• ,. The Weather Serving the StQ~ • Partl, c:101ld7 IUId eeeaet University of Iowa Wa,. Warmer nUl ..t- t ered iJUa ........... en Campus and ThIlDdaJ'.1IlIb ....,. II: , low, ft. RIP ........" til Iowa City e DID an' 1011', IZ. Eat. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wir. - FiYe Cent. .5, 1953 - Vol. ~,No. 220 Red Prisoners On Way to Exchange Site POW's Are Being Returned No Iowans '. Listed A~nI 1st Returnees , PANMUNJOM (Wednesda.>') (AI') SEOUL (Wednesday) (",-U.S. - With Iwift militar1 precisjon, Secretary of State John Foster the exc~~e ot Korean wet' pri- Dulles opened his vital post-Ko- soner. be.a" \Oda,y and the first rean armlsUce conCerences today AJllerlc:an treed. 1rrunedla\ely re- with President Syngman Rhee late(i tha~ the Communis1.s only and .'laid afterward the meeting two dllYs alQ l).d lentehced some "went very well." high U.S. ofliaera to .peclal prj- "We had a good preliminary son terrna lor "lnat1gatlng acalnst talk and agreed on the topics to peace." COMMUNIST POW. march off an LST (lett) to board a troop train (rll'ht) at Inebon to continue be discussed," DuUea told cOl"rea- Maj. John Daujat of Richmond, their Journey to a holdlne camp near PaDmunJom, to be in readlne ror the bl, trade. The e are the pondents alter the 1 hour, 50' min- CaUf., told hIs chilling story as 1,s00 POW, who suddenly ripped their clothln, aad slashed their shoes and left the L T a littered ute conCerenee at Rhee's pl"Csl- the first of 400 Allied prisoners on mea. Tbey boarded tbe train sln&ina- Red sonrs. denUal mansion, today's exchlltlge list were handed The secretary said hc and Rhee over by the Chlneae and North ~ agreed to discuss these po1ots •.or! Korean Reds. • Ex -S UI I nsfructo r A r resteu ~;~:he t::~he::I:-:a:ore:Onnf:~ . _, .~_:t'~. .:~. ~:;.~ th;h~n~I!~~E~:~~~:tt!~ Czr:= · CI- I h' Utica I conrerence FREEDOM VILLAGE, where the tlrd I'ronps of Allied prlMltel'tl are belnl' broul'M troni Conunu- promptly at 8 p.m. Tuesd4ly (Iowa ·n e C arge tu2a'l AsecuUnrilttyedtrSeat~tyte.s-Korean mu. Blat captivity for exchanl'c, Is hown above. Operation "BII' Swlteh" wUJ !lee 12.'763 AllJed POW'., time) Included M sick and wound­ On Use d Car S·w, Inetudlna- 3,313 Americans. returned. At ri,ht in photo are ambulancea which are peedlnr tbe lick ed Americana. 3. American economic aid to the and woundf'd to ho pUal . Daujat, who looked ""ell, shouted A used car swindle scheme was Republic of Korea. • out his name to AlIJed correspond- disclosed Tuesday by the state d d They wlIl meet again at 10 ~.m., R 10K' B14M .II ents before the Cornmurmt ttuck motor vehic1e department follow- Ju ge Nixes New Spee ing Excuse Thursday. Uilia S Ig ee Ing had stopped rolllng, lng the arrest In New York city of Dullcs drove to Rhee's mansion , D . Ik There wlI.~ollow cou,hln, from a former SUI instructor. PRINCE GEORGE COURTHOUSE, Va, (IP) - A Virginia judge on a hillside overlooking till enles e lit lea.t one other prl~oner. An- J. F. Carl$o department dl- Tuesday reiect~d what was probably an unprecedented excuse tor war-shattered ci~y to ~gin con- Ina ' other threw his Chinese blue vest tor aid th:t' New York cit speeding. versatlons on post-arrrustice prob- A'skl Red Chi Partllcllpall'on D II Reft and white .carf to the lJ'Ound In ~Iee' a~e holding Gulvl MalviUi, "I was just trying to frighten my molher-In-Iaw," Johnny M. lems. e U e S, ahll'Y eagorness to be rid of his 8 member 1he SUI romance Marshall. 26, of Baton Rouge, La" told the arresting oWter when he Dulles flew In Crom Waahln,- MOSCOW -The Sovlct unJonl • WASHINGTON (IP)- The state garment. of captivity. • language department from 1949 to was nabbed o~ U.S. 460 near here. ,ton Tuesday nlgbt aiter his plane,accepted the West's invllatlon terence concentrate on Cree elcc- department i.ssued a statement XIl"" NMbIn, or De.. 1951. Trial Justice W, F. Binford ruled, though, this wasn t excus~ had . been delayed 13 hours by bad WedT\esday to a Big Four foreign LJons to produce a unWed Ger- Tuesday designed to show that Daujat, a prisoner 31 mpnt~s, Carlson said Malville's opera- enough tor Marshall ~o d~ 65 to 70 miles per hour. IIc fined Marsha weather and engine trouble. He mlnillters' conference, but said many and an .independence treaty there Is no split between Presl- laid he knew: notbinl ot Maj, Gen. tl d It h t th $50 and suspended hls driving license for 10 days. was g[ven a rousing Korean wei- R d Ch' I' t· ' tl .. for Austria dent Elscnhower and Secretary of William F. ~, hilbest-ranldbc ons occul're a er e was a e E th' 't I t th h t the Lo 'sian m After his t th ltd 19 e n8 I par IClpa on wal cs- , AUled ttl held by the ...... s unlver~lt . He said Melville, II very mg wasn as, oug, o~ UI a an. come 'a e a rpor an II -iU:l scotial" for casing ot world ten- They said that a German peace State John Fostcr Dulles over use 0 cer ~....... R I Y t thl t i arrest. when he was bonded at the office of the justice or the peace, salute. I treaty would be "'osslble only with of American army resources tor He 1'(te.n1lonetl a lieutenant he said uss ~n, came 0 s coun ry n h' th· 1 t k b th t r th ay to Peter bu g son, . ... b"lldl b tt ed K h d gotten a yeor's term on the 1949 IS mo er-m- aw 00 a ca e res 0 e w 5 r. Hopes to Alia, Mlqtvtap I te d Ii d T d t a free and representalive German I"e w nil war- a or orca. a .... , n no severe ucs ay 0 The department said a clarity- Reds' belated charges, but did not Carlson sa. id Malvillc Is charged Before he head, back to Wuh- the amb 5sadol'S ot B r I t a In, government chosen by free elec- i t b th White I hi ' I I A~ . I A I in .... on four da.n JIoeOee. Du I' d tn U it d St t th titm, . ng announcemen y e g ve. s name. I , at Cedar Rilpids and Del! Moines ranee an e n e a es, e . House Monday was released a(t'r Dean. a pri'lloner for three years, with "receiving goods by false ( omm n s vance In I sra ... to have allayed some oC Kremlin proposed a two-point The Soviet reply was made pub- "full consultation with the state wai not in the first c!jy:, U I II hOpe~ j ~oup, ersonation" and at Iowa City Rhec 8 0 u t s po ken JJ?lsglv "gs agenda Cor the conCerence: lie a few hours before a seheduJed d t t" Wlthl th ttl.. "1- P , US Ik D I about thc Korean armi&tice. Th ~y I Discussion of "measures to meeting of the Supreme Soviet epar men. n e nex ve wee ..s .. with embezzlement of mortgaged Threat 1o J e et ares also may chart a common poLicy d' I t ti It ' " parliament of lhc Soviet Union. Ocacials said, lhere had ~n most 87,000 ~en - n .. 783 JlUted property." tor the U.S. and the Republic of e~re~~ n ~rna o;a th cn~~. n ome interpretation of the White and 74,000 Co~unists - will be' John Hurley, special agent with • - , Korea at the Iorthcomlni peace 'bl sC~isS °lndlo e t blml Bh I d d S d House announcement as a repu- exchanced. the motor vehicle department pro em nc u ng re-es a s - n epen ent tu y diaUon by the President of Dulles 80me 8$lJl MIaII... said lite Investigation of MalvlLle'~ SEATTLE, Wash. (JP)-President E' h Id th t th t conference. ment of the unity oC Germany and and thllt they wanted to bring out Of these on1y 3313 are Amerl- activities led to Omaha, Neb., Chi- Eisenhower declared MOnd~y th~t Asi~s~~ e~;:rm:e vit!l t~O~m:~f_ Dulles issued a statemen~_ after the conc1u Ion of a peace treaty." For Grad Students the record to show that this W.l5 cans and there w~s no accounting cago, ant( New York city as well the advance of commumsm 10 can securlt because that are ~ bc stepped from the plane. The thr e Western powers pro- . not correct. tor some 8,300 otl\el's sUll listed as as to Iowa City, Cedar Rapids and southeast Asia and Iran has cre- holds 15 million peo Ie who still RNPtte from. War posed on Ju1y 15 that the Big Four BeQlns Next Week On Saturday Dulles told dfplo- missing in. action. Des Moines ated a "very ominous" threat to P, "I hope and believe that these hold II conference toward the end th' mats representing 15 United Na- .. ' ., American security, are not under the Kremlln s dom!- talks, conducted on a basis of mu- ot September on setting up free AU ough summer lIChool will be tions with troops in Korea that The eX,chanlrel k.n~,wn as Oper- , Hurl~y said Malvl~le s Iowa ac- The President, speaking inlor- na,~ce.
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