
THE MARINER'S MIRROR THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY ,FOR NAUTICAL RESEARCH INDEX TO VOLUMES 66 - 70 l?ro^, ITHri Compiled by ELIZABETH ROLFE, n.A., A.L.A. ¡{l GREENWICH 1986 PREFACE Indexes which were Unlike the three previous -Cumulative I^ii""r" based upon the annual indexes, the present rndex for ;;iil;;'6e-á 70'has been compiled as one operation' TheformofentryagainfollowsDrRCAnderson|slndexto V"i"*á" l-35 as itoéefy 'as possible, following the rules set out in volume 47 t19611 , page 220' "ii.-tr-*.t" Biblíographical references have been i.ndexed only when the ;;;;--ói án article discusses the work of a particular author ii"-""." Iength. In doubtful cases, preference has been given to foreign and earlY works' Like its inunediate predecessor, this rndex¡- I. Lists Books Reviewed as a central sect ion. 2, Employs Roman tYPe for the Index of Ships' Names: thls is in the interests of claritY. 3 Uses underlining to denote volume numbers in the references. l0 December 1985 ELIZABETH ROLFE CONTENTS Page General Index I Books Reviewed I7 Index of Shipst Names 26 NOTE The Council of the Society again gratefully acknowledges hel the P. of t.he Lily Lambert McCarthy Foundation in defráying a por tion of the costs of prepaiing and distributini tñis fourth Cumulative Index. GENERAL INDEX I Abusir' Pierced stone, 7O' 248-9' ANDREA, A.J. DL,I,265. The Relationship of Sea Travellers Ac'atus' 70r 90. and Excommunicated captains under Actium' Eáctle, 66' 369' thirteenth century Canon Law, 68' a^rs of Parliament, 203-9. "-üércnanu Shipping, I797-I979' 70' ANDREWS, K.J. 3L2-8. The Elizabethan Seaman, 68, 245-62. n.Ñ. enfistment' 1793-18I5, 66' I99- Anemospilia ship, 59, 400'-406 , ALI, 200. fis.12. Adán- Marcel, 70, 6. Angkor Thom' Cambodia, ship carving, ;;;;, John, 96; 31-e' 9!, ZZ8, 239. Áddi", charles, 70, 246 ' Ankhor^, monument, anchors, 1O, 256-8 iiJ^itát's officeET chathan' 68' r73' Annales januenses miniaturél 70, 276 o1. 38 . 277r 278,28r. Aalñiralty dockyards fittings list - Ansted, A.r 69, 95. 1860, 70, 437-440 Anti-invasion patrols, Channel coast' AdmiraLtt-House, Portsmouth, !Z' pls I94Ot 66. 7I 2,314, 24. Appendages, bow and sternr, 69, 395- Adriatic' outriggers Ln, 67, 180-5. 4r2. Adur. river, 67, 98. Arados, 174-3 BC coin, 68, 5, fí9.3, 7. Adye, John Mil"lerr 67' 369. Arctic' Canadian, 68' 78. African Steamship Compa nyr 68r 331; Arenson, J., 68, 4. 6 9, 198. Aristonothos crater' 69, I32, fig.2. ¡gñt, shipping, 67, 149-62. Armada, Spanish, 67, 3q4-5. Alkenhead, Thornas' 69, 164. Arm bracers, archerst, 67, 381. Ajuta caves, India,idhinese sail Army of Reserve ballots, 1803' 66, I99. representaEions, 99, 238, 239 , 240. Army transports, fishing tackle on, 92, Akatoi,67' 130. 457 -9 . Albenga Found shiP, 70, 182. Arthur, Kin9,69,97. Alblon, R.G. obituary' 70, 1I6 Articles of agreement, 29, 311-9. Alexandriar bombardment,' 1882, 66' 3l- Artillery Museum' Copenhagen, 66, 350. 49, 68, 444. ARTZY, M. AIir Mehemet, 70, 222. Unusual late Bronze Age ship repres- AlIegory, maritime, 70, 45-58. entations from Tel Akko, 70r 59-64. Arreñ, gird, 69, 94,--197, 3r6-7. ArEzy, M., 68' 4. AIIen, WiIliam Henry, 9, 94, Ash, Jamesr 58,80-1. 317 . Aspinwall, william Henry, 70, 457. Altars' portable' 70, 389-95. Association for the History of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, 92, Northern Seas, 70, 142. 56-60. Athenian triremesl-65, 359-65. Amalgamated Society of Shipwrights, At.hlit, bronze ram,-?8,3-7¡ 69, I35, 69, r72. 229-49. Amalric, Giraud' €, 9¡. Atlantic, South, I879-I9I4, 66, 209-23. A¡nerican Civil war blockade runners, Ana Islands, fishing canoes,-79, 396-7, 66t 37Ii 69,195. f.i1.2. Amerlcan war of Independence, 70, 2L- Athlit, inscribed anchors found at, 70, 30. 259-60. Anchor(s), Auckland Islands, 66, 72. 'fancient," in Moroccan field, 69t 87- Austen, Francis WiITiam, 66, 230. 8, 290. Austin, Horat.io T., 66, 11; 19. bower, "siding", 69, 306-9. Australian Associati6ñ for Maritime fronr 69,309. History,66,4;67,3I5. Iron-a@, 68, 263-i3. Australia, North-West coast, 69, 2I-33. mushroom, 68-, 436, f igs I,2, A37 . Auvergne, Philippe d', 92, 30T=2. Anchor Wharf, Chat,ham, 68, 159-60, pI. AVERY, lf. P. 2L. An imposing Array: Fact or Fiction ? Ancient cross-Channel transporE, 7O I 70, 3r-42. 267-73. Ayscue, ceorge, 68, 189-202. Anclent Egyptian funerary vessels, 70, Baganda canoe, 69, 396, fig. 3. 220-L Baker, Wiliam Avery, 68, I00; 69, 156. Ancient Mediterranean bow and stern Bal1, Alexander John,-69, 95. appendages, 69, 395-4I2. Baltic coasts, early sEdrn rudders,- 68, Anclent shipsr-representations, 6g, 282, 274-7, 353-5. Baltimore clippers, 66, 249-57. Ancient stone anchors, 6g, 263-73. Bamford's Practical 222, Anclent writers, -Gauger , !!, o- reliabfTity, 66, 356- 330 BARADEL, A. And€rson, James, 66; I4g, 153-4. The Pa¡aschuxu¿a of the Venetian 2 GENERAL INDEX GaIIeys of the fourteenth century' Blocks, Matg aose, p!, 111, fig=. _?, 3. 70, 41L-4. BLue Ribband contests 1936-1939, 70, gara-ta, Joáo da Gama Lobo Pimental, 16I-9. obituary' 70, 348. BLUMBERG, A. Barge, stateT-70, 46-7. An early project for a Suez canal: Barñam, Lord, Ch-arles l"lidd1eton, 99, the aborted plan of L847, 68, 3I'l-23. 305¡ 67, 2O5. Blyth, Messrs J. & A. of Limehouse, 99, Bark, canoes' Central Italy' 67, I25- 37I. 6. Board of Green Cloth, 68, 69. Barker, J.A., 67,223, Boat designs, wooden,6Z1 108-9. Barker, MaEthew-Henry, 69, 206, Boathouses and Boat Pond' Portsmouth Barkley, William, 66, 77. Dockyard' 67, pI. 27- Barton, Robert CutLs, 67, 384. Bo1ton, Willian, 70, 237- BASCH Bond, Nicholas, 66, 202. The Athlit Ram: A preliminary intro- BoNINO' M. duction and report, 68, 3-7. Rafts and dugouts in Central ltaly: When is a Ram ;ot a R=-am ? The case the primitive phase of ]ocal inland' of the Punic Ship, 69' 129-42. boatbuilding, 67' 125-48. Bow and Stern Appendáges in the Bon-Porté, ancient sewn wreck, 67,225- Ancient Mediterranean, 69, 395-412. 243, figs. 1--5, 244, Basch, Lucien, 66, I83; lE +,s. Booming, 70, 309-10. Batana' 67, 180fig.1, 184 f.ig.6. Bored topstrokes, 92, 9_2^ Batelta,-T7, 180. Borlase, Captain' 67, 369. Batons, cá?ried by Adrnirats of the Borobodur' ship reliefs,99,238,239, Fleet' 66, 225'32. 240, 245. Battana, 7O-, 123-4. Bosun's calls, 6'7 382 f ig. 4. Batten 1ug.saiJ.s, Chinese,66,233-45t Botetert coTToquia' l,taritina,70, 309- 67, 92-3. 310. BaEfenberg, Prince Louis of, 67,222. Bottian galleys,69,4o7-Io, fí1s.29, Baudin, Nicolas , 9!, 63-4. 30. Bayeux Tapestry, Eñ-ip of Harold Godwin- Bougainvlle, Louis Antoine de,68, L-2, son, 67, 87-91' fig.I, 287'8, 288-9'' 334. 68, 76-7. BOUTTLTER, J.A. Batfield, Henry, 69, 156. The Battle of Fatshan Creek, 67, 339- Beachy Head, Battle, 70, L49-60. 348. Beatty, David, 66, 99=T11, 390-I; 67, Boutron, Jean, 1Z¡ 3r0-1. 2tO, 387-8t 68, 70-f . Bov,rer anchors, "siding", 92, 306-9. Beaufort, FranETs, 69, 91-3. Bow appendages, ancient Mediterranean, Bedford, F.G.,69, 156. 69,395-412, Belfast-buiIt four-masted ships' 69' BoxER, C.R. 200-1. From cape Town to Trondhjem' 69, I57- Belize, St John's Cathedral, naval 164. nemorials,69, 155. Bradford,9gt9ll 6=9,43,44,46. Benson, william, 66. 2O3. Bragagna, !-2-' 111-5?. Bentham, Samuel, 67, 30, 3I , 38¡ 69, Bragozzo' !.9., ?19-ll, J9, _\?4:?. 275-297 Brasse¡e, 92, LgO fig.l, 181 fig.3,^ Beresford, Charles' 66, 34, 40, 43, 182-3. 46, 22I. Brar^¡n, James' 65, 20I. Bermuda, H.M. Dockyard, buoys,68, 4Il- Bread-fruit, on Martinique, 1794,67, 20. 198;69,45I. Bermuda Maritime Museum' /!, 4lI-20. BREEN, K. Bidder, George Parker, !1, ¡¡9. Graves and Hood at the chesapeake' Biéntina, dué-out fínd,-67, 136 fig.5. 66' 53-65. Bird, Henry,70,78 Brernen, Hanse cog,67,372-3, figs. 1, Birkenhead, büIlding of ironclads for 2¡ 69, 226. American Civil War, 67,77-82. Brind, william Darby, !Z' :OS. Bisquine,66 , 277-8 Bristow' Abraham' 66, 72 Black bandeá- furniture, 68, 79i 69, Britannia R.N. College' Dartmouth, 9f, 313. 390. Blackman, C.14., 67, 224. Brítish Fishery Society' 66' I49, 153. Blackwood, FrancIE price, 68, 329. British India Steam Navigation Conpany, Blake, Geoffrey,66,105' 109. 68,59-66. sligh, lvilliam, ael go ¡ 67, Io2, 387 ¡ BrfEish naval defence policy' south 6á, ]32,343,i-69,459-60. Atrantic 1879-1914,66,209-23. sfi*énirone-¡loiie77'Frederick Chris- Bronze Age, scandinaviá7 mast and sai1, tianr 68,448. 66, 15-16. Blockade-]unners, American Civil War, Br6ñze Age ship representations, 70, 66, 37L. 59-64. Bloai Mills, Portsmouth, 67| 24-5, "Bronze bell" wreck, 68, 305-15. p1s. 21, )2, 23. Brooke, Henry' llth Lo;d cobham, 66,L42 GENERAL INDEX 3 367 Cathcart, Charl,es Lord, 69, 458. Bruce Robin G' t -67'- ' ínüiJÑ,' .r.n. and vAN EYCK vAN CesenaEico Maritime MuseIñ', 70, 1I9- HESLINGA, E.S' r28,362. EmPloYment in the Chads, Henry Ducie, 67, 369¡ 68, 329. é"á^"n's ( c.1600-c.1800 ), 70' Chads, Henry, junior-, 67, 359. iJIii'"rruna" Chancellor, John' 70, 244-5. 7 -20. grunel, Marc Isamba'd'. -9J'- 24 ' '27 ' Chaplains¡ s€d¡ se-e Sea Chaplains. ;;;kr;; Matthew' 99' 4e-56' Charles II' Navy of' 68' 8l-2.
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