CLIENT BOOKING REPORT Financial and Non Financial Spots Client: NATIONAL TERTIARY EDUCATION GC Market Type: National Product: NTEU Market: National Media Type: Television Country: Australia MediumProgram DayTime Dur Fin Spt Week: 26-Oct-2014 Sky News AM AGENDA Tuesday 08:30-09:00 30 Y 1 Total 26-Oct-2014 1 Week: 23-Nov-2014 Sky News SUNDAY NATIONAL NEWS Sunday 17:30-17:59 30 Y 1 Sky News AM AGENDA Sun-Sat 06:00-05:59 30 Y 9 Sky News NEWS NIGHT Sun-Sat 06:00-05:59 30 Y 1 Sky News PM AGENDA Sun-Sat 06:00-05:59 30 Y 1 Sky News NEWS DAY Monday 14:00-14:59 30 Y 1 Sky News PM AGENDA Monday 16:00-16:59 30 Y 1 Sky News PM AGENDA Monday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 Sky News NEWS NOW Tuesday 10:00-10:29 30 Y 1 Sky News NEWS DAY Tuesday 11:00-11:29 30 Y 1 Sky News NEWS DAY Tuesday 13:00-13:29 30 Y 2 Sky News LUNCHTIME AGENDA Tuesday 13:30-13:59 30 Y 1 Sky News PM AGENDA Tuesday 16:00-16:59 30 Y 1 Sky News PM AGENDA Tuesday 16:00-16:59 30 Y 1 Sky News PM AGENDA Tuesday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 2 Sky News AM AGENDA Wednesday 08:30-08:59 30 Y 2 Sky News AM AGENDA Wednesday 09:00-09:29 30 Y 2 Sky News PM AGENDA Wednesday 16:00-16:59 30 Y 2 Sky News PM AGENDA Wednesday 16:00-16:59 30 Y 2 Sky News PM AGENDA Wednesday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 2 Sky News PM AGENDA Wednesday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 Sky News AM AGENDA Thursday 08:30-08:59 30 Y 1 Sky News AM AGENDA Thursday 09:00-09:29 30 Y 1 Sky News PM AGENDA Thursday 16:00-16:59 30 Y 1 Sky News PM AGENDA Thursday 16:00-16:59 30 Y 1 Sky News PM AGENDA Thursday 16:00-16:59 30 Y 2 Sky News PM AGENDA Thursday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 2 Sky News NEWS NIGHT Thursday 23:00-23:59 30 Y 1 Sky News AM AGENDA Friday 08:30-08:59 30 Y 1 Sky News AM AGENDA Friday 08:30-08:59 30 Y 1 Sky News AM AGENDA Friday 09:00-09:29 30 Y 1 Sky News NEWS NIGHT Friday 23:00-23:59 30 Y 1 Total 23-Nov-2014 48 Total National 49 BCC media desktop Version 11.3 Revision 14© 1993 - 2014 BCC AdSystems R_BOOKPOR Run by BM7 30 October, 2014 at 13:56 Page: 2 CLIENT BOOKING REPORT Financial and Non Financial Spots Client: NATIONAL TERTIARY EDUCATION GC Market Type: Regional Aggregated Product: NTEU Market: Tasmania Aggregated Media Type: Television Country: Australia MediumProgram DayTime Dur Fin Spt Week: 02-Nov-2014 7MATE Tasmania7Mate Sunday Night Movie: 101 Sunday 17:30-19:29 30 Y 1 7MATE TasmaniaThat 70's Show Tuesday 17:30-17:59 30 Y 1 7MATE TasmaniaSwamp Men Wednesday 19:30-20:29 30 Y 1 7MATE TasmaniaSwamp People Thursday 19:30-20:29 30 Y 1 7MATE Tasmania7 Mate Friday Night Movie: Friday 18:30-20:29 30 Y 1 Total 02-Nov-2014 5 Week: 09-Nov-2014 7MATE TasmaniaHappy Endings Monday 19:30-19:59 30 Y 1 7MATE TasmaniaMythbusters Tuesday 19:30-20:29 30 Y 1 7MATE TasmaniaSwamp Men Wednesday 19:30-20:29 30 Y 1 7MATE TasmaniaSwamp People Thursday 19:30-20:29 30 Y 1 7MATE Tasmania7 Mate Friday Night Movie: Friday 18:30-20:29 30 Y 1 7MATE Tasmania7 Mate Saturday Night Movie: Saturday 17:00-18:59 30 Y 1 Total 09-Nov-2014 6 Total Tasmania 11 Aggregated BCC media desktop Version 11.3 Revision 14© 1993 - 2014 BCC AdSystems R_BOOKPOR Run by BM7 30 October, 2014 at 13:56 Page: 3 CLIENT BOOKING REPORT Financial and Non Financial Spots Client: NATIONAL TERTIARY EDUCATION GC Market Type: Regional Solus Product: NTEU Market: Mt. Gambier Media Type: Television Country: Australia MediumProgram DayTime Dur Fin Spt Week: 02-Nov-2014 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Monday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierNine News Adelaide - Afternoon Monday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Tuesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierAfternoon News Tuesday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierDancing With The Stars Tuesday 19:30-20:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Wednesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierAfternoon News Wednesday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Thursday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierThe 2014 Melbourne Cup Carniva Thursday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Friday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierAfternoon News Friday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierNational News Saturday 06:00-06:00 30 Y 1 Total 02-Nov-2014 12 Week: 09-Nov-2014 SES-8 Mt GambierThe Big Adventure Sunday 18:30-19:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Monday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierNine News Adelaide - Afternoon Monday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Tuesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierNine News Adelaide - Afternoon Tuesday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierDeal or No Deal Tuesday 17:00-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Wednesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierAfternoon News Wednesday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Thursday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierAfternoon News Thursday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Friday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSeven News Saturday 18:00-18:30 30 Y 1 Total 09-Nov-2014 12 Week: 16-Nov-2014 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Monday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Tuesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierNine News Adelaide - Afternoon Tuesday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierDancing With The Stars Tuesday 19:30-20:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Wednesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Thursday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierAfternoon News Thursday 16:30-17:30 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierMillion Dollar Minute Thursday 17:30-18:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSunrise Friday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierNational News Saturday 06:00-06:00 30 Y 1 SES-8 Mt GambierSeven News Saturday 18:00-18:30 30 Y 1 Total 16-Nov-2014 11 Total Mt. Gambier 35 BCC media desktop Version 11.3 Revision 14© 1993 - 2014 BCC AdSystems R_BOOKPOR Run by BM7 30 October, 2014 at 13:56 Page: 4 CLIENT BOOKING REPORT Financial and Non Financial Spots Client: NATIONAL TERTIARY EDUCATION GC Market Type: Regional Sub Market Product: NTEU Market: Ballarat Media Type: Television Country: Australia MediumProgram DayTime Dur Fin Spt Week: 02-Nov-2014 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)TEN News At Five Sunday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)Modern Family Sunday 19:30-20:29 30 Y 1 ONE Ballarat(10)Robson Green Extreme Fisherma Sunday 19:30-20:29 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Sunday Night Sunday 20:00-21:00 30 Y 1 ONE Ballarat(10)Cops: Adults Only Sunday 21:00-21:29 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)ROS 0600-2400 Sun-Sat 06:00-00:00 30 Y 6 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)(C) 0600-3000 Sun-Sat 06:00-05:59 30 Y 10 Prime Ballarat (7)Sunrise Monday 07:00-08:30 30 Y 1 ONE Ballarat(10)I Fish Monday 17:30-17:59 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Seven News Monday 18:00-19:00 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)Project, The Monday 18:30-19:29 30 Y 1 ONE Ballarat(10)Talkin Bout Your Generation Monday 19:30-20:29 30 Y 2 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)Entertainment Monday 20:30-21:29 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)The Blacklist (Mombasa Cartel, Monday 20:40-21:40 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Sunrise Tuesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 WIN VIC TV Ballarat (9)Today Tuesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)TEN News At Five Tuesday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Seven News Tuesday 18:00-19:00 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Dancing With The Stars Tuesday 19:30-21:30 30 Y 1 ONE Ballarat(10)Penguins: Spy In The Huddle Tuesday 20:30-21:29 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Sunrise Wednesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)TEN News At Five Wednesday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 ONE Ballarat(10)World's Toughest Trucker Wednesday 19:30-20:29 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Border Security - Australia's Wednesday 20:00-20:30 30 Y 1 ONE Ballarat(10)Last Man Standing Thursday 20:30-20:59 30 Y 1 WIN VIC TV Ballarat (9)Big Brother Thursday 20:30-21:30 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)TEN News At Five Saturday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 ONE Ballarat(10)Biggest Loser Usa, The Saturday 18:30-20:29 30 Y 1 Total 02-Nov-2014 43 Week: 09-Nov-2014 Prime Ballarat (7)Weekend Sunrise Sunday 07:00-10:00 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)TEN News At Five Sunday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)THE BIG ADVENTURE (BIG ADV Sunday 18:30-20:30 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)Modern Family Sunday 19:30-20:29 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)ROS 0600-2400 Sun-Sat 06:00-00:00 30 Y 6 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)(C) 0600-3000 Sun-Sat 06:00-05:59 30 Y 10 Prime Ballarat (7)Sunrise Monday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Seven News At 4 Monday 16:00-17:00 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)TEN News At Five Monday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Seven News Monday 18:00-19:00 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Sunrise Tuesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)TEN News At Five Tuesday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Dancing With The Stars Tuesday 19:30-21:00 30 Y 1 WIN VIC TV Ballarat (9)Today Wednesday 06:00-09:00 30 Y 1 WIN VIC TV Ballarat (9)National Afternoon News Thursday 14:00-15:00 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)TEN News At Five Thursday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 Prime Ballarat (7)Seven News Thursday 18:00-19:00 30 Y 1 WIN VIC TV Ballarat (9)National News Thursday 18:00-19:00 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)Project, The Thursday 18:30-19:29 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)Simpsons, The Friday 18:00-18:29 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)Project, The Friday 18:30-19:29 30 Y 1 Sthn Cross Ballarat (10)TEN News At Five Saturday 17:00-17:59 30 Y 1 Total 09-Nov-2014 36 BCC media desktop Version 11.3 Revision 14© 1993 - 2014 BCC AdSystems R_BOOKPOR Run by BM7 30 October, 2014 at 13:56 Page: 5 CLIENT BOOKING REPORT Financial and Non Financial Spots Client: NATIONAL TERTIARY EDUCATION GC Market Type: Regional Sub Market Product: NTEU Market: Ballarat Media Type: Television Country: Australia MediumProgram DayTime Dur Fin Spt Week: 16-Nov-2014 Prime Ballarat (7)ROS 0600-2400 Sun-Sat 06:00-00:00 30 Y 6 Total 16-Nov-2014 6 Total Ballarat 85 BCC media desktop Version 11.3 Revision
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