FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE De Theognide Megarensi Nietzsche on Theognis of Megara – A Bilingual Edition – Translated by R. M. Kerr THE NIETZSCHE CHANNEL Friedrich Nietzsche De Theognide Megarensi Nietzsche on Theognis of Megara A bilingual edition Translated by R. M. Kerr ☙ editio electronica ❧ _________________________________________ THE N E T ! " # H E # H A N N E $ % MM&' Copyright © Proprietas interpretatoris Roberti Martini Kerrii anno 2015 Omnia proprietatis iura reservantur et vindicantur. Imitatio prohibita sine auctoris permissione. Non licet pecuniam expetere pro aliquo, quod partem horum verborum continet; liber pro omnibus semper gratuitus erat et manet. Sic rerum summa novatur semper, et inter se mortales mutua vivunt. augescunt aliae gentes, aliae invuntur, inque brevi spatio mutantur saecla animantum et quasi cursores vitai lampada tradiunt. - Lucretius - - de Rerum Natura, II 5-! - PR"#$CE %e &or' presente( here is a trans)ation o* #rie(rich Nietzsche-s aledi!tionsarbeit ./schoo) e0it-thesis12 *or the "andesschule #$orta in 3chu)p*orta .3axony-$nhalt) presente( on 3epte4ber th 15678 It has hitherto )arge)y gone unnotice(, especial)y in anglophone Nietzsche stu(- ies8 $t the ti4e though, the &or' he)pe( to estab)ish the reputation o* the then twenty year o)( Nietzsche and consi(erab)y *aci)itate( his )ater acade4ic career8 9y a)) accounts, it &as a consi(erab)e achie:e4ent, especial)y consi(ering &hen it &as &ri;en: it entai)e( an e0pert 'no&)e(ge, not =ust o* c)assical-phi)o)ogical )iterature, but also o* co(ico)ogy8 %e recent =u(ge4ent by >"+3"+ .2017<!!2< “It is a piece that, ha( Nietzsche ne:er &ri;en another &or(, &ou)( ha:e assure( his p)ace, albeit @uite a s4a)) one, in the history o* Ger4an phi)o)ogyB su4s the 4atter up quite e)o@uently8 +ietzsche )ater continue( his %eognis stu(ies, the sub=ect o* his Crst scho)ar)y artic)e, as a stu(ent at Leip,ig, in 156 D to so4e e0tent a su44ary o* the present &or' D a critical re:ie& in 156!, as &e)) as @uotes in se:eral )e;ers *ro4 1567 on. $n a(roit su44ary o* Nietzsche-s :ie&s on %eognis can be *ound in %&' IEF, 3o44er 1567 15G7H, 76!*8 .trans)ation taken *ro4 +I"IJ- 3CH" 1!!5<1FF2< ?%eognis appears as a Cne)y *or4e( no- b)e4an &ho has *al)en on bad ti4es, &ith the passions o* a nob)e4an such as his ti4e )o:e(, *u)) o* *ata) hatre( to- &ar( the up&ar( stri:ing 4asses, tosse( about by a sad *ate that &ore hi4 (o&n and 4ade hi4 4i)(er in 4any respects8 Ke is a characteristic i4age o* that o)(, ingeni- ous so4e&hat spoi)e( and no )onger Cr4)y roote( b)oo( nobi)ity, p)ace( at the boundary o* an o)( an( a ne& era, a (istorte( >anus-head, since &hat is past see4s so beau- ti*u) and en:iab)e, that &hich is co4ing D so4ething that basica))y has an e@ual entitle4ent L see4s (isgusting and repu)si:eM a typical head *or al) those nob)e Cgures &ho represent the aristocracy prior to a popu)ar re:o)u- tion and &ho strugg)e *or the e0istence o* the c)ass o* nob)es as for their indi:i(ua) e0istence8B Interesting)y, the present &or' (e4onstrates ho& 4any o* Nietzsche-s )ater :ie&s and preoccupations &ere already espouse( by the a(o)escent: most note&orthy, the birth o* the young genealogist o* 4orals D the notions o* Ngoo(- and Nbad- are (eCne( in re)ation to types o* indi- :i(ua)8 Nonethe)ess, the :ie& o* nobi)ity espouse( by Nietzsche see4s so4e&hat anachronistic *or %eognis and the *or4er &ou)( *urther4ore see4 to b)ame the nob)es *or their o&n 4oral (egradation. Ko&e:er, a )ong scho)ar)y intro(uction, besi(es &e)) e0cee(ing the abi)it- ies and e0pertise o* the undersigne(, see4s unwarrante(, especial)y (ue to the recent pub)ication o* the Cne :o)u4e e(ite( by >"+3"+ O K"IIK, abo:e a)) the afore- 4entione( contribution. %ose &ith a serious interest in the sub=ect 4atter &i)) (o &e)) to a)so consu)t the trans)a- tions and co44entaries o* +"ARI .1!552 and PQLL"K .20102, &hich were a)so occasional)y consu)te( in the pre- paration o* the present wor'8 %e Latin an( Aree' te0t is that o* the state o* the art critical e(ition .CQLLI O MQ+II+$RI 200628 %e trans)ation atte4pts to *o))o& +ietzscheRs rather cu4berso4e Latin @uite c)ose)y, and c)ai4s no )iterary 4erits8 Natural)y, the English ren(ering is not envisage( as a rep)ace4ent *or the Latin original, &hich is there*ore a)so presente( here8 %e Aree' te0t o* Theognis was a)so trans)ate( by the un- (ersigne(, &hereby so4e a;e4pt &as 4ade to render these passages as they &ere un(erstoo( by +ietzsche8 $)- though the current critical e(ition o* the (eognidea .P"3I 1!5!2 &as consu)te(, the te0t use( by Nietzsche has been retaine(8 Pith regar( to @uestions concerning %eognis and the e)egies attribute( to hi4, 3"LL" .20052 shou)( be consu)te(8 Qrigina))y the present :o)u4e &as intende( as a con- tribution to a 4ore ambitious pro=ect. %is has since then pro:en infeasib)e8 %e undersigne( (eci(e( thence to 4ake the trans)ation a:ai)ab)e in this *or4, as this oSen o:er)oo'e( &or' is o* pi:otal interest in the stu(y o* Nietzsche, an( his thinking, an( certainly &orthy o* a &i(er au(ience8 Especial)y in this (ay and age, in &hich e(ucation has increasingly beco4e a contentless busi- ness, &here routine)y 4ind)ess a(4inistrators and 4an- agers, apotheosise( thau4a:ores, are o*ten hai)e( as the ne& pro)ts o* Cnancia)isation, the )abour o* an a(4it- te()y talente( teenager but a century and a hal* ago has shoc'ingly beco4e )arge)y uninte))igib)e8 Qne can only i4agine &hat %eognis an( Nietzsche 4ight have 4ade o* our current institutions o* learning. It re4ains *or 4e to thanks so4e *riends *or their 'in( assistance in the preparation o* this &or'< 3co; Aali4ore and Tavi( Porreca .both o* Pater)oo Q+2 &ere 'ind enough to read pre:ious (rafts and correct nu4erous in- accuracies8 Renato Cristi .also o* Pater)oo2 &as a tire)ess co44entator in the ear)y stages o* the pro=ect. I am *ur- ther4ore 4ost in(ebte( to ?%e Nietzsche Channe)B &hich &as 4ost gracious in its &i))ingness to host this pub)ication. Natural)y, none o* the abo:e are cu)pab)e *or the re4aining shortco4ings8 Robert Martin Kerr Er4ETrenthe #ebruary 2015 Bibliograph+ CQLLI O MQ+II+$RI 2006< A8 Co))i O M8 Montinari .e((82, ?#rie(rich +ietzsche< Te %eogni(e MegarensiB, %riti, sche &esamtausgabe -%&'., Uo)8 I F .9er)in: (e Aruy- ter2< 420-7628 >"+3"+, $8 K8 2017< ?NietzscheRs Uale(iction and #irst $rt- ic)e< The (eognidea” in Jensen O Heith 2017< 9!-1178 >"+3"+ O K"IIK 2017< $8 K8 >ensen O K8 Keith .e((82, Nietzsche as a Scholar o$ 0ntiquity .Ne& Vor'< 9)oo4s- bury28 +"ARI 1!55< $8 +egri, Friedrich Nietzsche. 2eognide di 3e, gara (Ro4e< Later,a)8 +I"IJ3CH" 156 < #8 +ietzsche, ?Jur Aeschichte (er %eog- ni(eischen 3pruchsa44)ungB, Rheinisches 3useum 45r #hilologie 22< 161-2008 +I"IJ3CH" 156!< #8 +ietzsche, ?%eogni(is ")egiW8 " co(i- cibus Mutinensi, Ueneto 522 Uaticano !15, e(8 Christo- phorus Jieg)er GIXbingen: Laupp, 1565HB in "iterari, sches Centralbla7 f5r Deutschland, Nr8 6< 1778 +I"IJ3CH" 1!!5< #8 +ietzsche, On the &enealog+ o$ 3or, ality9 0 #olemic8 Irans)ate( by M8 C)ar' O $8 >8 3&ensen (Ca4bri(ge M$< Hac'e;28 3"LL" 2005< K8 3e))e, (eognis und die (eognidea .9er)in: (e Gruyter28 P"3I 21!5!< M8 L8 Pest, Iambi et elegi &ræci ante 0lexan, drum cantati Uo)8 1 (Q0*or(< C)arendon Press28 PQLL"K 2010< Ch8 Po))e', Die lateinischen 2exte des Sch5, lers Nietzsche (Marburg: Tectu428 Nietzsche, De Theognide Megarensi De Theognide Megarensi I. De Theognidis et de Megarensium illa ætate rebus. 1. Conversiones reipublicæ Megarensium sexto sæculo adumbrantur. 2. Theognidis vitæ anni computando explorantur. 3. Singuli ejus vitæ casus e carminibus ipsius possunt co- gnosci. 5 4. Welckerus Theognidis vitam in alium ordinem redigit. II. De Theognidis carminibus. 5. De ejus carminum Fortuna et de veterum judiciis. 6. Recentiorum hominum de Theognidea poesi judicia. 7. Theognis carminibus ad Cyrnum compositis non in- scripsit: ‘γνωμολογία.’ 8. Hæ elegiæ non sunt compositæ certa et circumscripta 5 vitæ ejus parte. 9. Theognis his elegiis affectus animique sensus exprimit, nunquam vero agit ut præcepta more magistri det. 10. Item carmina convivalia non sunt ad certam ejus vitæ partem referenda. 10 11. De quibusdam Theognideæ poeseos artibus. 12. Argumenta convivalium carminum exponuntur. 13. De Cyrno et de elegiis ad eum compositis. III. Theognidis de deis, de moribus, de rebus publicis opinio- nes examinantur. 14. Qui factum sit, ut ejus de rebus publicis, de deis,de hominibus arctis vinculis inter se cohærerent opinio- nes? 15. Quibus in rebus nobilium Græciæ dignitas et auctori- 5 tas sit posita. 16. Theognis num in opinionibus etiam in omnium rerum commutatione sibi constiterit? 17. Quibus ex indiciis conici possit Theognidem senema suis pristinis judiciis aliquid recessisse? 10 2 On Theognis of Megara I.
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