17388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE August 23 By Mr. DENT: By Mr. DOOLEY: By Mr. RAINS: H. Res. 622. Resolution for the investiga­ H.R. 13118. A blll !or the relief of Juliana H.R. 13127. A bill for the relief of Santa. tion of effects of foreign trade on American Poleac; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Giamalva; to the Committee on the Jud1c1- economy; to the Committee on Rules. By Mr. FINO: ary. H.R.13119. A bill !or the relief of Marlene By Mr. RIEHLMAN: E. Belfast; to the Committee on the Judi­ H.R. 13128. A bill for the relief of Marla PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ciary. Falato Colacicco; to the Committee on the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H.R. 13120. A bill for the relief of Maria Judiciary. Cascarino; to the Committee on the Judi­ By Mr. SMITH of California: bills and resolutions were introduced and ciary. H.R. 13129. A bill for the relief of Ali Khos­ severally referred as follows: By Mrs. GRIFFITHS: rowkhah; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. BOLAND: H.R. 13121. A bill for the relief of Hans By Mr. TEAGUE of California: H.R. 13113. A bill for the relief of Zofta Hangartner; to the Committee on the Judi­ H.R. 13130. A bill for the relief of Jung Wodynska; to the Committee on the Judi­ ciary. Ngon Woon; to the Committee on the Ju­ ciary. By Mr. HARMON: diciary. By Mr. BROYHILL (by request): H.R. 13122. A bill for the relief of William By Mr. WALTER: H.R. 13114. A bill for the relief of 'Isabelle C. Wells; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 13131. A bill for the relief of Narin­ A. Samaha; to the Committee on the Judi­ H.R. 13123. A bill for the relief of Richard der Singh Somal; to the Committee on the ciary. Heffner; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Judiciary. H.R. 13115. A bill for the relief of Mrs. H.R. 13124. A bill for the relief of Delbert Jack R. Ellis; to the Committee on the Judi­ J. Mauller; to the Committee on the Ju- ciary. diciary. · PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. CHAMBERLAIN: By Mr. LANE: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, H.R. 13116. A bill for the relief of Djura H.R. 13125. A bill for the relief of Salva­ 535. Mr. KOWALSKI presented a resolu­ Zelenbaba; to the Committee on the Judi­ tore Tummino; to the Committee on the Ju­ tion of the Department of Connecticut, Vet­ ciary. diciary. erans of Foreign Wars of the United States, By Mr. CURTIS of Massachusetts: By Mr. POFF: recommending continued identity and sup­ H.R.13117. A bill for the relief of Nikolaos H.R. 13126. A bill for the relief of Bryant port of the Veterans' Employment Service, D. Koukounas; to the Committee on the David Virmani; to the Committee on the which was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Judiciary. Veterans' Affairs. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS We Want Medical Insurance, Not a The administration's handling of this erend John C. Jutt of St. Casimir's whole question has been incomprehen­ Church, Worcester, was the convention "Giveaway" sible. First it told us there was no need honorary chairman. for any medical care program for the The feature of the evening was the EXTENSION OF REMARKS elderly. As the election approached, the ceremony during which the officials of OF administration took another look at the this great patriotic organization con­ HON. FRANK KOWALSKI mass of incontrovertible evidence and ferred their Distinguished Award Medal suddenly espoused the cause of medical upon our former colleague in the House OF CONNECTICUT care for the elderly. But, instead of an and present junior Senator from Con­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES insurance program under which our citi­ necticut, THOMAS J. DODD. The medal Tuesday, August 23, 1960 zens would pay during their working is annually given to the non-Lithuanian years for protection in their older years, Mr. KOWALSKI. Mr. Speaker, in who has done most to advance the free­ the administration advanced its subsidy­ dom of Lithuania. Senator Donn's in­ view of the administration's long­ charity program. shouted claims that the budget takes spiring acceptance award address ap­ I urge that we bury forever the charity pears elsewhere in today's RECORD. precedence over everything else, it is as­ concept in social programs. Let us allow tonishing to find the President support­ It was my privilege to speak briefly each American to preserve his dignity as to the assemblage and I have been re­ ing a plan for direct subsidies that could a free citizen; let us reject the anach­ cost the U.S. Treasury $1.7 billion a year. quested to include in the RECORD my re­ ronistic thinking whereby the adminis­ marks, which follow: Were the program to have other sponsor­ tration would have us deal with our own ship, I am sure that the very spokesmen senior citizens in terms of treasury hand­ Madam Chairlady, Your Excellency Bishop who advocate it would be calling it a outs and public charity. Flanagan, Reverend Fathers, Your Honor giveaway. Mayor O'Brien, invited guests, officers and members of the Knights of Lithuania, it is As for the means test requirements of a particular privilege and pleasure to meet the administration plan, should we move again with some of my old friends here and backward in our social thinking to the Knights of Lithuania 47th Annual Con­ join in welcoming you out-of-town members days of the poorhouse and the county to our great city, the heart of the Common­ farm? vention at Worcester, Mass., August 21, wealth. Instead of the subsidy and charity pro­ 1960 It is a significant tribute to the character posals of the administration, I believe and understanding of the Lithuanian people the American people would much prefer that the fundamental objectives of your EXTENSION OF REMARKS great organization are prominent among the the pay-as-you-go, self-supporting med­ OF virtues most desperately needed by this ical care proposed in Forand-type legis­ Nation today to successfully defeat the Com­ lation. HON. HAROLD D. DONOHUE munist enemy and lead the world to a last­ None of us and particularly the senior OF MASSACHUSE'rl'S ing peace under God. citizens of the United States want any IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Your first purpose is to instill in your Federal handouts; we don't want any members a deeper love of the Catholic faith. Federal charity. We want a workable Tuesday, August 23, 1960 This you have consistently done and by your insurance program that will give us pro­ Mr. DONOHUE. Mr. Speaker, last public expression of belief and trust in tection against the costs of illness when Sunday evening the Knights of Lithu­ divine providence you provide an inspiring example to your fellow citizens as well as, I we reach retirement age. ania concluded their 47th annual con­ might say, a timely warning. We have an efficient social security vention with a great banquet at the You realize that without a wider accept­ system already operating, which could Hotel Bancroft in my home city of ance and practice of basic moral laws and easily handle the administration of a Worcester, Mass. principles by our people, this Nation is in medical care program. There is no need The Most Reverend Bernard J. Flana­ grave danger of collapsing from internal for the establishment of a costly new gan, D.O., bishop of Worcester diocese, weakness. You are devoting yourselves, in agency. addressed the gathering and the Rev- patriotic concern, to preventing such a dis- 1960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 17389 graceful catastrophe and thEl country is par­ There being no objection, the state­ munities now listed in the surplus labor ticularly indebted to you for your effective ment was ordered to be printed in the category. I have been over a large part work on this score alone. RECORD, as follows: of the 22d Congressional District in the Your further objectives are to encourage the appreciation of American citizenship and STATEMENT BY SENATOR BYRD OF WEST past several weeks. In some communi­ Lithuanian traditions and provide social ac­ VIRGINIA ties and in some industries business is tivities. As one who was born, and has lived SOCIAL SECURITY brisk and pay envelopes are plump. and worked among you all my life, no one Although I supported the Anderson What is immediately apparent, however, has to tell me about the high manner in amendment, I do intend to vote for the are the valleys of inactivity and unem­ which you have carried out these objectives. passage of this bill. I am particularly inter­ ployment that mar what would other­ Your patriotic zeal in instructing and pro­ ested in the provision to permit men to wise be a very satisfactory relief map of moting the acceptance of the responsibilities voluntarily retire at age 62. This language economic conditions in our business dis­ of good citizenship among your members is was adopted by the Senate Committee on trict. You have the same conditions in well recognized and universally admired. Finance, it having been proposed by an The Lithuanian traditions, the heritage of amendment offered by me and cosponsored regions of West Virginia, Kentucky, and your forefathers, are those of love of God, by 21 other Senators. in a number of other States. loyalty to country, family faithfulness, pres­ Moreover, I believe that removal of the To correct the situation would not re­ ervation of individual freedom, and perse­ age 50 requirement is a necessity.
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