to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, May 1, 1989 CARS CARS I CAMPERS/ MOTORCYCLES/ FOR SALE FOR SALE TRAILERS MOPEOS Declaration Rainy win A S p c c i o l i PLYMOUTH Reliant, DODGE Caravan, 1985, YELLOWSTONE, 1970, MOTORCYCLE Insu- Confusion 1983, excellent condi­ rance. Same day cov- • front wheel drive, 21' bunkhouse, sleeps f tion. four door, air 2.2/four cylinder, 46K, six, good condition, eroge, competitive Election rules conditioning. 47K. needs some body work. $1,200. 875-6927.0 rates on full range of Manchester pulls into tie motercvcies. Call Questions arise $2,000 or best offer. $4,500. 643-4177._______ TRAVEL Trailer Cit­ CLEANINS CARPENTRY/ PAINTING/ 649-4256. Crockett Agency, Inc. debated In 8th /3 MISCELLANEOUS ation, 32' 1983, clean, for the lead in CCC East / I I SERVICES REM0DELIN6 PAPERING CHEVY Malibu Classic, 643-1577._____________ on fusion claim /15 SERVICES 1977. New V-8 engine In excellent condition, stero, automatic wln- HARLEY Davidson, 86. RELA X now In your 1981. $250. or best otter. iicLaniey HeaM Cxtoriar Paladag A terlzer, 22'awnlng, FXR super glade. 1,700 golden age. I'll clean Call 643-6830after 5pm. laigravemeats Stalalag Daae. KAWKES TREE SERVICE double doors, sleeps miles. Show room for you. Call Lin 643- CHRYSLER LeBaron 82. A Free eatimatea Houses, garages, decks 6 Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump six, come see It any­ stock, flawless. $5,950. 6229. SCHALLER 79K, power steering, •Oecka fences. Exterior porches A removal. Frae estimates. ACURA QUALITY tim e .$10,500 negotla- Call 569-4976. •RooSng a i r conditioning, steps rebuilt. Hatch ways & Special oonsldarstlon for PRE-OWNED AUTOS ble. 282-0054.O________ •Shads power brakes. $1,800. •House painting exterior cellar door rabulh. alderly and har,dlcapped. LOOKING FOR good U W N CARE Full Ins., free set. 849-7980. •8 A ccord LX *6995 649-7605, 646-2075 after Today Is great doy ... and news? Look for the many 649-3331 8 ipttd. O ttn 7pm. Classified Is a great way bargain buys advertised 647-7553 83 Eaoort Wagon *6995 Lawnmowing. Min. FARRAND REMODELING 6 tpatd. Low M lln ... to sell something! 643- In the classified columns charge, $17.00. Edging. Room additions, decks, roof­ THOMAS PAVING 86 Z-28 Camaro *8995 2711. today. Buah and hedge ing. siding, windows and guit­ 8 tptad. Sharp A trimming. Yard material, ars. All types of remodeling and Fully insured and 88 H onda CRX *4995 etc. hauling. repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. FRANK YOUNG bonded. Residential, 8 tpaad Conaclentloua and 80 Toyota Corolla *1995 dependable. Ray Hardy. But. 647-8509 PAINTING commercial, free 8 -^ . Starao estimates. S3 Subaru QL Hatchback *3495 IM PORTS... ______ 640-7973_______ Ret. 645-6849 4-t|id. 4 ad. A/C ilanrliPHtfr Hrralb Call 649-5295. YARD MASTERS WALLPAPERING 87 Hyundai QL8 *5495 8 8 HONDA MRK B-tpd, Elto Sunroof Yard cleaned. HOME Interlor/Extertor Screened loam, gravel, •e Maroury Lyn« *3995 Civic 4 Door Trees cut. 4- tpd. AM/PM tltrto tapt *7995 Have dump truck, IMPROVEMENTS SpaclalMt processed gravel, S3 VW Q TI *6495 5- acd.Arc Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm will haul. A bualnesa built on sand, stone, and fill for 8 4 AUDI Newsstand Price: 35 Cents 643-9996 fntegrityt Pride taken in evei^ delivery call George 345 CENTER ST. 5000S 4 Door *5988 Carpentry • Windows • job we dol Qrlffing 742-7886. MANCHESTER CARPENTRY/ Siding • Kitchens e 6 4 7-7 077 8 8 HYUNDAI Y Quaiity is our main REMODELING Baths • Additions • Decks concern. MY BROTHERS Excel *4295 Proposal Fully licensed & Insuredi IS yrs. Service Since 1973 BUSINESS 72 HOUR MONEY BACK No change Free estimstasi 8 7 HONDA REASONABLE Mowing, Raking, Clean R&Y - 6 4 6 -9 6 5 6 RATES GUARANTEE would cut O ldR D4 F Ir t n ia CRX Garages, Dump Runs. »2 .M 6 *7295 R em odeling ONE OF THE surest ways We cater to the C h » y ’84 C h c v M t* *i,»a5 64S-8798 Oodg*'S3 400 *3.995 8 8 TOYOTA to find bargain buys Is to home owner. Ctiavy 'S5 Cavallar Company *4.996 shop the classified ads Oldt '86 CutliM *8,295 tax hike every day. HOME IMPROVEMENT 4 x 4 Pickup *9995 Senior Citizen Ford '86 LTD •6.598 in charter Expert Spring fix up. VK Home Ser- Discount vioee takee car of ell repeire OtdR '64 CutlRM •6.795 8 5 HONDA Cr0ftm0n$hlp and maintenance from A to Z. Ford '87 Rangor P.U. *6.998 By Nancy Concelman In All Ph0000 of PAINTtNG/ FREE ESTIMATES Licensed and Insured 0(<M 'S4 D*IU •6.996 Prelude SI Manchester Herald Buick '86 Raqal '7.598 *9995 R0mod0llng I PAPERING FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED O ldt '87 CItra *7.995 •bstn •WibR 228-4708 Poitt. '88 800 STE •8.595 8 6 HONDA Republican town directors DnilMi bpiKHMrt T d IRT 643-6774 O ld a '8 6 D8 R a o a n c y *6.995 for Bolton have proposed a $71.63 million Olda 'S7 CutlaM b(b VINYL SIDING & •9.996 Prelude Sspd. *10295 budget for 1989-90, $1.27 million •bitM ToyoM 'SS Calica QTS PAINTING AND *9.996 less than Town Manager Robert KitdMK I REPLACEMENT WINDOWS OKU '87 St T-S«tan •1 4 .M S O ldi 'SS Cullata Claitic B. Weiss’ recommended budget. YiqlSiil btb DECORATING IcTlROOFINe/ •15.996 By Andrew Yurkovsky said First Selectman Sandra W. Expertly installed. The Republican budget calls •be ban •Sanm BOB RILEY OLDSMOBILE /Manchester Herald Pierog, a Democrat who did not •Complete Interior iSilaoiNO Please call Paul Ryder DOMESTIC... for a 4.8 percent increase, repres­ ebift •Cntn AND MARINE seek re-election. and Exterior Painting enting 2.39 mills, in the tax rate, at 742-0018. 259 Adams St., Minch. 1987 SPECTRUM BOLTON — Voters on Monday Of the 2,659 registered voters SMior DI$couht •Power Wash from the current 49.84 mills to Fully Llc0n»0d LEAKY ROOF? 649-1748 overwhelmingly rejected a wide- 1.495 people voted, or 56 percent •Gutter Repair Moot roof! can ba rapalrad. 4 Door CL ranging revision of the Town 52.23 mills. That proposal is about in plaea of total rarooflng aspanaal *3995 There are 813 Democrats 911 Fully ln$und •Small Carpentry 1.8 mills less than the 54.03 mills Complata rarooflng of all typaa. LANDSCAPING Charter that would have estab­ Republicans and 935 unaffiliated Fnu E$tlmal0$ needed to support Weiss’ budget. Repair FREE ESTIMATES 1986 CHRYSLER lished a town manager form of voters. The budget message released •Glazing Manchester Roofing government and would have In 1987, only 989 of 2 305 263 Main St. CLYDE Lazer HB *5295 today said the Republican direc­ HEBRON CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. eliminated the Board of Finance. registered voters, or 43 percent Manchester •Fully insured 645-8830 tors had hoped to avoid a tax R O U TE 83, V E R N O N The vote of 799 to 477 against the voted. That 1987 vote was the •Free estimates LANDSCAPE 1985 PLYMOUTH increase altogether. But the 645-8892 Design & Construction changes was described by oppo­ third lowest total by percentage HEATING/ 8S Caprice 4 Dr. ‘8495 increase is necessary to fill in the Hebron 228-1150 as AMC Alliance 2 Or •2675 Turismo Coupe nents of the charter revision as a in the past 15 municipal elections LARRY^ 6 4 6 -1 8 9 4 iS H J PLUMBING *4695 gaps created by a loss in state Manchester 647-7760 85 Cavalier CJ 4 Door ‘4495 reaffirmation for the selectmen Republican Robert R. Morra WOODWORKING & “IFe can tell you funding of about $1 million. 85 Spectrum 4 Door ‘5195 1985 MERCURY form of government and an who won the race for first CARPENTRY what to.look for... The Republicans also attrib­ PJ’t Piumblno, Heating A 85 Buick Somerset ‘ 7295 indication that residents feel that selectman, said he was ecstatic 85 Electra 4 Door Marquis uted the higher tax rate to Repairs to Remodeling and what to look Air Conditioning ‘ 10995 *3795 the changes would have been too about the vote on the charter Bollera, pumps, hot water DOirf UWN SERVICE AND 85 Century 4 Door ‘ 7495 substantial salary increases for Licensed and Insured out for!” ttUIDPBNfl broad and too costly. “ It’s basically saying that we tanka, new and 85 Camaro Coupe ‘6995 1987 FORD unionized employees. 6464210 Call now for: But both opponents and suppor­ have a form of government that replacements. Rototllling, 86 Cavalier 4 Door ‘6995 There are six Democrats on the ters said after the vote Monday should work efficiently and can CARPENTRY WORK H arB ro FREE ESTIMATES Mowing, 86 Delta 88 2 Door ‘9995 T-Bird Coupe *9495 Board of Directors and three Shrub a Hedge Trimming that some of the changes included with the right people,” he said All P h a s e s 643-9649/22B.9616 86 Markur XR4TI ‘9495 Republicans, making approval of Framing, Roofa, Siding, Trim. 1S% Sealer CttfaeeMnet 86 Oldt Clara Wagon ‘ 8995 in the revision might be imple­ Raymond A. Ursin, chairman 040-7811 1 9 82 FORD the minority party’s budget un­ Registered & Fully Insured Painting 86 Spectrum 4 Door ‘4995 mented despite the referendum of the Board of Finance, wa.s also likely. The Board of Directors is Very Ressonab/e Pr/ces loflMISCELLANEGUS 86 Nova 4 Door ‘6495 Escort *2995 defeat. Those changes could pleased by the vote. He called the of Manchester scheduled to vote on a budget Quality Work / Fraa Eatimataa I S I I SERVICES include the hiring of a recreation finance board an effective check LANDSCAPE tonight at 8 in the Lincoln Center Quality Painting 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 1983 RENAULT director and a town planner, they and balance.
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