TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME……….OCTOBER 20, 2019 Reverend John Kha Tran, Pastor ● Reverend Michael Pham, CRM, Parochial Vicar Deacon Dennis Hayes ● Deacon Bob Henkel ● Deacon Steve Klak Deacon John Naber ● Deacon Matt Rust ● Deacon Joe Weir EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION (MASS): Saturday: 5:00 PM PARISH STAFF Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM Virginia Clack—Housekeeper Mary Alice Greaney—Music Director Weekdays: 8:30 AM (Monday through Saturday) Dana Henkel—Parish Stewardship Director RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Jennifer Henkel—Youth Ministry Director We have Confessions on Saturday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM, Beth Jones—Parish Business Manager and at other times by appointment. Eileen Mace—Kolbe Kids EC Program Director Lupe Mendez—Custodian ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Someone who is seriously ill, at home, or in the hospital, or who is Yvette Neider—Parish Night Clerk about to undergo major surgery, should call the parish office, and David Nguyen—Custodian arrange for a Priest to celebrate with them the sacrament for the ill. Sister Vinflora Onije—Pastoral Assistant Miguel Perdomo—Maintenance & Handyman BAPTISM: Phyllis Schoelman—Parish Secretary ADULT BAPTISM: Adults who are preparing to become Catholic, will participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation at Easter. Molly Smith—Director of Evangelization and INFANT BAPTISM: We celebrate infant Baptism on the 2nd Catechesis Saturday of each month, except during Lent. Parents and Diana Thomas—Faith Formation Assistant Godparents of infants to be baptized should attend Baptismal classes, preferably before the child is born. PASTORAL COUNCIL CONFIRMATION: Adults and older youth who have not been Confirmed should Anna Cardona Florence Shah contact the Parish office. Jason Donat Paul Simon Madelyn Henderson Eileen Torres MARRIAGE: George Montes (Facilitator) Jorge Torres Couples who are considering marriage should contact the parish Christian Munoz Chuck Woodruff office, at least six (6) months before the couple's projected Pam Munoz Paul Yim wedding date. Mitch Reece Ken Zavatsky (recorder) PRAYER: Rosary: Wednesday at 6:30 PM in Immaculata Chapel FINANCE COUNCIL Evening Prayer: Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Immaculata Chapel Eucharistic Adoration: Daily in Immaculata Chapel Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Saturday at 4:30 PM in Church Bob Charnock Paul Hains Evie Ornelaz Rosary: Sunday following 10:00 AM Mass Sean Kennedy David Ricke Wilfred Krenek (Facilitator) Ali Rust 10135 West Road Parish Office: (281) 955-7324 Office Hours: Sundays 8:00am-11:00am Houston, TX 77064 Fax: (281) 955-7328 Monday—Friday 9:00am-5:00pm www.stmaximilian.org Kolbe Kids: (281) 970-0979 Evenings: Mon-Wed-Thurs. 5:00pm-9:00pm www.virtusonline.org Saturdays: 9am-3pm SAINT MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH Page 2 HOUSTON, TEXAS World Mission Sunday Sunday, October 20th Jesus knew that his followers live in the tension between two worlds. That is still true today. The Bible says that our citizenship is now in heaven. And our values and priorities and relationships now reflect the character and the values of God. But our bodies are still living in this world—a world full of sin, a world in which people neither fear God nor care for their fellow man. Walter Payton played thirteen years as a running back for the Chicago Bears. During his career he rushed for 16,726 yards. Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? That is a lot of running, more than nine miles worth of rushing yards. You know what makes it even more impres- sive? He achieved that record with someone knocking him down every 4.6 yards. (“Persevere in Obedience” by Rick Ezell https://www.lifeway.com/en/articles/sermon- persevere-in-obedience-jeremiah-37-38.) Jesus knew that his followers were going to get knocked down over and over again. That is just the way the world is. How could he convince them to get back up and keep running? He told them this parable to show them that they should always pray and never give up. The passage today about the persistent widow and the unjust judge is actually part of a larger teaching that is all about the kingdom of God. To understand this story in Luke 18, we have to go back to the end of Luke, Chapter 17 in which Jesus warns his followers that the kingdom of God is coming and they need to be prepared because most people will not be ready for it. We will be in the middle of our ordinary, busy lives, and the kingdom of God will suddenly be here. Then Jesus told his disciples “a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” The parable is about a poor widow. In Jesus’ day, widows had nothing. If their family or their community didn’t watch out for them, then they were in trouble. The very word for “widow” in Hebrew literally means “one who is silent.” Widows didn’t have a “voice” in their society. And this widow is in trouble. She has been wronged, and she goes to the courts to ask for justice. But the judge is heartless, corrupt. It says he did not care about God or man. No morality and no compassion. The judge is a good example of our fallen world. Our world does not respect God or show much compassion for the weak and needy. And this corrupt judge has all the power over this needy woman’s life. The poor widow is a picture of all those believers who are holding on to their faith in a cor- rupt and unjust world, who are praying to know God’s will, to hear God’s voice, who are praying for mercy and enough grace to get through another day. And Jesus is saying, “Don’t stop praying. Don’t stop believing that God can and will give you justice. Don’t give up on the kingdom of God, because it’s coming. No matter how bad things look right now . God will redeem this world back to Himself. His kingdom will come.” NEW BUILDING UPDATE If you would like to consider donating towards landscaping around St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Community’s new building, the grotto area and along where the Stations of the Cross will be please feel free to contact Father John. In regards to the new building, when the retention pond is redone and the Certificate of Occupancy is issued, we will have a dedication. Hopefully in November! TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 20, 2019 OUR PARISH MISSION We are the Christian Community of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a Catholic parish of the Archdiocese of Galveston- Houston. Embracing our many and diverse gifts, we are united in Christ Jesus. Challenged by the teachings of Our Lord, and inspired by the example of our Patron, we strive to serve God, and to minister to others, in prayer, sacrament, faith formation, and charity. Sunday, October 20 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, October 26 Eucharist (Mass) Church 8:00 am Eucharist (Mass) Chapel 8:30 am Coffee/Donuts Fellowship Gajowniczek Building 9:00 am Legion of Mary Meeting Room 203 9:15 am Eucharist (Mass) Church 10:00 am Reconciliation Church 3:30 pm RCIA Session Room 215 11:30 am Eucharist (Mass) Church 5:00 pm Eucharist (Mass) Church 12:00 pm BSA Religious Emblem Class Kolbe Room 1:30 pm Sunday, October 27 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Youth Faith Formation, Sunday Session Eucharist (Mass) Church 8:00 am Gajowniczek Building 2:30 pm Coffee/Donuts Fellowship Gajowniczek Bldg 9:00 am Adult Faith, Consoling the Heart of Jesus Eucharist (Mass) Church 10:00 am Room 215 6:30 pm RCIA Session Room 215 11:30 am Eucharist (Mass) Church 12:00 pm Monday October 21 Youth Faith Formation, Sunday Session Eucharist (Mass) Chapel 8:30 am Gajowniczek Bdlg 2:30 pm Kolbe Kids ECP Gajowniczek Building 9:10 am Adult Faith, Consoling the Heart of Jesus ESL Classes Room 206 1:00 pm Room 215 6:30 pm Youth Faith Formation, 1st Reconciliation Prep Meeting Room 215 6:30 pm Men’s ACTS Team Meeting Kolbe Hall 6:30 pm Fishers of Men Meeting Room 201 6:30 pm Fall Festival Raffle Winners 2019 Devotional Power Hour Prayer Chapel 7:00 pm Boy Scout Troop Meeting Gajowniczek Building 7:00 pm Samsung 55” TV Tuesday October 22 Eucharist (Mass) Chapel 8:30 am Mark and Mary Ann Provost Kolbe Kids ECP Gajowniczek Building 9:10 am $500 American Express Gift Card Children’s Choir Rehearsal Canticle Hall 6:30 pm Jr. High Youth Group Youth Room 6:30 pm Yvonne McNeilly Arceo Rosary Making Ministry Meeting Room 202 7:00 pm Catholic Daughters Board Meeting Room 205 7:00 pm Apple Watch Series 4 Nike Edition Ushers/Greeters Meeting Room 215 7:00 pm Julian Salinas Wednesday, October 23 $400 American Express Gift Card Eucharist (Mass) Chapel 8:30 am Dorothy Battaglia Kolbe Kids ECP Gajowniczek Building 9:10 am ESL Classes Room 206 1:00 pm iPad Mini WiFi 64GB Food Pantry Kolbe Hall 3:30 pm Rosary Chapel 6:30 pm Vinh Vu Youth Faith Formation, 1st Reconciliation Make-up Meeting $300 American Express Gift Card Kolbe Hall 6:30 pm Prayer & Life Workshop Room 205 6:30 pm Nancy and William Carew High School Youth Group Youth Room 6:30 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal Canticle Hall 7:00 pm XBOX ONE S with NBA Bundle Evening Prayer Chapel 7:00 pm Will Smith Adult Faith, Symbolon Bible Study Room 215 7:00 pm Samsung HW-R550/ZA Sound Bar Thursday, October 24 Dave Alega Eucharist (Mass) Church 8:30 am Kolbe Kids ECP Gajowniczek Building 9:10 am $200 American Express Gift Card Youth Faith Formation, Thursday Session Gajowniczek Building 6:30 pm Ruben Torres Friday, October 25 That Man Is You Ministry Meeting Kolbe Hall 5:30 am Congratulations!! Regina Caeli Academy Retreat Kolbe Hall 7:30 am Eucharist (Mass) Chapel 8:30 am Kolbe Seniors Game Day Gajowniczek Building 9:30 am HELP STOCK THE FOOD PANTRY! Adult Faith, Consoling the Heart of Jesus Room 215 10:00 am The Food Pantry at St.
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