![Congressional Record—Senate S7846](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
S7846 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 5, 2017 EC–3618. A communication from the Sec- Department of Justice, transmitting, pursu- titled ‘‘Senior Community Service Employ- retary of Education, transmitting, pursuant ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ment Program; Performance Account- to law, the Department’s Semiannual Report ‘‘Schedules of Controlled Substances: Place- ability’’ (RIN1205–AB79) received in the Of- of the Office of the Inspector General for the ment of FDA–Approved Products of Oral So- fice of the President of the Senate on Decem- period from April 1, 2017 through September lutions Containing Dronabinol [(-)-delta-9- ber 1, 2017; to the Committee on Health, Edu- 30, 2017; to the Committee on Homeland Se- trans-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC)] in cation, Labor, and Pensions. curity and Governmental Affairs. Schedule II’’ (Docket No. DEA–344) received EC–3638. A communication from the Acting EC–3619. A communication from the Vice in the Office of the President of the Senate Secretary of Health and Human Services, Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board, on December 1, 2017; to the Committee on transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of transmitting, pursuant to law, the Board’s the Judiciary. a petition to add workers who were employed Agency Financial Report for fiscal year 2017; EC–3628. A communication from the Solic- at the Carborundum Company site in Niag- to the Committee on Homeland Security and itor General, Department of Justice, trans- ara Falls, New York, to the Special Exposure Governmental Affairs. mitting, pursuant to law, an opinion of the Cohort; to the Committee on Health, Edu- EC–3620. A communication from the Board United States District Court for the Middle cation, Labor, and Pensions. Members of the Railroad Retirement Board, District of Pennsylvania (Keyes v. Sessions); EC–3639. A communication from the Acting transmitting, pursuant to law, the Semi- to the Committee on the Judiciary. Secretary of Health and Human Services, annual Report of the Inspector General for EC–3629. A communication from the Chief transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of the period from April 1, 2017 through Sep- Human Capital Officer, Small Business Ad- a petition to add workers who were employed tember 30, 2017; to the Committee on Home- ministration, transmitting, pursuant to law, at the Rocky Flats Plant in Golden, Colo- land Security and Governmental Affairs. a report relative to a vacancy in the position rado, to the Special Exposure Cohort; to the EC–3621. A communication from the Acting of Chief Counsel, Office of Advocacy, Small Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits Se- Business Administration, received in the Of- Pensions. curity Administration, Department of Labor, fice of the President of the Senate on No- EC–3640. A communication from the Direc- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of vember 30, 2017; to the Committee on Small tor, Office of Administration, Executive Of- a rule entitled ‘‘Claims Procedure for Plans Business and Entrepreneurship. fice of the President, transmitting, pursuant Providing Disability Benefits; 90-Day Delay EC–3630. A communication from the Chief to law, a report relative to transactions from of Applicability Date’’ (RIN1210–AB39) re- Human Capital Officer, Small Business Ad- the Unanticipated Needs Account for fiscal ceived in the Office of the President of the ministration, transmitting, pursuant to law, year 2017; to the Committee on Homeland Se- Senate on November 29, 2017; to the Com- a report relative to a vacancy in the position curity and Governmental Affairs. mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and of Deputy Administrator, Small Business EC–3641. A communication from the Assist- Pensions. Administration, received in the Office of the ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative EC–3622. A communication from the Sec- President of the Senate on November 30, Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- retary of Veterans Affairs, transmitting, 2017; to the Committee on Small Business ting, pursuant to law, an annual report rel- pursuant to law, the Department of Veterans and Entrepreneurship. ative to the activities and operations of the Affairs’ Semiannual Report of the Inspector EC–3631. A communication from the Direc- Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division, General for the period from April 1, 2017 tor, Office of Management and Budget, Exec- for 2016, and the nationwide federal law en- through September 30, 2017; to the Com- utive Office of the President, transmitting a forcement effort against public corruption; mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- report relative to additional fiscal year 2018 to the Committee on the Judiciary. mental Affairs. funding for disaster relief; to the Committee EC–3642. A communication from the Senior EC–3623. A communication from the Acting on the Budget. Official performing the duties of the Under Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, EC–3632. A communication from the Sec- Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readi- transmitting, pursuant to law, the Semi- retary of the Federal Trade Commission, ness), transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- annual Report of the Inspector General for transmitting, pursuant to law, the Commis- port entitled ‘‘Annual Report to Congress on the period from April 1, 2017 through Sep- sion’s thirteenth annual report on ethanol the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Pro- tember 30, 2017 and the Uniform Resource market concentration; to the Committee on gram’’; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- Locator (URL) for the report; to the Com- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. fairs. mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- EC–3633. A communication from the Sec- mental Affairs. retary of Energy, transmitting, pursuant to f EC–3624. A communication from the Acting law, a report entitled ‘‘Fiscal Year 2016 PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Commissioner of the Social Security Admin- Methane Hydrate Program’’; to the Com- istration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. The following petition or memorial Semiannual Report of the Inspector General EC–3634. A communication from the Chief was laid before the Senate and was re- for the period from April 1, 2016 through Sep- of the Border Security Regulations Branch, ferred or ordered to lie on the table as tember 30, 2017 and the Uniform Resource Customs and Border Protection, Department indicated: Locator (URL) for the report; to the Com- of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- POM–142. A petition from a citizen of the mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled State of Texas relative to proposed legisla- mental Affairs. ‘‘Technical Amendment to List of User Fee tion; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- EC–3625. A communication from the Dep- Airports: International Airport, Rome, NY; rity and Governmental Affairs. uty Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Legisla- Van Nuys Airport, Van Nuys, CA; Cobb tive Affairs, Department of State, transmit- County Airport-McCollum Field, Kennesaw, f ting, pursuant to law, the Uniform Resource GA; and Charlotte-Monroe Executive Air- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Locator (URL) for the Department’s Agency port, Monroe, NC’’ (CBP Dec. 17–18) received Financial Report for fiscal year 2017; to the in the Office of the President of the Senate The following reports of committees Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- on November 27, 2017; to the Committee on were submitted: ernmental Affairs. Finance. By Mr. HOEVEN, from the Committee on EC–3626. A communication from the Dep- EC–3635. A communication from the Dep- Indian Affairs, with an amendment: uty Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits uty Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, S. 1223. A bill to repeal the Klamath Tribe Security Administration, Department of Department of State, transmitting, pursuant Judgment Fund Act (Rept . No. 115–190). Labor, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- to law, a report relative to the establishment By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on port of a rule entitled ‘‘18-Month Extension of the danger pay allowance for Guayaquil, Foreign Relations, with an amendment in of Transition Period and Delay of Applica- Ecuador; Quito, Ecuador; Asuncion, Para- the nature of a substitute: bility Dates; Best Interest Contract Exemp- guay; N’djamena, Chad; and Abuja, Nigeria; S. 447. A bill to require reporting on acts of tion (PTE 2016–01); Class Exemption for Prin- to the Committee on Foreign Relations. certain foreign countries on Holocaust era cipal Transactions in Certain Assets Be- EC–3636. A communication from the Acting assets and related issues. tween Investment Advice Fiduciaries and Assistant General Counsel for Regulatory By Mr. ISAKSON, from the Committee on Employee Benefit Plans and IRAs (PTE 2016– Affairs, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora- Veterans’ Affairs, without amendment: 02); Prohibited Transaction Exemption 84–24 tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- S. 2193. An original bill to amend title 38, for Certain Transactions Involving Insurance port of a rule entitled ‘‘Benefits Payable in United States Code, to improve health care Agents and Brokers, Pension Consultants, Terminated Single-Employer Plans; Interest for veterans, and for other purposes. Insurance Companies, and Investment Com- Assumptions for Paying Benefits’’ (29 CFR f pany Principal Underwriters (PTE 84–24)’’ Part 4022) received in the Office of the Presi- (ZRIN1210–ZA27) received in the Office of the dent of the Senate on November 29, 2017; to
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