DISTRICT Project Description BE 2018-19 Final Budget Releases Expenditure HANGU HG15D00003-"Solar system ,1 No cold water coolerand raising of B /wall of GHS Mamu - 810,000 810,000 710,760 Banda" HANGU HG15D00005-"Solar system ,1 No cold water coolerpolythin water tank and raising of - 845,000 845,000 727,501 B/wall GHS Darsamand" HANGU HG15D00008-Raising of boundary wall GHS bilyamina - 337,000 337,000 - HANGU HG15D00013-Pavement of ground GGMS spin khawri - 300,000 300,000 - HANGU HG15D00014-Raising of boundary wall GMS Barh AbbasKhel - 134,935 134,935 - HANGU HG15D00016-"Solar system, 1 no , computer and 3 noprinter at GGHS ZandarKhel" - 250,000 250,000 - HANGU HG15D00020-Pavement of Street GHS Bilyamina - 516,401 516,401 186,218 HANGU HG15D00022-Construction of class room along-withveranda at GMS MeroBak - 350,064 350,064 - HANGU HG15D00024-Solar system at GMS Samana - 2,250,000 2,250,000 1,950,000 HANGU HG15D00028-"Solar system , 1No Cold Water Cooler,Leveling of Ground & Boundary wall - 175,271 175,271 - GMS Sarokhel" HANGU HG15D00031-Repair & rehabilitation work at GGMS AliAbad - 438,115 438,115 - HANGU HG15D00032-"Construction of Basketball Ground,Group letrin and Solar panel at GHS - 331,619 331,619 - Naryab" HANGU HG15D00034-Raising of Boundary Wall at GMS shamaldin Karbogha Sharif - 285,000 285,000 - HANGU HG15D00035-Pavement of Hall at GHS Karbogha sharif - 133,395 133,395 - HANGU HG15D00037-Repair/Rehabilitation work at GCMHS No.1 Gul Bagh - 1,362,000 1,362,000 - HANGU HG15D00038-Repair & rehibilition work at GGMS Kahi - 200,000 200,000 - HANGU HG15D00042-"Instt: of Hand pump, pipeline, purchaseof 3 No Water Coole and fixing of - 373,645 373,645 - Barbed wire at GGHS Dallan " HANGU HG15D00043-Constt: of Ablution places at GHSZanderKhel - 200,000 200,000 - HANGU HG15D00044-"Raising of Boundary wall &Fixing ofBarbad Wire at GHS,GGHS&GMS,GGMS - 659,095 659,095 - Distt Hangu To Be Identified by DEOMale& Female Hangu (GMS Wach Bazar, GMS Darrori Banda, GHS Naryab-I)" HANGU HG15D00045-Purchase of furniture/solar system at GHS Torawari - 1,362,000 1,362,000 - HANGU HG15D00047-"Solary System, purchase of 1 no.computer and printer for GHS Zandar Khel" - 250,000 250,000 - HANGU HG15D00049-Repair work at BHU at M. Khawja - 840,000 840,000 - HANGU HG15D00051-Repair & Rehabilitation work at BHUIbrahimzai - 1,053,889 1,053,889 1,036,473 HANGU HG15D00052-"Repair of Transformer, Pipline andrehabilatation work at BHU Togh Sarai" - 465,076 465,076 - HANGU HG15D00053-Repair / rehabilation work and drinkingwater at BHU Muhammad Khawaja - 696,000 696,000 - HANGU HG15D00054-Repair work and 02 No. new rooms at BHU Shahu - 1,178,264 1,178,264 410,073 HANGU HG15D00069-Constt: of PCC Road & drain TaJ Akbarand Noor Qasim House at charbala - 265,357 265,357 - HANGU HG15D00072-Constt: of PCC Road & drain atIbrahimzai - 223,908 223,908 133,908 HANGU HG15D00075-Constt: of PCC Road & Drain at Wachbazar Khyal Bath Khan - 202,962 202,962 - HANGU HG15D00087-Constt: of PCC road / street & drainHamza Abad Lakhti Banda - 122,136 122,136 - HANGU HG15D00098-Constt: of PCC road & drain Gulan HouseBilyamina - 250,000 250,000 250,000 HANGU HG15D00099-Constt: of PCC drain & street at Eid GahHangu - 175,075 175,075 - HANGU HG15D00108-pav: of road/street & drain Molvi KhelMuhammad Khawja - 200,000 200,000 - HANGU HG15D00110-Constt: of PCC raod/Street & drain AmirKoroona Machine Banda Kachpaka - 350,000 350,000 - HANGU HG15D00112-Black Top Road At Khazina banda - 481,185 481,185 - HANGU HG15D00114-Constt: of Pcc Road/Street & drain MirZada koroona - 300,000 300,000 - HANGU HG15D00117-constt: of Causeway & PCC Road ForGarveyard Tari Banda - 160,489 160,489 160,489 HANGU HG15D00118-Constt of Road Cause Way At zaroo banda - 296,576 296,576 - HANGU HG15D00119-Constt: of Talab Bangash Chappar U/C Kotki - 339,511 339,511 339,511 HANGU HG15D00126-Installation of pipline Mohallah Kharzonat Togh Sarai - 817,644 817,644 757,105 HANGU HG15D00128-Gravity Based Drinking Water SupplyScheme Gorgoro Mela Karbogha Sharif - 99,125 99,125 - HANGU HG15D00135-Pavement of Street Mohalla sahib zad ganat Karbogha sharif - 53,478 53,478 - HANGU HG15D00138-Instt: of 2 Nos. Pressure Pumps Mares & Fadah Koroona at Chapri Waziran - 838,000 838,000 - HANGU HG15D00146-Instt: of Hand pump at Farooq Abad - 80,249 80,249 - HANGU HG15D00150-Instt: of Hand pump at Lodhi Khel(Ziarat & Muhammad khan korona) - 182,217 182,217 - HANGU HG15D00151-"Instt: of Hand Pump at Ibrahimzai (RabNawaz Ali, Aftab Ali, Hassan Ghulam - 341,916 341,916 - & Khaono Ziarat)" HANGU HG15D00152-"Instt: of Hand pump at Raisan (GraveYard, Malak Khyal Gul & Muhammad - 91,176 91,176 - Hassan Korona)" HANGU HG15D00156-Instt: of pipeline Javed Korona Warast - 91,756 91,756 91,756 HANGU HG15D00157-Making & Fixing of Gril on Drain atAlsherawi Mohalla - 200,000 200,000 - HANGU HG15D00161-Installation of Pipeline at JawozaraAskar Ali koroona - 340,000 340,000 - HANGU HG15D00172-WSS Installation For ZarWali ShahDarband - 173,000 173,000 - HANGU HG15D00174-Protection Band Mohammad Aslam Gharbokally - 700,000 700,000 - HANGU HG15D00175-Protection Band Mohammad Abdullah - 96,355 96,355 - HANGU HG15D00176-Constt: of PCC Street & drain of ShahWazir Aner Chena - 100,000 100,000 - HANGU HG15D00178-Protection Band Ayub Khan Son Of GulTareen KatGhar - 162,268 162,268 - HANGU HG15D00180-Constt: of PCC Street & Drain towardizat Gul (Late) House - 300,000 300,000 299,710 HANGU HG15D00181-Pavement of street near ghazi Muhammad koroona to farooq house - 264,000 264,000 264,000 HANGU HG15D00191-Boundary wall and farsh bandi Janazgah Nawa kalay - 500,000 500,000 - HANGU HG15D00192-Repair of Open well Haji NaserullahTangi Bilyamina - 100,000 100,000 - HANGU HG15D00200-PCC street in front of Ghazi Muhammed house Kahi - 136,000 136,000 - HANGU HG15D00214-Constt: of Protection wall at Gul KarimMuhammad Khawaja - 400,000 400,000 - HANGU HG15D00222-Constt: of Water channel at Ganjanokally - 340,000 340,000 - HANGU HG15D00234-Constt: of Protection wall at Sraghundinear Kasab Khanna - 240,000 240,000 - HANGU HG15D00235-Constt: of Protection Wall at Bilyamina - 240,000 240,000 - HANGU HG15D00238-Constt: of Open Well at Bismillah KhanStreet Gul Bagh - 197,234 197,234 - HANGU HG15D00244-Construction of class room at GGHS Thallsubstituted by ?Solar system at - 145,480 145,480 95,642 GGHS Thall Urban? HANGU HG15D00245-Purchase of furniture and beautificationof library at GHS Togh Sari - 300,000 300,000 - HANGU HG15D00246-Raising of Boundry wall GMS Alwara Mela - 400,000 400,000 - HANGU HG15D00259-Community Hall Boundary Wall HafizKhalid Chapri Naryab - 347,507 347,507 - HANGU HG15D00277-Pavement of street & Drain Sahib ZadaAwais Karni at Bar Kaley Karbogha - 89,392 89,392 - HANGU HG15D00280-Constt: of causeway at Haji Khiwa gul Koroona behid Afaq Public School Kahi - 305,746 305,746 275,146 HANGU HG15D00281-Repair of Mandar & Ziyarat Prim NagarMuslim Abad Hangu - 200,000 200,000 200,000 HANGU HG15D00282-PCC on Existing Flag stone/Soling atNiazi Banda karbogha Sharif - 57,696 57,696 - HANGU HG15D00301-Pav: of street & drain Madura Molana Momin koroona at Sangair U/C Naryab - 444,954 444,954 - HANGU HG15D00304-Pavement of street with (Bricks) Saifullah house at Azeem Abad V/C Regi at - 153,878 153,878 - Darsamand HANGU HG15D00310-Instt: of solar lights at TableeghiMarkaz Hangu - 1,500,000 1,500,000 - HANGU HG16D00005-PCC street at GHS Chepri Naryab II (Rs. 400000/-) & Protection Wall & Street - 400,000 400,000 400,000 at GHS ShenaWari (Rs. 275,000) HANGU HG16D00008-Purchase of Sewing Machine, Rachshas to Deserving Woman & Motor Try - 318,600 318,600 231,048 cycle/Hearingdevices to person with disabilities in Hangu HANGU HG16D00044-PCC street inside/outside of school atGGMS M.Khawja - 675,000 675,000 - HANGU HG16D00045-Fixing of tiles & Solar system at BHUKahi - 1,012,500 1,012,500 - HANGU HG16D00046-Constt: of community hall boundary wallat Kach - 250,000 250,000 250,000 HANGU HG16D00047-Sanitation scheme in Warasta c/o JavidKoroona - 500,000 500,000 500,000 HANGU HG16D00048-Protection Wall at Darori Banda C/o GuleMan Shah - 176,000 176,000 - HANGU HG16D00049-Protection Band Malak Gul Aban MohammadKhawaja - 168,000 168,000 - HANGU HG16D00050-Protection Wall at Sra Ghundi c/o ZahoorQasib - 168,000 168,000 - HANGU HG16D00051-Protection wall & Side wall Talab ZahidKoroona Sark Dana - 400,000 400,000 - HANGU HG16D00052-Protection wall Hafiz Ullah Heera Banda - 220,000 220,000 - HANGU HG16D00053-Protection band Qutab u Din with GI Wireat Bilyamina - 168,000 168,000 - HANGU HG16D00054-Protection wall at Ibrahim Zai - 280,000 280,000 - HANGU HG16D00055-Protection wall at Karbogha Sharif - 160,000 160,000 - HANGU HG16D00056-Protection wall at Warsta - 100,000 100,000 - HANGU HG16D00057-Protection Wall Malak Mashren GulNaryab-II - 176,000 176,000 - HANGU HG16D00058-Constt: of Talab at Regi Angor ChenaDarsamand - 168,000 168,000 - HANGU HG16D00059-"Protection wall Maqbool Korona (Rs.0.20M) Umar Darband (Rs. 0.15M), - 650,000 650,000 - Protection wall Arif Koroona (Rs.0.15M), Protetion wall at Hamid koroona (Rs. 0.15 M) " HANGU HG16D00062-Constt Work at GMS Darband - 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 HANGU HG16D00097-Improvement and Filling of Ground atGHS Ganderi - 105,000 105,000 - HANGU HG16D00098-Fixing of Barbed Wire in Land of atRehman Koroona. Chepri Waziran - 168,000 168,000 - HANGU HG16D00099-Construction of water Chanel Qadirkoroona at Kach - 100,000 100,000 - HANGU HG16D00100-Construction of Water Tank at Zahir ShahKoroona Babo Tang - 180,000 180,000 - HANGU
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