell known,known, andand mostmost importantly,importantly, widelywidely implemented.implemented. AlternativeAlternative LayoutLayout -- DvorakDvorak DesignedDesigned byby Dr.Dr. AugustAugust DvorakDvorak andand WilliamWilliam DealeyDealey inin thethe latelate 1930’s1930’s // 1940’s.1940’s. DesignedDesigned toto bebe moremore efficientefficient • InIn QWERTYQWERTY keyboard,keyboard, 31%31% ofof allall strikesstrikes areare inin thethe homehome rowrow • InIn Dvorak,Dvorak, 70%70% ofof strikesstrikes areare inin homehome rowrow DDvovorraakk LLaayyooutut DvorakDvorak Analysis:Analysis: AdvantagesAdvantages vs.vs. DiDisasadvantagedvantagess Advantages:Advantages: Problems:Problems: AfterAfter 22 weeksweeks ofof RequiresRequires aa completecomplete typing,typing, thethe useruser relearningrelearning ofof typingtyping regainsregains thethe speedspeed ofof becausebecause ofof thethe newnew thethe QWERTYQWERTY layoutlayout (versus(versus thethe keyboard,keyboard, andand thenthen nownow standardstandard QWERTYQWERTY passespasses itit layout)layout) LessLess workwork forfor thethe IfIf thethe useruser usesuses hands,hands, meaningmeaning longlong multiplemultiple computers,computers, itit typingtyping atat highhigh speedsspeeds maymay bebe necessarynecessary toto isis lessless strenuousstrenuous bebe ableable toto useuse bothboth QWERTYQWERTY andand Dvorak,Dvorak, whichwhich isis difficultdifficult SettingSetting upup thethe DvorakDvorak LayoutLayout HardwareHardware solution:solution: • HardwiredHardwired DvorakDvorak keyboardskeyboards areare availableavailable onlineonline fromfrom manymany retailersretailers • ProgrammableProgrammable keyboardskeyboards (also(also availableavailable fromfrom manymany retailers)retailers) cancan bebe easilyeasily programmedprogrammed toto useuse thethe DvorakDvorak layoutlayout SoftwareSoftware solution:solution: • TellTell you’reyou’re operatingoperating systemsystem toto useuse aa DvorakDvorak layoutlayout StudentStudent ExperienceExperience All three members of this reverse engineering group have coincidentally attempted to use the alternative Dvorak keyboard layout. Each used a QWERTY keyboard with altered regional settings (a Windows settings adjustment), and in one case a modified QWERTY keyboard. Their experiences found that it was relatively simple to learn the layout and achieve typing speeds at least on par with QWERTY and often in excess. Coinciding with the Dvorak prediction, the students found that many common words such as “the”, “and”, and “said” could be typed exclusively using the home row. It is estimated that with further practice, the Dvorak keyboard could yield results significantly faster than those achievable using QWERTY. Of course, the main obstacle in mastering the Dvorak layout was and remains overcoming the now innate and instinctive QWERTY layout. AlteAlterrnnaativetive KKeeyybboaoarrdd VaVarrietietiesies Single-HandedSingle-Handed KeyboardsKeyboards SplitSplit KeyboardsKeyboards ChordChord keyboardskeyboards QWERTYQWERTY VariantVariant KeyboardsKeyboards ProjectionProjection andand SensorSensor KeyboardsKeyboards Single-HandedSingle-Handed KeyboardsKeyboards SinceSince mostmost OS’sOS’s areare graphicalgraphical now,now, thethe mousemouse isis aa majormajor pointingpointing devicedevice ThisThis leavesleaves oneone handhand leftleft forfor keyboardkeyboard usageusage AvailableAvailable inin manymany differentdifferent formats,formats, includingincluding DvorakDvorak andand QWERTYQWERTY MALTRONMALTRON Single-HandedSingle-Handed KeyboardKeyboard AvailableAvailable inin rightright oror left-handedleft-handed versionsversions CanCan bebe difficultdifficult toto learnlearn becausebecause ofof thethe vastvast numbernumber ofof keyskeys thatthat oneone handhand hashas toto useuse andand aa non-standardnon-standard layoutlayout NotNot veryvery portableportable http://www.maltron.com FrogPadFrogPad Single-HandedSingle-Handed KeyboardKeyboard NotNot veryvery ergonomicergonomic CompletelyCompletely newnew layoutlayout VeryVery portableportable keyboard,keyboard, soso onceonce youyou learnlearn it,it, itit cancan bebe transportedtransported easilyeasily toto anyany computercomputer youyou useuse http://www.frogpad.com/ SpSplilitt KeKeybybooaarrdsds DevelopedDeveloped toto reducereduce crampingcramping ofof thethe handshands andand minimizeminimize shoulder/armshoulder/arm musclemuscle strainstrain InIn 19871987 GrandjeanGrandjean suggestedsuggested 25°25° angleangle betweenbetween keykey halves,halves, aa distancedistance ofof 950950 mmmm betweenbetween GG andand H,H, andand aa laterallateral slopeslope ofof 10°10° BATBAT ChordChord KeyboardKeyboard UsesUses aa “chord“chord system”system” forfor inputinput • Every letter or character is generated by pressing a certain set of keys DifficultDifficult toto learnlearn becausebecause therethere areare nono “obvious”“obvious” inputsinputs RequiresRequires veryvery littlelittle armarm // handhand movementmovement http://www.enablemart.com/ toto useuse HalHalff-Q-QWWERTYERTY KKeeyboardyboard VVaarriiantant CanCan bebe usedused asas aa standardstandard QWERTYQWERTY keyboard,keyboard, oror inin one-one- handedhanded modemode thatthat usesuses onlyonly thethe leftleft sideside MuchMuch easiereasier toto learnlearn becausebecause ofof standardizedstandardized layoutlayout andand abilityability toto useuse itit normallynormally whilewhile learninglearning NoNo sizesize advantageadvantage http://www.half-qwerty.com/ ProjectionProjection andand SensorSensor KeyboardsKeyboards FuturisticFuturistic designdesign ExtremelyExtremely PortablePortable AllowsAllows “air-typing”“air-typing” –– thethe ultimateultimate inin touchtouch typingtyping SensesSenses fingerfinger positionposition andand keykey presspress InterfaceInterface withwith bothboth PDA’sPDA’s andand standardstandard computercomputer SizeSize andand ShapeShape ooff thethe KeybKeybooardard StandardStandard Dimensions:Dimensions: • Width:Width: 66 ½½ inchesinches • Length:Length: 1818 inchesinches • FrontFront height:height: 11 inchesinches • BackBack Height:Height: 11 ½½ inchesinches CanCan differdiffer withwith style,style, layout,layout, type,type, andand makemake ofof keyboardkeyboard KeKeyyboboaarrdd CoCommppoonneentntss KeycapsKeycaps TheThe “keycap”“keycap” oror “Key“Key Top”Top” • TheThe partpart ofof thethe keyboardkeyboard thatthat youyou strikestrike withwith youryour fingersfingers whilewhile typingtyping • RemovableRemovable // replaceablereplaceable onon modernmodern keyboardskeyboards KKeeyycacapp SSizeize KeycapKeycap sizesize isis fairlyfairly standardstandard TheThe toptop areaarea thatthat youyou strikestrike isis approximatelyapproximately .5.5 squaresquare inchesinches TheThe capcap taperstapers downdown toto approximatelyapproximately .75.75 squaresquare inchesinches atat thethe basebase KeycapKeycap SpacingSpacing OnOn aa horizontalhorizontal line,line, keycapskeycaps areare approximatelyapproximately .75.75 inchesinches centercenter toto centercenter EachEach rowrow isis approximatelyapproximately .75.75 inchesinches centercenter toto centercenter KeKeyycapcap spaspacciinngg ((coconnt’dt’d……)) TheThe keyboardkeyboard rowsrows areare staggeredstaggered • Numbers to qwerty row – 3/4” shift • Qwert to asdfg row – 3/8” shift • Asdfg
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