V >)>• 1MARY CHENEY Tha Waathar TUESDAY. OCTOBEB 1. IM # Artraca Dally off V. 8. Wiathw iHIattrlf^Btpr lEwiiiitS ^»raU> For too Mmrth off •optaotow, 1848 C8xav 4ai eoaUaaad umI ( 9,109 wtth frout la aOlotoriur Im sent to the buelneee and proffer to^aaiwan.#. it. Rtta'o Mothon Circle will EncrgMMy Doctors alotisl men of toe community wbo ■ uff toa Aadtt hold. iU maatlng tonight at tha Noted Seaker Vets’ Housing do not belong to these organiaa- Here^g m **Home Moileniixation^ Idea You •ff About Town home of Mra. Anthony Oolaa, 183 tlona. Due to toe difflcultUa of sa> Manchester—’A CUy of ViUagt Charm Btaaell atraet Dr. Robart Kaaow , tel. 8483. and Dr. Joseph Musarb, tel. ' For Luncheon curing food for a luncheon St tola Can Do Something About Right Away. B.W.V., Plans Debated tints an asriy request is made for CTWilnc » t WlUiam Klnna, Jr., of Weat 7059, aro tha pbyMciaiM of toe 4^|.«eie(*lag ua Pago 18) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1946 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Manchester Medical AHocla- reeervatlone. Tickets or res*rvs- t at tiM IMtMi'AaMrtcaa ctnb- Hartford waa tendered a aurprlae tlons ntay be made by calling Enjoy ‘‘Ldixnriotts Comfort” — VOL. L X V L .n o . 2 tion wbo will raspond to emer­ AHvrrtising ExeentiYe to T » U a fU t f—t Piwldmt birthday party laat night at toe )eUnB Discusi^d Pr<* Blatre" store or the office of South ■gw an mambw to home of hla parental Mr. and Mra. gency calls tomorrow after- InstaR a Blue Coal noon. Make an AddrcM on cterch. 'The luncheon will he pre­ a fea anawt. aa eoaildirabto Impor- WllUam Klnne of Buckland. He p«ratory to Arlion atj pared and served by ton women of American Legion Convention Opens ■w win bo aiacuoooil. A rocelred acceptable glfta from toe The Town Meeting World ConditJons the church, promptly %t_noon and I wtth roCnobiBanto «in cloae frlenda wbo attended, and conclude by 1:80 so as hot to in­ Automatic Heat Regulator America and Britain" carda of congratulation by mail. Military Training Plana have bean computed fCr terfere with the working achedule Rofroahroenta and gamea were en­ The Selectman's Emergency Sa^s of $1,049 of those attending. M r. t m i Mra. Wattor R. Hall, joyed by all who were preeent at Rousing commlttaa mat laat night the busincM and prof emtonal mca’a RAntomaticaRy runs furnace from upstairs off Stroiw atroot, haw rotnmod Other sepsinns of the Forum tha party. with the local Housing Authority luncheon to be held at the South will follow on Monday evening be­ flraw Haaowr, N. H., whoro Uioy and plana for the emergency de­ Local Market *Stops over-heating— ^Saves Fuel lofft tholr jranafor aon. Donald Oarw Mcthndiat church Monday noon in ginning at 7:30 o'clock; Tuaaday Revised by Army The Mothera Circle of toe Uttla velopment off Middle turnpike, afternoon, a tea for women at 3:80 Accused of Betrayal tor to bofta hto froolunan connection with tha RaUgioua ^Maintains even, healthful temperature Flower of Jeaua will meet tomor­ aaat were dlacueaed. All detail* jraar off ota^ at Daitawuth Col* S*lM at tha Manchastar Auction Fnnim on World Affairs. o'clock, and the cloaing seaslon of row evening at eight b'clock at the In connection with toe furtherance the program on 'Tuesday evening. logo. Ho wao grodnatod with bon- of tha local housing development Market yeaUrday toUlad but $1.- CvTii B. Hartman, axscuttva of fK^ts needless trips to the basement on wtth tha llM claw from Man- home of Mra Agnea t*nnon, S3 Outstanding apeakera are achediu- wan turned over to the Housing 049,13, R, M. RMd and Bona, re­ .r. Walter Thompaon Co. win give Like Legion Plan ebootor R Ith aebooL Cboltdge atrect. ported. the address on the a u b i^ *%ie ed for each neinlon to which tha wock covlag, utop-Mvtag natomatle fcnlutor tu really aa Authority aa the Housing Authori­ public Is cordially welcome. Ic brahi" that eoatroU your tarnace while jrou relax Opeae ty, composed of Joseph Hanna, Sold wara 381 emUa of cauli­ Huainca* Man Looks at worM Af- Of Big 4 Agreement M foraoee dampera Joet the rimt omeaat at'tbe right out Scout Ttam No. IS will Mlaa Charlotte L. Veltch of 34 flower for a high of $1.45, a low of fair* ' By his aaso9latlon with the ■wot Tbnraday aftomoon In St Robert Boyce, Sherwood Beechler, I aavtage eeoa pay for tt. ICe toe eaey laeipeaelxu way Church Btreet. left laat evening for 90 ernU and an avaiiiga of $1 25. Thompaon Co. Mr. Hartman Ig n - Army Takes Off Wraps JamoCa ocbooi. TIm loadoro aro Fred T. Bllsh, Jr., and Erneet lae your heatlag plaat, aad bring your hiiui up to 4ato. Burbank, California, for a monto'a Bantly la empowered under atiite .Sold alao wart 809 baaSata of to- lated to one of the largest adver­ Legioii Hears M n . Tbnothv B)ra, Mro. Maurico vlalt with relaUvea. 'The trip waa tising agencies wtth offloea in the A s . Secrelary Patter­ O'Connor and Mra. Oano AadrotoiL laws to auperviee all emergency matoea for a high of $3.46, a low Olcott Drive Yiigoslavia Makes A<xu- made by airplane, and Mlaa Veitcb eonatructlon in which state fund* of $1.90 and aa average of $2 2.5. I'nited States and foreign eoun- son Asks L ^ o n for flew iW^ariiing plana to return by plane. are used. thf*. In the overall agency its THEW.G.GLENNEYCO. Lawyers to Appeal ■' nation; Says Establish­ Mro. Walter Kanahl, of 44 Walla activity in concerned With news- 7-ROOM srSOLR hi u deUgM- Hie entire plan. Involving the COAL, LUMBER. MASON’S SUPPLIES. PAINT Active Support; Navy ment of British-Aner* rttoot will open bar homo tomor­ Gihbona Aaaembly, Catholic axpendltiire of $400,000, half of pnp<T*, magaxines, televtsicn, mo­ fnl eetting and ■arronudlogs row oTcnlng at aljilit o'clock for Shower Is Given 886 NO. MAIN STREET TEL. 4148 Ladlea of Oolumbiia, will hold ita which will be paid by the state, for tion pictures and rxdle prognuna. that make for privacy. Eveiy To Get About Three On jOisarming lean Military Base on a Bingo, bonefli of Sunaot Council, llrat bualneaa meeting of tha aaa- It makes motion plcturea for In- For 11 Condemned Dagiw of Pocahontaa. Priaw will the construction of 100 emergency modern detail, oil burner, tilo In Each Ten Trained aon tola evening" at eight o'clock homes for veterans, was approved For Sue Reardon diiatnHt clienta. 'The dost concern bath, etc. Wh will Saleh H to Adriatic Reason; Dele­ bo awarioi. tha wlnnara and ra- at the new KnlghU of Oolumbua of the company with both nation.^ fiwhmarta aarvad. Mambera of tha by the Housing Authorlty.-t anit yon. Halsey Nation gate Says Two Powers home at 138 Main atreet. A t the town meeting on October rI *nd International affairs gives Washington, Oct, 2.— (ff) October conunittea aro rvquaatad Mra. Jamea P. hfeSherry of 213 R bHckground for the address of ShoulJl Mabitain Pow to bring thair prtaaa. 8 an appropriation of $400,000 will Inepectlon By Appointment. — The Arm y took the wraps 'Z jr as Advocates Renounce *Most Impor­ The Wonirn'a Mlaalonary 8o- School atreet and her daughter. Mr. Hartman. be naked, the state to relmbiirec ■Mr*. Marry McGee entertainccl daty of the Emanuel Lutheran toe town for one-half if approved. Nervire Club ta Attend off Its revised plan for uni­ erful Navy and Ade­ Occupation Authori­ tant’ Decisions Made gt. Mary'a Guild will bold ita church will meet 'Thuraday after­ with a miBcellaneous ahower Sun­ versal training today as Sec­ Big Five Make Srat fall martlng Thuraday after­ The appropHatlon will be handled day. at Mro. MeSherry'a honcr. 'The service clubs of Manchester, Jarvis Realty Co. Ooraii Bases noon. The apeaker »^11 be Mra. by a social bond Issue, If poaaed. quate* ties Form lAut Hope noon in tha Guild room. Mra. Cbar- honoring another daughter of th« Kiwanis, RoUry and Exchange are 8 Dover Rd. Tel. 4113 or 3378 retary of War Patterson ask­ Paris, Oct. 2.—(ff)— Yi^o- Theodore E. Palmer. 'The hoateaaea If approval la given, all details to attend the luncheon. Invitations Legionnaires Ja™ U*® Civic auditorium in Ssn Francisco as toe opening session of their national con loCte Gotberg and Mra. Joaeph latter, Mlaa Sua Reardon, fiancpe ed the Am er|^ Legion at ggy g^raneiaco,. OcU 3—(F)— 8lavia acciuwd the United JohnMon will be boptaaaca. will be Mra. Arthur Hultman, Mra. In connection with the development of William F. Abraltu. The l.ri.le- and announcements hsvs been ventlon gets under way. This view la from the roetrum. (A P wirephoto). Nuernberg, Ormany, Oct. Path to Peace Mary Johnaon, Mra. Aael JoHnaon will be In chargie of the Houalng San Francisw-sJor active Amarica" Legionnaires, some atiff- States and Great Britain be- elect waa aeated under an um­ 2.— (ff)— Lawyers for the 11 and Mra. Slgi+d-Preebiirg. Authority and. members of the backing. The pr^sal bore muoelMt ''’**8' tomul- H m An Salnta Motbara circle brella decorated in pink and blue, condemned German war ^ 1 m . aa . n PMC# confenTnc# to- wIB moat tomorrow ayaning at special emergency committee will with atroamero In the aame color*, only the War department’s ug pwrads— ^ *-to ihr cheers of Counaela They Must Re- day of betraying the Big act In advisory capacity.
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