6th-8th Grade List by Author's Last Name 2018-19~S A B C D E 1 ZPD Points Author Title Location 2 6.8 1 Aaseng, Nathan Florence Griffith Joyner: Dazzling Olympian sp 796.42 AAS 3 6.9 15 Abbott, Jim & T. Brown Imperfect, An Improbable Life 796.357092 ABB 4 4.5 4 Abdel-Fattah, Randa The Friendship Matchmaker 5 7.1 9 Abeel, Samantha My Thirteenth Winter: A Memoir canf 362.19 ABE 6 4.1 5 Acampora, Paul Howto Avoid Extinction 7 6.1 1 Adams, Simon The Cold War 973.9 ADA 8 8.3 1 Adams, Simon Eyewitness- World War 2 940.53 ADA 9 5.9 1 Adamson, Thomas K. Basketball, The Math of the Game 796.35701 ADA 10 6.1 1 Adamson, Thomas K. Baseball, The Math of the Game 796.357 ADA 11 7.9 4 Adkins, Jan Thomas Edison: A Photographic Story of a Life 92 EDI 12 5.9 11 Ahmedi, Farah & T. Ansary The Other Side of the Sky 305.23086 AHM 13 9 12 Albanov, Valerian In the Land of White Death 919.804 ALB 14 8.1 36 Alcott, Louisa May Little Women haf 15 8.1 19 Alcott, Louisa May Little Men haf 16 9.8 6 Aldred, Lisa Thurgood Marshall: Supreme Court Justice eb 92 MAR 17 Test in Progress Alexander, Kwame Rebound 18 5.3 9 Alexander, Lloyd The Beggar Queen f 19 5.4 7 Alexander, Lloyd The Castle of Llyr f 20 5.5 5 Alexander, Lloyd The Illyrian Adventure f 21 6.1 11 Alexander, Lloyd The High King f 22 6.2 9 Alexander, Lloyd Taran Wanderer f 23 5.6 13 Aliferenka & Ganda I Will Always Write Back 305.235 ALI 24 4.5 4 Allen, Will Swords for Hire hff 25 5.2 6 Allred, Alexandra Powe Atticus Weaver 26 5.3 7 Alvarez, Jennifer Lynn The Guardian Herd Bk1: Starfire 27 4 6 Amato, Mary Guitar Notes 28 5.1 12 Anderson, Jodi Lynn May Bird and the Ever After Bk 1 29 5.4 9 Anderson, Jodi Lynn May Bird Among the Stars Bk 2 30 5.8 9 Anderson, Jodi Lynn May Bird Warrior Princess Bk 3 31 5.5 11 Anderson, John David Granted 32 4.4 7 Anderson, L. H. Fever 1793 haf 33 5.4 10 Anderson, Laurie Halse Forge 34 5.6 11 Anderson, Laurie Halse Ashes 35 5.8 7 Anderson, M>T. (et al) The Exquisite Corpse Adventure 36 4.6 3 Angleberger, Tom Origami Yoda Bk 2: Darth Paper Strikes Back hf 37 4.6 4 Angleberger, Tom Origami Yoda Bk 3: Secret of the Fortune Woikee 38 4.7 3 Angleberger, Tom The Strange Case of Origami Yoda Bk1 huf 39 4.7 4 Angleberger, Tom Origami Yoda Bk6: Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus 40 4.9 4 Angleberger, Tom Origami Yoda Bk 4:The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppet 41 4.9 4 Angleberger, Tom Origami Yoda Bk 5: Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue 42 5.8 9 Angus, Sam A Horse Called Hero 43 6 9 Angus, Sam Soldier Dog 44 5 5 Applegate, K.A. The Mayflower Project, Remnants Series Bk#1 scf 45 3.6 4 Applegate, Katherine The One and Only Ivan 6th-8th Grade List by Author's Last Name 2018-19~S A B C D E 46 4.2 3 Applegate, Katherine Wishtree 47 5.7 19 Apptleton, Scott The Sword of the Dragon Bk2: Offspring 48 5.8 14 Apptleton, Scott The Sword of the Dragon Bk1: Swords of the Six 49 6.1 19 Apptleton, Scott The Sword of the Dragon Bk3: Key of Living Fire 50 5.6 8 Armer, Laura A. Waterless Mountain aef 51 4.3 6 Armistead, John The $66 Summer aef/haf 52 4.4 6 Armistead, John The Return of Gabriel aef 53 5.3 3 Armstrong, William H. Sounder aef 54 8 5 Aronson, Marc Sugar Changed the World: A story of magic, spice, slavery, freedom & Science664.109 ARO 55 8 6 Aronson, Marc Up Close: Robert F. Kennedy 92 KEN 56 5.9 4 Asgedom, Mawi Of Beetles & Angels: A Boy's Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard 973.04928 ASG 57 7.6 2 Ashabranner, Brent Their Names to Live By 959.704 ASH 58 9 23 Ashe, Arthur Days of Grace, A Memoir 796.342092 ASH 59 4.5 9 Asher, Jay What Light 60 4.9 7 Atkinson, Elizabeth I, Emma Freke 61 7.2 16 Atkinson, Jay Ice Time: A Tale of Fathers, Sons, & Hometown Heroes 796.962 ATK 62 4.2 8 Auch, MJ One-handed Catch 63 5.7 14 Auxier, Jonathan Peter Nimble & His Fantastic Eyes 64 5.6 7 Auxier, Jonathan SA Fall of the Beasts Bk4: The Burning Tide 65 5.2 17 Aveyard, Victoria Red Queen 66 3.5 8 Avi City of Orphans ahf 67 3.6 4 Avi Don’t You Know There’s a War On? awf 68 3.7 5 Avi The Good Dog fwa 69 3.7 3 Avi The Christmas Rat caf 70 4 5 Avi Blue Heron caf 71 4.2 6 Avi The man Who was Poe myf Iron Thunder: The Battle Between the Monitor & the Merrimac 72 4.3 4 Avi aw/haf Hard Gold: The Colorado Gold Rush of 1859: A Tale of the Old 73 4.6 5 Avi West 74 4.7 13 Avi Beyond the Western Sea: The Escape from Home af 75 4.8 7 Avi Crispin: At the Edge of the World hff 76 5 7 Avi Crispin: The Cross of Lead hff 77 5.1 9 Avi Sophia's War 78 5.2 6 Avi Seer of Shadows f 79 5.3 8 Avi The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle af 80 4.9 4 Avi The Player King 81 4.5 6 Ayres, Katherine Stealing South ha/aef 82 5 4 Babbitt, Natalie Tuck Everlasting f 83 5.1 10 Bachmann, Stefan The Peculiar 84 6.1 16 Backman, Fredrik A Man Called Ove 85 5.7 7 Bacon, Katherine Jay Finn caf/fwa 86 4.2 9 Baggott, Julianna The Prince of Fenway Park f/spf 87 5.5 11 Bagnold, Enid National Velvet fwa 88 4.5 8 Baldacci, David Cahills vs. Vespers Bk 6: Day of Doom 89 4.8 15 Baldacci, David The Keeper Bk2 6th-8th Grade List by Author's Last Name 2018-19~S A B C D E 90 5.2 20 Baldacci, David The Finisher Bk1 91 7 12 Ballard, Chris One Shot at Forever 796.357 BAL 92 6.6 2 Ballard, Robert D. Exploring the Bismarck 940.54 BAL 93 5.4 11 Balliet, Blue Pieces and Players 94 5.2 9 Balliett, Blue Hold Fast 95 5.4 6 Balliett, Blue Chasing Vermeer 96 5.5 8 Balliett, Blue The Calder Game 97 5.4 7 Banks, Lynne Reid Tiger, Tiger hff/fwa 98 8 1 Banks, Martin Conserving Rain Forests 574.5 BAN 99 7.9 1 Barbara, Tylor. Eyewitness - Arctic and Antarctic 508.311 TAY 100 4 4 Barnes, Derrick We Could Be Brothers 101 4.7 6 Barnes, Joyce Ann Promise Me the Moon caf 102 4.8 12 Barnhill, Kelly The Girl Who Drank the Moon 103 5.7 10 Baron, Ruth Defriended 104 5.4 3 Barrett, William Lilies of the Field haf/aef 105 5.0 9 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk3: The Fires of Merlin 106 5.1 12 Barron, T.A. The Lost Years of Merlin Bk1 107 5.2 12 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk2: The 7 Songs of Merlin 108 5.4 9 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk4: The Mirror of Merlin 109 5.8 14 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk5: The Wings of Merlin 110 5.9 11 Barron, T.A. Merlin's Dragon Bk1 111 6.1 9 Barron, T.A. Merlin's Dragon Bk2: Doomraga's Revenge 112 6.1 8 Barron, T.A. Merlin's Dragon Bk3: Ultimate Magic 113 4.4 6 Barrow, Randi Saving Zasha 114 4.8 13 Barrow, Randi Finding Zasha 115 4.7 12 Barry & Pearson The Bridge to Neverland 116 5.2 13 Barry & Pearson Peter and the Star Catchers Bk1 f 117 5.2 14 Barry & Pearson Peter and the Sword of Mercy Bk 4 118 5.3 16 Barry & Pearson Peter and the Shadow Thieves B2 f 119 5.5 12 Barry & Pearson Science Fair: A Story of Mystery…& a Very Nervous Frog 120 5.6 14 Barry & Pearson Peter and the Secret of Rundoon Bk3 f 121 4.6 4 Bartoletti, Susan No Man’s Land awf 122 4.9 5 Bartoletti, Susan The Boy Who Dared, based on true story of WW2 123 5.1 6 Bartoletti, Susan C. Down the Rabbit Hole: The Diary of Pringle Rose 124 7.4 8 Bascomb, Neal The Nazi Hunters 956.9405 BAS 125 7.7 10 Bascomb, Neal Sabotage 940.54 BAS 126 4.1 5 Baskin, Nora Raleigh Anything but Typical 127 4.8 5 Baskin, Nora Raleigh Nine, Ten: A September 11 Story 128 5.0 16 Batson, W.T. & C. Hopper Berinfell Prophecies Bk1: Curse of the Spider King 129 5.0 19 Batson, W.T. & C. Hopper Berinfell Prophecies Bk2: Venom and Song 130 5.4 21 Batson, W.T. & C. Hopper Berinfell Prophecies Bk3: The Tide of Unmaking 131 5 11 Batson, Wayne Thomas Dreamtreaders Bk 1 132 5 12 Batson, Wayne Thomas Dreamtreaders Bk 2: Search for the Shadow Key 133 5.3 11 Batson, Wayne Thomas Dreamtreaders Bk 3: War for the Waking World 134 4.6 13 Batson, Wayne Thomas Isle of Swords Bk 1 135 5.3 14 Batson, Wayne Thomas Isle of Fire Bk 2 6th-8th Grade List by Author's Last Name 2018-19~S A B C D E 136 5.8 13 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Door Within Bk #1 chf 137 5 13 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Rise of the Wyrm Lord Bk #2 chf 138 5.2 14 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Final Storm Bk #3 chf 139 5.1 18 Batson, Wayne Thomas Sword in the Stars Bk 1 140 5.1 24 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Errant King Bk 2 141 3.6 6 Bauer, Jennifer Close to Famous 142 3.5 5 Bauer, Joan Tell Me 143 3.7 6 Bauer, Joan Almost Home 144 5.1 6 Bauer, Joan Hope Was Here caf 145 3.6 6 Bauer, Joan Soar 146 5.3 6 Bauer, Marion Dane Face to Face af Land of the Buffalo Bones: The Diary of Mary Elizabeth Rodgers, 147 5.9 7 Bauer, Marion Dane an English Girl in Minnesota haf 148 6.4 8 Beam, Christy Wilson Miracles from Heaven: A Little Girl, Her Journey to Heaven, & Her Story 92 BEA 149 4.6 7 Beatty, Patricia Be Ever Hopeful Hannahlee haf 150 4.7 6 Beatty, Patricia Sarah and Me and the Lady by the Sea haf 151 4.9 7 Beatty, Patricia Turn Homeward Hannah Lee Bk 2 haf 152 5.9 11 Beatty, Robert Serafina and the Black Cloak Bk1 153 5.9 14 Beatty, Robert Serafina and the Twisted Staff Bk2 154 6.2 13 Beatty, Robert Serafina and the Splintered Heart Bk3 155 6 22 Beckham, David Beckham: Both Feet on the Ground: An Autobiography 796.334092 BEC 156 6.8 6 Beckham, David David Beckham's Soccer Skills 796.334 BEC 157 5.7 9 Bee, Coach Clair Dugout Jinx spf 158 6 9 Bee, Coach Clair Pitcher’s Duel spf 159 4.6 6 Behrens, Andy The Fast and the Furriest 160 5.3 10 Bell, Alex Frozen Charlotte 161 4.9 5 Bell, Hilari The Prophecy 162 5.6 10 Bell, Hilari The Shield, Sword, & Crown Bk1: Shield of Stars 163 5.4 6 Bell, Taryn America's Next Top Model Bk1: Face Value 164 6.1 19 Bell, Ted The Time Pirate: A Nick McIver Time Adventure Bk 2 165 6.3 19 Bell, Ted Nick of Time: An Adventure Through Time Bk 1 166 8.4 1 Bender, Lionel Eyewitness - Invention 609 BEN 167 6.2 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime
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