MONDAY. OCTOBEB I. II n w W a u U M r MatulfeBter ,)Eo»nUts I||»ral2i Average Dally Nat Preaa Run F s w U to D. R. M M ae . For tha WMk Eadlag Septeaahar S8, INC Tsday, Bhd wanai UgMat . -U Ragiha D’ltaUa Society wUl held Mr. I. 0 «org ! O. Sallows on arrival at tha hospital, whtra lU monthly meeting this evening of sar Mala straet and Mrs. Birthday Gt«e£inKs AtanIsKiUed Agalathnt Madlcal Examiner Jclm tseipsf^etofa nser Mt toelght, la- •ut.Towii‘’J gt T:30 in U e )taUan-Ameriean Isahal iaaara af 44 Oambrtdga Phoned From Japan PrignaiM aaid death was cauaad AMESITE DRIVEWAY 10,021 w to d e j i laeUnaaai tawaat «am- clubhouse. bava bata apaadlag tha by a Itocturad akuIL persiere aheet W. • REDtit'BO RATES Maasbar e f Um Andit- past aMntha at fedgartowif.fedgan Last night Mr.,and Mi8. SI'' in Auto Crash Tha body 4vaa taken to New York » 4 (t Wauim it TWicy Martaa’s Vlaayard, ratufaed home • GRADI**6 FREE SINCE IMO DwMfi « f Circelattoea MmduU&r^A CUy of FU lofu Chnrm GnSratTMt, Mr. anid Mrs. Walter B. Kohia mer A. Weden of 43 Brookflald yesterday b y the’ \W. P. Qjiish mmM Saturday eveniag. Funeral Horn*. A Quito -ambu­ WORE WaHacm Tncy of Parktr who recently moved from SS CUA- street received a telephone call • POWER ROLLER USED k u iMen called back- into Um street to their new home on from their son, Lieutenant El­ Four Otb«tra Are Treated lance and one from East Hartford • FREE ESTIMATES UARANtBBD Maple street, were tendered' a Harold D.; Oarrlty, son of Attor­ removed the ■ accident victims to MANCHESTER, CONN; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1950 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS active aefv»ea-in the Army and has mer A. Weden, Jr., naval doc­ • TIME PAJT^5NT8 CALL VdL. LXX, NO. I tCMaataed AdvarttatM !•) repotted fOr duty at Camp Breck- housewarming recently. Mrs. Oarl- ney and Mrs. Harold W. Garrity of tor stationed In Japan. He con­ For Jujuries at Memo* the hospital. ' x MANCHESTER Uifli%k. K M r t w ^ ton Walther of 40 Clinton street 141 rakin street, is enrolled as a gratulated his mother on her Stats Policemen. Jhmes McCor­ • SAVE/It)% FiFOR CASH served as chairman and tntereatad atudaat at WlUiaton Academy, riallHoBpttal ''' mick and Oqorga Bandera hasiited 7«M birthday. Lieutenant Weden la •AVB W i n T)m card party uaually kald on tha ntighbora, who contributed Bastiiampton, Maas., which Is ra. medical officer and surgeon In the taiYtotlgntlon. Monday nlghU at the Army M d money to purchase aonnething for opening this fait’ for Its 110th for a 200 bed base hospital lo­ . Eric K au; 40, of 36 West 88th NaW club will be held aa oched- the new home of Mr. ' and' Mrs. academic year. cated ' in Japan, across the street, New York City, was killed uled tonight. RefreahmenU will be Kohls. They also brought a variety Straits of Shushims from Pu­ DeMAIO BROTHERS 01. the. Wilbur Cross Highway in Oall Now — Wa Paraoaany SoparvlM AS Worfel weaved by the committee tn charge. of delicious refreshments and ev­ S t Raymond’s Motheia’ Circle san in Korea. ■/ erybody had a Jolly Um^. will hold Its opening meeting of D. Lloyd Hobroti, manager Bktst Hartford yesterday morning £• Aa taportaat meeting of the tha season -at the home of Mrs. of the local telephone ex­ when he was thrown ebt of his FMOM / . J • — CMSbritone au b of St Bridget ! A training aeaaion for pariah Richard Colbert, 43 Ardniore road, change, said today that tha overturning car and then struck by d n P ^ baa been called for tomor­ visitors will be held this evening tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. volume of overseas calls, in­ the rolling vehicle.^ The iiccident row evening at eight. o’clock in at eight o’clock in the Second Con­ coming and outgoing. In Man­ occurred east of the Forbes street plinfKmr, the church hall. All parishioner! gregational church. Girl Scout Troop 12 wilt hold its chester Is small. However, exit. V9¥» mMTtH Engine Purrs Like Kitten ate utgod to attend aa at thla meet­ flrat meeting of the fail a!ason to­ aince.thc end of hostilities id Four other occupants Of the car “ Doc” ing plana will be formulated for The W.B.A. meeting and Guard night at 7 o'clock at the Second Japan the local exchange has were Injured and treated at Man- COAL Local Ele^ions Congressifian Pierces Go Won. Quit Yer Kitten the annual raffle and baeaar. Club rehearaal will be cancelled Congregational church. The Misses averaged a call a month either cheater Memorial hospital. Mrs. Reported 50 Mile& tomorrow evening aa Odd Fellows Marilyn Moore and Marian to. or from Japan. The rate to Rosa Neuhaua, 84, suffered head and COKE Richmond, Calif., Oct. 3.-*- The Woman’s AuxUlary of St, hall is being. redecorsted. , Tha Schildge are leaders of the troop. and'-from Japan on week days Injuriea, deep shock and multiple Hailed as Good (P)—Cicero Wllkeraon waa de­ Mary’s Church will hold a rum­ president, Mrs. Mildred Tedford, is $12 for three minutes and contusions, apd Mrs. Jennie Gold­ Iron Curtain, Sees lighted with the purring aound mage-sale Thursday morning at will be mistress of ceremonies at Bklward Smith, son of Mr. and on Sundays, $9 for three min­ smith, 82, has a knee injury, PLEASE” -aa he started his automobile nine o’clock at the church. Any- the District meeting In Freja.hall, Mrs. George Smith, ia a freshman utes, not including tax. bruleei and multiple contuelona Sign ^ G 0 P , engine yesterday. ooa wishing to make donations is Hartford, Wednesday evening, and at the Pennsylvania Stats‘ College Both women, reaident! of New A block later, the purr had i d reoueated to^u to contact either the local guards, will exemplify the of Optometry In Philadelphia. York City, were admitted aa pa- More Bergren^s New Russian Weapons changed to furious cries. Mrs. Charies-Oary or Mrs. Frank Prior to entering the college Mr. Under the hood, dancing on flag service. It la expected about Mr. and Mra. Alfred Barbero tlente. Greet Gains in Yester­ Bartel o. leave the articles at the thirty members of Mystic Review, Smith graduated from Yale Uni­ Lab-Te»tefl toe hot engine block, he found church Wednesday evening. versity with a B S. ddjjfree. have been enjoying s week's vaca­ Werner Btearn, 30, and Edith Berlin, ct. 3—i/P)—An American, a new airbase and an infantry a cat and three kittens. No. 2. will attend. The guest of tion at the Cavalier Hotel, Vir­ Neuhaua, - 62, also of New York Milk! day’s Poll as Augury tank compound. honor will be the supreme medical congrasaman has pierced Ruaaia'a Sunset Rebekah Lodge members Douglas L. Friend, son of Dr. ginia Beach. City, were diecharged after treat­ Of Republican Victory Iron curtain in Germany and ra- Might Ha^'e Beea Executed are reminded that the meeting this director. Dr. Mary B. Campbell. ment. A westerner on auch forbidden A turkey dinner at fl:S0 will be and Mra. Amos E. Friend, 70 Com­ tumed undetected with an aye- evening wlU be in the directors’ Past matrons of Temple Chap­ State Policeman C. Taylor Hart MORIARTY Jti November Contest wltnesa a|:count of new Soviet territory Is vulnerable to arrest served. Members going by bus stock road, has begun his studies No need to coax the young­ room of the Odd Fellows building. st Hobart College in Geneva N. ter, No. 33, O.B.8., will meet of the Hartford Barracks reported baby tanka and Jet planea and possible shooting as a spy. Tribunal O. K.s should take the Park street bus that the Katz vehicle waa proceed­ sters when it’s Bergreirs The Congressman said he waa U. S. Advisers With ROK The njaln lodge hall is being redec­ T. He is s graduate of Kingswood Thursday evening at the home of BROTHERS / New Haven, Oct. 3—(A*)—Gains The adventure was reported by orated and "obligation" night has at Hartford and alight , St Troy «chooi. West Hartford, and is a ing east on the highway when It milk they’re drinking. escorted on the trip by a Russian Tellri of Floj^iing RuNNiaii MinoN Mra. Bertha Risley, The Gables, TEL.5135 registered In municipal contests Rep. Thurmond Chatham (D.. Annies; Yank Troops been postponed. street. freshman at Hobart. 118 Main street. Mrs. Ethel Davla ran onto the esplanade and over­ N. C.), who came to Berlin with a officer he befriended while they Five Percenters will aasiat the hostess. Members turned three times. Kata was dead gave Connecticut Republicans In­ group of LiegiSlators touring U. S. both were doing liaison work dur­ Held Below 3 8 ; Ma­ It's delicious, it’s creamy- ing World War II. Ths Hartford Chaptsr of the unable to attend are requested to rich, it’s regularly Lab- creased confidence today for vic­ defense points ih Europe. rines Fight Into Blast*, National Asaoclation of Cost Ae- notify Mra. Davis or the president, tory In the big November elec­ Chatham in an interview de­ Chatham told this atory: In Tax Ruling Tested for extra purity, scribed a 60-ralle Jeep ride into the He recognized the Ruasian. In countants will meet Thursday, Mrs. Bemtei; Thrall. tions. ed Uijoiighu; G. I.’a WHEN SICKNESS October 8, at 7:30, at 100 Farming- richness and GOODNESS!' Soviet Zone, which brlstlea with Forty-six of the state’s 169 250,000 Russian troops.
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