
■i . • ' n WHWIEDAY, MAT IM tt I a r y C H E N E Y LIBRARY FAOE TWENTX jKanrl|fBtor Snynfng Iffralb IMIjr CtwdiiUan «f Afrih IM t Tba monthly moaUng of the Tba Wealoy group of the South eofninittoa In c h a m Inclnda# Mra. Qomimiiilty inayera ha# been Methodist WSCS will conduct a W ilU ^ D«wart, Um. John Stovm- About Town Chanced from thla aranlnc untU food sale at Hale’s store, tomorrow, aon, Mra. Edward Macaulay ax 9300 Friday night, when It wlU be held beginning at 1:30 o’clock. The Mra. Philip Susag. T h « A lp iM Soeletjr win hoM lu at Lithuanian haU on Qolway moBtUy Bwetlng toalflit mt Um ■traat. The change U made bacauae V i, I talian • Amartcaa clubboua* on IlH w dbnffr ’A CUy eif VHIaga Outrm of rehaaraala for the play, “The 'im m ndrMfti aUMt. Benamy Trial." which the player# m are to preaent Tueaday and > •) MANCHESTER,. CONN., 1HUR8DAT, MAT •, (TWENTY PAGES) FRICBPOigi' n«v. Thomaa Short# of D««r Wedneaday evenings of next week pT TOU L X m . NO. 186 154S Rlaar, Jllnn, who came Eaat to In Whlton hali, North Main atreet attaad Um ganaral oonferanco of *M 0m R^ DAT* Um Methodiat church la Boaton, baa haan vlalUnr Ma brothara, Mra. Robert Cotton, chairman, Waalay and Arthur Shorta; and and Mra. Q. Milton Nelaon, co- Paralysis Victim Faces Evictioih Town Adopts Blatar, Mra. LaUUa Larrabec. chairman. have called a meeting Tniman Attitude for thla evening at eight o’clock at France and Russia Tha Hartford Archdeaconry of the HoUlater school, of the com­ Four District tha Women'# Auxiliary win meet mittee In charge of the pot luck .Daniel GreensL Friday In St. Mark'a church. New supper to oe served preceding the UN Can Be Made Britain, with Holy Communion at flnal meeting of the HoUlater PTA, Voting Plan Wednesday evening. May 19. at the from HALE’S Id a s . lundMon at 1:00 p.m., at tha boateaa church, and an after* school. American Plan Booa aeaalon with a apeaker at Only 1,692 Exprem two crclock. It la expected S t I Miss Gra?e Hatch Is chairman of Work for Peace M arFa Women’a auxiliary of thla I the committee In charge of a Opinions on Division; town win be well repreaented. I Military Wnist tonight in Odd Fel­ light Vote Polled lows hall, for the benefit of Lakota Sutement Gomes m Cnp. Council, No. 61. Degree o f Pooa- Rule Jerusaleni hontaa. Miss Florine Slater of Truman ITea Thmnghont the Day itol Hill Hears Re­ I Rockville vill direct the games. newed Calls for Ma­ With only 11 per cent of Man-' Both Declare PropotiJ AHantie luRaURow cheater’s voters turning out, yss- A daughter, their second, was I jor Shakenp; Presi­ To Place Holy Qty Un* bom yesterday In Hartford hospi­ torday's referendum resulted In a Commission Again Ronge ond Fuel tal to Mr. and Mra. Clemens ' dent Says Room for Under Study declslao to establish four voting der Neutral Gonunito StacheUky of 23 Lyndale street. I dlstricta In town according to the Mra. Stachelaky was the former | All to Have Peace ------- 0 petition submitted last winter. ‘The sioner Without Polled Miss Louise Butler of this town. You want the best fo r White House (>incialB votal vote of 1,692 was divided 913 Trying for Truce Power Inadequate to O IL Washington, May 6.— “yea" and 780 "no.” The margin of Mra. Herbert Frazer and Mrs. 132 votes by which ths decision James McKay are Co-chairmen of s President Truman said today Seeking to Avert Walk' Preserve Order; Pam- mothers young and old, was made registered the result of the rummage sale which members ’Sre are going to make the L T. WOOD CO. out Weigh Chancea over 12,000 Manchester electors Jerunalem Scene of di Urges ScBnion to Set of Chapman Ccurt. Order of Ama­ and we have it here United Nations work for who failed to go to the polls. ranth, w ill conduct tomorrow On Presidential Move Nam rd to T V A Board Up Strong Authority 51 BisMO 8L TcL 4496 peace.’* His statement came ‘The voting was light all dhring iVpic Firing in Fight morning from 9:30 on In the Ma­ in these beautiful ths day, and It was not until the sonic Temple. as ^p itol Hill heard renewed Bettreon A rabs and calls for a m ajor shakeup of- B ^ t i n l evening was well advanced that New York, May 6.— {JP)— Daniel Greens. WaohlagtMi. BUy anything like a heavy vote was Jetv9 During Night France and Russia jo in ^ tiv U.N.— ^wlth or without Rus­ noted. The last hour before 8 The WkMa Haase today called day in an attack on Uie Amerr sia. a e^yetsaee at rallraad brotk- showed about 300 votes east. Thera Mr. Truman spoke to the Na- ■rileed chiefs fo r tooMtrrow to was no one waiting to vote aa the Jerusniem, May 6.— (/IV -A ican-aupported plan to piacd Uonal Conference on Family Life. try to head aff tha threatened polls were declared closed by Mod­ United Nations commission Jerusalem under a neutna Save ! The road to peace may look raiilioad strike. Dr. Jobs B. erator John D. LaBelle. commissioner without police “rough and rugged and rocky,” ha tries again here today for a Stortiaaa, praSdeaHal aaslst- Error la Oonat aald, but the'country has over­ 7116 first announcement of the truce covering all Jerusalem, power. Both declared the Box o f 50 CEHOUSE&SON come many dUHculUea “ and we aat aad labar expert, tele- scene of new Aring in the inadequate to preserve order phoaed tba heads o f three ua- result which was made was proved can’t let thla one stop us. ioaa wMeh have sailed a strike to be in error. It had stated that tight between Arabs and in the Holy Q ty. "Thsre is room enough for every­ 790 voters had ragiatcred a “no." Jews. The commission— the Agpravrd TrustwsM g 'CesaMS body In this world, and room far Beat Theadajr, He asked tkeai to asset m to trim at I t However, several persona who had It waa laid before the ipnrkit $ 1 .2 9 enough for everybody to have Jerutialem consuls general of Palcotlne Assembly of the UnitM a. as (aa.t.) tansarraw. tabulated the flguraa aa they were peace,’’ ha added. SaMoS 8, Neemaadto, tafSaUls paralysla vlrtim, may have to move taken from the machines called at­ the United States, Belgium Nations after gettiag lamniaieua Altbmifh Mr. Truman did not Ms pirtaMi Irda loag aad swttobboard from home la New BedfqrA and France— returned last night approval of the UJ«. TrustseaMp Washington, M ay 6— i/f)— White tention of the moderator to the 2 for $2.53 refer to the demands for U. N. re- Maaa., kecaasa e f eviction aotlee ke has received. N om aad h i sup- wrong check, and a recbcck dls- from Jericho, halfway to Amman, oouncU. ' vialan he did express hope that House officials seeking to avert perto hIS wlto aad twe cMIdrea.fram Ms wheHchair by epersttag a cloaM the error In count which re­ 'rrans-Jordoa. French Dtlegato Alsxaadtr Pa^ the 1948 elecUon cempaign wlU not ntx| Tuesday’s threatened railroad tfltgkaas aaaureriag aervke. (A P wlrephoto). duced the “ no" vote by 10. Authoritatlva sources said It rod! urged a plenary sMsteo o f thd 'A L n v r N v k lB . So Sirft—So Comfortable hamper the M-perUoan foreign ■trilra today weighed the chances Only two out of twelve machines had failed to bring about a truce Aaaembly at Ftaahing MsadoO (Notfoa Degt) policy. for success of direct presidential carried a "no " majority. One of agreement In tnika there with Oil. park to set up a strong iatenial That policy, he said, “must be Intervsntlon. these showed 79 “ no” to 71 “ yes" Roscher Lund of the U.N. secre­ tional authority tor Jomsaleab carried to its ioglcel conelusion’’ If A plaa by Praoldsat Truman for tariat and Arab leaders. backed by on elite volunteer p o ^ United States in Role and the other showed 79 “no" and “we expect to get peeoe In the tba railroad ownsrs aad ths unions 77 “ yes.” ‘The Arab leaders were Deputy force of LOOS trainsd #Mn. Foreign M inister Hussein BlraJ of world." to sstUs their wage d i^ to with­ The flrat machine indicated the Bovlot Dtlegato Stmon kl Trsns-Jordan, Ahmed HUml Pasha l f » c o n m v e # Bevaam tag M. out a erippUag nationwide walk­ trend with a result of 119 “yes" Tbarapkin told the Aatonhly h# of the Palestine Arab Higher com- could not accept tha ’rrustasaUg While Mr. Truman was apeak out Is known to bo under study. Of Dispute Mediator and 101 “no.” .Db HSny A. CMHIi (above). Uni- mittec, and Taaqulddln al Both, aa^MMBBas Ing. six oongraanMo ware telling But tboaa cloaa to the chief ex­ The vote by machines was as VI NiisBMn ■■v w councU’s proposal. Ha ilim s B iii brother of the premier of Leba­ aondaated by FreelSeat Traas that France’s auggastiona ba stud- the House ForeignJUiniie commit­ ecutive ora prapaiad to recom­ follows: non. mend It only if they feel there la “ Yes’* lor meiukeraMy aa the TVA beaiB lad carefully. tee they atm favor revamping tha “ No' The commission found, the In­ HANDBAGS GLOVES U.N.
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