Shell museum fund raising crests at $500,000; Raymond Burr returns By Max Fricdcrsdorf ''onnerl -y -malacologls - - t with Smithsonian In-j Staff Ur.frr „ >i st n i d Iro isidrs slitution and Philadelphia Academy of Nniu- Fund nlsirij* momentum fur the r cw. 0 ii r I (ift i ed md enthusi isiir 1 long f r il Sciences; fonncr Assistant Director, ' k> Miitthiut bhell Museum on S inlbcl Is J i Du r ?ust IR i Rtivt toie In his pi> Delaware Museum of Natural History: for 10 limi li isticst d ibo\c tin. $500 000 « irk sitioi r horn r iry cu (li in in with his \tars a trustee of of the Bcnnuda DIologicaF. Ktordinj, to in innaunremcnt to en Sntiori, and editor for 28 years of the The thusl-istir supporters by Bo mi Ch ilnn m IUIKJ r ttsing effr rls, \ nitilus, America's oldest scientific mollusk Will'im f- IHIlstud 111 ofsinthrl El irr pild in i npoi* ui! \isii to thr is! mds Hit drun ltfc milestone in Hit M 2*5 mi! ! ist sninimr to in u .,( i if tin dmr pnnus Tucker presenter] a slide presentation dur- lion drl\e wis disclosed last Saturdiv tvLiiin^ i 11« to rtturn thib J in i in n d titd his tiif'i ing the week's fund-raisini* actMtles, and during ibinqmt n the Sonesti S->nibtl Hotel ti iS itur ji> ri£l t tli il 1 f < \jittts tobi birk T so was a featured speaker with Raymond utcndelb\ ISO stiuTklTsuppo lerstiflru. nui in 11> tii us t K ntu i inu iK\t Apr 1 is T spe Burr at the Saturday night banquet. .. stnm tilit time I* iking a low profile at the^anquel were the 11 iHste ids tncour^ing report cliiii-wtd i \ si oi l) ind ri r Hi'- j u] i twnslh time prominent Bailey brothers: Sam and Uitk tif various activities on bih ill of iht inn I obmiucktr Abb >tt r! Vit'tjour it Flo-id i I i i icis. of Sanibel, and .John, of Jack- : i urn fund m^inri L,O \\ fc iturmg i sctuti • tht Fou ldfnc PlntUor of the Sl» il MUMUIII s nvillt. !,, - ' • . \i UtoSn belimiripU\ilj\ the ruirovniri A uorl 1 rccni'ri/td iulhuril\ on shells ,, • please sec pago 2A ttlLM^lon ictor Kivnioi d Bun '.ho jiorii us \libntt is the mtl ur of mnnT it, ^nt-s JANUARY 18,1991 VOLUME 19 , /island NUMBERS a SECTIONS, 48 PAGES '4. SANIBEL AND CAP1IVA, FLORIDA u Sanibel prepares Northern beach front to sue Captlva homes threatened^ over erosion By Caren Herman '•-. Staff Writer . , - Rg&deMts along north Sanlbe! By Caren Herman bcacrles need emergem^y relief to Sfnff Writer keep their homes fiom toppling The clt> of S uilbel Is prtp irfng lnio the Gulf of Mexico as erosion to sue Ciptlvi s Froslon destroys what little Is left oftfieir Prevention District claiming Us front yards. [ ".--'' (f." j( tty Is destroj ing clt\ beitiit Representatives from Chaieau* Pobcn rrlit rii\ ittorru v re StiiMer.'West Shore and Ouif ccived permission from Snnibel's Pines Subdivisions said Water is Cilv Council to hire an outside already underneath two. area law fin I (xptrftnttd in i.oist-'l homes, another dozen are threat- , fltlgitlou to nm\c ift linst Cnp encd ;ind if something is not done, tt\ i if tl L IH.p irttncnt of Nittiril 1 some 50 or so homeowners could ResoiiiCts doc - not i I to protect be displaced by rising waters and Isl md be Hits Mnishing sand. G iry I riri cit> nnn if cr llso City codes prohibit erosion . ! rtccU ed pi rruts'sion lo hire control devices on the beach, Vind =v cro-iion c\ptrt Dr Rubeil d D" in the stale is demanding Illegally for a third opinion on what.Is phce.sandbPgs be removed c uislng Sjnibrl s northern Beach renourishment Is a time bt iches lo i rode it tnonmuslj consuming process that willtio! 'li^h rates > ifford Innncdlate solutions and Tht D p irlrncnt if Nitunl Re \ ould cost some SI-fThillllon for sunn ts \ ns j*oin^ to dctidt w tliln the more than mile stretch of i week of list Tmiisriiy^hnt, erosion, continues to threaten large beachfront homes on Satvhcl's northwestern Gu]fshores in the area south of Blind Pass bcacri. In lilhlnssct. il C ipti\i tut id "There are a dozen of "so t it trtjslon mu should repair Bridge. Homes at 6111 San3>et-Captiva Road and 635VBanibel-Captiva Road have been particularly hard hit by advancing Gulf waters despite (homes) that arc one storm away ^ STiiibtls bi ich s from catasO-ophe." sold Gil Burs- SinlbLl uill Tjk for i 30 d ij heavy sandbagging measures with preparations underway for seawall emplacement lapping Gu\f waters have eaten away tht! shore and ley, of Gulf I^ncs. blaming huge ixttnslon so It nn prcpirc a bet •sand loses ovefthe past two years ttrcasc nfiiinst UicCipUvaJHly advanced to within about 20feetofthc home at 6111 Sanfbd-CapHva Roadi one of the largest private fumes on Sani&eL __ on a jetty .al-.Blind Pass con- The engineers nnd Gary ire -structcd by the Captiva Krosion more optimistic about the DNR Prevention District.-. n sohini* the problems It Is pm "My house is 25 io 27 feet from dint and csscnttit th it \\L tnkt the front door patio to.breaking steps Befort. we finish with Ihib Election law changes weighed waves when Ihe tide comes up. 1 we re going to br in lltlgition By Carcn Herman olers p rtlrlpitcd in the second lost 28 feet tn the last two years ftinicd Sinlb"! M-»>or Mikc^Mir ^laff Hn'cr diction council nrctings were after that damn groin was ex- •\th ^ Isl ind \o trs ui'l be asked to suspended (Surin^ the timt be- tended up on Captiva." com- = I ricL md vlir K le attended th ingc ihi ittss thirttr jnd tn-cn the elections btciusc one plained KcUrf Funslon. he irinfis in TiUih issc- getting tlttt round! candid Uts bv l st-;it remained open until run-off Like all of" the- residents at •-, (In U lpi ^ )ii tint tht stile did stmpU plunllU listed oi n\\ ri suits were dLtermincd ind a Tuesday's hearing. FunMon's IH t ui C pin i s t Hfjineu or i tH olt roup of fslindcrs ipproTched front yard was about 125 feei the cits i t r-imilt mt is Kobf n 1 rill utv ittom \ tin sntes Atlonkr isking to Irani tlic gulf when he-built his unb ion ijrongl t four possible elitlion \ nr] (lie first November contest home In the 1970s. Normal 3n ibtl Inrtt i iltiinstn i e I h i u t s htlort Sintbtts L tv re-. i (s cioslon was always follovred by d> Loisi i! t-njinttr C ; I'-I Innts in C sitii Tiifbd p ii[ l«-ii bN > wire forcid lo the poils .years of more sand, dependl.'ig on c onfiiNfnn TIKI alki, ilions (nut in one month -nd due to ; 1 i fiiKi out wli it h ij , ti < d nlike k 1 1 stomis and the natural tidal pro- L ipti a s t ngm ei loni C imj \ 1 f I i it dibtr ihu (i(\ (I tl t number o * t al tt' qmstluns (ess, hcNiid. ! i' i'> !i 1 nut (i ujKrK lullovud h 11 u HI n u<.( dr! nd itti) is nf I ist \t tr isl uidcrs found thont- Out CapUva's firoin has k tin < tost i l distm i ! rju irqui(l < i drs (ut'LH-d b\ vo'irs sthts it the polls live tines In rluingctLlhe natural flow of sntui, ^Jr Ui m uo M Ht COIISI '. i i i n months* tiunni* 1'19O r _ illustrated best by statlsllra th;it in (\])< n <• itnt ss n i o i I ind i mdis were firs I il Of tiS Tour s^rnrlos Pritt \uwmbtrs (tn * il show sand loss in cubic-yards up k<jud third p irl\ ipiiitm In flit d in pi stntcJ thrt*. «» ild "st II re- 500 percent from JaTmary of st (L In i uidu t ! 'i * u-lng hiSIots Ui bi quire mijonlv \olts md I iveri- u1 In li i id imi forlln^ i 1989s to June of I990.-Froin Jan- I jt m h is i so t pf1 sr 1 iiiiinl l tbH i n i of tin inn ip uary 1982 to January' i989, ff kttion onl thret Ihrui off is consult re i.'lhc ptm >ns tli tt Ui j t!\ is tin ifui fiecirlv Nnunlur •13.168 cubic yards of sand were i lust of *i tnismii \vl il< smdv i n\ slpuld csl ibllsli a beptem- lost compared to 2-H.G3fJcubKP mi, mt Uit r s ind luss. bi*i itlin In r |inifiir\ I rllt s\id yards in the year and a half since tb hi f (f ill is! ind • please see page TA • please see page 3A • A grouD of Sanibe! citizens who noipea ^ id tne effort which defeated the planned destruction of the Causeway met this1 wee* 11 county officials to'review tne couniys maintenance plans for the Causewcy. -Story on Page Aft. ~ - . •' •- • An expert on beach erosion1'orri Duke 'r ve sily this week told islanders that he be- ji to right are Actor Raymond Burr, Dr.
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