BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS # VOLUME 36, NO. 25. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 9, 1901. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. # SECUREJMPIRES WILLING WAGNERS SO AS TO GET THE BEST WORK STILL HANKERING AFTER THE GRAND OUT OF THEM. OLD GAME, Tia Hurst Believes That They Should The Ex-Washington (M Owners Now Hafj Iron-Clad Saason Contracts Like Fish Out ol Water and Anxious so as to Eliminate tha Fear ol to Get Back Into the Sport Which Losing Their Positions. Yields Both Pleasure and Pro lit. Philadelphia, Pa., March 7. There is a Editor "Sporting New York. March 5. possibility that the Wagner Brothers, for­ Nation­ Life:" Timothy Hurst, noted as a mer owners of the Washington National al Longuc umpire ;ind referee of glove con­ League base ball club, will get back into tests, lias suggested a plan to certain mug- the business before very long. Frank Kob- nates whereby in future umpires would laon, the owner of the St. Louis Club, it cot be afraid to enforce the rules against la said, is threatened with, blindness, and rowdyism. He says that the failure of is anxious to sell out his interests in that the club owners to live up to their rules city and get out of base ball. That there and to compel tbulr plnyers to obey com­ has been some dickering there is no ques­ mands of the umpires has made the lat­ tion, for George Wagner last night ad­ ter so uncertain of their bread and butter mitted that he made Kobisou au offer for that they are of necessity lenient. As a the club about four months ago. But at remedy Hurst suggested that when an that time Kobisou declined the offer. umpire signs Ills contract before the open- "BAKKIS IS WJLLIN'." lug of the season It should be stipulated George Wagner, when asked to talk therein lu ironclad terms that the umpire about the matter last night, said: "We will receive ills salary for the entire sea­ have been anxious to get hack into base son and that no matter how many pro­ hall ever since we got out of Washington, tests are lodged against him he cannot, be and the first good opportunity that pre­ discharged unless for permanent illness or sents itself will be accepted, though it intoxication. must be under organized base ball. We "With the League held by such a con- have uot been asked to buy the St. Louis trai-i," explained Hurst last night, "the Club, but will be willing to do business umpires would be sure of their money and with Uobison at any time he may want would therefore have nerve enough to en­ Catcher Harry Smith, ol Pittshurg. to sell. It is our intention to get back in force the rules. As it is now an umpire the game in some big city aud run the wlio Is fearless ia subjected to intimida­ team on entirely different plans than we tion from team managers, players and though he admits that It Iwks like It. Said he: did in Washington,. We will procure thu magnates to such an extent ..that he Is PHILADELPHIA POINTS. "Yes. it Is possible, though not probable. Money best team money can get, but we will not Every­ held out ij> the baud Is a powerful factor, and finally forced out of the business. Mack Gathering In a Fine have anything to do with the game in any body Is looking for a shade the better of Connie it Is easy for some players to forget their man- Ball Team—The Philadelphia Club hood, violate their contract and break their of. the smaller cities, tnich as Washington.'' it and for that reason an umpire's life f£ BOUND TO BUTT IN. Job After Its Players—Col. Kujjei-s in word. The players are our assets, and we will made a burden. He is fearful of his certainly defend our rights to the last dlteh. In conclusion Mr. Wagner said: "But and consequently oanuot do justice to liim Fighting Mood, Ktc. thief March 6.-According to The American League has eome here like a for the present we have not a cent invest­ self and everybody else." i'hiladelphia, Pa.. in the night, and the very people that we made contract the new Philadelphia grand stand ed, though there Is no telling how soon we possible in baseball are now so base as to steal be a, and bleachers will be ready for delivery us thousands of dollars will get back into the game. It may LAWSOrsTATEST. the players that cost or by Contractor Foster to President Sbibe to procure." week, a month, or a year, but sooner a Park In Rantnn With Ihe three weeks from to-day. Manager Connie NO LEAGCE MEETING. later he will again have a club. We love Expectation of Organizing a Penn­ Mack has been in the West for two weeks Asked If the report was true that there would the game ami have always made money league. for players, but is ex­ be another meeting of tbe National League in out of it; therefore, we are auxiou8 to sylvania hustling Rog­ Eastern. !'«-. March 4. Editor "Sporting pected home to-morrow. From all about two weeks a secret meeting Colonel get back again." well-known accounts he will have a corking good team. ers said: "There will be no more meetings of Life:" Alfred W. Lawson. the the National League, secret or otherwise. All base ball manager has leased grounds at It is claimed that to date bu bag signed the following players: Pitchers, Mercer, Kelluai, tbe business has been transacted, and there Is PORTSMOUTH_SAVED. Twelfth and Northampton streets for a now nothing to do but sign the players aud com­ base bull park, and Is now engaged ID or­ Kusie. UHUIJ. Willis: catchers, McFarlaud aud M. Power.--: first bast-. Crisbam: second hase, mence tbe season." Two Prominent Citizens Take the ganizing a professional ball team to rep­ LOCAL JOTTINGS. Club Off Mrs. liratly'w Hands auU grounds will he Lajole; tbivd base, Lave Cross: short stops, resent this city. The Kultz nnd Conroy; outtleldcrs, l-'lictt and possi­ Dick Harley last week, upon «o>tet» of Ke-enicage Manager Clarke. graded and Inclosed and a grand stand and bly Billy Hamilton. Tbe opening game will be President Zimmer. refused a bouafide contract Norfolk, Va., Mnn-h .">. 1'ortsnioath'g bloaclHT erected, it Is expected to or­ wltb Moss* professionals oo April 8. with tbe Cincinnati club. League composed of teams position in the ' Virginia-North Carolina ganize a Slate THE LEAGUE CLUB'S ROSTER. Pitcher Frank Donahue, of tbe Phllllei, Is 1» Allentown Reading, Lancaster. Potts- Villanova -College team. League of professional base ball clubs in Manager Shetwline. of the Philadelphia Na­ coaching tbe and Willlatu- York and Easton, but if the effort yesterday sending Pitcher Orth has been keeping in condition all assured. Charles T. Bland ville. tional League Cl'ib. WHS bur.y of Ports­ to form the league fails an Independent pro­ out contracts to all players who were members winter by holding down a job at Lyncbburg, son Smith, prominent clti/ens fessional it-am will be maintained here to of his team lust year, and wbo have been re­ Va. mouth, have secured the franchise and en­ play cames with teams from other towns. served by bltn for tbe season of 1901. ID all 21 Mont* Cross denies the report that h« ever gaged Wynn Clarke as manager. Clarke Mr. I.awson believes that with a reasonable men. Of these only two have algued Townsend, received an offer from the American League. had already secured a stroug leaui. salary list aod ground* that can be reach­ of tie Chester club, and Wbite. of Georgetown Manager Shettsline says Flick accepted tbe Among these who have signed we: Jo 1m ed quickly by the local trolley, pro­ both pitchers. Of tbe rest all have promised Philadelphia club's terms hist fall and Is, there­ j Foreman and William O'Brieri, of Haiti- fessional base bail can be made to pay to sign eiccpt Lajole. Flick. McFarlanrt. Siagle fore, in honor bound cot to desert. I more; Clever Connor, of Cincinnati; .Lew- lu this city. and P ? I, who are snftl to have Jumped to the I Is llnpp.'of. Springfield. Ohio; Louis Knaw, American League, although Manager Shetollne George Tobeau All Right. i of Cincinnati, and (Jrovpo Halt's, i/f Wash. Out For (»<>ntl. refuses to b^lipve 11, Knowr. Knunl". George Tebeau begun tbe <vork of .grading I ington. lu addition - R1il» Joyce s.t"J Oliver Tflr>eau declare em- ROUEKS WILL KIGI1T. j Murray and. Clarke. of last rear's Uaiu. Coiotiel Rogers says he ba« tio official tnforms,- Sbelly Park last Sstnrflay. That doesn't lock ttst. tbey will never plaj toM-btU it 1 -a-ill or tree Mcom* interest*! te club- '. .ttoo that toy of 6!s players fcave deserted, al­ ss if b« could act as* SPORTING March 9,196 r. THE WORLD OF BASE BALL. free le make capital out of THE LEGISLATION. ment. Their casf wag accordingly tfiroira the situation with press, public and out of Court in abort order and Mr. Brush THE SENIOR LEAGUE particularly with the players. The Agreement With Players, Amended sarcastically handed Mr. gtrobel a copy of the Agreement will] the advice to de*ot« National League. In a measure, routi­ Kulec and Schedule. his leisure time to studying the A, B( C ned its winter mistake at the spring The League met on Monday evening.
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