WIENER JAHRBUCH FÜR KUNSTGESCHICHTE Herausgegeben vom Bundesdenkmalamt Wien und vom Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Wien BAND LX / LXI 2011 / 2012 BÖHLAU VERLAG WIEN · KÖLN · WEIMAR FEMALE FOUNDERS IN BYZANTIUM AND BEYOND Edited by Lioba Theis , Margaret Mullett and Michael Grünbart with Galina Fingarova and Matthew Savage Das Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte setzt folgende Zeitschriften fort : Jahrbuch der kaiserl. königl. Central- Com mission zur Erforschung und Erhaltung der Baudenkmale ( Jg. I / 1856–IV / 1860 ) ; Jahrbuch der k. k. Zentral- Kommission für Erforschung und Erhaltung der Kunst- und historischen Denkmale ( NF I / 1903–NF IV / 1906 ) ; Kunstgeschichtliches Jahrbuch der k. k. Zentralkommission für Erforschung und Erhaltung der Kunst und histo- rischen Denkmale bzw. Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Institutes der k. k. Zentral-Kommission für Denkmalpflege bzw. Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Institutes ( Bd. I / 1907–Bd. XIV / 1920 ) ; Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte ( Bd. I [. XV ] / 1921 f ). Es erscheint unter dem Titel Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte seit dem Band II ( XVI ) / 1923. Redaktion : Für das Bundesdenkmalamt : N.N. Für das Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Wien : Hans H. Aurenhammer und Michael Viktor Schwarz Gedruckt mit Unterstützung durch : Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Wien ISSN 0083–9981 ISBN 978-3-205-78840-9 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. © 2014 by Böhlau Verlag Gesellschaft m. b. H. und Co. KG. This publication is abstracted and indexed in BHA Druck : Dimograf Druckerei GmbH Printed in Poland INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Acknowledgments . 9 Abbreviations . 11 Lioba Theis , Female Founders – Das Projekt : Netzwerke oder Seilschaften ? . 13 1. Michael Grünbart , Female Founders – Das Konzept : Zu Stiftungshandlungen in der byzantinischen Welt . 21 2. Marion Meyer , Visibility of Female Founders : The Case of Ancient Greece . .29 3. Stavroula Constantinou , Male Constructions of Female Identities : Authority and Power in the Byzantine Greek Lives of Monastic Foundresses . 43 4. Liz James , Making a Name : Reputation and Imperial Founding and Refounding in Constantinople . 63 5. Marlena Whiting , Asceticism and Hospitality as Patronage in the Late Antique Holy Land : The xamplesE of Paula and Melania the Elder . 73 6. Konstantin M. Klein , Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion : The patronage of Aelia Eudokia in Jerusalem . 85 7. Ulrike Unterweger , The mageI of the Empress Theodora as Patron . 97 8. Judith Radlegger , Die Stifterinnentätigkeit der Kaiserin Sophia : Impuls für die Gleichberechtigung mit dem Kaiser ? . .109 9. Cornelia Römer , Female “Donors” in Eighth-Century Egypt . 121 10. Eirini Panou , Patronage in the Patria , Matronage and Maternity . 129 11. Linda Safran , Deconstructing “Donors” in Medieval Southern Italy . 135 12. Leonora Neville , The dventuresA of a Provincial Female Founder : Glykeria and the Rhetoric of Female Weakness . 153 13. Eric Limousin , La rhétorique au secours du patrimoine : Psellos , les impératrices et les monastères . 163 14. Elizabeth Jeffreys , The sebastokratorissa Irene as Patron . 177 15. Sharon E. J. Gerstel and Sophia Kalopissi-Verti , Female Church Founders : The Agency of the Village Widow in Late Byzantium. 195 16. Tania Kambourova , Le don de l’église – une affaire de couple ? . 213 17. Nota Karamaouna , Nilüfer Peker , B. Tolga Uyar , Female Donors in Thirteenth-Century Wall Paintings in Cappadocia : An Overview . 231 18. Sylvie Herl , Auf der Suche nach weiblichem Stiftertum im „Prosopographischen Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit“ – eine erste Auswertung . 243 19. Alice-Mary Talbot , Female Patronage in the Palaiologan Era : Icons , Minor Arts and Manuscripts . 259 20. Anna Michalowska , Klostergründungen russischer Fürstinnen im dreizehnten Jahrhundert . 275 21. Galina Fingarova , Die Stifterin par excellence : Zur Deutung des Stifterbildes in der Marienkirche von Apollonia , Albanien . 283 22. Alexander Riehle , Καί σε προστάτιν ἐν αὐτοῖς τῆς αὐτῶν ἐπιγράψομεν σωτηρίας : Theodora Raulaina als Stifterin und Patronin . 299 23. Sarah Brooks , Women’s Authority in Death : The Patronage of Aristocratic Laywomen in Late Byzantium . 317 24. Ekaterini Mitsiou , Frauen als Gründerinnen von Doppelklöstern im byzantinischen Reich . 333 25. Florin Leonte , A Late Byzantine Patroness : Helena Kantakouzene Palaiologina . 345 26. Saška Bogevska , Notes on Female Piety in Hermitages of the Ohrid and Prespa Region : The Case of aliM Grad . 355 27. Fani Gargova , The eteoraM Icon of the Incredulity of Thomas Reconsidered . 369 28. Dionysios Stathakopoulos , I seek not my own : Is There a Female Mode ofCharity and Patronage ? . .383 29. Alexandra Vukovich , The pistlesE of Princess Jelena Balšić : An Example of Female Cultural Patronage in the Late Medieval Balkans . 399 30. Petra Melichar , Sins of Female Founders in Late Byzantium and Trebizond . 409 Margaret Mullett , Female Founders – in Conclusion : The Gynamics of Foundation . 417 Judith Herrin , Annotated Bibliography of Recent Publications . .429 About the Authors . 437 Index of Places . 441 Index of Names . 449 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS his volume is the product of a Gastprofessur it possible for us to see manuscripts which were Tin Gender Studies , offered to the University the product of Byzantine female founders. Gali- by the Ministry of Culture and held by Margaret na Fingarova and Matthew Savage have been Mullett , then of Queen’s University Belfast , now with us all the way , and both finished their doc- of Dumbarton Oaks in Washington , DC. It is also toral theses during the organisation of the confer- the result of the collaboration between Margaret ence , no mean feat. We should like to thank the Mullett , Univ-Prof. Lioba Theis of the Institute University of Vienna , namely the Faculty of His- of Art History at Vienna and Michael Grünbart , torical and Cultural Studies , the Institute of Art then of the Institute of Byzantine Studies and now History , and the Center for Gender Equality , as professor of Byzantine Studies at Münster. The well as Wien Kultur , Raiffeisen Centrobank and culmination of the Gastprofessur was to be a con- Wüstenrot for financial support , Reeds exhibi- ference on Female Founders , on female economic tions , Alba Druck , the wineries of Schlumberger , power in Byzantium and its neighbours. Taubenschuss and Kemeter , then Vöslauer , Tee- Margaret Mullett would like to thank Jo- kanne , Ströck Brot and Manner Wien for sub- hannes Koder for hosting and housing her , col- stantial donations in kind for the conference. leagues in both institutes and in the Institut für Thanks also to the editorial board of the Wiener Byzanz forschung of the Academy, together with Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte for allowing us to the Frauenpower group of women professors , for guest-edit a volume. At the end it was Galina the most stimulating environment imaginable who saw the volume to the press , and for this we during the time of the Gastprofessur. Her espe- thank her. cial thanks are due to Lioba Theis , the ultimate It was no ordinary conference ( Wien ist an- female founder , whose energy and rigour , en- ders ) in two ways. One was the enthusiasm with lightened pedagogy , and sheer imagination made which the call for papers was received which the enterprise very special , and the whole Vienna has resulted in this many-authored volume ; we experience for the Guest Professor quite magical. thank all the speakers who stood at Strzygows- We all valued encouragement from the ki’s lectern in lecture room 1 , especially those Dean , Michael Schwarz , and the Subdean , Mar- who gave us their papers for the volume. The ianne Klemun , both of whom offered their ex- other is that the organisation of the conference pertise , in the medieval history of Vienna , and was part of a seminar offered in both semesters in sociology , at the conference and the support in 2007–08. Students gave papers , and the best of other Vienna colleagues who chaired sessions. were delivered at the conference and appear in Ernst Gamillscheg and his colleagues at the Ös- this volume , but they also produced posters terreichische Nationalbibliothek graciously made which were displayed at the conference , judged 10 Acknowledgments by a panel of art historians ( Sharon Gerstel , Liz sen to use the spellings of names in the Oxford James , Sophia Kalopissi and Linda Safran ) on Dictionary of Byzantium. We have not achieved grounds of content , presentation and relevance complete consistency across the volume as to to the issues of Female Founding : Fani Gargova , Greek font or transliteration when citing origi- who always knew how everything worked , who nal passages. Within an article , attention is paid set up the web and the programme , who was al- to uniformity in quotations and spellings ac- ways there to help , and who has contributed to cording to its author’s language ( English , Ger- this volume , was also the winner of the poster man , French ). We have decided to compile the competition. But the contribution of the stu- index in English. Almost no titles of series and dents to the conference is what makes it differ- periodicals are abbreviated ( for exceptions see ent. They were amazing from the very first meet- “Abbreviations” ). J.-M. Spieser / E. Yota ( ed. ), ings in October to the delivery of the posters , Donations et donateurs dans le monde byzantin the papers , and the conference , the fund-rais- ( Realités byzantines
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