'*-■ ■ ' V WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER T, 19B# fli« WoBtlwr Arenge Dafly Net Preaa Riui reremot ef C. % Weather fgmom P A O B T W B N T f Far the Week Ended jffiattrhPBtpr lEupititig ifpralb Oct. 3. 1889 Meetly ateody, eonaMemM* fg f; The MATES will meet tonight! tonight. 1/im MMMt. UemMofoMF Mr. and Mre. Karl JohneUm of Membeia of the Infant Jeaua of The October meeting of the Fer- l E u m i t t g Cerlton J. Bergeron, torpedo- Manchester rieodlaeaa, Httle chaOge la IMBDOO- Airman Auguat Turnbull, aon of Prague Mother*’ Circle will meet rt* Reynold# group of Second Cod- at 7:30 at the home of Jo*eph 13,009 man'a mete third dee*, U.8. Nevy, Vernon left thie morning for To­ Sullivan, 317 Spring St. Commit-' Wallpaper and Paint Co. ateres Friday Nigh la 70*. Peter F. Turnbull. 108 Ridge St., ronto, Caned*, where Johnaion will tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Church gregational Church will be held Member ef the Audit About Town hea been aaaigned to a unit of the eon of Mr. end Mre. William C. | tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the home tee report* will be given for the ^ 349 BROAD ST. Bergeron. 87 Herlan St., la eervtng j be on the ataff for the Atlantic of the Aaiumption hall for in- MANCHESTER. CONN. lloreau ef Orenlatloa! Mancheeter— A City of Village Chnrm j I Strategi* Air Commend at Howl Square Dance convention, H# will atructlon by the Rev, FrancI* But­ of Mr*. Carl GeUaler. ,300 N. Main Nov. 7 banquet. j LakoU OouflcJl. D pjtw of Poco-! Air Force Beee, Maine, for train-| aboard the aubmartne U. B. 8. Cut-1 S Member* are reminded to bring leee operating with the Sixth Fleet ; Mead two panel group.*. Johnaion ler. Member* will proceed from the Cnatom Framinf hotitu. m««U tonight *l * In Ing end dutv eg a motonaed and! Inatrurtlon claa* to the home of organdy apron* for the fall fitr. The Mancheater Pharmaceutical j (Claaadlad AaverOalng an Png* PRICE FIVE CBNTB Odd Fellow* Hell to me He plene > mlarellai'ieoua equipment apectal-‘ In the Medllerraneen. The eub- la caller for the Mancheater Square Society will maet tonight at 9:301 Arllata' Supplies MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 19.59 Danca Club. Mra. Jame* F, Barry. 18 Unnmore Hoatesaea will be Mr*. Rose Con- VOL. LXXIX, NO. 7 (TWKNTY PAGES) for the co|i'‘onUon. Memhere ere tat. He rci entlv completed haalc ^ merlne will perllcipete In opera- j verae and Mra. John Buck. at the Red JBmber In Bolton. ) uHed to donete fflfU for the con-1 tionel exerciaet and la acheduled ; Dr. Mra. Jamee P. Mulready will training at Lackland Air Force, Mlaa iVancy Davda. daughter of be co-hosteaa. vwiUon gift Uble. Gifte ehouM be Beae, Tex. j to vleil Spain. France, ftely end | Greece ana return to the United . Dr. and Mra. Eugene M. Davi*. 348 Balloting Winner left «ith Peel Pocohontea Merj- The I»y*l Circle of King'# Vendiillo. 67 Alton St A miaaionary aerx’ice will he held' States In early December. j Porter S t. I* enrolled at Wheelock 2 Unions Join College. Boaton, Maaa. Datighlera will meet Monda.v at Just Can’t Serve at Calvary Chapel. 22 Vernon* St ,; 7:4.1 p.m. In the Fellowahip room The Mancheater Garden Chib a tonight at 7;30, The Rev. end Mra I •The executive board of the Khrushchev Reveals Keeney Si. PTA will apontor a tea | The Mancheater Aaaodlatlon for at Center Congregational Church. Sao Paulo, Braril, .Oct. 8 evening flower arranging group Leon Elliott, rerently returned] the Help of Retarded Children will Hoateaaet will be Mra. Jame* For Pay Boost vWl meet tonight at S at the home mlaainnanca from India, will tell for tt)e room mother* end faculty j S H O P B A L E V (Ah—A rhlnocaroa named to Court tomorrow at 3:I5 p.m. el the meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Bunce [Thomaon and Mr*. Frank Fair- U.S. Cacafeco—a write-in candi­ of Mre. M. U Enckaon, 8fl Heleine about their work end ahow colog i weather. alldea. The public It welconie. echool. Center. Why Americk Trails At UAG Plants date—polled more votes than Rd. I anyone else In yesterday's election of city cpuncllmen. SEIF SERVE H MEAT DEPT. Hartford, Oct. 8 f/P)—Ttxo EHection officials conceded big Connecticut labor unions Cacareco 88.000 vote*. In Rockets to Moon say they will work together A member of Mayor Adhe- for a pay increase for some mar de Barros' Social Pro­ .{^ni|l*SU te, Khruahehev aaid, ha wa* 34,000 workers at four United gressive faction, with more For Dock Strike Ban Fashion-Wise and Budget-Wise Foiks SHOP H A LFS FiRST! Hale's Quality Meat Dept.' Offers . Moscow, Oct. 8 (A*)' ‘ Mked repeatedly whether the Sept. than 44.00 votes, led ,th# 2- m has left the moon’s gravi­ Aircraft Corp. plants. legged candidates. 12 launching of a Soviet moon Sought will be a I5-rent-an-hour The vole was Interpreted You Choice Meat At Real SoYings! tational field and its s p ^ is rocket wa* arranged'specially for pay hike plus a major overhaul as a protest demonatratlon falling as it nears the point his visit. of the grievance, seniority and againat all politicians since Fall Is *^EW TIMr at Hale’s Fabric Depl for the start of its return “I usually' replied, ’Why don’t arbitration procedures, union Cacareco, who waa lent only Eisenhower you try to time an American rock­ spokesmen said yesterday. recently by the Rio de Janeiro RENTER CUT toward the earth, Tass an­ et to coincide with one of your You'll quickly hlonnom into n remarkable dre»$ nounced tonight; The contracts for the various Zoo to'Sau Paulo's, la eligible visit*. You will see that it la not United Airc-aft divisions won’t be­ to aeiwe. • rlenfiner and interior decorator with thenc love- By Russian reckoning, Lu- a* simple aa *11 that. For thta, gin to expire for two months, but Aides Seek ly netr fall fahrirn to inspire many tewinfi idean. ' nik III will reach a point 292,- gentlemen.i the deeire alone la not the unlqn* have already submitted 043 miles froht the Earth Sat­ aufflcient.’ ” their demands to the company. A grand variety of color, weight, texture and Khrushchev hinted at Vladivo- The labor organixatlons Involved PORK urday and then turn back on alok that he ia looking forward to «J*'- To Use T-H dexign. ^ are the International Assn, of USW, Steel ORYSTAL CLEAR MICRO-FILM RUN RESIST course that will return it a summit meeting this fall or Machinists and the United Auto­ { 0 the vicinity of the Earth winter. mobile Worker*. New York, Oct. 8 (4F7-—A SHEER NYLON SEAMLESS HOSIERY ABC 33% WOOL CREPE Oct. 18. Today he made a atopover at Spokesmen aaid the two union* Await Ike’s government aUomey A LCXI R lo rs BLEND OF WOOL AND RATON Kraano'yarak. a Siberian trans­ have Joined in a compact for. uni- K’.i port and maniifacturihg center on here bv plane today to aeek B Reinforced «t heel and toe for extra wear. Color.*: CHOPS London, Oct. 8 (/P)—Niki- fled demands. the Yenisei River. A Taa* dispatch The lAM represents employe* at Taft-Hartley Law InjuiBCtlira ts S. Khrualichev suggests said the townspeople gave him a Blush tone and beige tone. Compare for quairtA:! Pratt * Whitney Aircraft In F.ast Use of T-H to halt the. Longshonsmelt ■ RIB PORTION Americans trail the Russians i strike on the Atlantic and in launching mtion rockets "'Tn"'hr'«ddi'e.s at Vladivo.tok, | Hartford, Dril-' ^ 45" wid« the premier said: 1 P>«» Hamilton Standard Dlu Pittsburgh, Oct. 8 (/P)— - iff' Gulf CoasU. He wa* acting <m becausb the United States orders of President EiaBn- ((^onriniied on Pag* Twelve) I St«el negotiators today came I Pork ROAST doesn’t have a Communist (Continued on Page Twelve) I liowsr* $1.50 government. ' up again.st President Eisen pr. pr. Feela and, look* like wool, wool crepe that eella for I bower’s im)ilied strike settle- I Aast. Atty. Gen. OwrjK CdCll* more than twice aa much. Ses’en beautiful color*. Before a cheering crowd In i ran Doub and hia aide, Donald B. Vladivostok Tuesday, the Soviet j menl deadline without hope ' MacGutneaa were expected t® premier teaaed the United State* I of (iuickly ending the 86-day- I reach here In a Whlta H«niea plane C for ita failure to follow the Rus­ HOSIERT DEPART^IEXT—Main Floor, Center ’ l U.S, Clamps Curbs I old strike and apparently re- this aft -moon and go at (Mice to 100% / CRILAN sians to the moon. signed to government use of ' Federal District Court to reqoeet a A hitherto unreport-d section of- temporary restraining order di­ Khrusachey's speech, made on'hia ' the Taft-Harlley Law. recting the 85,000 striking dook WASHABLE JERSEY way home\from Red China, waa Each aide sSid It did not want worker* to return to work. NEW LOW’ PRICE ONLY Ryoadcaat by Radio Moscow today. Dn Highway Funds government legal Intervention. ITiere wa* little doubt a Taft- Khrushchev asked: United Steelworkers president Ha- Hartley Law injunction- requirtng “WTist t* the explansflon of our vld J. McDonald" said his union j an 80-day return to work—would great sticcMsea? Are we the clev­ WrtYhington.
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