SUSTAINABILITY 2015 * Concepción, Antioquia. The first cash-free municipality in Colombia. ABOUT THIS REPORT This is the sixth sustainability report on the performance The indicators selected by topic and relevant issue are referenced in of Banco Davivienda S.A. and its national and the GRI Table, and the scope is clarified throughout the document. international subsidiaries in 2015 regarding the topics defined as relevant in its Sustainability Strategy. For the preparation of this report, the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Financial Services Sector Supplement Taking into account that the management levels in the sustainability have been adopted, complying with the essential “in accordance” areas of each country are different, the results are not consolidated option of the G4 Guidelines in line with the material information for all the areas. The management of the strategy in Colombia is for the Company as well as for its stakeholders, and it has been presented and the relevant results of the subsidiaries are included. verified and validated by the auditing firm, Deloitte & Touche Ltd. WE BUILD A BETTER COUNTRY FOR EVERYONE Support of Small Hospital and Agricultural SUPPORT FOR and Medium Home Infrastructure University Development THE COUNTRY'S Entrepreneurs Building Infrastructure DEVELOPMENT *COP *COP *COP *COP *COP We invest in our country's progress 3.3 3.1 1.7 750 136 by providing funding for different trillion trillion trillion billion billion sectors of the economy. COP 9 trillion invested in the country's development *Disbursements. Low-Income Productive Home-Buying for Rural Educational CREATION OF Housing Vehicles Colombians Abroad Microfinances Loans WEALTH We support the improvement of Colombians' quality of life *COP *COP *COP *COP *COP through specialized credit lines 804 228 32 525 522 billion billion billion million million that promote the creation of their families' wealth. More than COP 1 trillion invested in creating wealth *Disbursements. GREEN We paid out more than COP 250 billion for the COLOMBIA generation of clean energy projects through our green credit LINES lines. WE BUILD A BETTER COUNTRY FOR EVERYONE Fundación Bolívar Support for Support for Municipal Financial Davivienda Donations Cultivarte Educational and Departmental SOCIAL Initiatives Government Projects Education INVESTMENT and Programs* COP COP COP COP COP We contribute to social 16.7 3.6 2.7 625 555 causes through projects billion billion billion million million and programs that benefit the community. COP 24 billion allocated to social investment * Investment made by Grupo Bolívar in social causes. FINANCIAL Vehicle Rural INCLUSION DaviPlata Financing Microfinances We keep working to incorporate the most excluded sectors into the banking 568 4 250 thousand thousand 572,000 new customers system to provide them with people people people in the banking system greater opportunities of access to the financial system. We developed lines to fund projects for energy efficiency, hydroelectric power GREEN CENTRAL generation, wind power, biomass and solar energy with LINES AMERICA USD 126 million CONTENTS SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY ENVIRONMENTAL 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Stakeholders SPHERE Main Consolidated Figures Internal and External ESRMS Commitments MESSAGE Portfolio Figures Ecoefficiency FROM THE Corporate Financial Innovation Environmental Products MATERIALITY PRESIDENT Statement Service Quality and Programs REPORT RELEVANT EVENTS ABOUT US ECONOMIC SPHERE SOCIAL SPHERE MEMORANDUM OF ASSURANCE 2015 Highlights Our Essence Businesses in Colombia Our People Awards and Ethical Principles and Values Businesses with Subsidiaries Financial Inclusion Acknowledgments Corporate Governance Abroad Financial Education Ethics and Transparency Suppliers Strategic Philanthropy Risk Management Tax Policy Environmental and Social Policy 6 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT In 2015, we continued to help Colombians create wealth and to support the country's progress. We continued to consolidate our Sustainability Strategy by developing responsible and inclusive criteria in the exercise of our businesses, mitigating environmental impact, adapting to climate change and strengthening our programs and initiatives for the community. For the second year in a row, we were included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in the Emerging Markets Category, the most important index in global Efraín Forero / President measurement of companies' economic, social and environmental performance. This recognition involves a commitment to ensure continuity and ongoing improvement in the management of our Sustainability Strategy for the benefit of our clients, employees, suppliers, shareholders, investors and the community. RELEVANT EVENTS 8 Agricultural Financial Premio Nacional Dow Jones Sector Education Cultivarte de Eficiencia Energética More than Confirmed for the We paid out more than 51 ND thousand Colombians 52 Banco Davivienda COP 840 thousand children and El Salvador is the year2 in a row billion benefited from conferences, more adolescents best financial than 227,000 visits to the website institution in the DJSI in the for the development of and more than 44,000 downloads benefited, in energy Colombia's agricultural sector. 18 new offices, first efficiency. Emerging Markets of the "Haga Cuentas" application. Category. office in Costa Rica. HIGHLIGHTS 2015 We were included by the COP 3.5 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) trillion in the Climate Disclosure COP 250 849 Leadership Index (CDLI) for paid out through the billion municipalities mortgage portfolio, COP 804 Latin America. billion for low-income paid out in Colombia. more than 54 million housing. USD 126 million paid out transactions and 2.7 million in Central America. clients. Carbon Housing Green Lines Financial Inclusion Disclosure Project 9 DJSI HOUSING AGRICULTURAL SECTOR GREEN LINES For the second year in a row, we were We promoted the growth of wealth We focused our efforts on providing We continued to offer environmental included in the Dow Jones Sustainability among Colombians with low-income, funding for small-scale producers from credit lines backed with Bancoldex Index (DJSI) in the Emerging Markets and that is why we are the leading bank the most remote sectors of Colombia, rediscount funds, through which we paid Category, the most important index in financing low-income housing (LIH) which have traditionally been excluded out more than COP 58 billion. in global measurement of companies' and the Colombian Government's main from the financial sector. economic, social and environmental partner in financing programs that aim In Central America, we developed lines performance. The DJSI assesses the to provide housing for families from to fund projects for energy efficiency, sustainable management of more than the most disadvantaged sectors of the hydroelectric power generation, wind 3,000 companies from 59 economic Colombian population. power, biomass and solar energy for USD sectors around the world. In 2015, 126 million. only 958 companies in the world were included in the index, 69 of these were banks. 10 CULTIVARTE FINANCIAL INCLUSION We keep working for the community through Cultivarte, a social In 2015, we were the Colombian Government's main partner program that promotes good use of free time among children in subsidy payments of social programs, paying out millions in and adolescents through recreational, cultural and artistic economic support. activities that strengthen values. We support families from the In 2015, we opened 18 new centers: the first in Costa Rica in the city of Guácimo and 17 in Colombia. We currently operate in 36 most vulnerable sectors of municipalities of Colombia and have the Tegucigalpa (Honduras) FINANCIAL EDUCATION the population to realize their and Guácimo (Costa Rica) centers. dream of buying a In 2015, the "Mis Finanzas en Casa" website recorded more Since we first opened in 2012, we have recorded more than 1.1 than 220,000 visits and it has recorded more than 1.7 million home for million visits. visits since it started in 2013. It also went live for Honduras, El Salvador and Costa Rica in September. the first In June, we launched the “Haga Cuentas” application, which time gives Colombians the opportunity to effectively control their CARBON DISCLOSURE PROJECT (CDP) budget using their smartphone and reached a total of 44,451 downloads. We were included in the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) in Latin America, comprised of the top ten best companies of this index that measures environmental performance. CDP PREMIO NACIONAL DE is a non-profit international organization with the objective EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA to collect and provide investors with the most comprehensive global environmental information system for decision-making This award recognizes the actions carried out in recent years purposes. focused on the implementation of savings measures and energy efficiency, such as: automation of air-conditioning equipment in administrative offices and branches with greater energy consumption. 11 AWARDS AND CDP ACKNOWLEDGMENTS acknowledges our incorporation of climate DAVIVIENDA, MEMBER OF THE DOW CARBON DISCLOSURE PROJECT (CDP) change management into JONES SUSTAINABILITY INDEX business strategy. In 2015, we were included in the Dow Jones Sustainability For the second year in a row, we participated in the survey of Index for the second year in a row in the Emerging Markets the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), an international, non-profit Category. This
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