A strategy for in Western New York WNY Regional Economic Development November 2011 Strategic Plan Acknowledgements Western Chair Robert J. Duffy New York Lieutenant Governor, New York State Regional Co-chairs Regional Satish K. Tripathi Howard A. Zemsky President, University at Buffalo Managing Partner, Economic Larkin Development Group Development Members Aaron Bartley Strategic Executive Director, John R. Koelmel PUSH (People United for Sustainable President & CEO, Housing) Buffalo First Niagara Financial Group, Inc. Plan Jeff Belt Thomas A. Kucharski CEO, SolEpoxy President & CEO, Buffalo Niagara Enterprise Executive Summary 4 Robert T. Brady Chairman & CEO, Moog %UHQGD:0F'XIÀH Our Planning Process 12 President & CEO, Deanna Alterio Brennen Buffalo Urban League, Inc. President & CEO, WNY Assets and Challenges: 14 Niagara USA Chamber Jennifer J. Parker Existing Conditions and Opportunities CEO, Jackson Parker Paul Brown Communications, LLC Economic Development Strategy President, Buffalo Building & Making Smart Decisions: 16 Construction Trades David Porter Building strategic goals Plant Manager, Cummins, Inc. Colleen C. DiPirro Prepare Our Workforce 18 President & CEO, Duncan Ross Amherst Chamber of Commerce President, Implement Smart Growth 22 Arrowhead Spring Vineyards Foster a Culture of 28 Dr. Charles Edmondson Entrepreneurship President, Alfred University Andrew J. Rudnick President & CEO, WNY Industry Sectors 30 Robert Gioia Buffalo Niagara Partnership President, Advanced Manufacturing 32 The John R. Oishei Foundation Dr. Connie Vari Agriculture 34 Executive Vice President & COO, Dr. Rosa Gonzalez Kaleida Health Bi-national Logistics 35 President & CEO/Chair, Emergency Energy 37 Management & Fire Protection Dr. Raul Vazquez Technology/ Founder & CEO, Health|Life Sciences 38 RGonzalez Consulting Inc./Erie Urban Family Practice, P.C. Higher Education 41 Community College Professional Services 43 Pamela R. Henderson Tourism 44 Managing Partner, Henderson-Woods, LLC Promote the Region’s Assets 46 Reforms to Allow Businesses 47 Ex-Officio to Thrive Byron Brown Greg Edwards Regional Implementation Agenda 49 City of Buffalo Mayor Chautauqua County Executive Closing Words 54 Chris Collins Michael O’Brien Erie County Executive Chair, Cattaraugus County Legislature Appendix Curtis Crandall William Ross Appendix A: 56 Chair, Allegany County Legislature Chair, Niagara County Legislature Work Groups S.W.O.T. Paul Dyster Sam Teresi City of Niagara Falls Mayor City of Jamestown Mayor Appendix B: 62 Public Feedback Executive Director Christina P. Orsi Western New York Regional Director, Empire State Development 2 Western New York Regional Economic Development Council | Strategic Plan A Letter from the Co-chairs Vision Statement What Went into the Plan WesternWWesttern NewNNew YorkersYYo aspire to create a sustainable RegionalR i l CouncilC il Fellow citizens: A Regional prosperity by utilizing and Economic As co-chairs of the Western New York enhancing the strengths of WESTERN Development Regional Economic Development our people, by continuing REGIONAL Council led the COUNCIL creation of the Council, we are proud to present our rich tradition of human plan, working “A Strategy for Prosperity” – a innovation; by leveraging our with stakeholders to set WNY’s economic comprehensive plan to create a more development priorities to build realistic, region’s natural beauty and comprehensive, regional strategies for dynamic and sustainable economy for abundant natural resources; achieving our vision of a robust and our region and all its citizens. sustainable economic prosperity. and by taking full advantage The strategy is the product of an of our unique and strategic aggressive and broadly inclusive location in the world. We will Work Groups process involving stakeholders from create a region that is admired More than 200 ÀYHFRXQWLHVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVRIDZLGH stakeholders from across worldwide, that attracts more 11 WNY volunteered their array of private, public, and not-for- Work people to live, learn, work and Groups time in topic and sector SURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGOHDGHUVIURP focused work groups to important industry sectors. The work visit; where entrepreneurs and develop the details of has also engaged the broader public in a businesses want to invest their the plan. They brought important expertise and experience to series of interactive forums and through time and capital, and where the work of analyzing existing conditions, the Regional Council website. all our institutions reflect a formulating strategies for action, and WUDQVIRUPLQJVWUDWHJLHVLQWRVSHFLÀFDQG It is a truly home-grown plan that culture of inclusion, continuous doable projects and programs. UHÁHFWVWKHYDOXHVSHUVSHFWLYHVDQG improvement, adaptation and aspirations of the people of Allegany, excellence. Public Participation Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, and Niagara counties. And it is the product The community was an integral part of the of literally thousands of hours of work planning process. The from hundreds of volunteers – all of public was kept informed whom care deeply about the future of the communities of Western New York. through the media, stakeholder networks, and up-to-date The plan is submitted in response to Governor Cuomo’s challenge to chart a fresh content. They gave input online and through paper surveys and comment forms. Seven course for sustainable economic growth in New York State and to compete for grants public forums gave citizens an opportunity to and tax credits from a special billion dollar fund for development projects that can be speak directly to the Council. Overall, more transformative for our communities. than 1,000 citizens added their voices to the planning process. :HDUHFRQÀGHQWZHKDYHGHYHORSHGDKLJKO\FRPSHWLWLYHSODQZLWKJUHDWSRWHQWLDO for success. But the work we have done together to create a shared strategy for the continuing restructuring of the WNY economy is just as important -- and its potential to transform our region is just as great. We are all on the same page and we are working together as never before. The plan is, above all, practical. In order to have been included, strategies and more VSHFLÀFLQLWLDWLYHVPXVWEHERWKLPSDFWIXODQGIHDVLEOH:HDVNHGRIHDFKSURSRVDO “can it move the needle?” in creating jobs and long-term prosperity in our region and $VWUDWHJ\IRU “can we get it done”? For each and every item in the plan these answers were “yes.” LQ:HVWHUQ1HZ<RUN Now that we have a plan, of course, much more hard work remains to be done to translate it into action. We are ready. :1<5HJLRQDO 1RYHPEHU (FRQRPLF'HYHORSPHQW 6WUDWHJLF3ODQ Sincerely, Satish K. Tripathi Howard A. Zemsky Western New York Regional Economic Development Council | Strategic Plan 3 Executive Summary A strategy for prosperity “A Strategy for Prosperity” aims to make fundamental improvement in the WNY economy, to ensure Where do we want to be? sustainable and long-term growth in jobs and income in our five-county region, and to contribute to the resurgence of the broader economy of New York State. Strengthen The basic strategy is two-fold. And it sharpens basic tools -- fundamentals It addresses systemic issues marketing and promotion and The strategy focuses on three fundamental fundamental to the success regulatory reform -- to move all issues that -- if we address them of our entire economy -- like industry sectors ahead. appropriately -- can create the right environment for job growth and wealth workforce, infrastructure, and an The strategy justifies WNY REDC entrepreneurial culture. creation. With a stronger work force, more priority projects for special HIÀFLHQWLQIUDVWUXFWXUHDQGDYLEUDQW At the same time, it responds to state funding. Just as important, culture of entrepreneurship, we can turn our the needs of key industry sectors it provides a plan for us to work economy around. where our region has strength together in the coming years and can capitalize on comparative to achieve a truly sustainable advantages. prosperity. Job readiness. Jobs cannot EHFUHDWHGXQOHVVWKH\FDQEHÀOOHG Employers across WNY and in all A Participatory Process Where are we now? LQGXVWU\VHFWRUVVD\LWLVKDUGWRÀQG people who can do the jobs needed. The strategy was developed The strategy includes an array of through a broad-based, The bad news in our region is well- initiatives aimed at improving the match participatory known. Job growth here was sluggish between education and training and process when the national economy was jobs in the region and strengthening the engaging booming. A slow but long-term loss WESTERN connections between the “P-12” system, more than REGIONAL of population has yet to abate. Our COUNCIL higher education, and business. a thousand physical infrastructure - private and citizens. public - is too big and too old for our current needs. Businesses are burdened More than 200 11 Smart growth. While sprawling Work with taxes and regulation. community and Groups patterns of development have made business leaders Our good news is underreported. every city in America more costly and volunteered long We have made great strides in our OHVVHIÀFLHQWWKHLPSDFWKDVEHHQGRXEO\ hours in work economic restructuring, creating destructive in WNY where sprawl has groups to develop new jobs in health and life sciences, occurred without growth. The strategy the details of a education, professional services, and VSHFLÀHVKRZZHFDQUHLQYHVWLQRXU plan. tourism. urban centers, neighborhoods, and rural Many others participated in :HDUHPRUHFRQÀGHQWLQWDNLQJ villages to conserve energy and make public
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