Saltford Community Association News Issue No 132 February / March 2017 SALTFORD COMMUNITY CINEMA FRIDAY 17 FEBRUARY – BRIDGET JONES BABY FRIDAY 31 MARCH – GIRL ON THE TRAIN DOORS OPEN 6.45PM AT SALTFORD HALL FULLY LICENSED BAR AVAILABLE TOGETHER WITH ICE CREAM TICKETS JUST £5 ON THE DOOR "% " %+ $ %$%" %"$) %" $" % '$% # *" +( " %/0" %, " %3 0./4 0 2 " .//46514503 COPY DEADLINE FOR APRIL/MAY ISSUE OF SCAN: 10th March 2017 Copy sent by email to [email protected] will be very welcome. www.saltfordhall.co.uk 1 For Designer and Traditional Windows and Doors visit Crystal Clear >05+6>:+669:*65:,9=(;690,:966-30./;: View the extensive range of stunning designer and traditional doors, windows HUKYVVÅPNO[ZH[*Y`Z[HS*SLHY»ZZOV^YVVTVYVUSPULH[^^^JY`Z[HSJSLHYIYPZ[VSJV\R ([WHQVLYH6KRZURRP 6HFRQGDU\*OD]LQJ 6WULNLQJ'HVLJQVRHULQJ/RZ8SNHHS(QHUJ\(ɝFLHQF\ ([SHULHQFHG7HDP (DVHRI8VHDQG+LJK6HFXULW\ )UHH4XRWDWLRQV 39&X$OXPLQLXP6OLGLQJ6DVKDQG&DVHPHQW:LQGRZV '*&26)RXQGHU0HPEHU &RPSRVLWH%LIROG6OLGLQJ)UHQFK6WDEOHDQG3DWLR'RRUV **)DQG7UXVWPDUN0HPEHU ([FOXVLYH6XSSOLHURIWKH02'2&ROOHFWLRQIURP$SHHU 5HJLVWHUHGZLWK%07UDGDDQG%)5& (VWDEOLVKHG/RFDO&RPSDQ\ZLWKDQ([FHOOHQW5HSXWDWLRQ 6ZLVK$XWKRULVHGΖQVWDOOHU 7RȴQGRXWPRUHSOHDVHFDOOXVRQ 0117 911 0471 or visit ZZZFU\VWDOFOHDUEULVWROFRXN www.facebook.com/crystalclearbristol 22a Emery Road, Brislington, Bristol BS4 5PF. 2 Saltford Community Association - Contacts SCA is a Registered Charity—Number 1162948 Hon Chair SCA John Davies 01225 344976 Hon Vice Chair SCA Peter Dando 01225 873917 Hon Treasurer SCA Chris Essex 01225 873878 Hon Secretary SCA Sheila Bateman 01225 873474 SCAN Distribution Jenny Herring 01225 874631 SCAN Editor e-mail: [email protected] 07770 750327 Hall Manager Christopher Pope 01225 874081 e-mail: [email protected] List of Sectional Organisation Contacts Saltford Drama Club Liz James 01179 863530 Saltford Short Mat Bowls Joan Hamblin 01225 872389 Saltford Village Choir Julie Latham 01225 872336 Saltford Panto Club Louise Smee 07889 345086 SCA Musical Productions [SCAMP] Corrine-Anne Richards 0117 986 0930 The opinions, advice, products and services offered herein are the sole responsibility of the contributors. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. SCAN takes no responsibility for the content of any images, screenshots or supporting graphics/visual data. SALTFORD HALL BOOKING OFFICE 01225 874081 E-mail: offi[email protected] www.saltfordhall.co.uk ANNUAL NOTICE The Annual Meeting of Saltford Community Association will be held in the Avon Room at Saltford Hall on Tuesday 28 March 2017 at 7.30p.m. AGENDA Apologies Minutes of the Annual Meeting 2016 Matters Arising Chairperson’s Annual Report Statement of Accounts to 31 January 2017 Election of Management Committee Members Appointment of Independent Examiner AOB Why not come along to hear about what we have been up to over the last year and our plans for the future. Free drinks will be provided! 3 Pete’s Grahame J Harbour BA (Hons), FCA, CTA Chartered Accountant Handyman Services Chartered Tax Advisor Painting, Paperhanging, Ceramic Tiling, Registered Auditor Laminate Floors, : Qualified with a top accountancy firm : Over 25 years experience in large and small accountancy practices Door Hanging(internal), Shelving, : Friendly affordable accountancy and tax advice to individuals and businesses Curtain Rails and Blinds fitted, : Clients include start-ups, sole traders, partnerships and limited Flatpack Assembly companies & much more plus Accountancy and tax services include: Garden Maintenance x Self-Assessment advice including preparation of personal tax Patio Pressure Wash, Fence painting, returns x Preparation of annual accounts Lawn Mowing, Strimming, x Audit of financial accounts x Preparation of monthly and quarterly management accounts General Garden Tidying. x Corporation tax advice including preparation of corporation tax ….and all those little jobs you don’t returns x Completion of VAT returns fancy DIY ing!! x PAYE and National Insurance compliance For Quality Work x Cash flow forecasting x Due diligence at Reasonable Prices Call: Pete on 0117-9613900 or 1 Windrush Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1QL Mobile: 079 444 84 784 Phone: 0117 9864805 Mobile: 07758 646165 Email: [email protected] 4 !$ )( ). ()**,.-+(.) ###&"&&! MONTHLY ACTIVITIES AT SALTFORD HALL Please note:- Dates, times and venues may change. Please check with the contact named elsewhere in this newsletter, and note that these are booking times - event times may differ. First Monday 10.00am Beading Course Wansdyke (usually) Second Monday 7.30pm Saltford Quilters Somerset Second Monday 7.30pm Lions Club of Keynsham Kelston Last Monday 10.00am Craft & Natter Club Kelston First Tuesday 9.30am Saltford Ladies Gardening Club Wansdyke First Tuesday 2.00pm Saltford Afternoon WI Wansdyke Second Tuesday 7.30pm Saltford Women’s Institute Avon Fourth Tuesday 2.15pm Saltford Floral Club Hall Second Thursday 9.45am Ladies Together Kelston Second Thursday 8.00pm Book Club Somerset Second Friday 7.30pm Keynsham & Saltford Wine Circle Avon One Saturday 10.00am Farandole Dance Club Please Wansdyke per month contact June Simpson for exact dates on 01225 872586 Fourth Saturday 2.30pm Historical Model Railway Society Wansdyke 5 6HOHFWHG(YHQWVLQ)HEUXDU\ 'D\ 'DWH 2UJDQLVDWLRQ 7\SHRI(YHQW 5RRP 6WDUW %RRNHG 7LPH 6XQGD\ WK)HEUXDU\ 6&$)XQGUDLVHU *UDQG)OHD +DOO 0DUNHW 7XHVGD\ WK)HEUXDU\ %ORRG'RQRUV +DOO 7XHVGD\ WK)HEUXDU\ 6DOWIRUG3DULVK&RXQFLO &RXQFLO $YRQ 6XQGD\ WK)HEUXDU\ 6&$±$IWHUQRRQ7HD $YRQ 0RQGD\ WK)HEUXDU\ 6W0DU\¶V7KUHH9LOODJHV &RIIHH0RUQLQJ +DOO 7XHVGD\ WK)HEUXDU\ %DWK*XLOGRI 0HHWLQJ :DQVG\NH (PEURLGHUHUV )ULGD\ WK)HEUXDU\ 6&$±&RPPXQLW\ µ%ULGJHW-RQHV +DOO &LQHPD %DE\¶ 6DWXUGD\ WK)HEUXDU\ )DUDQGROH'DQFH&OXE 'DQFH3UDFWLFH +DOO 0RQGD\ WK)HEUXDU\ 6&$±&RPSXWHU&DIH 6RPHUVHW 7XHVGD\ VW)HEUXDU\ 6DOWIRUG3DULVK&RXQFLO 3ODQQLQJ $YRQ 6XQGD\ WK)HEUXDU\ 0DUN7KRPDV$QWLTXHV $QWLTXHV)DLU +DOO Saltford 2017 Calendars Last few reduced from £6 to just £3 with all proceeds being split equally between SCA and SEG. Call into the Office any morning of the week (874081) or Email [email protected] Want to hear what’s going on first locally and receive a preview electronic version of SCAN, then why not join over 1000 others already doing so by emailing [email protected] today? 6 6HOHFWHG(YHQWVLQ0DUFK 'D\ 'DWH 2UJDQLVDWLRQ 7\SHRI 5RRP 6WDUW (YHQW %RRNHG 7LPH 7KXUVGD\ QG0DUFK 6&$±0DQDJHPHQW 0HHWLQJ 6RPHUVHW &RPPLWWHH 6DWXUGD\ WK0DUFK &KULVWLDQ$LG 6RXS &KHHVH +DOO /XQFK 6XQGD\ WK0DUFK 6&$±$IWHUQRRQ7HD $YRQ 7XHVGD\ WK0DUFK 6DOWIRUG3DULVK&RXQFLO &RXQFLO $YRQ )ULGD\ WK0DUFK 2UFKHVWUD:RUNVKRS +DOO 6DWXUGD\ WK0DUFK 1(6RPHUVHW 03V6XUJHU\ :DQVG\NH &RQVHUYDWLYHV 7XHVGD\ WK0DUFK %DWK*XLOGRI :DQVG\NH (PEURLGHUHUV )ULGD\ WK0DUFK /LRQV&OXERI.H\QVKDP 4XL] +DOO 6DWXUGD\ WK0DUFK )DUDQGROH'DQFH&OXE 'DQFH3UDFWLFH +DOO 6DWXUGD\ WK0DUFK 6DOWIRUG:DONHUV 6RFLDO(YHQLQJ $YRQ 0RQGD\ WK0DUFK 6&$±&RPSXWHU&DIH 6RPHUVHW 7XHVGD\ VW0DUFK 7HUU\+DUULVRQ¶V :DQVG\NH :DWHUFRORXU:RUNVKRS 7XHVGD\ VW0DUFK 6DOWIRUG3DULVK&RXQFLO 3ODQQLQJ $YRQ 7KXUVGD\ UG0DUFKWRWK 6DOWIRUG'UDPD&OXE 7REH$GYLVHG +DOO WR6DWXUGD\ 0DUFK 3URGXFWLRQ 7XHVGD\ WK0DUFK 6&$±$QQXDO0HHWLQJ $YRQ )ULGD\ VW0DUFK 6&$±&RPPXQLW\ µ*LUORQD +DOO &LQHPD 7UDLQ¶ PLEASE NOTE: DATES, TIMES AND VENUES MAY CHANGE. PLEASE CHECK WITH THE CONTACT NAMED ELSE- WHERE IN THIS EDITION AND NOTE THAT THESE ARE BOOKING TIMES – EVENT TIMES MAY DIFFER 7 REGULAR WEEKLY ACTIVITIES AT SALTFORD HALL Please note: Dates, times and venues may change. Please check with the contact named elsewhere in this newsletter and note that these are Booking Times – event times may differ Mondays 9.45am Jazzercise Class Hall 10.00am Music with Mummy Kelston 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall 2.00pm Whist Club Avon 4.40pm Dance Factory Hall 2.00pm Saltford Scrabble Club Kelston (in season) 7.30pm Saltford Drama Club Avon 8.00pm Saltford Badminton Hall Tuesday 9.30am The Art Group Kelston 10.00am Tuesday Morning Badminton Hall 12.00pm Zumba Gold Hall 6.15pm Hatha Yoga Somerset (1st & 3rd only) 7.00pm Saltford Parish Council Avon 7.30pm Avon Badminton Hall 7.30pm Saltford Village Choir Wansdyke Wednesday 9.45am Wednesday Morning Badminton Group Hall 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall 4.00pm Keyford Dancing School Somerset 7.30pm Saltford Sequence & Old Time Dance Club Hall Thursdays 9.45am Jazzercise Class Hall 9.45am Music with Mummy Kelston 2.00pm Painting for Pleasure Avon 5.45pm Hatha Yoga Class Wansdyke 6.30pm Pilates Class Hall 6.15 & 8.00pm Hatha Yoga Class Wansdyke 7.30pm Keynsham AA Group Kelston Fridays 10.30am Saltford Wind Chamber Group Somerset 10.00am Hatha Yoga Wansdyke 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall SCA is on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Saltford-Community-Association/186494898072876 8 SALTFORD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Forthcoming Fundraising Events in 2017 -DQXDU\ &RPSXWHU&DIp ±DP &RPPXQLW\&LQHPD±%URRNO\Q SP 6DOWIRUG3DQWR&OXE±%HDXW\:LWKLQWKH%HDVW 9DULRXV )HEUXDU\ *UDQG)OHD0DUNHWDQGFDIp ±SP 6XQGD\$IWHUQRRQ7HD SP &RPPXQLW\&LQHPD±%ULGJHW-RQHV%DE\ SP &RPSXWHU&DIH ±DP $QWLTXHV)DLUZLWKRXUFDIp ±SP 0DUFK 6XQGD\$IWHUQRRQ7HD SP &RPSXWHU&DIH ±DP 6DOWIRUG'UDPD&OXE3URGXFWLRQ SP &RPPXQLW\&LQHPD±*LUORQWKH7UDLQ SP $SULO 6XQGD\$IWHUQRRQ7HD SP &RPPXQLW\&LQHPD±7%$ SP $QWLTXHV)DLUZLWKRXUFDIp ±SP 0D\ 6XQGD\$IWHUQRRQ7HD SP &RPSXWHU&DIp ±DP &RPPXQLW\&LQHPD±7%$
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