tr,-. I-'’ - I I • . - r s''" A' ;fiU;E Rionr&Et) iHanrbPBlPr lEn^ttiitg TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1»57| Fall Fashion Time Tomorrow; Bu^Rides to Shopping Areas 'All boys t or 10 years of age school crossings, proper cars in Stance, Nancy BuiUran, .uaan guest during the, afternoon and rs- '-'•jp' '"7.^ 1 wishing to Join an active Cub Beat Master Goiincilor Verplanck Holds walking to and from school, and Venesla, Lawrancs Whits and celved an ovation. Average-Dally Net Preaa Run A b o u tT o w ii Scout pAck at the North Ehid Sharon Wilion. Each then explain­ The program opened with the: The Weather ■ care in riding aybicycle. He asked FOR RENT, Far thp Week Eaded .- should attend the meeting at the Safely Program each pupil to m his share to at­ ed his location and duties. reading o f ntocial prayer by Miss' \ Ofneen uid membcra^ ef th« North Methodist Church Fridsy/ . q 8opt 14, ie57 Faremef ef U. S. Waatbar Bureaa BriUBh Amerkan Club^^11 'mebt tain a long and happy life. Mrs. Harold Falla: safety chair­ Catherine Shea, principal, the aal- ‘ at the clubhouaa at. 7;S0 tonight Sept. 23, at 7 p.m. Parents must Safety was the keynote for the Jo.vae Fillip led the following man of the Verplanck School PTA, ute to the flag, and singing of LEASE tr SALE attend \^th their sons. assembly held at toe Verplanck patrol membra in the aafety pa­ apoke of the national award re­ "Americg the Beautiful." n d r loalgbL Lew 8e-85. Ttmra- prot««d Uiera to the 578 .Main St„ Manrbestrr 12,530 Holaua runaral Home to pay rci- School yesterday aiternoon. trol pledge :/CharleB Barrera, Mary ceived by the school last year, and doy ooattaiied fair, etoodlaeaa la Members of the-Army and Navy Ellen Bottom, Stephanie Boutllier, axpreased the hope that the chil­ AT WENTWORTH INSTITITTE (Next to First Natl Ba«b) , Mambar at tka Audit peeta to John Lannbh, a member aub will meet at 7:16 tomorrow Sgt. Henry Oauruder of the lo­ j 1 story biirk buHding wItt Alraan a( Otrenlatlaa . aftomoosi. High 75-IM. o f tba club. cal Police. Department installed 18 Patricia Fellham. Michael, Gilbert. dren would work toward that goal Robert Smith,, son of Mr. and night at the clubhouse, or at 7:80 Roger Gjfimm. Frank Klnet, Brian again this year. [front and rear paHiiag. Call | Manchester^A City of Village Charm new members of the safety patrol.' Mrs. Gerard Smith, 31 Overland owner MI 8-7408Ml afteri 51 | at the comer of Bigelow and Main In his short address to the' chil­ Loomla/Barbara Luppachino, Mi­ School Patrolman Thomas Smith St,,' has entered Wentworth In- f.m. TM PoUah Ladtes Alliance will Sta., t o proceed to the flolmes bSId ita monthly meeting tomor* dren, Sgt. Gauryder atressed co-1 chael /Monahan. Philip Rusconl. who is atationed' at the Immediate atitute, Boston, where he la attidy- Funeral Home .to pay reapecli to operation uflfh cifflcera at the' Catherine Shannon. Richard school crossing, was a special Ing arcjiitectural eonatnictlon. VOL. LXXVI, NO. 297 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1«, 1957 (diaatflad AdvartlaiBg aa Peg* N ) PRICE FIVE CENTS row mgbt at 7:S0 at the Polish John Lennon, a member of the American caub. club. -----------...........-------------------- , 't >*»■!'» ........ Drtta C3uM>ter, No. M, R e y a I Arch Haaona, win bold a buaineas The Connecticut Philatelic So­ ciety will celebrate its 10th an _ meattiig tmnorrow evenlAg at 7:30 7- ■, Flu Hits J'ln the Maaonic Temple. TTie meet­ nlversary with a special stamp ing will be followed by. the usual exhibit at the New Haven Arena, HALE’S •odal hour and refreahmenta Grove St.. New Haven, Sept. 28 through Oct. 1. from 1 to 10:30 / /- H ard id Canter Church Senior Choir will p.m. The following members in this vicinity are promoting and will at­ rebearae Wedneadsy night at 7:30 / In Memorial Hall the "^' church tend the exhibit: Hisi Anna E. Bass of Columbia, and Walter B. Newcomers, including high school ■ / 8 S tates ' Btudeata, art Invited to Join the Schober, Francis H. Lewis and Maurice Dsnxiger, all of Manches­ choir and may coine t o . rehearsal Robert B. McConnell or telephone Mrs. R Russell Peery, ter. By THE AMOOMlTBD PRB88 choir director. Robert B. McConnell, 16i« Ulley Thousands of flu cases, °The weekly meeting of the St.. was elected "Best Master most of it believed to b« of the American Legion Band will avil Air Petrol (CAP* vrill be held at the Ameriesn Legion Home, at Councilor" of the Order of De- the Asian variety,^were re­ hold a meeting and rehearsal at Molsy for Connecticut at the 1987 ported today in eight states 8 p.m. in the Legion Rome. Plans 7 p.m. tomorrow. Final plans will DeMotay State conclave in Meri­ have been made for tba Band Fam­ be made for the annual Eastern^ den. from New York to Trxad. ily Outing Sunday at 3 p.m. at Am- Connecticut Group Statewide En­ McConnell, employed by Man- School-age children were ■ton lAke. campment. c>hester Drug, was chosen from hardest hit. GOI^Props M/SSfSSfPPf 3rd Caucus among 18 master councilors. Our Lady of Victory Mothers Members of. Temple Chapter. The states included New Orcle will meet tomorrow night No. aS, Order of the Eastern Star, This is the second time a local York, Texas, Missippi,- Flor­ are/ reminded of the Informal master councilor has won this Three Bills at 8:15 at the home of Mrs. Frank. honor Newton Schiebel won the ida, Missouri/ Pennsylvania, Scheduled Roberts, 104 Lockwood St. dance Saturday ei'ening at the ,West Virginia and Oklahoma. luntry Club beginning at 8 honor in 1953. FASHION SHOW LOUISIANA A Board of Health report' o'clock. Tickets may be purchased McConnell has been in DeMoIay since 1983. In 1955 he received the TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY at 2:30 ahowad 34,000 casea in ^ iiastaaipi^., On Ageniia T om orrow from Mrs. Arthur Gustafson. 47 ,r the epidWie slago Mneeton St., or at the door Sat­ first William "Dad” Walsh Award. • a Outbreaka near Jay MeSpaden, Lake St., was Fashion Department— 2nd Floor axistod in 12 MtBrisaIpprxcountiea. urday evening. Attendance, is not Dr.'. A. L. Gray, director, of pre- j State Capitol, Hartford, ^ State C 8 p i t pi, Hartford, limited to Eastern Star members. nominated as best first receptor In LECLERG Connecticut at to* convention. ; . HALE'S FASHION DEPARTMENT cor­ ventive dtaeaae control for Mis- - Sept. 18 (IP) — Republican Sept. 18 (/P)— House Republi- siaalppi, said most of the raaes FUNERAL HOME Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brown. 11 dially invites you to a showing pf the latest fall leaders who control the Legis­ cflns failed today in their faahion creations by NELLY DON. RE­ are Aslan flu, Up to 40 per eenl Aoadeiny St., hare returned from of the population haa or has lature, decided today to elimi­ second caucus in two days to High Point, N. C„ where their son. FRESHMENTS plua door prizes of a 117.98 and nate from consideration at come to an agreement On a Flim A L Dale, has enrolled as a freeman ♦19.95 NELLY DON dress! flu In soma aresA he added. \ > Russell Stover Doetora investigated, a suspect­ the special se.s.sion three of drought relief program to be at High Point College. He is a ed epidemic of Asian' flu sunong SERWE 1837 graduate of Manchester High We’il be expecting to see you — Hundreda of gallona of yellow and purple paint amear the approach to the Charter Bridge more than 50 proposals enacted for Connecticut fann­ more than 400 school chUdren tn toll Btation where a truck smashed Into a booth and then into the back of a car. (AP Phdtofax.) Walter N. • School. CANDIES the town of Hastings in . Oswego which were introduced yes- ers by the General Assem­ / /Leelero ' ■{ i terday, including a bill that bly’s special session. ■ ’ Our' Lady of Fatima Mothers County. N. Y. i ' '^Director $1.35 Lb. And Dp Rome 8ehoola. CSooed j would prohibit ga.<tnline dia. JCaJortty leader Frederick Pofta dtols wUl hold a potliick at the 7r.' (R-Fa]rfleTd), who reported 33 Main Street, Manchester Five schools In Hastings re-! I tributorsJ frefrom discriminating j. home of Mrs. Peter Cordera, 181 Exclusivm tn malned closed. They suspended! idge Crash "lUbatantial oppbaiUon" to tho two Endridge S t, tomorrow night at y U.S. M otes to Bar in sales to retailers. f Call H f 9.5869 Manche$ter at classes yesterday, the first schools. main proposals at yesterday’s cau- 7:18. News now! Nelly Don In New York state to do so be-! I The decision was made at a lead-1 evur, said ther* waa "atlU oppoal- S j^ s Purple, i era' conference as to whether the expresses the season's cause of flu. | tion" today. , Ninety pupils at an elementary i proposals came within the call of | Pop* doclined to *labormt*, but QUINN'S most important trends school in Niagara Falla, N. Y., Red China in U.N. :> the special tebaion, summoned to ! Arrowa Indicate the path of tropic storm Esther which hit the Indicated that th* oppoMUon was Y e l ow ! the capitol primarily . to consider: Louisiana coast and headed towa vMltsissippl' and Alabama. diminishing aomewhat Th*r* will PHARMACY were atricken with an illness be­ I drought relief for farmers. (AP Photofax).
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