Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / Sept. 1 their homes. These are the signs of a reviv- ing so that we can bring the deficit down ing economy. by half within the next 5 years. Now we must build on this progress and We must negotiate trade agreements make sure that the economy creates enough with other nations. My administration will new jobs for American workers. Next week be vigilant in making sure our agreements I will travel to Ohio, Missouri, and Indiana are followed by all our trading partners. to talk about my agenda for job creation With free trade and a level playing field, across America. American workers can successfully compete As part of this agenda, our Nation needs with any workers in the world. a comprehensive energy plan so that our This long weekend is a well-deserved re- businesses and homes can rely on a steady ward for the millions of men and women and affordable supply of energy. The recent who make this economy go. I wish all blackout in the Northeast shows how im- Americans a happy and restful Labor Day. portant reliable energy is to the American Thank you for listening. economy and demonstrates the need to take action on good energy policy. So when NOTE: The address was recorded at 9:55 a.m. Members of Congress return from the sum- on August 29 at the Bush Ranch in Crawford, mer recess, I will again ask them to pass TX, for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on August a sound energy bill as soon as possible. 30. The transcript was made available by the America needs legal reform, because Office of the Press Secretary on August 29 junk lawsuits can destroy a business, and but was embargoed for release until the they’re making health care coverage less broadcast. The Office of the Press Secretary affordable for employers and workers. And also released a Spanish language transcript Congress must restrain Government spend- of this address. Remarks on Labor Day in Richfield, Ohio September 1, 2003 Thank you all. I don’t know about you, stands this, and who loves his country, is but we needed a little rain in Crawford. Mr. Frank Hanley. I’m proud to be trav- [Laughter] Send it that way, if you don’t eling with him, and I know you’re proud mind. [Laughter] Thank you so much for to have him as your president. coming out on Labor Day. I appreciate so You know, it’s interesting that it was many folks enduring the rain to say hello union leaders who first suggested a day to to the President. I am thrilled you are here, honor America’s workers. And I’m glad we and I’m thrilled I’m here. do. And I’m proud to be here in Ohio The working people of this country de- with Ohio families celebrating Labor Day. serve a day off, and it looks like you’re I’m grateful to the Operating Engineers for enjoying it. [Laughter] I want you to know hosting us today. This union represents that I know the strength of the American men and women of great skill and great economy comes from hard-working men professional pride. and women. This country prospers because I want you to think back to that fateful of people who give their best effort every day, September the 11th, and what hap- day to support their families, to go to work, pened afterwards. It was then that the to make America a better place. One man whole world saw the skill and commitment who traveled with me today, who under- 1075 g 31 2005 08:31 Aug 02, 2006 Jkt 198803 PO 00000 Frm 00271 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 \\ALPHA3\E\HR\OC\198803.009 198803 Sept. 1 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 and incredible work of the Operating Engi- I like to remind people that a culture neers who manned the heavy equipment of responsibility is coming in America. One to clear Ground Zero. You overcame un- of the reasons why is that we see every imaginable challenges; you removed the day people who are willing to serve some- rubble in record time. You are now working thing greater than themself in life. Our to make sure America is prepared for any children see heroes again, because they see emergency, and this Nation is grateful for police men and women and firefighters and your skill and your sacrifice. emergency teams and military personnel We’re also grateful to some other hard- who sacrifice for something greater than working Americans who don’t have the day themselves in life. And for all the officers off, the people of the United States military who are with us today, I thank you for who are winning the war against terror. your line of service for America. The war against terror goes on. It goes I want to thank Governor Bob Taft for on because we love freedom, and we’re greeting me at the airport today. I appre- not going to change, and our enemies hate ciate so very much two United States— freedom. It goes on because there are cold- the two United States Senators from the blooded killers who have hijacked a reli- State of Ohio who are with me today, and gion. It goes on because we refuse to re- I suspect may be looking for a ride back lent. And the best way to protect our to Washington—[laughter]—Senator homeland, the best way to make sure that George Voinovich and Senator Mike we listen to the lessons of September the DeWine. Steve LaTourette and Ralph Reg- ula, Members of the House of Representa- 11th, 2001, the best way to do our solemn tives, are with us today as well, and I ap- duty to the American people is to chase preciate them coming. I mentioned Gov- the killers down, one by one, and bring ernor Taft, and Jennette Bradley, the Lieu- them to justice. tenant Governor, is with us. Jim Trakas is And so on this Labor Day, when many with us, who is the Ohio State house major- have the day off, we thank our men and ity leader. I want to thank all the local women who wear our uniform. We thank officials for coming out to say hello. them and their families. We thank their Today I want to talk about our economy. sacrifice, and we want all to know, you I want people to understand that when make our Nation proud. somebody wants to work and can’t find a I appreciate our Secretary of Labor, job, it says we’ve got a problem in America Elaine Chao, for her hard work and her that we’re going to deal with. We want outreach to labor leaders all across the everybody in this country working. We country. want people to be able to realize their per- I want to thank Jim Gardner, the general sonal dreams by finding a job. And we’ve vice president and business manager of got a lot of strengths in this economy. One Local 18 for—he’s the host of this event. of the greatest strengths, of course, is the I want to thank Jim for setting up this workforce. We’ve got the best workers in beautiful site and for the weather. [Laugh- the world. We’re the most productive work- ter] ers in the entire world. Productivity is up. I traveled today as well with Chuck Can- What productivity means is that we’ve got terbury. He’s the president of the Fraternal a lot of hard work, and we’re using new Order of Police. I appreciate you coming, technologies to make people more effective Chuck. I want to thank those who wear when it comes to the job, and that’s impor- our Nation’s uniform when it comes to pro- tant. viding police protection and fire protection. You see, in 1979, it took more than 40 We appreciate your service. hours of labor to make a car, and now 1076 31 2005 08:31 Aug 02, 2006 Jkt 198803 PO 00000 Frm 00272 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 \\ALPHA3\E\HR\OC\198803.009 198803 Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / Sept. 1 it takes 18 hours. We’re productive. Our cession should have been deeper.’’ That workers are really productive in America. bothers me when people say that. You see, Higher productivity not only means we can a deeper recession would have meant more produce better products, but it means our families would have been out of work. I’m people are better off. The more productive interested in solving problems quickly. I you are, the better off our workers are. want more people working. You see, it’s better to operate a backhoe No, we did the right thing with tax relief, than it is a shovel. That’s what we mean and we were beginning to pull out when by productivity. Higher productivity means the terrorists hit us. And they struck us that workers earn more, and it means it hard. Cost our American economy about takes less time for workers to earn the $80 billion. The attack of September the money to buy the things they need. 11th had a high price tag to it. That’s the In 1908, the average factory worker had equivalent of wiping out about one-fifth of to labor for more than 2 years to buy a Ohio’s economy.
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