VOL. XX., No. 11 [PRICE TEN CENTS] DECEMBER 6, 1917 Hundreds of Applicants for the Officers' Training Camps List of Faculty Members in the National Service An Undergraduate Demand for Higher Scholarship Standards Two More Cornell Men Receive the War Cross Pennsylvania 37, Cornell 0 ITHACA, NEW YORK CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS The Farmers' Loan and Herbert G. Ogden Jas. H. Oliphant & Co. E. E., '97 Trust Company ALFRED L. NORRIS, FLOYD W. MUNDY '98 Attorney and Counsellor at Law J. NORRIS OLIPHANT Όl 16, 18, 20, 22 William St., New York Patents and Patent Causes J. J, BRYANT, jr., '98, FRANK L. VAN WIE Branch, 475 Fifth Ave. 120 Broadway New York Members New York Stock Exchange T Λxrτϊr»xr ί 16 Pal1 Mal1 East» S W 1 and Chicago Stock Exchange LONDON \ 26 Old Broad Street, E. C. 2 PARIS 41 Boulevard Haussman Going to Ithaca? New York Office, 61 Broadway Chicago Office,711 The Rookery LETTERS OF CREDIT Use the "Short Line" FOREIGN EXCHANGES between CABLE TRANSFERS Auburn (Monroe St.) and Ithaca Cascadilla School The Leading Better Quicker Cheaper Direct connections at Auburn with Preparatory School for Cornell New York Central Trains for Syra- Located at the edge of the University Do You Use cuse, Albany and Boston. campus. Exceptional advantages for college entrance work. Congenial living. Press Clippings? Athletic training. Certificate privilege. For information and catalogue address: It will more than pay you to secure our extensive service cover- W. D. Funkhouser, Principal ing all subjects, trade and personal Ithaca, N. Y. and get the benefit of the best and Trustees most systematic reading of all papers and periodicals, here and Franklin C. Cornell Ernest Blaker abroad, at minimum cost. Charles D. Bostwick Our service is taken by progres- sive business men, publishers, au- The price is now thors, collectors, etc., and is the The Sign of card index for securing what you need, as every article of interest Good Print Shop is at your command. THECffTCIGA Write for terms or send your ^ PRESS17 One Dollar order for 100 clippings at $5, or 1THACA.NY. 1,000 clippings at $35. Special a set rates quoted in large orders. The Manhattan MILITARY INSTRUCTION GHAUTS Press Clipping Bureau SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER 320-322 Fifth Avenue ORDER ARMS TO BIGHT SHOULDER ARMS New York City Arthur Cassot, Proprietor Established in 1888 ITHACA TRUST COMPANY ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS COMMAND:-1 Right Shoulder 2 ARMS Pres., MYNDERSE VANCLEEF Vice-Pres., E. L. WILLIAMS EXPLANATION ~"~~ Sec. and Treas., W. H. STORMS Vice-Pres. and Treas., C. E. TREMAN * 2) grasp, dined at an angle o? about 45" from the honzontal up, al the trigger guard in the boDow of the shoulder, right A- t %^' >Γth7 lefΓand'cro..nd erasin™g bobo™w "nearne "the side th tl l he junction of the neck with the left pendicular to the front, carry the eft forearm restmg agaπxt the body; the and fingers extended and jocned, • ' parallel to the front; carry the stock, tip of the forefinger to to tbe butl, embracing It, mg piece, wrist straight and eJboi Z&t first two fingers. ΠΛVO> ΓΓHRED Drop the left hand by th THE LACKAWANNA RAILROAD Lackawanπa operates steel electric lighted sleeping cars between New A dollar will now bring a set of York and Ithaca daily, leaving New York 8:30 p. M., these charts to a prospective Railroad arriving Ithaca 7 A. M.> and leaving 10:00 P. M., arriving soldier and help him to become New York 7 A. M. an officer. Charts are 11 x 14. There are 25 in the RAILROAD AND PULLMAN TICKETS set. Edited by Lieut. Col. Simonds. Endorsed by General Wood. can be purchased in advance at 1465, 1183, 237 and 84 Broadway, New York; 505 Fulton Street, Brooklyn; and Broad and Market Streets, Newark Ithaca City Ticket Office - - 213 East State Street National Army School 314 E. 23d St., New York CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XX., No. 11 ITHACA, N. Y., DECEMBER 6, 1917 PRICE 10 CENTS hundred Cornell men in the course of the first ten days of the at the Holbrook School in Ossining and have filed their applications for month are Niagara, Otsego, Oneida, entered Cornell in 1914. He has just admission to the third series of Erie, Monroe, and Broome. In his completed his six months enlistment in officers' training camps, which will be- talks he explains the national problems the ambulance service and is now in the gin early in January. This series was involved in the successful prosecution of American aviation corps. Peck earned planned primarily for enlisted men of the the war and especially the problem of money in a novel way to pay his college Regular Army and National Guard and food supplies for ourselves and our expenses. On winter nights he peddled drafted men of the National Army, and allies. "hot dog" sandwiches on the streets of Ithaca. He had had a pushcart made a limited number of graduates and under- IN THE EDITORIAL BOARD of the Cor- with an arrangement for steaming the graduates of certain military colleges nell Law Quarterly, Professor Charles sausages. He carried on the business will be admitted. Cornell's quota of Kellogg Burdick has succeeded Professor with much success and came to be known this number is fifty-two, plus an equal George G. Bogert as faculty editor. Pro- as "the hot dog boy." number of alternates. Applications fessor Bogert is now a major and judge were received up to midnight of Decem- advocate in the National Army. He ber 1st by Col. Frank A. Barton '91, PROFESSOR O. G. GUERLAC of the was the first faculty editor of the publi- department of Romance languages re- commandant of the Cornell R.O.T.C. cation and it owes much of its success The applications came from Cornell turned to this country from France last to him. The first number of the Quar- week. He has been ordered to Washing- men all over the country—men in can- terly's third volume has just appeared. tonments and camps and in various ton by the French Government for ser- Its leading article, which Professor vice with the special mission under M. forms of volunteer service. They came Bogert wrote, is on the proposed uniform from the Cornell undergraduates. Colonel Andre Tardieu. During the last year conditional sales act. The Quarterly an- he was on duty in the press bureau of the Barton said that all the seniors and nounces the election of the following juniors over twenty-one years of age French department of foreign affairs, students to the editorial board: Ralph where his duties kept him in daily touch must have been represented in the pile L. Emmons '18, of Borodino, N. Y.; of applications on his desk. Many of with the Paris representatives of foreign Jane M. G. Foster '18, of Portsmouth, newspapers. Professor Guerlac was in the officers of the R.O.T.C. are seeking Ohio; Olive J. Schmidt '18, of Spring admission to the training course. Ex- Europe in the summer of 1914, and when Valley, N. Y., and Louis W. Dawson the war began he was detained there aminations are held this week wherever . '19, of Boonton, N. J. the applicants are. The list of success- under orders till December of that year. He returned to Ithaca but was recalled ful candidates will be published about THE BOARDMAN SCHOLARSHIP for this the middle of this month. to France in September of 1915 and was year has been awarded to Frederick in active service in the trenches for sev- Schuyler Reese, jr., of Ilion, N. Y. This PROFESSOR ARTHUR W. BROWNE eral months. (Ph.D. Ό3) of the department of chem- scholarship was founded by the late THE CO-OP reports that the year istry has been appointed Chemical Ex- Judge Douglas Boardman, first dean of 1916-17 was the best in its history. The pert of the Ordnance Department at the law school, and its value is $100. It society's fiscal year ends on April 1st, Large. When he accepted the appoint- is awarded annually to the junior in the and therefore the loss of students last ment he was urged by the Ordnance College of Law who has, in the judgment spring was not felt much in that year's Department to attach himself to a of the faculty, done the best work during business. The number of students who headquarters staff. To do so would the two preceding years. Reese is a signed slips during the year was 4,986. have made it necessary for him to leave member of the Gamma Eta Gamma Their purchases were figured until July Ithaca. He has succeeded in convincing fraternity. 1st so that all who graduated might re- the authorities that he can do his work WORD was received in Ithaca during ceive all their dividends. On some days for the government as effectively in the last week of the award of the French during the year 1916-17 the Co-op served Ithaca as anywhere else. He will there- war cross to two Cornell men. One of more than four thousand customers a fore remain here, and he will be able to them is ARTHUR J. PUTNAM '14, who day. This fall the amount in dividends continue his work with his classes and resigned an instructorship in the de- claimed at the window was about $700 accomplish in his spare hours all the partment of Romance languages last less than usual, probably because so work that the Ordnance Department April to join the American Ambulance many of the students did not return to expects of him.
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