Boxing Tawa Engage* Fordham With Amy MeetAmherat rft Saturday. THI Friday. VOL, 9 NEW YORK, N. Y., JANUARY 20, 1928 No. 14 GLEE'S CHOICE SONG GRADUATE SCHOOL TO REJECTED BY COUNCILFordham Debaters Triumph Over Buffalo Team HAVE IRISH STUDIES Keegan and Latvian Made Announcement Made By Directory Conteet Sing- In Opening Contest of Inter-Collegiate Season Dean to Add Gaelic ers Announced. School to Univeraity. Chicago //OHM Cemplimenta Logical Reasoning of Clou Plaquit Adotn New Due to a conflict In the (election of Work POM in 1929 Maroon Maroon Orator* Wins Ftneo Facing Fordham Road It affords the President and Fac- choice longs (or the Intercollegiate ulty of Fordham University great Contest, the Fordham Glee Club's se- An artlelt about tht 1*2t Maroon Approval of Judges. Laat wttk the new Fordham pleasure to announce that the Univer- lection has been changed. Mr. Jose- recently appeared In "Art Crafts Road feneo waa adorned with sity has taken over and in future will Rtvitw," a mataiino published In plaques. Thsy dtslgnatt tht years lyn had chosen the "Shepherd's Morn- conduct under the auspices of ita Fac- Chicago by the Combined Engrav- of tht varloua classes who donated ing Song" and, as this met with the VOTE IS 2 TO 1 er's Oulld. This It a publication de- tht stone pillars. Tht plttts art of ulty the School of Irish Studies, found- approval of the Moderator, coplei of voted to tht development of school grttn background with the numer- ed November 8, 1925, by Joseph Camp- It were forwarded to the Intercolle- publications In this country. Meson. Seery, Carroll and als worked In bright metal. bell and Edward Cavanagh." giate Council. However, the Wesleyan Tht article, which will be road McGroddy Form Vic- This Is a fitting tribute to the This announcement was made at the Glee Club had made the same selec- throughout the United ftatoo, wat loyal alumni who have so liberally beginning of the new year by Rev. tion and had delivered their coplea to tht effect that an unusual amount torious Trio. supported their Alma Mater. The Miles J. O'Mallia, S. J., Dean of the to the Council before the arrival of the of Interest wat belno shown by the ftnet la Indeed a work of simple Graduate School, on behalf of the au- copies from Fordham. Further choice members of tht Maroon's staff In but striking beauty. It wat done In thorities of the University, and con- their publication. Mtntlen was also On laat Monday evening, In Collins harmony with the type of architec- stitutes what is, perhaps, one of the has not been completed, although the Auditorium, the Council of Debate moot of oome of the work already ture ussd throughout tht eolltgt. most important innovations in the director has considered both the successfully opened the new season seeompllshed (at waa previously Tht feneo eommtmorattt those Manhattan Division of Fordham, with of Intercollegiate competition, when "Dance of the Gnomes," by McDowell, reported In The RAM) by J. Ger- Fordham men who dltd In the headquarters in the Woolworth Build- and "Evening Peace," by Bvendsen. three of ita representatives triumphed ing. ard Cretan, Mlttr-litChlef and Vic- over the team from the University ot World War. Either of these two compositions tor J. Luttweki, Assistant Idlttr, Buffalo. A large and appreciative With the fence now completed, During the two years of the exist- would be representative both ot the and closed with saying that "from audience attended, and sat through a and with the new trees being plant- ence of the school, which was founded Fordham Glee Club and of the Inter- all Indications, the Maroon of IMS debate which seldom, if ever, lacked ed along the back roadway, the with the object ot stimulating an in- collegiate Glee Club Conteat. Final will bo better then any other an- for Interest and enthusiasm. The grounds are thowlng a quite im- terest In Ireland's cultural heritage among the people of Irish birth and announcement of the Fordham Choice WS% sr f#l^gffWntt question for discussion, which was, proved entrants. during the course of the evening, affiliation in New York, eminent Song will be made In the coming scholars from American and Continen- week. treated from every Important and popular angle by the members of both tal Universities and men and women . The members of the Glee Club who of literary repute have participated teams, dealt with the present policy will sing In the Intercollegiate* have Social Sen ice to Seniors Ckoose Legal in the work of the school by contrib- also been chosen and are announced of the United States government of uting a remarkable series of lectures as follows: First tenors: Flattery, Sey- Hold Brtff e Party armed intervention In foreign terri- Profession in Ballot on the history, civilization, language mour, O'Neill, Nevln, Lenin, McAuley, tories without the formality of a decla- and literature ot Ireland, and on Ire- Fitsslmmon; second tenors: ration of war, whenever the property land's contribution to the world's cul- Clune, Ev»ns, Hoey, John Kelly, Le- Patron*!* Lit* Includaa or rights of Its cltliena Is assailed Maroon Statistics Find That tural development. pree, Murphey, George Smith, Boyle; The members of the up-state universi- Many Proninratly ty argued the affirmative, and Ford- Majority Will Enter In order that students who wish to first basses: McCormack, Holtenbach, specialize in this field may have the Frank Lawless, Spillane, DiPasca, Me- •Known P«rtOM ham, the negative, of the question Law and Modkino. which was officially stated: Resolved, benefit of academic credit for their Groddy, Whalen; second basses: Kee- work, the school trustees have decided gan, Collins, Batten, Shanley, Frank that the United States should cease On Friday afternoon, January 10, an Statistics recently given out by J. to place the school and its purpose Murphy, Hlgglns, Selti. The list la to protect by force of arms, American under the aegis of the Univeraity. It only tentative and many changes are Intercity bridge will be held In the inveatmenta In foreign countrlea, ex- Gerard Creegan, the Editor-in-Chief of will constitute a distinct and separate liable to take place as the Intercolle- grand ballroom of the Hotel Plata for cept after a formal declaration of war. the 1(28 Maroon, show that a little department, and will be designated giate longs will have to be studied by the benellt ot the Fordham School of The decision of the Judges, Mr. more than a third of the Seniors In- "The School of Irish Studies of Ford- the entire Glee Club. Sociology and Social Service, of which Hugh A. O'Donnell, Bsq., Mr. Daniel ham University." Other American At a meeting of the Glee Club last Rev. Matthew L. Fortler, S. J., Ph. D., W. Redmond, Ph.D., and the Hon. tend to follow the profession ot law Universities have chairs of Celtology, week, the elections of two seniors waa Is Dean. The proceeds of the afalr William F. Quigley, waa 2 votea to 1 after their graduation. Coming as a but this will have the distinction of held. These men were elected to re- will he used as a nucleus ot an endow- In favor of Fordham. The victory of close second is medicine which will being the Hist school of Its kind de- place Mr. Bheehan and Mr. McDermott voted to research in the Irish arts as ment fund now being raised under the the Maroon orators may be attributed claim a little less than another third on the Board of Directors of the Glee direction of the Dean. to a more perfect knowledge of the a whole. Club and were elected by a secret fundamentals of logic and a closer of the class. The remaining Seniors "One of the main purposes of the ballot. They are Mr. Robert Keegan The School, opened at the request adhesion to the queation at laaue. This anlfested a wide choice of future school," continues the announcement, and Mr. Frank Lawless, both of whoa of His Eminence, Cardinal Hayes, for dual advantage over the' opposition vocations. "will be the stimulation of original are old member* of the Glee and prom- the purpose of providing trained so- waa patent to a great degree and At the beginning of the term each research and creative work. In thla inent members of the Senior Class. cial workers to combat and treat all must have been mainly instrumental member of the class of '2$ filled out connection there is urgent need for Contrary to custom, the Fordham phases of social disorder, particularly in earning the approbation of the an "activity Blank," which, among the establishment of a library ot works Intercollegiate Singers will represent thoae aBectlng the home, women, and judge*. other things, asked what the Senior on early Irish history, the philology of their Alama Mater with the Fordham children, has been recently reorgan- After a brief opening address, the intended to do after leaving college. ancient and modern Gaelic, and of Marchlag Song. Thla same school ised and enjoys an autonomy of Ita Chairman of the Debate, the Hon. Out of a total class enrollment of 227, source-books which will indicate the song was sung with unequalled success own. Jamea M. Barrett, Judge of the Bronx seventy-eight stated that they intend- unpublished manuscript material deal- by the Intercollegiate group two years ing with any topic within this Held. To carry out the ardent wlah of the County Court, and a graduate of ed to work for the degree of LL.
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