CANADIAN CASES ON EMPLOYMENT LAW Third Series/Troisi`eme s´erie Recueil de jurisprudence canadienne en droit du travail VOLUME 88 (Cited 88 C.C.E.L. (3d)) EDITOR-IN-CHIEF/REDACTEUR´ EN CHEF David Harris, B.A., LL.B. Toronto, Ontario ASSOCIATE EDITOR/REDACTRICE´ ADJOINTE Liz Rice, B.A., LL.B. Barrister & Solicitor Toronto, Ontario ASSISTANT EDITORS/ADJOINTS A` LA REDACTION´ Robert Bonhomme, D.E.C., B.L.L. Michael J. Weiler, B.A., LL.B. Heenan Blaikie LLP Coutts Weiler & Pulver Montr´eal, Qu´ebec Vancouver, British Columbia M. Norman Grosman, B.SC., LL.B. The Hon. Mr. Justice Randall Scott Grosman, Grosman & Gale Echlin, B.A., LL.B. Toronto, Ontario Ontario Superior Court Toronto, Ontario Malcolm J. MacKillop, B.A., LL.B. Magali Cournoyer-Proulx, D.E.C., Shields O’Donnell MacKillop LLP L.L.B. Toronto, Ontario Heenan Blaikie LLP Montr´eal, Qu´ebec CANADIAN CASES ON EMPLOYMENT LAW, a national series of topical Recueil de jurisprudence canadienne en droit du travail, une s´erie nation- law reports, is published 12 times per year. Subscription rate $371.00 per ale de recueils de jurisprudence sp´ecialis´ee, est publi´e 12 fois par ann´ee. bound volume including parts. Indexed: Carswell’s Index to Canadian Legal L’abonnement est de 371 $ par volume reli´e incluant les fascicules. Indexa- Literature. tion: Index a` la documentation juridique au Canada de Carswell. Editorial Offices are also located at the following address: 430 rue St. Pierre, Le bureau de la r´edaction est situ´e a` Montr´eal — 430, rue St. Pierre, Mon- Montr´eal, Qu´ebec, H2Y 2M5. tr´eal, Qu´ebec, H2Y 2M5. ________ ________ © 2011 Thomson Reuters Canada Limited © 2011 Thomson Reuters Canada Limit´ee NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. 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ISSN 0824-2607 ISBN 978-0-7798-0609-6 Printed in Canada by Thomson Reuters CARSWELL, A DIVISION OF THOMSON REUTERS CANADA LIMITED One Corporate Plaza Customer Relations 2075 Kennedy Road Toronto 1-416-609-3800 Toronto, Ontario Elsewhere in Canada/U.S. 1-800-387-5164 M1T 3V4 Fax 1-416-298-5082 www.carswell.com E-mail www.carswell.com/email CARSWELL EDITORIAL STAFF/REDACTION´ DE CARSWELL Jeffrey D. Mitchell, B.A., M.A. Director, Editorial Production and Manufacturing / Directeur, service d’´edition et de production Catherine Bennett, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. Product Development Manager Julia Fischer, B.A.(HON.), LL.B. Sharon Yale, LL.B., M.A. Acting Supervisor, Legal Writing Supervisor, Legal Writing Mike MacInnes, B.A.(HON.), LL.B. Lisa Rao, B.SC., LL.B. Lead Legal Writer Senior Legal Writer Jocelyn Cleary, B.A.(HON.), LL.B. Stephanie Hanna, B.A., M.A., LL.B. Legal Writer Legal Writer Chauncey Glass, B.A., LL.B. Martin-Fran¸cois Parent, LL.B., Legal Writer LL.M., DEA (PARIS II) Bilingual Legal Writer Melissa Dubien Content Editor Ault v. Canada (Attorney General) 161 [Indexed as: Ault v. Canada (Attorney General)] Margaret Ault, Robert Collier, Robert C. Temple, Rod Shepherd, Richard Findlay, David Luck, Lucie Nobert, Marie-France Dufour, Bryan Armstrong (Plaintiffs / Respondents) and Attorney General of Canada (Defendant / Appellant / Respondent by way of cross appeal) and Sylvain Parent, Welton Parent Inc., Loba Limited and Raymond Jemus (Third Parties / Respondents / Appellants by way of cross- appeal) David Luck (Plaintiff / Appellant / Respondent by way of cross- appeal) and Attorney General of Canada (Defendant / Respondent / Appellant by way of cross-appeal) Ontario Court of Appeal Dennis O’Connor A.C.J.O., J.C. MacPherson, E.A. Cronk JJ.A. Heard: January 25-26, 2011 Judgment: February 28, 2011 Docket: CA C49464, C49446, 2011 ONCA 147 William McDowell, Monique Jilesen, Elizabeth Richards, Emily Graham for At- torney General of Canada Dougald Brown for Respondents in C49464, Appellant in C49446 Howard Yegendorf, Marcia Green, Stephanie Lewis for Third Party Respondents Torts –––– Fraud and misrepresentation — Negligent misrepresentation (Hedley Byrne principle) — Nature and extent of duty of care — General principles –––– Third parties W Inc. and P recruited people to resign from their employment with public service, join L Ltd., and transfer their pension monies to L Ltd.’s pension plan — Public servants, including eight plaintiffs, joined L Ltd. to gain this tax-deferred pension transfer under reciprocal transfer agreement (RTA) — Crown became suspicious as to legitimacy of arrangement — After plaintiffs commenced employment with L Ltd., they learned that transfers to pension plan had been suspended and that RCMP and CRA were investigat- ing — Pension plan was revoked, and plaintiffs’ pension monies were not transferred — At trial, judge awarded damages for negligent misrepresentation to seven of eight plain- tiffs, but not to L — L appealed trial decision — Crown also brought appeal, claiming that trial judge erred in finding that it owed plaintiffs duty of care, among other relief — L’s appeal dismissed — Crown’s appeal allowed in part — Crown had duty of care to provide information to plaintiffs about known significant risk associated with category of such RTAs — Crown was not only employer of plaintiffs, but also administrator of pen- sion plan of which all plaintiffs were members as federal government employees — It was plaintiffs’ status as employees in federal public service that grounded crown’s duty of care.
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