CHAPTER XIII GENEALOGICAL TABLES EXPLANATION The progenitors of the BaltIc family in America, so far as is known, were John Battle and Mathew Battle (probably John's brother). In the following Tables are gil'en, as far as they could be procured, the names of all their descend­ ants, with such facts about each as seemed most worth selling down. Tables 1-78 give the descendants of John, Tables 7'1--87 those of Mathew. The inset key shows the relation of the Tables. The reference under the names hending a Table shows the previous Table in which the descent of the first name may be traced. For example, in Table 10 under the heading Henr!l Laure1ls Battle etc. the reference, See Table 9, means that Henry Laurens Battle's dcscent may bt' traced in Table 9. The letter and numbers before the first name of a Table sl;ow the manner of descent from John or Mathew Battle. For example, in Table 10, J. 1. 2. 6. S. S. 7. Henr!l Laurens Battle means that Henry Laurens Battle was the seventh child of the third child of the third child of the sixth child of the second child of the first child of John Battle. Similarly in Table 79, M. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 5. Nicholas JVilliam Bat­ tle means that Nicholas William Battle was the fifth child of the first child of the first child of the first child of the first child of the first child of Mathew Battle. After the first name of each Table are given, where pOSSible, present or last place of residence, occupation, placc and date of birth, place and date of death, manner of education, items of special interest, religious affiliation, place and date of marriage, name of husband or wife with, in parenthesis, the place and date of birth an~ death of that husband or wife and the names of the parents. In the next line are given in like manner name and facts for the first child. Thc number 1 is prefixed in even line with the left margin of the page; the name and facts are set two ems to the right of the number. In the next line come number 1, name, and facts for the first child of the first child of thc head name, the number 1 being set not in even line with the left mar­ gin of the page but two ems to the right of the left line of the paragraph devoted to the first c1lild, the name and facts two ems to the right of the number. And so on. For e\'ery name all descendants are given as far as the Table wiJI allow before the next brother or sister is taken up. The ordcr of children is indicated by continuous numbering without regard to different marriages. The ~- succession of generations is shown in the printing by offsets to the right. A son bearing the same name as his father is distinguished by II (not Jr.); the same name as bis fallier and graudfatllcr by III; and so on. The abbrel'iations employed ure mostly in common use and require no ex­ planation. The following may be noted: b., born; d., died; ed., educated; m., mar­ ried; s. of, son of; d. of, daughter of. Further: A. E. F. American Expeditionary Forces. Art. Artillery. Batt. Ballalion, 197 198 THE BATTLE BOOK C. P. A. Certified Public Accountant. C. S. A. Confederate Stlltes of America. C. S. A. Confederlltc States Army. D. A. R. Daughters of the American Revolution. D. S. O. Distinguishe.d Service Order. F. A. Field Artillery. F. A. C. S. Fellow American College of Surgeons. ~1. G. Machine Gun. O. R. C." Cfficers Rcserve Corps; Order Railway Conductors. Q. M. C. Quartermaster's Corps. S. A. R. Som of the American Revolution. S. C. V. ~:(ms of Confederate Veterans. S. R. Eons of the Revolution. U. C. V. United Confederate Veterans. U. D. C. United Daughters or" the Confederacy. In each paragraph with the first place-nnme the name of the state is given; Llfterwards, the snme stllte is to be understood until a new state is named and this in turn is to be understood until indication of a change. Personal names are given in the form used by the bearer even if this conflicts with common usage today. TABLE 1 DESCENDANTS OF JO.HN AND ELIZABETH BATTLE J. JOHN BATTLE was onc of the founders of the Battle family in America. Fam­ ily traditions show him to havc becn born in Yorkshire, England, but the exact date is not known. He married Ulert! Elizubeth -- (surname not known). In 165-}, lIe emigrated to America with his family and a number of relath'es and neighbors, among whom were Sumners, Hunters, and Bakers, und settled on the west fork of Naose­ mond Rh'er, in a district sinec known as Nansemond County, Virginia. He secured II royal patent, duted December 14, 165·1-, for 200 acres of land from the Governor of the Colony of Virginia. On September 25, 1663, he secured from the Royal Gov­ crnor, Sir William Berkeley, additional grunts, one of which included 640 acres of land located on thc Paspetunk (now called Pasquotank) River in North Carolina (See grants, Chap. V). Hc died Ilbout ]690. Children: 1. William Battle WIlS lorn in North Carolina on Paspctank River in 1682. After the death of his father IIbout 1690, he returned under care of guardians to his former home on N Ilnsemond Rh'cr in Virginia, where he resided until his death in ]749 (See deeds, Chap. V). He married Sarah Hunter (b. 1684; d. 1769; d. of William Hunter). Children: I. William Battle II-N ansemond Co., Va.; m. Miss Brown, d. of Dr. J 0110 Brown. Child: 1. WilHam ·Battle III-d. unmarried. 2. John Battle-Hertford Co., N. C.; b. Nanscmond Co., Va., Apr. 30, ]709; m. 1726, Sarah Brown (For descendants, sec Table 2). 8. Sarah Battle. 4. Mary Battlc. a. Elisha Battlc-Edgccombc Co., N. C.; planter; b. Nansemond Co., Va., Jan. 9, 1728; d. Edgecombe Co., N. C., Mar. 6, 1799 (See deeds and will, Chap. V); removed 17'1-7 to Tar Rh'er, Edgecombe Co.; lands bought on north side of river where home was built are now Cool Spring Plantation, still owned by members of the family; 1756-95, Justice of Peace, Edgeeombc Co.; 1759, Justice County Court of Edgecombe (afterwards Inferior Court of Pleas and Quar­ ter Sessions); 1760, one of fh'e commissioners to found and layout town of Tarboro; 176·", joined Falls of Tar River Church (deacon 28 years); 1765, assisted in organizing Kehukee Assoc. (moderator ma~y years); patriot American Revolution (See Chap. XII); 1771, mcmber General Assembly scrving 20 years; Apr. 4, 1776, member Prm'incial Congress, Halifax; NOl·. 12, 1776, member Congress, Halifax, forming State Constitution; 1777-81, 1788, 1785-87, State Senator; member Committee of Safety, Edgecombe Co.; 1788, dele­ gate Constitutional Convention, serving as Chmn. Committee of Whole; Baptist; Ill. Nansemond Co., Va., 1742, Elizabeth Sumner (d. Edgecombe Co., N. C., .Jan. 19, 1794; d. of John Sumner whose brother, Jethro Sumner, was the father of Brig. Gen. Jethro Sumner 199 -[ 200 THE BATTLE BOOK of thc Continental Army, the first President of the Society of the Cincinnati). Children: 1. Sarah Battle-m. 1st, Jacob Hilliard; m. 2nd, Henry Horn (For descendants, see Table 27). 2. John Battle-m. Frances Davis (For descendants, see Table 40.) 8. Elizabeth Battle-m. Josiah Crudup (For descendants, see Table 44). 4. Elisha Battle IJ-m. Sarah Bunn (For descendants, see Table 50). 5. William Battle-m. Charity Horn (For descendants, see Table 52). 6. Jacob Battle-Edgecombe Co., N. C.; planter; b. Edge· combe Co., Apr. 22, 1754; d. Oxford, Apr. 1, 18B; Baptist Deacon; m. July 21, 1785, Mrs. Penelope (Langley) Ed­ wards (b. Apr. 14, 1762: d. Edgecombe Co., May 26, 1800). Children: 1. Jamcs Smith Battle-m. lst, Mrs. Tcmperance (Battle) Fort; m. 2nd, Sally Harriett Westray (For descendants, see Table 68). 2. Lucy Battle-b. Edgecombe Co., N. C., Jan. 2), 1789; d. Sept. 28, 17940. 8. Marmaduke Battle-b. Edgecombe Co., N. C., Sept. 15, 1791; d. unmarried. 4. Thomas Battle-b. Edgecombe Co., N. C., Dec. 29, 1798; d. Sept. 19, 1799. 5. Elizabeth Langley Smith Battle-b. Edgecombe Co., N. C., Jan. 5, 1797: d. Mar. 21, 1815; Bap­ tist; m. 1814, Dr. Cullen Battle, s. of Demsey Battle and Jane Andrews (For descendants, see Table 78). 6. Thomas Langley Battle-b. Edgecombe Co., N. C., Nov. 8, 1799; d. Aug. 80, 1805. 7. Jethro Battle-m. Martha Lane (For descendants, see Ta­ ble 65). 8. Demsey Battle-m. Jane Andrews (For descendants, see Table 78). 2. Alsey Battle-d. young. TABLE 2 DESCENDANTS OF JOHN BATTLE AND SARAH BROWN (See Table 1) 1. 1. 2. JOHN BATTLE-Hertford Co., N. C.; planter; b. Nan~emond Co., Va., Apr. 80, 1709; d. Hertford Co., N. C., Apr. 80, 1740 (See will, Chap. V); after marriage moved to Wine Creek, Hertford Co., N. C.; m. 1726, Sarah Brown, d. of Dr. John Brown of Chowan Rh'er. Children: J. Sarah Battle-b. 1727; m. Richard Yates. Children: I. Jesse Yates (and others). 2. Mary Battle-b. 1728; m. James Norfleet. Children: 1. Sally Norfh:et-m. 1st, Elias Hilliard; m. 2nd, Col. William Horn. 2. Several others. S. Martha Battle-b. 1729; m. I st, Isaac Dortch; moved to Tenn.; m. 2nd, Samuel Lawrence.
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