The Craze Venture PAGE 3 Volume 1 Issue 8 RNI No. WBENG/2015/61199 August 2015 `3.00 Only Pages 4 West Bengal Scores 4/42, 0/16 India’s heart resides in its smart schools, universal service, cleanliness, eco- will be encouraged. The each village will be a at different levels including villages, and just like a access to basic health friendliness, maintaining MPs will engage with the participatory exercise Gram Panchayats. doctor whose work begins f a c i l i t i e s a n d P u c c a ecological balance, peace community, facilitate the coordinated by the District A c c o r d i n g t o t h e with the diagnosis of the h o u s i n g t o h o m e l e s s and harmony, mutual Village Development Plan Collector. evaluation of a competent heartbeat, the planning and v i l l a g e r s . S A A N J H I To create vibrant and independent agency, the Rajya Sabha Villages adopted Seats in Villages adopted % % execution of any policy for places equal stress on Seats under SAGY Lower House under SAGY harmonious society within Government of India has the nation of a billion, has nurturing the values of AITC 12 0 0% 34 2 6% the village activities like a n n o u n c e d t o g i v e to begin with the learning national pride, patriotism, INC 1 0 0% 4 0 0% honouring village elders, following awards: Best derived from its 6 lakh community spirit, self- CPIM 3 0 0% 2 0 0% folk art festivals, having a Practices, Best Charge villages. - APJ Abdul c o n fi d e n c e a n d o n BJP 0 0 #DIV/0! 2 2 100% village song etc. are also Officers, Best District Kalam developing infrastructure. 16 0 0% 42 4 10% p r o m o t e d . P e r s o n a l Collectors and Best Adarsh In developing physical It envisages integrated Sources: http://saanjhi.gov.in development through Grams. a n d i n s t i t u t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e sports, regular physical According to sources, 4 infrastructure in villages selected village across cooperation, self-reliance, and mobilize the necessary e x e r c i s e , b a l a n c e d out of 58 representatives and turn them into model multiple areas such as local self-government, resources. The Village nutrition, personal hygiene from West Bengal have villages Prime Minister a g r i c u l t u r e , h e a l t h , t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d Development Plan will is another unique aspect of a d o p t e d S A A N J H I . Narendra Modi on the birth education, sanitation, accountability in public place a special emphasis on the Scheme. Uluberia MP Sultan Ahmed anniversary of Jayaprakash e n v i r o n m e n t a n d l i f e . T h e S c h e m e e n a b l i n g e v e r y p o o r A real time web based a d o p t e d B a n i b a n , Narayan, on 11 October livelihoods. e m p h a s i z e s o n household to come out of monitoring system will be Uluberia-II; Jalpaiguri MP 2014 launched Sansad SAANJHI also aims at s t r e n g t h e n i n g l o c a l poverty. Prior to the plan put in place for the scheme Bijoy Chandra Barman A d a r s h G r a m Yo j a n a instilling certain values, democracy through strong formulation, there will be a covering all aspects and adopted Churabhandar, (SAANJHI). s u c h a s p e o p l e ’ s and transparent Gram systematic environment components. The Ministry Maynaguri; Darjeeling MP A c c o r d i n g t o t h e participation, Antyodaya, Panchayats and active c r e a t i o n a n d s o c i a l will put in place a specially S. S. Ahluwalia adopted Scheme, the members of gender equality, dignity of Gram Sabhas. Women mobilization, which will be designed capacity building Hatighisa, Naxalbari and the parliaments will be women, social justice, p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n t h e led and guided by the MP. p r o g r a m m e f o r Asansol MP Babul Supriyo offering the villages with s p i r i t o f c o m m u n i t y decision-making process The planning process in Government functionaries adopted Dendua, Salanpur. Editorial Bandhan Bank to Fund SMEs, Create Jobs: Arun Jaitley Sagnik Chowdhury: Newly launched Bandhan Bank, Ghosh, Founder, Managing Director and CEO of Bandhan Bank headquartered in Kolkata recently began its operations in two said, “Banking as a fundamental right, we are committed to usher divisions - micro banking and general banking; offering complete in a new era in Indian banking.” retail financial solutions, including a variety of savings and loan Arun Jaitley said, “Bandhan Bank is a landmark initiative. It products. Bandhan Bank will fund the small and introduces 501 branches, 2022 medium entrepreneurs; SMEs service centers and 50 ATMs are the backbone of Indian across 24 states; supported by economy. It will create more 19,500 employees. It started jobs and act as a response to operational with 1.43 crore agrarian poverty.” accounts and, begins with “ To d a y, b a n k s a r e around Rs.10,500 crore loan coming up with banking book. correspondents who reach out B a n d h a n B a n k w a s to the homes to expand the inaugurated on August 23 in reach of its products. Such Kolkata by Finance Minister initiatives bring more people Arun Jaitley. Amit Mitra, into the structured banking Minister for Finance & Excise, network. It is the expansion of Commerce & Industries, The Union Minister for Finance, Corporate Affairs and Information & Broadcasting, Arun this segment which will help Jaitley lighting the lamp to inaugurate the Bandhan Bank, in Kolkata. Sources: PIB Government of West Bengal keep people away from was also present in the inaugural. investing in otherwise unreliable agencies which have created West Bengal has maximum number of its branches, out of the many problems in many states, including West Bengal,” the 200 branches most are catering the rural belts. Chandra Shekhar minister added. 2] Volume 1 Issue 8 The Craze Venture The Society August 2015 Remembrance Behala Organizes Bharat Mata Puja Know Your Army Acharya Gold Medal T C V N : A c h a r y a D i n e s h Chandra Sen Research Society recently awarded 'Acharya Dinesh Chandra Sen Memorial Gold Medal' to great achievers at Kolkata Press Club. Dr. Md. TCVN: Bharat Mata Puja Committee, Behala this year organizes Sahidullah (Presidents' Award its first 2-day Bharat Mata Puja at Roy Nagar Play Ground, from SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE playing its tunes in the evening winner) and Dr. Goutam Ramakrishna Paramhansa August 14. According to organizers, Debjit Banerjee, Somnath of the Independence Day at the Mukherjee, HOD of Bengali Tirodhan Banerjee and Snehasish Dutta the puja was organized to spread the Army recently organized a Brigade Parade Ground. Dept., Ranchi Doranda College, Sunday, August 16 message of Akhand Bharat. BJP State President Rahul Sinha also two-day exhibition, 'Know 'Know Your Army' is received the prestigious award offered prayer to Bharat Mata. The organizer served bhog to over Your Army', at the Prinsep o r g a n i z e d a n n u a l l y t o from Secretary Debkanya Sen. His spiritual movement indirectly 700 people, including beggars and other people, across Kolkata. Ghat Memorial in Kolkata. i n c u l c a t e t h e s p i r i t o f Dr. Dilip Kumar Singha, ex-VC aided nationalism, as it rejected The exhibition displayed patriotism in youth. The of Bishwabharati University, Dr. caste distinctions and religious Bengal BJP Collects Flood Relief w e a p o n s , v e h i c l e s a n d exhibition is focused to inspire Biswanath Chakraborty, HOD, prejudices. equipment used by Indian the youth to consider the Army Pol. Sc., Rabindrabharati Army at different locations. as a career. Recent reforms in University, noted scientist and The exhibition also showcased the defense sectors have spiritualist Dr. Arup Mitra, the skills of the Army Band, increased job opportunities. scholars Shibani Singha and Bal Gangadhar Tilak Swapan Mukherjee, socialite Punyatithi Laxmi Laha, singer Sukanya Sen Saturday, August 1 Indo-Bangla Awards and filmmaker Asish Basak were among other dignitaries. Pingali Venkayya Jayanti Sunday, August 2 Hello Kolkata Sahitya Sammilani Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray Jayanti Sunday, August 2 TCVN: BJP State President Rahul Sinha collecting flood relief Gurudev Rabindranath fund from Dakshin Kolkata District. BJP has been arranging flood Tagore Punyatithi relief from across West Bengal to aid the recent flood victims.
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