University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-4-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-04-1911 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-04-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1927 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. MEXICO, SATURDAY, Mall 64 Month! CopleB. THIRTY-THIR- D YEAR, Vol. CXXIX, No. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW FEBRUARY 4, 1911, Bi ct. Starts 35. B Carrier. c?nU m Month. STATEHOOD TRAIN hum NEUTRAL ROOT JOINS IS'COIERGIAL CLUB II MEXICO TO WAS HUH IN BERNALILLO OF SENATOR TO ENTERTAIN ' OFF E policy of the United States should be CALLED: SOUABBL LOHIMEH ROOSEVELT made known to the world, American GOVERNMENT troops have been located along the REBELSNQWWITHIN 1Z border from Brownsville, Texas, to government California. The Mexican in of ac- The commltteg charge OF JUDGE GENERAL ATTACK ON has full confidence In the friendly statehood special 'RECOGNITION" tion of the United States. the proposed CONFIDENT OF ELEVEN MILES to Washington has been obliged MANN WAS PERFUNCTORY ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE "The Mexican government has not arrangements United to send tr.oops to cancel all for asked the States trip. Owing to the require- - 11 the into . Mexican territory. We will take every protect foreign ments of the interstate com- - Directors Yesterday Decide to precaution lo was necessary Speech interests at every point in the re- meree law It to Territorial Chairman Declares Arouses Vigorous Pro MILITY TO OF JUAREZ file special rate In Washing- - Show the Colonel a Strenuous public. It will not be necessary for the He Has Made No Investiga- From to go across the ton five day before the party test Senator Bailey Who American soldiers Albuquerque Time During Visit Here Next river to Cludad, Juarez, and I am started from and It this could not be done until the tion Into Controversy and Declares Root Doctrine very Bure this will not be done." - Month, CONQUER Officials of the National Hallways full one hundred men had slg- Should Be Settled at Home, Would Vacate Other Seats. of Mexico said the Mexican Central EXPECTED BOMBARDMENT nlfled their Intention of making from Juarez to Gallego. 140 miles, the trip. Up to last night less was still up, owing to the cutting FAILS TO MATERIALIZE than the required number of tied Imperial DUpatih to th Morning Journal) (By Morning Jnornnt UBLIC RECEPTION AT of telegraph wires, the burning of names had been received and the aped) Ijnrt Wlrl several bridges and the tearing up of committee was therefore re- - Socorro, N. M Feb. 3. That he Washington. Feb. 3. Senator Boot NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY Foreign Minister Declares of by revolutionists. luctantly forced to call off the has not taken and docs not Intend to of New York today leaped to a po sections track No Reports of Fighting Along likely From Gallego south, the line Is oper- trip. While It Is quite take any part in the Bernalillo coun- sition of leadership among the antl Ample Force Will Be on Hand as usual. that the full number of appllcu- - ated .Border But Strong Forces of been received ty republican squabble, wag the dec Lorimer forces in the senate, and The Twenty-nint- h and Eighth tlons would have ormer President Will Remain in Event It con- - H. to Retake Juarez of infantry and a battery of Encamped before next Thursday, those laration of Territorial Chairman canned the case temporarily to be ' Insurgents Are Bur-sum- In- mountain artillery left here last night templatlng going to Washington O. Bursum here tonight, Mr. 's lifted above the attack upon the In Here Six Hours and Has Is Captured, the Importance of for the scene of disturbance. Within Reach of Juarez, did not realize attention wag called to the use dividual so as to bare the blotch upon dicated He Will Make It is rumored here that TapiB, the making their applications early. of his name as favoring the "rump" the name of Illinois. That chief of the revolutionists in Vera But the commerce laws are in- - faction In the contest and to the fact When Mr. ltoot concluded, Sena 7.000 rifles. An flexible and there was nothing Sdt Speech, EXPECTS REBELS TO Cruz, had received (By Morning Journal Mperlol LMMd XVIre that his recent letter ,to Judge Mann tor .Hale pleaded with tremulous of the ministry of war, how- for the committee but call off and is being used aa proof voice some friend official El Tex.. Feb. 3. That the had been for of the state FLEE TO UNITED STATES ever, ridiculed the report. Paso. the arrangements. All checks that he has recognized that gentle- and he suggested Senator Cullom, to are advancing on Juarez mailed to Treasurer Luna will man as chairman of hie republican maku a reply to Mr. Root'a speech Colonel Theodore Roosevelt will bo and that they are only eleven miles today. UNITED STATES SENDS be returned central committee of Bernalillo coun- which would exonerate, not Lorimer, royally and strenuously entertained from the city at 4 o'clock this eve- ty. "This letter," said Mr. Bursum, but Illinois. SMALL Alt.M Y TO FROXTIF.lt by par- during the six hours he will remain Desire for Safe Refuge in Case ning Is the news brought In a In reply to one from Judge "I refuse to believe so great 3. re- "was that In Albuquerque on March 15, th Washington, Feb. The acute ty of four Americans who Just Mann, In which that gentleman sign- a people are rotten to the core," said of Defeat Believed Responsi- revolutionary situation in Northern turned from the lnsurrectos In an au- ed himself 'chairman county central Senator nancy or Texas, "if we are Commercial club, at a meeting qf the American tomobile arriving in this city at 6 edge of anything out of the ordinary. committee." The letter contained to try senators on the general directors held yesterday afternoon, Mexico today moved the Is coming In mis ble for Northward Movement ' o'clock. The command For the first time today several to a record legislators, government to hurry twelve addi- what purported be of the cond'ict of then the Hen assuming all responsibility for show from the south, but it is thought that passengers came through this port meeting of the committee at ator whose right Is challenged now Is Army, de- recent ing the former president a glorious of Insurrecto tional troops of cavalry to the fron- a detachment has been sent on a bearing tickets reading "Via El Paso." which a new chairman wag chosen. not He only one who must yield his preserve neutrality of the will approach Juarez from Thev .iinclnim knowledge of affairs In time. The directors authorized Pres- tier to the tour and In my opinion, It is within the power sent. ident F. B. Schwcntker to appoint a United States. the west. the Chihuahua district and merely of county central committee of colleague, Mr. cullom, ,wu military forces will the 'ins committee of five to look alter the It? Morning Journal Special leaned Wire The American A messenger arrived from the vouchsafed the Information that rail- Bernalillo county to elect a chairman elected by one of those legislatures arrangements and complete a de prevent the movement of revolu- late this afternoon, hav- road lines in that neighborhood were at any time and in the absence of any and no man here believes he was Mexico City, Feb. 3. Maintaining country into changed tailed schedule, which will be made tionary bands from this ing made a detour of Juarez and lHion and had advices to the contrary, I hud no party of evil practices; but Httll public In . government of Mexico hud de- these plenty of time to permit that the Mexico, and also will prohibit crossing Into the United States at their tickets via, Laredo In order to reason to believe that the proceedings the case of Lorimer Is the case of eople from various surrounding the revolutionary situation well In feated rebels with urms seeking ref- some distance above the city. He permit them to reach their homes In of Judge foreign were not encloHed with the letter Cullom." towns to arrange their nit a lis Had b hand, that interests uge In the United States. stated Orozco wished to have a the United States, were entirely regulor. de- In Albuquerque endangered movement that Mann not Senator Lorimer had numerous for the big doings. and that the This action was based upon strong messenger gent from El Paso to the rteniirtu from Monterey. Saltlllo and "Thus far I have received no fur- fenders who replied to the Col. Hoosevelt hug In will soon subdued, Enrique C. attack Indicated a be representations from the Mexican American consul In Juarez warning San Luis Potosl ghow that tranquility ther communications on the subject upon him and the method of his letter to a New Mexico friend that Creel, minister of foreign relations to. government that armed bands of rev- to as prevails. any use my pur- a them remove and of letter for the election. Chief among them was he will make a set speech In Albu night gave to the Associated Press olutionists have been entering Mexico they were coming in and that messen- pose of giving the impression that I Senator Ileyburn of Idaho, a member querque.
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