taiAti^ VOL. VIII., NO. 40 OCTOBER 4, 1913 PRICE 10 CENTS rier ^Seattle Saturday US'A MR FAVERSHAMas MARC ANTONY In JULIUS CAESER At The MOORE, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Next SEE PAGE TWELVE U0STP*W ^ ^^ frX U*f 9 AJi2jqn OTiqnj Qinws E. C. Neufelder, President R. J. Reekie, Vice-President 'My Work Is My Best START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT SELECTING Jos. T. Greenleaf, Cashier Advertisement" G. B. Nicoll Jas. S. Goldsmith American Savings Bank INVESTMENTS. & Trust Company wants Many business men are so occupied Peoples Savings Bank your business. with the care and details of their af­ fairs that they have little time or Incorporated 1889 4 per cent soon counts so opportunity to make a study of se­ Second Avenue and Pike Street W. H. Middleton you can watch it grow. curities. SEATTLE, WASH. Come and see us. The officers of this bank are con­ stantly in touch with investment con­ Commercial and Savings Business TAILOR ditions and are pleased at any time Transacted American Savings Bank to place their knowledge and experi­ ence at the service of customers in 4% INTEREST ON SAVINGS AC­ the selection of high grade securi­ COUNTS & Trust Company ties, combining unquestioned safety Drafts Issued on All the Principal and a satisfactory interest return. Points of the United States and Corner Third and James, Seattle Europe. A Growing Account Will Northern Bank & Systematize your financial af­ THAT PENCIL OF l LyCRGEANTCT fairs, strengthen your credit, Trust Company give you a helpful acquaints Fourth Ave. and Pike St., ance at the bank. SEATTLE, WASH. EVOLVES IDEAS DRAWS BUSINESS Accounts of Business Men Creates those Original and Catchy Advertising Designs and Illustrations and Reading Matter that Brings Business and and Individuals 'Will Have Money to those who Appreciate Value of Clever Designs that Illuminate as well as Illustrate Considerate Attention. JUDSON T. SERGEANT, 312 American Bank Building, Seattle :: :: :: Phone Main 4076 FISHER'S The Mercantile National Bank BLEND Corner Second Ave. and Marion St, FLOUR The Seattle National Bank [Made from the choicest SAFES THAT ARE SAFE Eastern hard wheat and the choicest Western soft SECOND AT COLUMBIA wheat] Safes Tire Proof The Standard Flour RESOURCES: $17,000,000.00 Burglar Proof that is always Vault Doors Uinform in Quality Pire Proof because the wheat is subjected Burg-lar Proof ORGANIZED EFFICIENCY Mob Proof to a severe laboratory test that permits no variations PROMPT SERVICE Furniture Wood Steel We Are Pleasing Others :: We Can Please Y Fixtures ou Wood Steel Marble "America's FinestjFlouring Mills" Fisher's Blend Purcell Safe Co. The First National Bank Genuine Hall's Safe & Lock Co.'s costs a little more than or­ PIONEER SQUARE, SEATTLE, Safes for Sale 806 Third Avenue, Seattle. dinary flour, but it yields more and larger loaves of Capital and Surplus, $375,000.00 better bread. It is the M. A. ARNOLD, President J. A. HALL, Vice President T> W Tvm<?<= -o-^o — ± ., „ , , flour of economy. M. McMICXBK, Vice-President £ £ SS&Bo^SSS^gJffiS" For sale it/ all dealers >'EW ACCOUNTS CORDIALLY INVITED Fisher Flouring Mills Co. SEATTLE, U. S. A. DOMESTIC COAL STEAM . PACIFIC COAST COAL CO. Main 8040 KODAKS Phones Elliott 92 Developing Printing The Largest Industrial Enterprise Enlarging On the North Pacific Coast is the (Not how cheap but how good) NORTHWESTERN Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Co. PHOTO SUPPLY CO. EASTMAN KODAK CO. 1320 SECOND AVE. Opp. Arcade Perhaps you do not know that right here in the heart of Seattle is a big shipbuilding and manufacturing concern whose plant covers 27 acres of ground. Phone: East 13 This plant has the largest equipment, the biggest payroll, the greatest number of men BONNEY-WATSON CO. employed in any like institution on the Coast. FUNERAL. DIRECTORS Private Ambulance Service In Connection RAILROA1D AVENUE AND CHARLES STREET Broadway and Olive Street SEATTLE, WASH. THE TOWN CRIER VOLUME VIII, No. 40. SEATTLE, U. S. A., Saturday, October 4, 1913. Price 10 Cents. Published every Saturday by nearly as we can understand the case Council­ with their departure; rather should we be in­ WOOD & REBEU (Inc.) man Griffith dropped his original idea and got spired by such occasions to a larger encourage­ 703-4-5-6 Northern Bank Building, Seattle Telephone .Main S302 around to approval of the Erickson plan, while ment, a more consistent development of what we James A. Wood Editor Mr. Erickson moved on to something else. Coun- have at home. As a musical organization the K. I-. Reber Manager cllmen Goddard, Peirce, Marble and Bruskevitb Philharmonic Orchestra has passed beyond the experimental stage. The musicians are here, as Entered as second-class matter at the United didn't want anything of the kind suggested, but stales postolfice at Seattle. when Councilman Hesketh framed a resolution competent as could be brought together in any SUBSCRIPTION: one year. In advance, 18.00; six months, $1.50; three months. r6 cents: single which he couldn't father from the chair, the other city in the land, and ready as ever to respond to copies, io cents. Foreign subscriptions (countries In the baton of a conductor of whose great talent, Postal Union) $l.oo a year. For sale by all News­ lour lined up behind it in a general way, though dealers. Peirce and Marble had modifications in mind. high purpose and untiring zeal no further proof Payments should be made by Check, Draft, Postal need be asked than has been given in the past Order, payable to THE TOWN CRIER, or by Regis­ And, again, under certain circumstances, Peirce tered Letter. says he will support the Griffiths plan and Grif­ two seasons. For Advertising Rates address Suite 703, Northern Bank Building, Seattle, inquiries within city limits fiths may vote with Peirce for something not Working under disadvantages that would have of Seattle, made by mail or by telephone to .Main 6302, will be personally responded to by a repre­ quite the same. provoked the sneers of a poseur; that would sentative of THE TOWN CRIER when requested. Lucid, isn't it? And The Town Crier, glean­ have dampened the ardor of any man less loyal Unsolicited manuscript must be accompanied by stamps sufficient for return If found unavailable Cor ing all the foregoing information from the daily to the city, less devoted to its musical develop­ publication. newspapers, has just about as clear an idea of ment, Mr. Spargur has brought the Philharmonic the situation as the great majority of the people to a notable degree of artistic excellence and to Mr. Taft has got, rid of eighty pounds of flesh, of Seattle. Still we are not dismayed. A colonel a point where only a right measure of good will but probably he still looks at a chair before sit­ of militia once had his regiment out on a hike, and public support is necessary to its perpetuity. ting in it. under orders to make camp that night at Turkey- * * * * * * Creek, some distance from where the regiment Anomalous The striking school pupils at Syracuse, New- started in the morning. Late in the afternoon When a plan for the city to acquire a street York, will make no more trouble unless the they met a farmer on the road. "How far to railway system is so unattractive that the active teachers become unruly again. Turkey Creek?" asked the colonel. "About four advocates of municipal ownership will not vote * * * miles, I shud say," was the reply. For three for it, it needs, before the deal shall be closed, Littie political interest is reported in the hours more the regiment plodded wearily along. a little more looking into than the people of stales that have elections this fall, as the only The shades of night were falling fast. Another Seattle have thus far given the plan to purchase thing at stake is the public welfare. farmer was met. "How far are we from Turkey that part of the old Renton railway lying within * * * Creek?" demanded the colonel. "As near as I the city limits. The only members of the city can figger, about four mile," responded the agri­ The Vassar girls have to sleep on hair mat­ council who have been openly attached to the culturalist. The commanding officer doffed his tresses. They can probably stand it unless they principle of municipal ownership of street rail­ hat, waved it at his dusty, tired men, and fer­ are required to make their own beds. ways are holding out against the payment of an vently shouted, "Thank God, boys, we're holding * * * extortionate price for a property of questionable our own." value. The votes pledged to the purchase are all As there is now to be a hundred million on * * * hand from the income tax, it is believed the time of men who have never before been con­ spicuously active in any movement looking to­ is ripe to give every politician a pension. Let the Stars Answer ward municipal ownership of anything. * * * "Why was Bryan defeated? Consult Nep­ President Wilson travelled down to Princeton tune," is one of the questions and its answer as The Renton line, including all within and to vote, but the time of many Seattle citizens is they appear in the attractive prospectus of a beyond the city limits, has time and again been local soothsayer, who undertakes to find for so valuable that they won't go to the i>olls un­ offered for sale to the Stone & Webster interests, everyone his or her place in life through the less you send an automobile for them. and the purchase has been as often turned down signs of the Zodiac and who guarantees financial because known to be without possibility of profit.
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