law 5 1 blk hfr I blk hfr 1 bwf hfr 3 blk hfrs 3 3 blk hfrs 3 1 blk hfr 3 2 blk hfrs 1 wf hfr I blk hfr 1 blk brocf hfr 17th Year No. 24 August 10, 1971 D 2 wf hfrs if 0 3 char hfrs 1 wf hfr 0 1 blk hfr 0 1 blk hfr 0 0 0 0 0 0.../er -- FrtiOAtt. LINING IT UP - h the separator in place so the straw blows away from the machine, the men line up the trac- the belt will run straight. :OMMISSIC( PANY St Meg 1(1- Co.,Ili( KANS. )INBACK Schedule gular THE THRESHINGCREW Grove, Richard Petersonof left to right are LancePeterson of Sylvan Threshing crew from Kejr and Carlos Stoppelboth of Wilson. Alsoarl of Sylvan Grove, Paul E of Lincoln, Kenneth Peterson It was operated byJoe St in operation in the samefield was a corn sheller. Weinhold of Wilson. Y &THURSDAY 3510 rton Co. 51101 lsworth Co. 520° ine Co. 52011 Festivities orth Co. 3130 at the 11th annual Czech Festival in Co. ckinson gotti!. son this . year included an old fashioned threshing Ottawa hogs, 158P A separator Co, or "threshing machine" was pulled )9SEllsworth besidea stack of wheat bundles;an old-time nail Co. earn powered Co. tractor was belted up to it and the incoln rk began.The threshing began Friday afternoon aline Co. the Sibraba Co field on the north side oftown and sworth med again sworth co, Saturday afternoon. Phisannual festival Co at Wilson was doubly note- sworth : . orthy this isworth Co. year since Wilson is 100years old in 71. An estimated e Co. P the town 5000 visitors were on hand to :lay Co. keep alive its hthentic Bohemian heritage. Co. Bohemian 1cPherson eral locations food was served Saturday at in town. °' Parade through Thursday, the streets of Wilson Saturday ISighmen trrnitng was the 'es includinghighlight of the festival. Over 100 40r a live cattle auction made this 30 wf s Parade the 35010. longest in the festival's history. 00825 15131kstis' 700 rTIO VEST°C1( CO AT THE CONTROLS rilE LI withA At the controlsof the old steam Sylvan Grove. -powered tractor 010 are Kenneth andLance Peterson of 913TA5411 The rear windOw always was a What Happened To TheConvertible? design headache, and sometimes rain leaked into the car. Ironically No more will the girl driver crossreplace a top. automobile men here say many of the golden prairie, her hair blowing In the age of crime,protection ofthese problems were being licked as wildly in the wind. No more willthe soft top is impossible and topsthe market died. young lovers lean back in the carhave been slashed just for the fun of and gaze up at the stars. it. The convertibles, the rag tops, the So the convertible assembly lines es prettiest cars the trade ever built,have died: From 507,000 cars built in at al are finished. A few still are beingthe 1965 model year down to 130,000 turned out, but the end is in sight. last year and 76,000 for 1971. There doesn't seem to be room in American Motors Corporation the modern world for that special stopped building them after 1968. ins car that every boyonce wanted. The General Motors Corporation Pr( Twentiethcenturyrealitykeepsand the Ford Motor Company still t butting in for the man in a con-are in the business, but it is reported in JI vertible. that Ford will stop making con- jai] Manufacturers in Detroit say thevertibles after the 1973 model year. wheal convertible died of cultural shock. It The convertible was a stylist's and th couldn't adapt to the last half of the engineer's nightmare, too. HARD WORK BRINGS beam 20th century, The car makers have a "After you designed a car you RESULTS era Hard work provedwell worthwhile long list of reasons for the death. tried to fit a convertible onto it," forJanetb ti 1100 pound steerreceived grand In the age of air-conditioning,said one designer, and as the rear champion mpa "YOU TRADED A PERFECTLY GOOD Central Kansas Free Fair honor; real air has lost ist value. at Abilene. grai panels began flowing into the roof in MILK COW FOR BEANS? LOOK, JACK, Ayr Go -Getters 4H Club. She belongsA She is the In the age of the freeway, the 70 -modern car design this became a WEtVE LEARNED TO GROW ORDINA- Max Stroda of Hope. daughterof0. -Wen mile -an -hour speed turns a breezetougher job. Without the steel roof RY BEANS THAT GOOD IN 4-H!" bsuf into a hurricane, and the soot andthe convertible needed tougher sides egg fumes don't help. and floors to hold the car together, Inthe age ofimitationthewhich meant extradesignin7PL:A2B GEBE]d hardtop and the vinyl -covered roofmanufacturing andthengreater ICQM have stolen the sharp look of therepair costs. INTEREST RATES are down, and NEEDS are UP. 42a/ convertible. Even the word hardtop The rearseating wastight Now is a good time to see your FLBA manager. LAND BANK derivesfromtheexpressionbecause of space needed for the top. "hardtop convertible." OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8,5 604 Humboldt - 913 776.6931 (Closed 12.1) In the age of Ralph Nader the GRASS & GRAIN Home 913 539-8725- dangers of ina The Mid -Kansas news weekly Clay Center --- 1:00-3:1)0 p.m. TueFday the convertible Published each Tuesday at 1207 Moro, KM SecurityBldg. rollover have become an issue, and (Box 1009) Manhattan, Kansas, 66502 inthe age of consumerismthe by Ag Press Inc. Second class postage paid at Manhattan, Federal Land Bank Association rattles and leaks that are part of life Kansas. OF MANHATTAN, KANSAS ina convertible have become Subscription: $4 year 17SERVING unacceptable. Circulation 14,200 317NY GEARY POTTAWATOMIE RILEY COUNTIES e In the age of bored workers and efficiency -minded managers the convertible has become the great RaiFirst tip) serve the farmer. nuisance on the assembly line. Intheage ofuntrained m.Your International' Harvester mechanics, service is a headache, Dealer and repairmen have been known to throw their tools in anger, trying to can show you 615 and 715 combines that shouldcost more. But theydon't. Why wait? Get ReadyNow for Milo Check the power, prices and capacities ofour new 615-715 combines All -Speed Drive. with comparably sized machines. Naturally, some things we wouldn't think of thangipg. Like air You'll find that we're determined to give you more combine for full -width threshing. Practically plug -freefin -and -wire racks. Op every dollar you invest. posed -action cleaning. For example, we give you up to 107 hp in the 715. Up to 96 -bushel These new 615 and 715 combines can be equipped with 10t-i- capacity in the grain tank. Capacity features you can count on in any to 181/2 -foot platforms, or 2-, 3-, and 4 -row corn heads. See you crop or condition. International Harvester Dealer. Compare them with any otherlikr Of course you get Quick -Attach platforms and corn heads. Variable sized combines. Then decide how you want your 615 or 715-11110, speed cylinder and fan drives. Choice of beltpropulsion or Hydrostatic rent or lease. ;Pary.:' iolbeteutKu You may be the only one who thinks you are unequal to the job. NURS-ETTE imuadmentonp....., THE ROUND-THE-CLOCK AUTOMATIC NURSE-COW Raise Veal, Feeder Calves ::""0 Herd Replacements t .' Complete Line Of Medicated Milk Replacers See the new combinesat: NER1NOT,°I CARROLL'S ABILENE WAKEFIELD Engel Motors Auld Chevroletco. HANOVER Specialized Feeds HoofInP Phone 913-229-6454 BELLEVILLE COUNCIL GROVE Chapman's on US 81 Macha- Revere ALTA VISTA, KANSAS MARYSVILtoll or see: JUNCTION CITY MINNEAPOLIS Bansoat Ar Mohn Imp!. Co. Chapman Imp!. Co. Van Meter From 32 to 133 PTO H.P. 61°,i (mfr. est. max.) DAIRY SUPPLY FALUN LEONARDVILLE Schovj GYPSUM, KANS. Dauer Imp'. Co. Kendall Garage from mid -June and up 1 point frommers for commodities and services July 1970. (including interest, taxes and wage Wheat Declines Grass & Grain 3 Price decreases from June wererates) was 410, down 2 points from attle, noted for most grains, most meatmid -June but 21 points above a year' August 10, 1971 animals, hay and eggs. ago. Prices were higherforhogs, Theparityratio in July was 70, utFarmPrice Index soybeans milk and milk cows. unchanged from June, but down 3 received by Kansasfar- Crop Prices points from July 1970. Livestock Prices The index of prices paid by far - Pricesmid -July, 1971 weredown The crop price index was 163 ers at Thelivestock June this year butpercent of the 1910-14 base period at andlivestock INDEX NUMBERS- PRICES RECEIVED BY KANSAS FARMERS oderately from products price index at mid -July KANSAS UNITED STATES ghdy aboveJuly last year, ac -mid -July, 10 points below June this PRODUCT 19671007. 1910-14 WO% 1967.1007. 1910-14 .. 100% year but 22 points above July 1970.was 356 percent of the 1910-14 base GROUPS July 15 July 151 June 15July 1?July 15 July 15 June 151July 15 the Kansas Crop and 1971 1971 1 dingto period, compared with 363 a month 1970 1971 1971 1970 1971 1971 Service. Wheat at mid -July averaged $1.29 All Prim Products 110 247 262 253 112 285 283 286 restock Reporting ago and 368 a year ago. All Crops 95 141 173 163 111 232 258 250 of prices received for all per bushel, 10 cents below June but Food Grains 90 134 163 151 93 151 176 165 The index The meat animal price index was Feed Grains 120 187 231 232 113 176 203 197 products was 253percent of the15 cents above July 1970.
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