Wilton Manors Historical Society Collection--all rights reserved THE PAPER THAT'S READ AND STAYS HOME A Wonderful A Progressive Place to Live (1400 COPIES WEEKLY) Growing No Taxation THE Community WILTON MANORS BULLETIN OAKLAND PARK NEWS VOL. 2—NO. 39 WILTON MANORS, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1953 Gates Appointed NEWSY NOTES BETWEEN YOU AND ME REP. TED DAVID Woman's Club Bazar Elmer Elfers of Wilton Manors By Ted To Legion Office SEEKS SPEAKERSHIP Furniture has left to attend the ex­ State Rep. T. E. (Ted) David of And Cake Sale Saturday Now that the Christmas display at Francis Gates, County Veterans position of the Southern Furniture Hollywood has announced tnat he is a the triangle park has been removed, Service officer, was appointed com­ The annual bazaar and bake sale of Market at High Point, N. C. Furni­ candidate as Speaker of the House the question has been asked, when are missioner in charge of\ the Southern the Woman’s Club will be held Satur­ ture buyers all over the country are when the Legislature meets in Talla­ the two “parks” on the Drive going District for the rehabilitation program day at Manor H & H on Wilton in attendance. Mr. Elfers will buy hassee. The local representative is to be improved. of the American Legion. The appoint­ new summer lines for the popular well known in the Y«Hage and has Drive. Mrs. John Mulloch is the Sometime ago the Woman’s Club ment was made at the Palm Beach Wilton Manors Furniture store. numerous friends here. Rep. David asked permission of thr' Council for American Legion Conference. National chairman for the event; Mrs. Edwin * .>;■ ❖ appeared a few weeks ago as guest beautifying the two park areas. This Commander Lewis GougVi addressed Sargent, co-chairman; Mrs. Arthur Manor Market is putting finishing speaker at a meeting of the Civic permission was granted by the Council the conference. Morey, fancy work; Mrs. L. Stafford, touches on the parking lot. Workmen Association. who also authorized the installation of were busy over the week end painting In the event that David is success- children’s clothes and toys; Mrs. M. water lines, so that shrubs to be in­ parking lines at the lot. ful in his bid, he would not take over Eckhardt, the “misc. table”; Mrs. stalled could be watered. To date, the * office until the 1955 session. water lines have not been installed. Zoning Board H. Caro, candy booth; Mrs. Ervin The police are doing a good job on We are sure that Councilman Earl Clayton R. Leaver, plants. Mrs. Dave the directing traffic at Old Dixie and Gurney, who did a fine job in clean­ Turner will demonstrate the making 26th Street nightly. The traffic light ing up the Drive recently, will be glad Holds Meeting Planning Committee of ceramics, while Mrs. C. Wilson to be installed is due to arrive any to assist in the long delayed project. Brown will have charge of the figurine day. The Zoning Board held its regular For Village booth and demonstrate making them. * ** * * meeting at Village Hall on Monday On the recommendation of Coun­ Hostesses for the last meeting were Construction work is underway by night with all members in attendance. Mabel Barwick at Manor Insurance cilman Earl Gurney a committee of Mrs. H. A. Johnston and Mrs. Perry Clayton Leaver of Tropical Construc­ representative citizens was appointed Agency reports that hundreds of tags The Board accepted a plat for Coral Mickel. Members present were Mrs. tion Company for the new stores on to serve were sold during the first week that Point subdivision with the proviso as a long range planning H. C. Cain, Mrs. E. R. Sargent, Mrs. the Drive. that the developers build nothing -but group for the Village. The commit­ * * the office was open. This is a con­ Clayton Leaver, Mrs. John Mulloch, R-l construction unless they return to tee will in no way conflict with the Mrs. H. A. Johnston, Mrs. Ervin Eck­ venience for residents in the area. Maurer and Maurer Builders, Inc., the board for lower zoning for the duties of the Zoning Board. Those hardt, Mrs. R. Newton, Mrs. J. A. Buy your tags early and avoid that report to us that their model home on, specific area. appointed to keep an eye on the future Boyd, Mrs. Edward Weseloh, Mrs. J. wait in line. N. E. 5th Ave. and 26th Street has growth and development of the Vil­ A. Bell, Mrs. O. Hagen, Mrs. Alvar *’ Another plat, Almar .Estates, ’ -as been sold. In addition another home :> ' . * lage include Mayor Perry Mickel, W. accepted as submitted by the devel­ Hagen. just under construction on 26th Street Bryan Davis, Norman Malcolm, Dave Virginia’s House of Beauty on the opers Almar Estate^ is located north Also Mrs. John Freudenthaler, Mrs. has also been sold. The company ex­ Turner, E. W. McGuire, Roy Stoffey, Drive reported to us that she was of 26th Street and adjoins North An­ Sidney Sandler, Mrs. M. H. Caro, pects to erect five more homes in the Charles A. Saxer, Rev. Russell D. most pleased at the results obtained drews Avenue. This development is Mrs. G. A. Merton, Mrs. L. Stafford, immediate area. Toms, Carl Turner and Alvar Hagon. * with her ad in hte Bulletin. In fact expected to have at least 100 home- Mrs. Hulda Miller, Mrs. W. J. Robin­ sites. son, Mrs. W. W. Brown, Mrs. Dave Joseph W. Koli is visiting his the paper just hit the street and sev­ Turner, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Matt. Matt- mother, Mrs. Julia Kohli of Trailer eral appointments were made for her The Mcjunkin’s, J. M. and J. N., beauty feature. Lauderdale To Study muller, Mrs. Roy Lent, Mrs. Frank Haven. Young Kohli is in the Air also appeared before the board rela­ Tamburrino, Mrs. Mabyn Thomas, Force and expects to be stationed in tive to the zoning of property on Wil­ * * Galt Annexation Mrs. W. C. Leaver. Alaska. ton Drive. On motion of Guy Smith, A committee of Ft. Lauderdale of- Mrs. Edwir^ Sargent was elected * ** Les Bagwell was recently appointed Blocks 21 to 40 and Block 20 through r IpJs 1-: . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. McNiff of as alternate member of the Planning 18 will be zoned for business, facing future as to whether that municipality tee, and Mrs. Norman Malcolm and Pittsburgh are visiting their son Tom and Zoning Board. Wilton Drive only. It is understood can and should annex the mile of Mrs. F. W. Tamburrino were named McNiff of 226 N. E. 23rd Street. that negotiations are being made with * ocean front property owned by Arthur for new officers for the coming year. * * * a national chain outfit for location at T. Galt. The new slate of officers will be Ruby Myers and Bill Iverson of Dick Marthens, newly elected Oak­ this property. Some time ago it was Planning board Chairman George posted the first meeting in February : Audrey Cleaners now opened on the land Park official, was sworn into rumored that Sears-Roebuck intended W. English appointed the committee in the Village Hall. Drive also operate a store and plant to locate in Wilton' Manor. Manager office on Wednesday night. Dick real­ recently after City Manager Milton in Pompano. Mathers of the local Sears store de­ ly had to win the election twice to Link announced that the city commis­ nied this as their lease on the present gain the Council seat. sion is considering annexation of this Lauderdale store ran until late ^1954. and other unincorporated areas. NEWS OF TROOP 4 £ * Hawkins' Sale of A motion was also passed recom-. It has been considered likely for W. P. (Duke) Hartman was recent­ mending to the council that the’ ordiy some time that the city, which made The first meeting of 1953 was held an effort to get the Galt property in $319,000 Top of Thursday at the Village Hall, our new ly elected as district commissioner for nance presently in effect be amended the 1951 legislature and lost in meeting place. The meeting began the Scouts. Hartman has been most to read that a minimum of 750 square a con­ test with Oakland Park, would try at 3:00. At 25 minutes till 4:00 Donna active in civic affairs. He is a mem­ feet of living space be adopted for Realty Closures again at the forthcoming session. Henderson adjourned the meeting. We ber of the local Kiwanis Club. Another home construction, exclusive, of This was confirmed by Link, who One of the biggest real estate deals had a party because our troop had Scout official from the Village is porches, car portes or garages. The 1,000 said a study of the matter by the plan­ consumated during the past week was been in session for 1 year, and Mrs. George E. Brown who is field Scout present ordinance calls for ning board would be helpful. the sale of property by Mayor Dewey Owens turned the leadership over to Executive. square feet. English selected J. H. Philpot, Earl Hawkins of Oakland Park amounting Mrs. Harry Genthenberg. Our guests * * * Members attending included Chair­ Jones and W. G. Osborn to work with to $319,000. The tract owned by the were: Mrs. Clayton Leaver, neighbor man Gates, Bell, Beimly, McElhattan, Link, City Attorney Thomas O. Berry- Oakland Park Mayor and his wife chairman; Mrs. Paul A. Elhatten, Mrs. The annual Bazaar and bake sale Saxer, Newton, Smith and Bagwell. hill, Chief Building Inspector Harry consisted of acreage located on Flor- Gene Peterson, Mrs.
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