Called to Serve A Defenders of the Faith Web Enhancement by James Wyatt Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Pal- Ehlonna, Goddess of the adins offers suggestions for holy (and unholy) quests Woodlands and missions that churches might request or demand Protect the woodlands—slay a rampaging Additional Credits clerics undertake on behalf of their deities. Divine evil monster; persuade loggers to avoid a quests can serve as great adventure-starters, not just Editing: Carrie Bebris sacred grove; rescue a sylvan creature that Web Production: Sue Cook for clerics but for any character or party with alle- has been captured; help defend a fey com- Web Development: giance to a patron deity. munity from attack. Negotiate peace Mark Jindra Of course, each god has his or her own agenda in the between squabbling centaurs and elves or Graphic Design: SeanGlenn, world, so the nature of such quests can vary drastically humans, or persuade them to unite against a Cynthia Fliege from deity to deity. Also, as Defenders of the Faith points common evil foe. Seek out an ancient nature Based on the original DUNGEONS & out, even churches devoted to the same god might spirit—perhaps a thousand-year-old dryad, DRAGONS® game by E. Gary Gygax emphasize different aspects of that god or parts of the treant, or nymph—or a sacred shrine built and Dave Arneson and on the new god’s portfolio, and thus might hand down very dis- edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS high in the branches of a sky-embracing game designed by Jonathan Tweet, similar quests. tree. Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Let these suggestions, arranged by deity, get you Baker, and Peter Adkison. started—whether you’re the player of a cleric, paladin, Erythnul, God of Slaughter D&D, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and DUNGEON or other devout character, or a DM in need of a hook Wreak havoc—seize control of an organi- MASTER are registered trademarks owned by for your next adventure. zation, settlement, or nation (by killing the Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards charac- ters, character names, and the distinctive like- person currently in charge), disrupt delicate nesses thereof are trademarks owned by Boccob, God of Magic Wizards of the Coast, Inc. peace negotiations (by killing the diplo- This material is protected under the copyright Undertake quests involving magic or knowledge— mats), or put an end to an order of do- laws of the United States of America. Any recover lost tomes, scrolls, or spellbooks; find an reproduction or unauthorized use of the mate- gooder paladins (by killing them all). Raze a rial or artwork contained herein is prohibited ancient library; create a special wondrous item. Dis- temple of Pelor; destroy a holy artifact of without the express written permission of cover a minor or major artifact, or preserve one from Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Heironeous; prevent a pesky band of adven- This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity those who would destroy it. Unearth lost secrets. Pre- turers from recovering a lost relic of St. to actual people, organizations, places, or serve the balance of the universe—prevent good, evil, events is purely coincidental. Cuthbert. ©2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights law, or chaos from gaining some ascendancy, or help reserved. Made in the U.S.A. the opposite forces rise as well. A distant and Fharlanghn, God of Roads inscrutable deity, Boccob may send his worshipers on Execute missions involving travel—blaze a new trail quests with no clear purpose, serving only the god’s to undiscovered country; reopen lines of communica- own secret aims. tion to a lost colony or outpost; visit a neighboring civi- lization simply to learn about it. Find out why no one Corellon Larethian, God of Elves can get through a mountain pass (an avalanche, bandits, Help the elf race—support an elf army against a monsters?). Follow a peregrine falcon on its journey— band of orcs or an army of evil humans bent on razing it might lead to a relic, a cleric, or another quest. the woodlands; serve as a diplomatic envoy from the elves to a nearby nation; recover an ancient artifact of a lost elven civilization. Oppose servants of Gruumsh. Garl Glittergold, God of Gnomes Overthrow a tyrannical human ruler who seeks to Help the gnome race—scare dwarf miners away impose her rule on the elves. from infringing on gnome claims through practical jokes and pranks; put a pompous ruler in his place; 1 drive off a threatening giant. Oppose servants of Kur- peace with a nearby elf community; reclaim the lost Axe tulmak, the kobold god. Solve an intricate puzzle to of the Dwarvish Lords. Oppose servants of Gruumsh. win a magical prize. Support the rightful dwarven queen against the usurper who murdered her father. Preserve the order Gruumsh, God of Orcs and tradition of the community. Promote the orc race—lead a raiding party against humans or elves; retake an orc fort held by dwarves; Nerull, God of Death drive off adventurers making trouble in orc lands. Chal- Execute missions of death—kill for death’s own sake; lenge a weak cleric and assume his position. Oppose start a magical plague; hunt down a wizard who has servants of Corellon Larethian and Moradin. Capture a been cheating death. Seek out undeath; become a lich, half-orc child born in human lands, so that she can be ghost, or vampire. Lead undead hordes to kill the living raised by orcs. and add to their numbers. Heironeous, God of Valor Obad-Hai, God of Nature Perform deeds of valor—defeat powerful evil enemies Preserve the wilds—defend a holy grove from all (often supernatural, such as evil outsiders or undead); encroachers (good or evil); protect a powerful beast promote truth and justice; prove one’s own honor and from its would-be slayers (possibly led by a cleric of courage. Frontal assaults are common. Recover holy Ehlonna); prevent a fey community from exterminat- items such as swords or armor. Fight minions of ing the bugbears that share the woods (and vice versa). Hextor, particularly the Fists of Hextor (detailed in Cooperate with a circle of druids to prevent miners Sword and Fist). Help people in need, from princes in from violating untouched mountains. distress to beleaguered peasantry. Punish the guilty and protect the innocent. Olidammara, God of Rogues Missions? Quests? Chaotic Olidammara expects his Hextor, God of Tyranny followers to find their own way in the world—follow- Engage in deeds of tyranny—conquer a village, city, ing his example, surely, but not obeying his commands. or nation and rule it through fear; organize a gang to dominate a lower-class district and extort “protection” Pelor, God of the Sun money from local businesses; capture people and sell Champion the cause of good—slay a powerful evil them as slaves or draft them into service in an evil king- creature (an undead creature, or a monster that spreads dom’s military. Recover unholy weapons and armor. disease); find powerful items of good (items of healing, Fight minions of Heironeous and paladins wherever of light, or of fighting undead); help the sick, wounded, they are found. and poor. Fill the world with good deeds. Oppose fol- lowers of Nerull and other evil deities. Kord, God of Strength Carry out acts of liberation—free slaves, captives, or St. Cuthbert, God of Retribution conscripts; overthrow tyrants; defeat bullies. Break Perform deeds of righteousness—find a criminal and chains, both literal and figurative, wherever they are bring her to justice; establish order in a lawless frontier found. Fight for everyone’s right to freedom and the town; track down a servant of evil hidden in the fold of search for happiness. Defeat powerful evil enemies—a the faithful. Avenge a murder or other crime commit- devil, or a dragon who demands regular sacrifices. Seek ted against the church. Recover an artifact associated items and magic that improve the cleric’s own body and with truth, justice, or retribution. soul, including items like belts of Strength. Oppose fol- lowers of Hextor, who represent tyranny, and Erythnul, Vecna, God of Secrets who abuses freedom. Unearth dark secrets—seek out a lost tome of evil magic; blackmail a powerful person with his blackest Moradin, God of Dwarves secrets, or reveal such concealments in order to unseat a Help the dwarf race—support a dwarf army against ruler. Entice a good wizard into exploration of evil mys- orc raiders from beyond the mountains; negotiate a teries, luring her into madness. Seek out the Eye or Hand 2 of Vecna and use these artifacts to amass personal power. a settlement agreement with a surly human baron. Stand up for the community when larger folk try to Wee Jas, Goddess of Death and take advantage of the halflings. Find out why crops are Magic failing and put a stop to it. Lead a halfling band into Embark on quests involving magical knowledge— unexplored territory to found a new settlement, or discover lost spells or the process for creating a minor guide them to a distant, near-legendary halfling native artifact; learn the secret of becoming a lich; find a pow- land . or promised land. erful necromantic tome or item. Create a magic item or research a new spell. Contact a dead wizard on the ABOUT THE AUTHOR Outer Planes to learn his magical knowledge. Investi- James Wyatt wrote dozens of articles for DRAGON Maga- gate a strange magical phenomenon. zine and five DUNGEON adventures before joining the Wizards staff in January 2000.
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