ASSOC. -> Supp!)rt ~ad By _ Jewish MoreThan - ~Agencies 35,000 With Your ' People Membership ~=====.=---=--•-=- . --' .- ·· -· .. ·-.- - -------·--- VOLU~E-LX, NUMBER 25',. THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1977 16 PAGES 25¢ PER COPY lfat.• llew ,Cantor ~ ~G·•~~01f1•aa,ej -_- --~l!$/D!!n·ounce,,. is:rae/ ..for t'j,(_~igltJlolidays · ·~Jews'-~' :'"'!• New. ~W. Ban.k Settlements T~mple Beth Sb_ol'oni, whose NEW YOR_K: A~rding to a ' recent · . congreptioqal name ia AbQath. Sholom­ Gallup P'oU, a majority oftlie Jewia!i public . WASHINGt"ON: Tlie Carter -Ad- mon~h following Mr. Begin's visit to Sons of Zion, announ~ that if bu eqag­ _app!oves of President-Carter's performance ministration; in.a recent flaro-up, denounc- Washington. Thcac developments have ed the services.of Cantor Isaiah Wertheimer in office, ·despite criticism of hia Middle cd Israel's govctnnient un·dcr Prime · highlighted · a gr9wing and potentially as its cantor for the High Holidays. Comigg &st policy which hu •been heard among Minister Menah:em ·&aii! f(!r its approval significant split . between Israel and the from New York, Cantor Wertheimer stems many United States Jewiab leaden. or the building of three new settlements on United States over this iasµc . Washington from a notc4- family-of Jewiab IICbolan. Thisanalysii was based upon six national the West Bank of 'the Jordan River. A peniats that this is occupied Arab land, authon and canton. surveys which were conducted. between - statement iss~ by the State Department wliile the Begin govern.men! asserts that it is M d J I d ·1 · di tes that 66% of called the move both illegal and creating liberated Jewish territory• - He ii known for bia melodic tenor voice · ay an u Y• an I m ca American officials .arc maintaining that coupled with a devout knowledge of American Jews approve of Mr. Carter's _ "obstacles to constnictivc negotiations." · praycn. Hia adherence Jo tbe liturgic tradi­ - ~rformance as President. The poll further The AdminiatrJtion furthermore sharply this is far more than merely a semantic 'tion.of the Jerusalem Asbienazie CODlllluni• indicated that 11% disapprovtand· 17% are . criticized as unhelpful to peace talks the difference, because the future of peace cf, undecided. ·recent decision by the Israeli government to forts in -the Middle East, as they view it, ty is unique, as Well as bis creative eni'bellis~flf}• of CantO'l'!'" olepb Mr. Carter has said the United States extend their public services to Arabs living may hinge on· the outcome. In essence, the Rosenblatt-and Zawel Kwartin. expects Israel to withdraw from the on the West Bank - land seized by Israel United States contends that, as part of an · Cantor Werthei)qer sened t!_ie territory.it now occupies on the West Bank from the Jordanians in 1967 and occupied overall peace settlement, Israel should be of .the Jordan River part of any Middle ever since. , willing to give back to the Arabs almost all Briarwood Jewish Center in Queens, New as East peace solution. Much f tbc cripcism The second such critical stand taken by - -of the land captured in the six day war of York, for ten yean and most. recently serv­ 9 directed at the president is a result· of this the Administration . within a two-day June, 1967. Included in this are areas of the ed . Congregation • Chofetz. Chaim of the - policy. _ period, it was_ conveyed to Ambassador · Golan Heights, captured from Syria, and Rabbinic Semin11ry of America-ja..Forest ·1n· the most _recent analysis-of Mr. :$imcha Dil)itz of Israel at the State the West Barik of the Jordan. Hills, New York. He will bj,gin hia ap­ Carter's popularity, two thir_!ls of tlic Department by the Under Secretary of Q..tla Jonlu So,erelpty pointment • at Beth Sholom · for Selichos Jewish people surveyed expressed approval _ State for Political Affain, Philip C. Habib. Israel under the Begin Administration night, September · 3, following a music· of his performance, closely paralleling tlic Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance was has expressed willingness to return only program· and social hour at 10:30 p.m. approval. rating given by other groups. meeting wi~ Soviet Ambassador Anatoly portions of the Sinai and the Golan Roughly two-thirds of Ronian Catholics F. Dobrynin over the Middle East issue at Heights. According to Mr. Begin, Jordan Proxy Brides Fr~ni and Protestants, for example, liavc also in- the time the statement was being read to never had clear sovereignty over the West dicated approval. -Mr. Dinitz: , • Bank abd that this territory, as well as the ,,Syria·- A_rriving · · The ·survey asked the f,gllowing question: ·Ecllo of ~ Crltlcllm Gaza Strip, could and should actually be "Do you approve or disapprove of the way It was noted that tqc language used in ad- regarded as part of the historic Land of :NEW YORK (JTA): While the iicr-vous Mr. Carter is handling his job as . dressing the Israelis in this statement did Israel. • irooms-to-be w~ll!!f for tbcir future Syrian_ President?" ·, • <• not differ much from !hat in previous The status of the West Bank during . Jewish brides.at.JFK International Air.port, The results reported were based 1>n per- criticisms of moves by Jsracl to extend their Secretary of State Vance's recent Middle . the Air France flight from Dllniascus taxied sonal interviews with 9,143 adults, taken in influence uver the West Bank - such as East tour was one of the main subjects he to a stop on scheilulc0a few weeks ago. Soon six su_rv_eys in early May and late July, ~ when three settlements were legalized last <!iscussed; as it was during Prime Minister the- 13 Syrian •women set foot in America Begin's earlier visit here. It was reported after-a·tong and tiring flight and 12 oHhcm .- d . w· - . p that Mr, Vance sought Israel's.agreement in J - were introduced to the men of Brooklyn's 8,an _e,s ·omen .repa re principle to self-determination for the Syrian Jewish ·community .whom they had Arabs living on the West Bank and for the married by proxy July 19 in Damascus. t' B·a·· creation ofa Palestinian homeland or entity ·A 13th woman, a widow with three To Ho's ·1s·rae·~ • . ,,e· t there, but his efforts were rebuffed. childrcri, was released at the last moment to When the Israeli Cabinet recently an­ be rc0 unitcd with her brother "in a The Providence <;hapter of Brandeis Mrs. Archie Fain and Mrs. Jeffrey Gordon, nounced that it was extending regular humanitarian gestuic" by the Syrians, said ,National Women's Committee is planning all past presidents; Mn. Bctram Bernhardt public services to the more than a million Rep. Stephen Solarz, (D.NY). Solarz, who a gala function this fall. They 11!'.JIJ'sponsor a and Mrs. David Kitzcs. · Arabs living in the West Bank and Gaza represents . the more than 25,000 Syrian performance by the· Israel Ballet at. the Fund-railing and study groups arc the areas, Mr. Begin called the action Jews who live· in Br.ooklyn, bas been in the Veterans Memorial Auditorium, September principal fun~ions of the organization. The humanitarian. Critics, however, saw the forefront of efforts to obtain the right to 24. The ballet ensemble; which is visiting· national committee, which raised over 60% move as'a step toward formal annexation. emigrate for Syrian Jews who wiab to leave. the United States for the fint time, will be of the Brandeis libraries' budget last year, is Arych N aor, the Israeli Cabinet secretary, - Then all the Syrian :Jcwiahmcn and women bro.ught to Providence by the Artists Inter­ ' solely responsible for acquiring boqks for refuted the claim, saying "This is not • were shuttled through privJlte corridon national. Proceeds of, the Jp'C&Cntation will the lilirarics at the university. These annexation. You cannot annex the land of from the· airport's customs area into a benefit the _Brandeis libranes. libraries provide nearly one million books, Israel for the people of Israel because it brightly lit room where they faced ·the periodicals, micro materials and other tools already belong, to them." This was follow­ telcviaion camerai and-the press. The committee bas reserved a section of or study and research .as well as the funds ed a few days later by Israel's an­ An air' of excitement filled the room as th!: center orchestra with tickets available.in · .for its staffing_ nouncement of plans for the three ad- - relatives and friends crowded around, cager the Patron and Sponsor categories. After ·Thia year, Brandeis is entering its 30th 'dition~ West Bank settlements. to wcfcomc the. smiling women into their• the ballet, all Patrons will be invited to a year and the Women's Committee has cs­ State Department spokesman Hodding " horn~ where they will~ stay until they reception at the State ijouse rotunda'with a tabliahed a library trust fund which )!ill in­ Carter, III, said "Our position on the issue decide to officially get married here. catered late night supper , and dancing. sure stability and additional income which of the settlements is clear. We reaffirm what Since fsrael's Wai of Independence .'in Before the performance, Patt9ns-will be in­ will enable it to assume total responsibility we've said many times before. These illegal, 1948, Jews have been unable to. leave Syria. vited to dinner parties in private homes of for the library budget. , unilateral acts in territory presently under In recent yean, man)' Jewish men in their Brandeis mcmbcn. ., · · Ballet ticket· reservations arc now .being Israeli occupation create obstacles to 20's and .early 30'1 have reportedly ·ned Mn.
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