CENSUS 1981 PARTS XIII-A & 8 VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY SERIES -5 VILLAGE & TOWN\VISE GUJARAT PRIMARY CENSlfS ABSTRACT DISTRICT SURENDRANAGAR CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK R. S. Chhaya of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operation6 Gujarat Tarnetar, the fair of colours and costumes is held at the temple of Trinetresh­ war Mahadev near Tarnetar village of Surendranagar district on Bhadrapad Sud 4, 5 and 6th (August-September). This is the most important fairs of Saurashtra but has now become popular throughout the country and attracts foreigners also, The temple is called Trinetreshwar Mahadev as Lord Shiva is said to have opened his third eye here to burn Kamdev. The existing temple has kund (reservoir) with 8-10 steps with a tulsi kyara in its midst. The temple of Trinetreshwar mirrored in the kund presents a beautiful site reflecting the arts of famous sompura archi­ tecture. On Bhadrapad Sud 5 or Rishi Panchami it is believed that rishis used to take bath in this kund when the sacred river Ganga visited it. thousands of people flock in pious mood to take a dip in the kund. It is also popular belief that Draupadi's Swayamwar was arranged here and Arjun one of the five Pandavas performed the Matsyavedh where there is a tulsi kyara at present. The main importance of the fair lies in that it is a LOKMELA in its true sense. The principal attractions of the fair are the spontaneous folk music and folk dances, a speciality of the region. An umbrella is one of the main symbols of this colourful fair. The taluka and gram panchayats jointly organise exhibition of embroidery work and competitions of umbrella, sports & ras etc. ~ The competition of the coloured umbrella plays an important role in the matchmaking which is one of the most important features of this colourful fair. YOl;lng boys and girls ot Kanbi, Rabari, Bharwad and Kali castes dressed in beautiful and cOlourful costumes meet each other and select their life partners. Their parents often participate and help them GUJARAT DISTRICT SURENDRANAGAR e JZ Ib 20 MILES ~~~~=I~I~+==~ 12 16 20 24 Ze Kms o u 5 DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS TALUKA HEADQUARTERS VILLAGE HAVING 5000 AND ABOVE DISTRIC T BOUNDARY. POPULATION WITH NAME TALUKA BOUNDARY URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION •••••• NATIONAL HIGHWAY. SIZE CLASS I lJ III IV V & VI STATE HIGHWAY POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE' PTO OTHER IMPOR'... tH ROAD ,1 DEGREE COLLEGE AND TECHNICAL ~ '-,-s­ BROAD GAUGE WITH STATION ---'''__~. I • INSTITUTION. CD RS .-~/ METRE GAUGE WITH STATION .~ REST HOUSE, FOREST BUNGALOW,. RH,FB NARROW GAUGE WITH STATiON . ... RIVER AND STREAM ~~-­ CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 LIST OF PROPOSED PU BLICATIONS Central Government Publications-Census of India 1981 Series-5-Gujarat are being p~blished in the following parts : Part Subject Covered Number *I-A Administration Report-Enurn ration I-B Administration Report-Tabulation +II-A General Population Tables *II-B General Population Tables - Primary Census Abstatract III-A General Economic Tables-B-Series ( Tables B-1 to B-1O) III-B General Economic Tabks-B-S~ries (Tables B-1 t to B-2~ ) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables-C-Series (Tables C-l to C-6 ) IV-B Social and Cultural Tables-C-S:ries (Tables C-7 to C-IO) V-A Migration Tables-D Series (Tables D-l to D-4 ) V-B Migration Tables-D Series (Tables D 5 to 0-13) VI-A Fertility Tables-F-Series (Tables F 1 to F-19 ) VI-B Fertility Tables-F-Series ( Tables F-20 to F-28) *VII Tables on Houses and Disabh·d Population VII I-A Household Tables (Tables HH-I to HH-16 ) VI1I-B Household Tables (Table HH-17) VIII-C Report on Households IX Special Tables on Schedlued Castes and Scheduled Tribes X-A Town Directory X-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns X-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages XI Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Sche4~itiJ ~li$t~ and Scheduled Tribes XII Census Atlas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDB,()OK. , . XIII-A Village and Town Directory XIII-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract * Published + Under print Note : (1) AU the maps included in this publication are based upon Survey of l1idia map With the permission of the Surveyer General of India. (2) (C) Goverment of India Copyright 1984. ERRATA. District : Sure.dran.gar ERRATA Dist : S uC'eodranagar Part-I (Inset Table) ----- Page Particulars Col. For Read Page Particulars Col. For Read No. No. No. No. -~-----.----- xxxii Table No. 14 SI.No.2 3 123 124 xxxii Table N0.1.4 SI.No.3 4 64.04 63.8S 4 18.98 19.13 xxxvii 21 I 12 83.65 33.E4 4:4 S1.No. 3 3 41S 9 17 10.00 10.0~ Part-II (Village Directory) 12 Wadhwan Taluka Total 4 737198 75950 3S L.C.No. 16 13 EA (12554) (121571) 16 w(99.00) we(99.00; Taluka : Limbdi 17 13 EA 25 L.C.No. 57 13 EA 18 13 EA 16 w(24.00) we(24.00) 16 w(9.00) we(9.00) 27 L.C.No. 70 13 EAg 19 13 EA 16 w(127.00) we(127.00) 16 w(l26.00) we(l26.00) 27 75 11 KR PR 20 13 EA 26 76 11 PR KR 16 w(16.00) we(1600) 27 80 13 EAg 21 13 EA 80 16 w(94.00) we(94.00) 16 w(l3.00) we(13.00) 37 8S 13 EAg 34 13 EA 16 wt96.OO) we(96.0J) 36 13 EA 16 w(Z.OO) we(Z.OO) Taluka: Sayla 39 44 13 EAg 35 L.C.No. 13 EA 16 w(S.OO) we(S.OO) 16 w(40.00) we(40.00) 46 13 EAg 2 13 EA 16 w(7.00) we(7.00} w(41.0(J) we(41.00) 16 54 13 EA 35 EAg L.C.No. 4 13 16 w(55.00) we(SS.OO) we(4S.00) 16 w(45.00) 61 13 EAg 5 13 EA 16 w(S8.00) we(SS.OO) 16 w(29.00) we(29.00) 6 13 EA Taluka : Chotila 16 w(24.00) we(24.00) 47 L.C.No. 10 13 EA 7 13 EA 16 w(IS.OO) we(1S.00) 16 w(20.00) we(20.00) 13 13 EA 8 13 EA 16 w(24.00l we(24.001 16 w(nOO) we(72.00) 14 13 EA 9 13 EA 16 w(7.00) we(7.00) 16 w(61.00) we(61.00) IS 13 EA 11 13 EA 16 w i 3_00l we(3.00) 16 w(40.0J) we(40.00) 13 EA 14 13 EA 16 w(lI.00) we(11.00) " 16 w(35.00) wc(35.00) 16 15 13 EA 19 13 EA 16 w(2S.00) we(25.00) 16 w(l6.00) we(J6.00) CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS ERRAfA Dist : Surcodraosgar PagG P<trticulars Col. For Read P,lge r,lrthuLlr:; C ,I. Por Read Nl. ----- __________ l'L'.__ ____ No. IV - ~.-~----.-- -----~-~-.--.- -. ----. _._._-----,- 47 L.eNo 20 13 EA 77 L.e.No. 32 19 48,83 43.53 16 WflO.OO) WE(lO.OO) , , ., 34 13 BAg 21 13 EA 16 W(223.00) WE(223.00) " " 16 W(13.00) WE(I3.00) 79 48 20 M:T N:T 22 13 EA " " ,- Taluka : Dhrangadbra 16 WC25 .OO ) WE(25.00) 46 ., 22 10 BS.RS. BS. 88 L.S.No. 23 12 Dhrangadhra-6 Dhrangadhra-8 49 26 W(39.00) WE(39.00) 88 32 4 912 912 " 16 " 28 13 fA (163) (165) " " 16 W(19.00) WE(19.00) 92 Dbrangadh ra , , 30 13 EA Taluka total 3 13,0306,01 13,0306.0J " Dhrangadhra 5636.08 16 We 11.00) WEOI.OO) Rural Area 53 ,. 76 16 T(78.00) T(78.00) 135942.09 W(77.00) Wf78.00) Taluka : Dasada ., 87 7 W,Tk W,Tk,Hp,R,C " 99 L.C.Nll. 19 13 EAg Talu~a : MuIi 25 13 EAg .' " 29 13 EA 63 L.C.No. 13 EAg 101 " 36 13 EA 16 W(65.00) WE(65.00) " .- 37 13 EA Taluka : Halwad " .' 103 56 13 EA 75 L.C.No. 105 75 13 EA 1 20 Jain Temple " 20 " " 13 EA Taluka : Lakhtar 16 W(283.00) WE(283.00) III L.C.No. 14 13 BAg 77 31 13 " EAg 113 23 13 EA 16 W(61.00) WE(6I.OO) " 24 13 EA " , ' Part-Ill (Town Directory) 136 Statement No.1 7 5867 5367 142 Statement No.5 6 Jamnagar Surendranagar Sl.No. 8 SI.No. 10 (49.0) (49.0) 138 Statement No.2 11 Halwad Halwad S1.No. 3 (9) (0) ERRATA District : Snrelldranagar Page Col. Page Par ti cu la rs For Read Particulars Col. No. No. No. No. For Read iv 1st Half-I1Ird Para- Promnience Prom· 37 ------~.-~. -- "_ --_- L. C. No. 42- 16 (42.00) W(42.00) 10th Line inence Ovangadh vi lInd Half-1st Para- receveid received 39 L. C. No. 55- 20 Brith Birth 17th Line Dhandhaipur lInd Half-ht Para- Use modern Use of 40 L. C. No. 75-0ri 6 PH, S, PHS. 2nd Line modern FPC FPC 47 L. C- No. 10-Abhepar 16 T(18.000) T(18.00) xii lInd Half--Statemcnt of 2 Wheat· Wheat Retail Price·SI. No.5 Coarce Coarse 50 L.
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