111 charter Councilmember Maris clarified the charter was not drawn up by the council, but by a cross-section of citizens, which would go to the citizens for a vote He said the council had nothing to do with it, and public meetings would be called and everyone's input was welcome He said the charter would design the structure of the city government and would be a roadmap for how the City conducts business EXECUTIVE SESSION An executive session was not required, therefore the Council did not convene in closed session 21 Deliberations Regarding Potential Purchase, Lease or Sale of Real Property (Section 551.072) 22 Deliberations Regarding Personnel Matters (Section 551 074) 23 Consultation with Attorney Regarding Pending Litigation (Section 551.071) RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 24 Reconvene to Open Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session 25 Adjourn - There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 7:13 pm upon motion Cou cilmember Maris and second by Councilmember Brockman R ity Secretary CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP 5:30 P .. M .. , TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2006 City Hall Council Chambers, 290 East Tyler Street Canton, Texas 75103 MINUTES 1 Call to Order - Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m with Councilmembers Ross Maris, Ron Sanford, and Rusty Wilson in attendance. Councilmember Robert Brockman and Raymond Pruitt were absent Also present was City Attorney Richard Davis 2. Invocation - None 3 Pledge of Allegiance - None 4 Declarations Regarding Conflicts of Interest - None 112 5 Proclamations and Announcements - None CITIZEN'S FORUM 6. Citizen's Forum - Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government that are not listed on the regular agenda - None CONSENT AGENDA 7 Consider Approval of Minutes from September 19 and December 20, 2005 City Council Meetings - No discussion 8. Consider Approval of December 2005 Financial Statements - Mayor Anderson asked staff to determine in which instrument the recently matured Fanny Mae note was reinvested He also stated he would like to find ways to pay off the five-year construction loans and to present clearer reports, possibly in the manner used by Greenville 9 Consider Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Application for a City Credit Card - Cliff Bowden explained the need for staff to have new credit cards with their names on them for security identification purposes Julie Seymore reported the type of card suggested earlier by Councilmember Wilson was not available to an organization of Canton's size. 1 O. Consider Adoption of an Amendment to Ordinance 96-06 Adopting the 2003 Standard Building Codes - Rick Malone explained the adoption of the 2003 International Building Codes was required by the state 11 Consider Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Boyle & Lowry, L L P for Legal Services Associated with the Development of a Home Rule Charter - Cliff Bowden informed the Council the law firm would be helping assist the citizens' charter commission and the consultant develop the home rule charter 12 Consider Acceptance of Petition for Annexation of a 28-acre Tract Situated in the J Douthit Survey, A-198, Located on SH 19 South, Owned by J W Burnett Family Trust, and Schedule Public Hearings for February 21 and 28, 2006 - Rick Malone explained the property adjoined the Firestation and EMS Building on the south side All agreed to hold the Public Hearings at 6:30 p.m on February 21 and at 11 :00 am on February 27 instead of February 28 INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 13 First Public Hearing on Voluntary Annexation of a 1 0-acre Tract Situated in the Q. C. Nugent Survey, A-618, Located on 1-20 North Service Road West of Highway 17, Owned by Kelly Cox -· Rick Malone reported the Cox property was about a quarter mile from Highway 17, and was to be used for an off-premise sign which by City Ordinance had to be on Interstate 20 and 4,500 feet from another sign 14 Consider Appointments to Water and Wastewater Future Planning Committee - Councilmember Maris stated he attended a meeting of the Texas Water Board which was in the process of approving a regional water plan they had been working on the past five years He said he found there was little planning for Van Zandt County's future needs and 113 the plan recommended the use of water wells, which was only a short-term solution He said the City needed to get involved in the development of future plans and if it didn't comply with the plan it wouldn't be able to access funds through the state He said other avenues needed to be researched with the Sabine River Authority He also said the City needed to determine its future long-term and short-term needs, research drought relief and the need for more serious conservation He recommended the formation of a committee comprised of himself and staff members Al Campbell and Patrick Terrell. He noted Van Zandt County did not have big lakes to draw from and the City needed to research public utility districts, building lakes, and then develop a plan and alternatives for presentation to the Council Cliff Bowden noted the wastewater treatment facility's longevity was short-lived Patrick Terrell explained the plant had been expanded to a 1.3 million gallon per day facility but with projected growth, it would only last to 2008 He said it had been in the expansion phase for three years and they needed to start planning for twenty to twenty-five years down the road when they would need to double capacity Al Campbell reported the lake level was down between 5.5 and 6 feet He also reported the plant was capable of producing 2 million gallons per day and it had peaked at 1 6 the past year leaving about 400,000 gallons per day growth if the plant were working properly and only 250,000 gallons per day if it were not He said they pumped another 500,000 gallons from the well, adding a little buffer He added the City needed to be looking into a long-range program either with the Sabine River Authority about where it might get water rights or by acquiring land for a future lake Councilmember Maris indicated the City may need to put in a few more wells for the short-term Mr Campbell reported the new well was expected to produce about one-half million gallons per day and the existing well produced about 250,000 gallons per day, which in the winter months would take care of the city's needs while it brought the plant down for maintenance Councilmember Maris stated both the water and sewer plants were nearing capacity and serious planning was needed Mr Bowden asked the Council to appoint a committee in addition to what the staff was already working on The Council discussed the potential problems smaller cities might have with their water contracts if lakes reach a level that would not support all those with rights Councilmember Maris said he'd like to see Lonny Cluck on the committee and Mayor Anderson stated Elaine Seymore had volunteered to serve on the committee APPOINTMENTS AND REPORTS 15 Mayor's Report - None 16 City Manager's Report - Deferred to the staff reports 17 Staff Reports - Lonny Cluck reported the new water well was coming in at $420,000, the new restroom bid was about $280,000, and the clarifier repairs were estimated to cost about $375,000 He asked Gary Burton to report on his inspection of Lake Meadows streets. Mr. Burton said he didn't see any major issues such as base failures, but the road had been in for seven years and had cracks in areas He added without knowing what's under the road he could not give a definitive opinion but could do four corings for $1,500 to find more. Mr. Malone said the builder followed the specifications at the time it was constructed Councilmember Maris said he didn't see any reason to core then Mr 114 Burton said some cracks needing fixing and maybe it needed more lime, but it wouldn't require any more maintenance than other roads in town Jim Stephens reported the City's first newsletter was at the press and would be mailed to water customers on the 24th He also reported taking bids to demolish the buildings on the recently acquired land downtown He said he did not yet have all that land obligated, but he had a good relationship with the owners and thought they would sell He further reported the parking lot behind the theater would be landscaped by Main Street and they would erect signage He said a lot of buildings downtown were empty for the first time in a while, but a new Downtown Economic Development Committee was working on it He also praised the Educate Van Zandt program organized formed four years prior Mayor Anderson asked Mr Stephens to find out if there was anything they needed that was feasible for the city to help with Councilmember Wilson asked if the budget allowed training on the new software and noted there were issues concerning the need for more training Tim Gothard reported the Fire Department answered 894 calls in 2005, double the year before; he was working with Smith County on a grant for computers in the squad cars; he was working on the First Monday Emergency Operations Plan, and the Fire Department 1 Banquet was scheduled for 7:00 p m , Saturday, January 28 " at the Senior Citizens Building Linda Hatfield reported First Monday was moving its offices to the log cabin; the Tony 1 Douglas concert was scheduled for January 28 "; they hosted an SCA event at the First Monday park the previous weekend; and staff had attended and planned to attend trade shows in Arlington, Atlanta, Georgia, Shreveport, and Longview Jerry Shamlin reported
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