W,/iKEIS ""'(J'" 25¢ No. 461 23 September 1988 Reuters/Bettmann Cambio 16 The streets of Santiago, Au9Llst 30. • Bloody dictator Augusto Pinochet. I e: Smash Pinoc.hetPlebiscitel On August 30 in Santiago de Chile, get to vote "yes" or "no" on continuing from letting a few more exiles return, it leans call zorillos (skunks). Once again, four military commanders-Army gen­ the tyrant's rule until 1997. This fraudu­ didn't make a lot of difference. When the jackboot was heard at the door as eral Augusto Pinochet, decked out in lent "national consultation" is a typical youths took to the streets in their anger more than 1,000 were rounded up, Prussiandress gray and full-length cape, plebiscite of the sort that bonapartist and barricades went up in the workers' scores injured, three killed. accompanied by the chiefs of the Navy, military dictatorships,from Napoleon shantytowns (pob/aciones) after Pino­ Pinochet has run a war against the Air Force, National Police-s-filed up a on down, have used to legitimize the rule chet nominated himself, the water can­ Chilean masses ever since he seized red carpet into the Ministry of Defense. of the mailed fist. nons drenched protesters with streams power in the bloody coup of II Septem- . After a closed meeting, in a televised Earlier in the month, when Pinochet of water filled with untreated sewage, to ber 1973. In his "nomination" speech, ceremony they announced their "deci­ announced he was ending the state of infect them with typhoid. Once again, Pinochet declared the ..Marxist dan­ sion": Pinochet's will be the sole name emergency, the imperialist press gave his the air was thick with tear gas, sprayed ger" still. has not been rooted out and on the ballot October 5, when Chileans proclamation great fanfare. But aside from the little armored vehicles Chi- continued on page 9 v. Russian Nazis Raise Their Heads Soviet Workers Must Crush Pamyat! Recent statements in Soviet newspa­ skoye Memorial Cemetery, burial place pers report an ominous development. of more than 500,000 Leningraders who An outfit calling itself the "Russian died in the Nazi siege, it is but a few National-Patriotic Front Pamyat" has minutes' drive to the Rumyantsevsky been staging weekly demonstrations in . Garden. Yet here, every Thursday, in the city of Leningrad. An Italian tourist this public park in the heart of Lenin-. who witnessed a Pamyat demonstra­ grad-the city of Lenin, the birthplace tion wrote to Moscow News (14 Au­ of the internationalist October Revolu­ gust), "A week has passed, and I'm still tion-Pamyat has staged its disgusting horrified. I felt as if I'd attended a real spectacle. The proud people of Lenin­ fascist meeting of the 1930s." "Sur­ grad can't allow this to continue. rounded.by bodyguards in black shirts," Leningrad writer Valery Voskoboi­ Pamyat leader Dmitri Vassiliev rails nikov described one of the Pamyat ral­ against Jews while his cohorts blame the lies (Moscow News, 14 August): Chernobyl nuclear disaster on "enemy "One speaker demanded that it should forces." The blood of every decent be forbidden for Russian men and Soviet citizen boils over Pamyat's racist women to marry members of definite alien races. Another called for the outrages. Leningrad must be cleansed of immediate deportation of Jews and this fascist filth! members of other 'alien races' to 'their historical motherland,' Still another There is scarcely a street in Lenin­ suggested declaring a ruthless war on grad which does not evoke memories of those who 'concealed their ethnic origin this hero city's 900-day stand against the under a Russian name'," Nazi invaders and of the million or more ~ In recent months, leaflets have appeared who died to defend this western gate­ on walls demanding, "Russia is for way to the Soviet homeland. From the Russians-Death to Yids!" Jewish somber mass graves of the Piskarev- continued on page 4 Pamyat fascists march in Moscow, May 1987. For aProletarian Fight Against Stalinism and the POllular Front Trotsky Belongs to Workers of the World MEXICO CITY-In the garden of the battle over the heritage of Stalin. The Trotsky Museum in Coyoacan, in the Stalinist bureaucracy continues to exist, house where Bolshevik revolutionary . balancing atop and deforming the cola Leon Trotsky was murdered by a Stalin­ lectivized economy established by the ist assassin in 1940,.some 250 people Revolution of 1917. Perestroika is a attended a September 17meeting called bureaucratic response which endangers by the Partido Revolucionario de los the planned economy. The problems of Trabajadores (PRT-Revolutionary the planned economy can only be solved Workers Party), Mexican section of the through the re-establishment of soviet "United Secretariat of the Fourth Leon Trotsky at democracy by the workers ofthe USSR International," to demand, in the words Coyoacan, Mexico. and by the internationalextension of the of the PRT newspaper, "the political The Fourth October Revolution. rehabilitation of Leon Trotsky" (Ban­ International was "Instead of calling upon the Stalinist dera Socialista, 12 and 14 September). forged in struggle bureaucracy, it is necessary to direct against the class Speakers at the event included Trot­ co"aboration of the oneself to the Soviet masses. The works sky's grandson Esteban Volkov, who popular front. of Leon Trotsky must be published in underlined Stalin's criminal sabotage of the USSR. Then the Russian workers Soviet defense in World War II; United can decide for themselves if those works Secretariat (USec) leader Ernest Man­ are as important as we consider them del, who lauded recent Soviet denunci­ to be. ations of the Moscow Trials while stat­ "Today in Mexico a new popular ing that the USec's demand is for front has been formed. Trotsky de­ juridical, not "political" rehabilitation; popular front's attempt to exploit the geois politics is tantamount to desecrat­ fined the popular front as a class­ and popular-front presidential con­ name of Trotsky came in the remarks ing the memory of the Bolshevik revo­ collaborationist alliance subordinating tender Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, who made by a representative of the interna­ lutionary who fought unremittingly the proletariat to a sector of the exploit­ stated that as a supporter of freedom of tional Spartacist tendency. In response against the political subordination of ers. Today the popular front is trying to ideas he joined the call for juridical to the iSt, Mandel explicitly disavowed the working class to its class enemy. exploit Trotsky. But Trotsky does not rehabilitation of Trotsky. the PRT's call for "political rehabilita­ The following is a translation of the belong to the popular front; he belongs Among the speakers from the audi­ tion" of Trotsky. statement by the Spartacist tendency to the workers front, to the party of ence were Luciano Galicia, who in At the end of the event, following a representative: authentic Bolshevism. It was Stalin who 1939 deserted the Fourth International moment of silence at Trotsky's memo­ "In view of recent declarations by pushed a policy much like that preached claiming the leadership was forcing him rial stone, the popular-frontists chant­ Soviet spokesmen, it seems that the by many here today. The. Stalinist to capitulate to Lazaro Cardenas over ed: "Long live Leon Trotsky! Long live juridical rehabilitation of Leon Trotsky dogma of 'socialism in one country' the nationalization of the imperialist oil the Fourth International! Long live the in the USSR 'is under way. Never­ translates into the politics of the popu­ companies. Ironically, Galicia spoke victory of Cuauhtemoc Cardenas! Long theless, today's meeting was called­ lar front in the othercountries-a policy today in support of the popular front of live Cuauhternoc Cardenas!" In our according to the announcement in the whose tragic outcome was seen in Spain Cardenas Jr. The only opposition to the view, this explicit support for bour- newspapers-to ask for his 'political with the triumph of Franco and later rehabilitation.' But what is really posed with the triumph of Pinochet in Chile. now is a political struggle. In this "Against the popular front, and struggle, the international Spartacist against the apologists for the popular tendency believes, revolutionary work­ front, Trotsky founded (he Fourth Teach the Fascists a Lesson ers must not place their confidence in International, world party of socialist Hitler'scoming to power in Germany -, the Stalinist bureaucracy. On the con­ revolution. It is necessary to reforge in January 1933 fueled the growth of trary, they must struggle against the that Bolshevik-Leninist Fourth Inter­ fascism throughout capitalist Europe. In bureaucracy-the gravedigger of the national of Trotsky. To defend the France, responding to a fascist march in proletarian, internationalist and revo­ conquests of the great October Revo­ February 1934, workers began mobiliz­ lutionary principles of Lenin and Trot­ lution, it is necessary to return to the ing in united-front actions. Leon Trotsky sky-in order to defend the gains of the road of Lenin and Trotsky, fighting to wrote to his French comrades comment­ . Bolshevik Revolution. extend socialist revolution to the entire ing on a local incident and indicating "The battles over perestroika are a planet.". the tactics needed to disperse the fascist TROTSKY. menace. The key to answering the naked LENIN terror ofcapitalist reaction, Trotsky insisted, is mass proletarian action. What is the objective, notjustfor the moment butfor the entire coming period? Itis to get the workers to take up the struggle against the fascists before these elements Free Salvadoran have become the dominant force in the state, to get the workers used to not being afraid of the fascists, to teach them how to dealblows to the fascists, to convince them that they are stronger in numbers, in audacity, and in, other ways.
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