\}M Rathskellar Is Closer To Reality LARK BERMAN W News Editor ^^^ |nce of students of the uni- ^instruction of a UM rsity through providing a C \ ,fr is apparently as :ility, program and atmo- ^'feainy today as it iere which encourages free |change and exploration of Je°r been since it was ;Jd two years ago. 2as. J© To provide the site for leek a tentative bud- |e legal consumption of beer «330,000 was approved urrtra campus for those legally ititled to consume. h? two-story structure Vol. 46, No. 1 Chitects for the project Tuesday, September 15, 1970 284-4401 # To enable students to ordered to move ahead participate responsibly in a different area of student rele­ preparation of dimen- King Stanford, provided that tablished to finalize plans for construction costs over a 10- university lake on the west multi-purpose structure capa­ vance and competence by es­ odels. legal, financial and opera­ quor laws and only students m the building and work out its year period. side of the Student Union, ble of accomodating about 21 years or older will be tablishing a Rathskellar tional specifications were operational procedures. which will be ultimately fi­ next step in the devel- met. Additional non-operating extending into a small por­ 550 students. served beer. f of the Rathskellar revenue will come from tion of the parking lot. nanced by students, designed P the final approval of Since then, the board has Rathskellar membership pay­ It will have a central meet­ A Rathskellar statement of with the help of students and In May, 1969, the develop­ been working out details and ments from graduate stu­ Currently the University ing room surrounded by a operated largely by the stu­ •Hcles of Incorporation ment of the Rathskellar was purpose, issued in October, * Rathskellar Advisory is currently meeting to ap­ dents, part-time students and Board of trustees is working mezzanine. The central room 1969, states that the Raths­ dents for the university com­ entrusted to the Union Board prove the Rathskellar's Arti­ employees of the university as a liaison with the City of will have a bar and seating munity. 'and the admimstra- of Governors with the charge kellar will serve UM stu­ cles of Incorporation. who do not pay a student ac­ Coral Gables in order to help area, set up like a night club dents in five major ways: Members of the Rathskel­ of solving its legal, financial tivity fee. the RAB secure building and The mezzanine will also have lar Advisory Board include: •iathskellar, a Ger­ and operational problems. Financing for the project tie beer parlor, w.as liquor licenses. seating and will have a stage 0 To provide a new, dif­ students Steven Burger, Mur­ has been secured by UM Vice The Rathskellar Advisory ferent and complementary roposed in 1969 on the From the Union Board, a equipped with a projection ray Cohen, Karl Keller, John President for Financial Af­ Board (RAB), under the lead­ University staff architect site for student extracurricu­ ' Conscience during Rathskellar Planning and De­ screen. McDermott, Tom Rebel, f fairs Eugene Cohen. ership of Tom Rebel, will Charles Cotterman is now lar life. chairman, and Gary Rein- el Abram's Undergrad- velopment Committee and a strive for completion this ac­ consulting with the architec­ Rathskellar Governance There will also be several • To create conditions for hart, Assistant to the Vice tudent Government ad- It is estimated that the ademic year if construction tural firm of Ferguson-Glas­ meeting rooms within the Committee were formed. improved communications President of Financial Affairs ration. Rathskellar will operate on begins on schedule. gow of Coral Gables to final­ building. among the various elements William Muff, Law School an income of about $34,000 ize design plans. of the university community. professor Dr. Richard Lee I proposal was ap- In May, 1970, a Rathskel­ per year in activity fee pay­ The Rathskellar will be lo­ The Rathskellar will oper­ and Director of Student Ac­ by President Henry lar Advisory Board was es­ # To contribute positively ( ments which will be used for cated on the north side of the The Rathskellar will be a ate under Florida state Li­ to the total educational expe- tivities William Sheeder. ipline 4 rehire Stanford: BGS tovated „ZABETH OSTROFF Offers Students assistant News Editor Efctudent disciplinary B code is official Ifective September 1, new code includes Greater Choice' student-oriented I including the right By ELIZABETH OSTROFF El, a three-member Assistant News Editor hearing panel con- The Bachelor of General jf a student, a ten- Studies degree enabling stu­ ilty member, and a dents to graduate without a IOI faculty member. formal major or minor was :hanges made in re- unanimously approved by the [cs provide that sus- UM Board of Trustees last students will have week. Densions dated from The general studies degree of their offense program was introduced to in the date of their UM last October by former students eligible to -Photos by MIKE GRAHAM USG President Jim Yasser jTthe panel be seniors who learned of a similar pro­ standing" (2.0 mini- Registration Checkout Lines Seemed Short gram at the University of at a student can .. only at 8:30 Monday morning Michigan. ;brd his trial, and that iarents of a student Under the new degree re­ charged with a quirements in the College of use will be notified For Fall 1970 Arts and Sciences students rges. must complete the normal interesting to note 120 credit hours, 24 of which is the first disciplin- must reflect the general edu­ in UM's history that cation requirement, and 60 of almost completely Here's Registration Facts which must come from courses numbered 300 or Bill of Rights," USG above. i Mark Krasnow Here are some important be restricted in the courses In addition students may facts that all students should which he may take for "cred­ take up to 30- hours outside V important changes know about registration. it only" by the School or Col­ the College of Arts and Sci­ (ode mean that guilty A Late Registration Fee of lege in which he is a candi­ ences, but they will not be al­ can be referred for $10 is assessed to all stu­ date for an undergraduate lowed to declare a major or Ing to either Presi- dents who fail to complete degree or through which he minor. lanford OR the stu- expects to receive certifica­ their registration prior to the "My academic advisors in­ 'ersonnel Dean, and first day of classes in a regu­ tion. Therefore, students who are involved in should check with Academic form me that it is not a less lar semester. demanding program but rath­ offenses will be tried Advisors prior to registration Registration is complete er a more demanding pro- iividuals — although before they elect to take a when a tuition receipt has course for "credit only." g r a m due to the larger Jay be tried simulta- been issued. Any student amount of courses at a high­ NOW who has a financial problem At the time of registration er level," UM President can't mass prosecute with the payment of fees a student may specify that he Henry King Stanford said. is enrolling in a course "for this system," Krasnow should go to the University N... Bursar, Credit Only." After the late "I don't think it will en­ For the Fall Semester, registration period is over, courage students in high Bow has also suggest- Saturday, September 19, ECTI0N ministrators that UM 1970, students must pay or school to come to UM but I make arrangements to pay 12:00 noon, NO changes may feel once the student has ar­ is year with a clean be made in the "for credit Florida &ry slate. their fees by Wednesday, rived it would present him September 16, 5:00 p.m. or only" designation. with an opportunity to exer­ 5RANDS Je's a question as to pay a late registration fee of To avoid any error, please cise more choice in the selec­ Kractivity of the docu- $10. look very carefully at the tion of courses," Stanford I Krasnow said. "In course coupon you are issued said. EPPY." Students will also be re­ |ords, whether it will at registration to see that it quired to supply facts for the Yasser is not entirely satis­ ed shoes offenses committed is correct. Credit Only cou­ fied with the BGS program 1970 Civil Rights Compliance this summer (Ashe pons have a double strip however, as he feels that it is report. All institutions of s of the g sit-in)." across the card. unfair to prevent students —Photo by BUZZ HAROUTOUNIAN higher education which re­ from declaring a major or are valid argu- Students can pick-up their Students, Suitcases and Trunks y do we ceive, are applicants for, or minor, even though they may both directions, but enrollment slips (copy of expect to be applicants for have fulfilled the qualifica­ . add to airport congestion courses) at the registration variety? that really the only Federal Financial Assistance tions for one. lag for the university as defined in the DHEW reg­ Building, S 100 on or after • this gray area is for September 21. Check this en­ ;ialize in ulation implementing Title VI "It's been done to discour­ |ges for all offenses rollment slip for errors in of the Civil Rights Act of age as many people as possi­ SHOES led prior to the effec- 1964, must file a compliance Dept., prefix, Course No., UM Frats Rush Section No., Section No., ble from taking the BGS pro­ of the document (9- report with the Department gram," Yasser said.
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