Public Document Pack Meeting of the Burnley Borough Council To be held at 6.30 pm on Wednesday, 21st February, 2018 Full Council DATE - 21-02-18 Page 2 of 6 Town Hall Burnley Tuesday, 13 February 2018 Sir or Madam, Notice is given of a MEETING of the COUNCIL of the BOROUGH OF BURNLEY to be held at the TOWN HALL, BURNLEY, on DATE: Wednesday, 21st February, 2018 starting at 6.30 pm To transact the business specified below. Lukman Patel Chief Operating Officer Members of the public may ask a question, make a statement, or present a petition relating to any matter for which the Council has a responsibility or which affects the Borough. Notice in writing of the subject matter must be given to the Chief Operating Officer by 5.00 pm on the day before the meeting. Forms can be obtained for this purpose from the reception desk at Burnley Town Hall, Manchester Road or at the Contact Centre, Parker Lane, Burnley or from the web at: http://burnley.moderngov.co.uk/ecCatDisplay.aspx?sch=doc&cat=13234 . You can also register to speak via the online agenda. Requests will be dealt with in the order in which they are received. A G E N D A 1. Minutes of the Last Meeting 7 - 12 To receive, as read, the Minutes of the proceedings of the previous Council meeting, and to confirm them or otherwise. 2. Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. 3. Mayor's Communications To receive communications (if any) from His Worship the Mayor. 4. Public Question Time To receive questions, statements or petitions (if any) from members of the public. 5. Items for Decision by the Council Full Council DATE - 21-02-18 Page 3 of 6 a) Making it in Burnley: The Aspiration Strategy 13 - 36 To confirm the use of reserves to help fund the growth of the Children’s University Burnley Campus; and increase the revenue budget for 2018/19 to meet an anticipated shortfall in external funding for the Children’s Partnership Co-ordinator post. (report and relevant minute enclosed) b) Revenue Budget Monitoring 2017/18 37 - 50 To consider the revised Revenue Budget for 2017/18 based upon actual spending and income to 31st December 2017. (report and relevant minute enclosed) c) Capital Budget Monitoring 2017/18 51 - 64 To consider the revised Capital Budget for 2017/18 based upon monitoring to 31st December 2017. (report and relevant minute enclosed) d) Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018/19 to 2021/22 incorporating 65 - 92 the Reserves Strategy To consider the Medium Financial Strategy 2018/19 and 2021/22 incorporating the Reserves Strategy. (report and relevant minute enclosed) e) Revenue Budget 2018/19 93 - 108 To consider the revenue budget for 2018/19. (report and relevant minute enclosed) f) Revenue Budget 2018/19 Statutory report of the Chief Finance 109 - 116 Officer To consider the Statutory Report issued by the Chief Finance Officer. (report enclosed) g) Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19 and Prudential and 117 - 140 Treasury Indicators To seek approval of the Treasury Management Strategy for 2018/19; the prudential indicators for 2018/21 and the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement for the 2018/19 financial year. (report and relevant minute enclosed) h) Capital Budget 2018/19 and Capital Investment Programme 141 - 156 2018/21 To consider the Capital budget 2018/19 and the Capital Investment Programme for 2018/21. (report and relevant minute enclosed) Full Council DATE - 21-02-18 Page 4 of 6 i) Council Tax 2018/19 To pass the formal resolution to set the Council Tax for 2018/19. (draft resolution to be circulated in advance of the meeting) j) Strategic Plan 2018 157 - 174 To consider the Council’s Strategic Plan 2018. (report and relevant minute enclosed) k) Health and Safety Intervention Plan 2017/18 175 - 198 To consider the Health and Safety Intervention Plan for 2017/18. (report and relevant minute enclosed) l) Food (Official Controls) Delivery Plan 2017/18 199 - 224 To consider the Food(Official Controls) Delivery Plan 2017/18. (report and relevant minute enclosed) m) Localism Act 2011 - Annual Pay Policy Statement 2018/19 225 - 290 To consider the Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19. (report enclosed) n) Appointments to Committees, Outside Bodies and Panels 291 - 292 To consider changes to the appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies for the remainder of the 2017/18 Municipal Year and to confirm the re-appointment of members to the Independent Remuneration Panel. (report enclosed) o) Appointment of Mayor and Deputy Mayor 2018/19 293 - 294 To consider the appointment of Mayor and Chair of the Council and Deputy Mayor and Vice Chair of the Council for 2018/19. (report enclosed) p) Calendar 2018/19 295 - 302 To confirm the calendar of meetings for 20181/9. (report enclosed) q) Constitutional Updates 303 - 354 To inform Members of the changes made to the constitution. (report enclosed) 6. Report from the Chair of Scrutiny 355 - 356 To consider the cycle 4 report from the Chair of Scrutiny. (report enclosed) 7. Strategic Plan Progress Reports 357 - 368 To consider the strategic plan progress reports. (reports enclosed) 8. Questions To deal with questions (if any) relating to matters not contained in the Minutes before the Council and of which notice in writing has been Full Council DATE - 21-02-18 Page 5 of 6 received in accordance with Standing Order No. 10(2). 9. Exclusion of the Public To consider the exclusion of the public from the meeting before discussion takes place on the following item(s) of business on the grounds that in view of the nature of the business to be transacted if the public were present there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information within the meaning of Part VA of the Local Government Act 1972. 10. Organisation Review 369 - 398 To consider a revised structure as part of the Council’s need to reshape itself to meet future challenges, in the context of reducing budgets. (report and relevant minute enclosed) Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under the authority. Full Council DATE - 21-02-18 Page 6 of 6 Agenda Item 1 FULL COUNCIL BURNLEY TOWN HALL Wednesday, 22nd November, 2017 at 6.30 pm PRESENT MEMBERS Councillors H Baker (Chair), C Briggs (Vice-Chair), G Birtwistle, B Brindle, M Brindle, F Cant, I Carmichael, J Cunningham, T Ellis, D Fleming, G Frayling, B Foster, R Frost, S Graham, J Greenwood, J Harbour, D Heginbotham, A Hosker, S Hussain, M Ishtiaq, M Johnstone, A Kelly, A Khan, L Khan, W Khan, M Lishman, E Monk, N Mottershead, A Newhouse, L Pate, M Payne, A Raja, P Reynolds, D Roper, A Royle, J Sumner, A Tatchell, C Towneley, M Townsend and C White OFFICERS Mick Cartledge Chief Executive Lukman Patel Head of Governance, Law, Property, and Regulation Asad Mushtaq Head of Finance Imelda Grady Democracy Officer David Farrar Mayor's Officer Georgia Robinson Business Administration Apprentice Robie-Lea Stowell Business Administration Apprentice Chris Gay Governance Manager 37. Minutes of the Last Meeting RESOLVED The Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 27th September 2017 were confirmed and signed by the Chair. 38. Declarations of Interest The Mayor indicated that under Section 31 (4) of the Localism Act 2011 all the Members present at the meeting had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer regarding matters concerning or incidental to item 5 (g) (Paragraphs 1, 5 (a), 9(a) and appendix 1) on the agenda. The dispensation was for the period 6.30 pm to 11.59 pm on the 22nd November 2017. Full Council 22/11/2017Page 7 Page 1 of 6 39. Mayor's Communications At the request of the Chair everyone present observed one minutes silence as a mark of respect to the late former Mayor Ken Butterworth. Councillors Gordon Birtwistle and John Harbour paid tribute to Mr Butterworth on his service to the Borough. 40. Public Question Time Pat Woolven addressed the Council under the Request to Speak Policy on issues in the Burnley Wood area. Jamie McGowan addressed the Council under the Request to Speak Policy on crime and anti-social behaviour in Padiham. 41. Revenue Budget Monitoring Quarter 2, 2017/18 With reference to Minute 40 of the Executive (14th November 2017) consideration was given to the revenue budget monitoring for Quarter 2 of 2017/18. RESOLVED That approval be given to the latest revised budget of £14.596m as shown in Appendix 1 to the report and the net transfers to earmarked reserves of £26k as shown in Appendix 4 to the report. 42. Capital Budget Monitoring Quarter 2, 2017/18 With reference to Minute 41 of the Executive (14th November 2017) consideration was given to the capital expenditure and resources position along with highlighting any variances. RESOLVED (1) That approval be given to the net budget changes totalling a reduction of £240,509 giving a revised capital budget for 2017/18 totalling £15,348,708 as detailed in Appendix 1;. (2) That approval be given to the proposed financing of the revised capital budget totalling £15,348,708 as shown in Appendix 2; and (3) That the latest estimated year end position on capital receipts and contributions showing an assumed balance of £2,097,875 at 31st March 2018, in Appendix 3 be noted Full Council 22/11/2017Page 8 Page 2 of 6 43.
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