KABIR & CO. LTD NAWROZ CARPET EXPORT CO. Nlggest exporters of Afchan IF 'IK handicrafts offering the host displays highest quality newold TM AM nuuliiy Afghan products it: runs. Genuine antique ami, LT KABIR BOUTIQUE: and other Afghan - . ; handicrafts: " Address: Charahi Ansari (Share ... ! i' Nau). Address: Share Nau opposite Blue Mosque Tela; 30189 and 30183. , Tel?: 32035 and 31051. Post Box: 406. ' Cable: Nawroz-kabul- . Cable. PUST1NCHA VOL. X "NO 141 ' KABUL, WEDNESDAY, SEPTTEMBER 15, 1971 (SUNBULA 24, 1971 S.H.).. PRICE AF. 4 The Majesties TEXT OF HIS MAJESTY'S SPEECH -- HRH Prince Ahmac ir ! to signi- - both our Shah regent during Dear Excellency, . , Thanks their special improved, meeting .How me to exDress first mv flcance both' treaties are play- - wishes 'and those of . our deap-fe- lt gratitude for1 the Jng a very,, important part in friends.' HM's absence warm hospitality creating an atmosphere of Afghanistan by 'pursuing : a and sincere ' ' ' afforded warm to us at this, friendly ace and security in one or the policy of. positive and active . reception. The warm sentim-- rnajpr regions pi Asia, ine neutrality, nt and KABUL, Sept. 15, (Bakhtar). : tne aosence ents of Your Excellency , and past years ana events .. wnicn in military. uunnj of His other Soviet leaders and the took- - place in the international and political blocs, a policy of Majesty the King, His Royal . of Highness Prince Ahmad Shah peoples of the Soviet . Union situation bore out with f. still firm support for the struggle regent. welcome inUSSR toward Afghanistan are high-l- y greater elmity the positive im- the peoples and nations against is the appreciated by " the Afghan portance of these treaties. As- colonialism, a policy of strug-- . The itoyl Protocol Depart- oeople and revive good memo- sistance, from the, Soviet Un-- i gle for consolidation of world ment announced yesterday th Sept. 15, (Bakhtar).-T- he Presidium - KABUL, ries of our previous visits to ion, our "friendly neighbour, in heace, S'licerelv wishes to de- at a royal decree to this effect of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union and the th USSR. carrying out major projects of velou eood relations with .all., ha J been issued by His Ma- - USSR Government gave a dinner in honour of His Relations between our c oun Afghanistan s five year' plans, friendly countries. There is no jesty the hing. ;V natu-foundati- oft the ; ... , "Majesty the King and Her Majesty Queen Humaira fries, rest on a firm historical 'particulajly in the use ot doubt that observance and are- - growing ral resources and in. building principle of equality of states . f. great Kremlin Palace last evening. j basis, ks respect ana ce in the stronger with each passing, day an economic is highly mutual ; AMMAN, Sept. 15, (AFP).-Joi-- dan guests people of Af-- j in each others internal with the distinguished at the to mutual confidence predated by the ; Present ex: will reject any solution of accompanying! and respect Steady cooperati ehanistan and is one more affairs arc playing the main the Mjddle .feast conflict dinner were the Afghan statesmen friend- - that r.n hptwfpn niir rnuritrips sh. .ample of the good results bro; part in strengthening does not include the return of them in their trip owed to the world the Afgha- n- ught by the. fruitful and celf-Sovi- et ana ensuring iranquuny its sector of Jerusalem, Foreign ; our throughout the worldv Present from the Soviet side Supreme Soviet Nikolai Podgor relations are a shining less .friendship between Minister Abdallah Salah said he- i General and complete dis- were President of the Presid- - ny. His Majesty, tne rung maae example of fruitful' oeaceful two peoples. re yesterday. At' a press confer- the "-- : ' U the-fiel- -; glad is absolutely : essen- ' TTCCR fiimnmii. wvSfw. a speech in reply. coexistence in of in- are very that as 'a armament ence devoted to the 'judaisation lain ui tuc uuua. wu.viC two of inter- viet Nikolai Podgorny, First De- The speeches by His Majesty ternational ties, particularly result of talks between our tial for maintenance of Jerusalem, Salah said it was i countries-agreemen- rea-- security. , puty Chairman of, the USSR, Co- - and Nikolai Podgorny were met' between countries with diffe- - was national' the United Nations Security Co- pas-s- ' Praiseworthy are efforts made Mazur-o- v, with applause. ed : sys - on, continued Soviet assis. ; , of Ministers Kirill The dinner Tent political and social ched uncil's duty to take the "neces-- undl - - ' in this direction by the Soviet Dmitry Polyansky, Vies in a warm and friendly at- te"is. jnro in rarrvinc out the four sary measures to stop Israel's il- Afghanis- - Union and other peaceloving sta- - President of Presidium of the mosphere. The'historic Moscow treaty.' th. five yeai plan of legal acts in Jerusalem." ; the we nope er-- USSR Supreme Soviet Makhma- - Yesterday afternoon His Ma- concluded on February 28 tan, a plan, aimed, first of all, tes, and mat inese ' forts will be crowned with sue- - dula Kholov, Deputy Chairman of jesty met Nikolai Podgorny 1921. as well a? the treaty of ; at building agricultural and T i a not too distant a" ,the USSR Council of Ministers President! of the 'Presidium of tMiValitv and mtutual non industrial projects with a quick ces8 in future, JeW paramedical Vladimir Novikov, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Aggression, signed in Kabul on ' recovery caouai. iuraiiiu.i badly a peacefuly"'""' of dis- - ou- - USSR in the Kermlin palace; June 24. 1931. not onlv nlav an w noDe mat wun vne ue-- ine oi. tne uoon " school graduates , puted questions which harbou preme Soviet Alexel Shitikov; outstanding oart in the history sired results obtained from our es a danger to peace. In our opinion, Secretary of The meeting was held in a of relations between our two constant efforts for the impro-countri- Nasriddinova, the use of military fnr the USSR Supreme friendly and warm atmosphere. but also .signified at vement of economic conditions the Dressure- feet certificates Presidium of a of the dispute leads Soviet "Mikhail Georgadze. USSR ' Present at the meeting also the moment of their conclusion ' and with the strengthening of settlement to dangerous : consequences. All, officials. were, Afghan beginning a new political and social pillars of Ministers and vother from the side. the of whole disputes be resolved preset-da-y internatio-;th- state, should KABUL, Sept. 15, (Bakhtar). During the dinner the guests Minister of Court Ali Moham-- stage in e new system of the ' ' with, due respect for the by Presid- a of and cultural life of the Public Health Minister Dr. were addissed the nal relations, stage special material (Continued 4) ' be on page Mohammad Ebrahim Majid ent of the Presidium of the USSR (Corttinued on page 4) importance. people of our. country will Sera j yesterday presented 1 the H- - SPEECH paramedical schools of the Pub- HIGHLIGHTS OF E. PODGORNEYS lic' Health Institute. ' '. ' V In his speech on the occasion aspirations. lid. MOSCOW, Sept.' 15, (Tass.)Etrengthehing and expanding Afghan relations, based on priri-- ' tional Dr. Seraj said the Public Heal- process of easfng interna-- v .By their courageous struck! Kre- - with ovppu vpnr . Wnrkinff nr. nf fi'lonHtViin arA f'rwvl nil The Speaking at a dinner in the the peoples of Vietnam, Laos th Ministry is pleased to offer So- - jfional tension Involves a . in of Maj- cessfully in Afghanistan are - ighbourhood, good prospe- mlin held honour His have and Cambodia have proved their the society another.- group of , range of questions, an aggregate esty the King of Afghanistan viet builders and geologists, spe- - cts for their further development qualified young people for va- ! problems requi-- .' determination and unflinching Nikolai Podgorny warmly cialists in agriculture all fields. of big and small and teach in ti- uphold independence and rious medical services. solution. At the same will to .greeted the esteemed Afghan gu- - ers. They have helped in the bu- Your Majesty, we would like ring country, in in- sovereignty, the right to shape The he said address- ilding of the hydropower stat- especially emphasise Ihe me, nobody can deny that ests. to that exist the destiny of their own count- ing, the graduates, is in dire i, ternational relations there ' On behalf of the Presidium of ions in Naghlu and Pule Khum-r- mutual understanding and trust.; " need of qualifications. c your' .1 rrnT-f- r. c - . 1 Soviet-Afgha- tiie main directions along which ries." xne UiScsxv oupreme ouviej auu the mechanised bakery and so characteristic of n you questions odB defending Nobody ha, and cannot hav "The services that perform Soviet Government, the gu- automobile repair plant, the Ka- relations in the course of cardinal the peace strengthening security any doubt that the heroic Viet- in laboratories, and hospitals, ests representing a country with bul Polytechnical Institute. The- decades, also spread to our co- and Related to these dir- namese people, just, as the peo- have a great bearing on the which the Soviet Union has bonds se and other industrial and ag- operation in the field of interna-- : are solved. now is first of. all the ples of Laos and Cambodia, will success of treatment offered by friendship, goodneighbourhood making po- policy. ections of ricultural projects, it tional for- ccmpell the foreign intervention- the doctors', he added. ap- struggle of the peaecloving and multifaceted mutually adva- ssible to successfully utilise the Soviet people speak with Indo-Chin- ces for the liquidation of mili- ists to get out of the a He said: "Dedicated work on ntageous cooperation. country's natural - resources and proval of Afghanistan's policy of peninsula.
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