o«fxii iNSTrrun OF TCCHNOIOCY PMIIAOEIPMIA, PA. t^M E XLIV FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1967 NUMBER 19 M e t . Eng. gets big grant to develop top strength Drexel’s Metallurgical Engi­ nological University, mechanical NSF grant would enable his de­ neering Department hit the big engineering. partment to make “major for­ time earlier this month with a According to the NSF, Drexel ward strides.” To implement $527,000 NSF grant to develop received the grant on the basis the program, he said, will re­ “ outstanding strength.” of “carefully considered plans quire additional faculty with The NSF was looking for de­ developed by the institution to background in polymer science, partments that were already support its long-term objec­ applied mechanics, electronic strong enough to build up to the tives.” materials, theoretical solid state “ outstanding” level, and the Met physics and process metallurgy. Eng Dept, was one of only four Enlarged scope In addition to teaching and doing that NSF found. research in tiieir specialities, Other schools receiving the The grant is aimed at develop­ ing materials processing and de­ these faculty will provide day- grants were: University of New to-day contact with other en^- Mexico, mathematics; Clark Un­ sign engineering in the depart­ ment of metallurgical engineer­ neerlng and science depart­ This infernal co n trap tio n , the "rhino,” may get you in Drexel's iversity, Massachusetts, geo­ ing. The essence of the plan is ments which have materials ac­ graphy, and Tennessee Tech- ■parking lot. to enlarge the scope of depart­ tivities. mental activities to include re­ search and education in the areas Bus Ads receive Rhino^ to be newest deterrent of polymeric and ceramic mater­ ials and at the same time add additional depth to the exist­ membership in top to illegal parking on Drexel lots ing faculty. The grant will support six business group An unauthorized car in any of cost of towing away, Buildings have a sticker. graduate students for the first The business college sou^t iDrexel’s parking lots may find and Grounds assured The Tri­ Sandra Speers, head of the year and ten for the second and and received the recognition Dean la gadget called a vehicle im- angle. Senate parking committee, hopes third years. It will also enable Jam es M. P arrish thought It Imobilizer attached to the rim An alternative to the “rhino” that the vehicle immobilizers will Drexel to acquire and remodel deserved when It received noti­ lof its wheel beginning this fall is an automatic gate system. be an effective innovation and additional laboratory space and fication that the American As­ Iterm. This, however, has boen put aside that the problems caused by add equipment and supplies. sociation of Collegiate Schools This apparatus, known as a since one card or key could open Drexel’s diminishing parking fa­ Dr. George D. D ieter, head of of Business (AACSB) had accept­ (“rhino,” makes it im possible the gate for many cars. Twenty- cilities will be remedied. the department, noted that the jto move the car, and will re- five cents a day per car has also ed Drexel's application for mem­ Iplace the tow-away method of been suggested but this would bership. Membership in this prestige I dealing with those who take ad- open Drexel’s facilities to the organization Is based on a bus­ Ivantage of Drexel’s parking fa- public and mean total satura­ Student referendum starts iness administration school’s ef­ jcilities without paying. It will tion. fectiveness and professional ef­ lalso aid the administrators in Garage slated ficiency, according to Dean Par­ I finding out just who is tres- rish. “The association has more Ipassing without making the fre e - Development plans include a second half next week ment shall consist of an ex­ or less become an assurance to I loaders assume the cost of tow- four-story garage on Drexel’s Students will vote starting people of the continued excel­ ecutive branch known as the ling. campus, slated for construction Monday at 11 a.m. on the new lence and proficiency of schools in about two years. Each level student government constitution, Executive Council; o legisla­ enrolled in It,” he said. 1 How it works is 6-1/2 feet high and this would as presented to the student body tive branch known as the As an adjunct to association It operates this way: an completely eliminate the possi­ last term by the Student Govern­ Congress; and a judicial with the AACSB, the college qual­ I attendant spots or cannot stop bility of a tow-truck system. ment Reorganization Committee. branch consisting of the ifies for a national honors fra­ Ian unauthorized car. He rep o rts Other improvements in Drex­ This vote, which will be con­ several courts. ternity, Beta Gamma Sigma. Dr. I his discovery and attaches the el’s parking situation include a ducted next Monday through F ri­ Section 27 The Executive Coun­ Parrish said that such an honor­ limmobilizer onto the c a r. When change from windshield to bump­ day from 11 to 2:30 p.m. each ary organization will be estab­ I the driver returns, he will find er stickers and a plan to pro­ day, is the second half of the cil shall consist of the elect­ ed officers of the student body. lished on Drexel’s campus this notification of his c a r being cess parking applications before all-campus student poll on the fall barring any unforeseen c ir­ I immobilized and a directive to registration each term sothatthe restructured government. (Last Section 3. The Student Congress cumstances. I report to the Departm ent of the student may receive ten weeks of term’s tally, incorrectly report­ shall consist of 28 students; In addition to the academic I Physical Plant, where he must parking. All motorcycles will be ed in the last Triangle, was 1031 foujr (4) representatives elect­ honorary. Dean Parrish reveal­ I pay a fine. The scale of penal­ parked in the library lot for the in favor and 83 opposed.) ed from each class and. In ed In April that his college was ities has not yet been set, but remainder of this term and start­ The referendum also contains addition, the President and studying the possibility of an I costs---- will.T*** be^/v. lowerxvrwvA thanUlAll theUlC lilging falllaiA termWC* lit will be required to-___ ^ six other questions on matters Vice-President of the Sopho­ Honors program to be Imple­ of student interest, including un- more, Pre-Junior, Junior and mented this fall for selected Umlted cuts, the pass/fail op­ Senior Classes. students. tion, m e n ’ s FreshmanCamp, vol­ Section 4. The Judicial Branch No courses required untary meal tickets and class shall consist of the Faculty- Orientation eases j The purpose of an honors sys­ Student Judicial Board, the Stu­ ^ .,1 tem Is to allow interested, qual­ The proposed government will dent Court of Review and the ified students to accelerate their consist of three branches instead Special Courts. pre-college woes j of the one-branch government program within the framework now in operation. The expanded Pow ers of existing courses. There would be no specific courses required structure will be accompanied by Section 1. The Executive Coun­ by Jock Becker of the students, but a program increased powers and responsi­ cil shall have the power: which each student could design ‘Now I won't feel lost the The speakers all informalized bility, and possibly increased 1. to give the indent Con­ for himself from the courses ^ of school,” asserted their talks, helping to create a student interest. This last facet gress Information concern­ I me freshman. And I knew how congenial, familiar atmosphere. is expected through the popular ing the state of the campus offered to all students. felt. I had just played “ F re sh - It relaxed the 17- and 18-year- election of a student body presi­ and recommend for their The advantages would include olds who were making their first dent. Too, the legislative branch consideration such mea­ advanced placement, and stu­ ^ Day,” and I came away dents would be allowed to take I ™ the same impression. contact with college. will be slightly reduced in size, sures as they may judge and a separate judicial branch necessary and expedient. courses while In industry. Dean If,, u Zuspan, dean of Parrish added that there would I eshmen, distributed evaluation “ Country boy" drawl will be created. 2. to enforce the laws, regu­ be a “liberal attitude toward Dean Zuspan’s “Ohio country lations and decisions of the ■questionnaires at the end of the Composition- prerequisites after sophomore I for both freshm en and their boy” drawl, combined with a itudent govern- Continued on Page 2, Col. 1 year.' Inf According to Dean Zus- Continued on Page 3, Col. 1 Section 1. The Ifp ! ^ response to this p re - registration program, the first in . ® history, has been over- Trip to B erm uda scheduled I On the news scene Itn V ' <^idn't take too long ;:|:i JUST THINK of the reactions JUST BECAUSE those tolngs ^ ■to verify tiiis fact. Sj: at toe local bars when some In the Court and the DAC have i'ij: Drexel student wanders in and curtains on toem, they’re not rj:; I^nthuslasm for activities for spring break this year says that his car has been Im- portable shower stalls — they’re ^ Everyone to whom Isp o k ed u r- S moblUzed by a rhino on a Drex- voting bootos, and they’re for Uie day accommodated.
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