Zimbabwe News, Vol. 18, No. 11 http://www.aluka.org/action/showMetadata?doi=10.5555/AL.SFF.DOCUMENT.nuzn198711 Use of the Aluka digital library is subject to Aluka’s Terms and Conditions, available at http://www.aluka.org/page/about/termsConditions.jsp. By using Aluka, you agree that you have read and will abide by the Terms and Conditions. Among other things, the Terms and Conditions provide that the content in the Aluka digital library is only for personal, non-commercial use by authorized users of Aluka in connection with research, scholarship, and education. The content in the Aluka digital library is subject to copyright, with the exception of certain governmental works and very old materials that may be in the public domain under applicable law. Permission must be sought from Aluka and/or the applicable copyright holder in connection with any duplication or distribution of these materials where required by applicable law. Aluka is a not-for-profit initiative dedicated to creating and preserving a digital archive of materials about and from the developing world. For more information about Aluka, please see http://www.aluka.org Zimbabwe News, Vol. 18, No. 11 Alternative title Zimbabwe News Author/Creator Zimbabwe African National Union Publisher Zimbabwe African National Union (Harare, Zimbabwe) Date 1987-11-00 Resource type Magazines (Periodicals) Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) Zimbabwe Coverage (temporal) 1987 Source Northwestern University Libraries, L968.91005 Z711 v.18 Rights By kind permission of ZANU, the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front. Description Editorial. Letters. New Party HQ National Fund Raising Campaign is Launched. Apartheid is unacceptable. The One Party State. World Habitat Day. Disarm for Development. The October Revolution lives forever. Involve the People in Development — PM. Samora — A bold and dauntless Warrior. Testimony of the National Black United Front. On School Examinations. Bandit Movement's goal-chaos. The Book as a tool of Development. Decolonise News. The Mikhail Gorbachev Era in the USSR. The a parthy of the Azanian Musicians. Communique of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation. Reagan insists on war — Central America demands peace. Peace pipe or war path? Salvadorian People Fight On. Consumer Advice. Poetry. Quiz No. 5 and answers to Quiz No. 3. Format extent 48 page(s) (length/size) http://www.aluka.org/action/showMetadata?doi=10.5555/AL.SFF.DOCUMENT.nuzn198711 http://www.aluka.org Zimbabwe News Zimbabwe News Official Organ of ZANU(PF) Department of Information and Publicity Workington Harare Volume 18 No. 11, November 1987, Reg PO as a Newspaper7 C (i. sae tax) JM4 12 0 'IN OUR OUIZ w4no v- For operating economy the question isn't whether you should choose Mercedes, it's which Mercedes. As candidate for "Best Truck for the Job" a MercedesBenz starts with built-in advantages. No truck is more durable or reliable. And in engineering terms, it's the thoroughbred in the field. The Mercedes-Benz range also optimises your chances of finding the right truck. ZIMOCO LIMITED All over Zimbabwe you'll find a network of Zimoco dealers who are equipped to look after your motoring requirements. It is their pleasure to keep your Mercedes in peak condition, one of the safest vehicles to drive on today's roads. MetiCUlOUS engineenng dosll t cost you. it pays you. ~J. ---- ------ -------- I would find It very demeaning to have to go outside Zimbabwe to solicit fur~ds for the construction of the ruling Party's national home because it should in the mainbe the owner of the home who pays for the establishment of that home and not an outsider and since ZANU (PF) is the people, it is my hope that we shall be able to raise the required amount from all our people if only In recognition of the role ZANU (PF) has played in improving their lot (PM)... page 4 SAMORA MACHEL perceived Southern Africa as a region of its own kind, with its own identity and with a unique racial and ethnic diversity in Africa... page 18 The October Revolution lives forever .. page13 Are Multiparties necessary? Do part ies make a difference?9 page 8 Zimbabwe News is the 6fficial News Organ of the Zimbabwe African National Union [ZANU (PF)l and is produced on the authority of the Central Committee by the Department of Information and Publicity, Jongwe Printing and Publishing Co., No, 14 Austin Road, Workington, Harare. World Copyright, Central Committee [ZANU (PF)]. Editorial Council: Cde. N.M. Shamuyaira; Cde. S.S. Mumbengegwi; Cde. C. Ndhlovu; Cde. J. Zvobgo; Cde. K. Batsirayi; Cde. M. Munyati; Cde. C. Nduku (Managing) Pictures by Jongwe Archives, Zimbabwe News papers and Ministry of rnformation Contents E d it o r ia l ............ ............ .................... .................. ". ......... .................... ................. .... ........ ...................... 2 L e t te rs ......................................................... ..................................................................................................... 2 New Party HQ National Fund Raising Campaign is Launched ................. 4 A p a rth e id is u n a c c e p ta b le ............................................................................................................. 6 T h e O n e P a rty S ta te ............................ .......................................... .............. ........................... 8 W o rld H a b ita t D a y ..................................................................................................................... 1 0 Disarm for Developm ent ...................................................................................................... 12 T he O cto ber R evo lutio n lives fo rever ................................................................................. 13 Involve the People in Development - PM ................................................................... 16 Samora - A bold and dauntless Warrior ............... ............... 18 Testimony of the National Black United Front ......................................................... 23 O n S c h o o l E x a m in a tio n s ................ ..................................................................................... 2 5 B and it M ovem ent's goal-chaos ........................................................................................ 28 The Boo k as a too l of Develo pm ent 2................................................................................... 29 D e c o lo n is e N e w s ........................................................................................................... 3 1 The Mikhail Gorbachev Era in the USSR ........................................................................ 32 The a parthy of the Azanian Musicians ........... ............. 34 Communique of the Executive Committee of the Palestine L ib e ra tio n O rg a n is a tio n .................................................. .................................................... 3 6 Reagan insists on war - Central America demands peace . 37 Peace pipe or war path? 38 Salvadorian People Fight On 39 Consumer Advice 40 Poetry . ......... 41 Quiz No. 5 and answers to Quiz No. 3 42 J 0 N G WK EDITORIAL Whither Minority Parties' October, 1987 saw significant developments in Zimbabwe's Le ,lature. The central feature of these changes wns the role of ZANU (PF), in not only spearheading the changes, but also iii consolidating its control of the legislative arm of the state machinery. The abolition of the reserved twenty white seats marked the final demise of racial representation, that obnoxious feature of the Lancaster House constitution. That the 20 vacant seats were successfully filled up by members of ZANU- (PF) or candidates backed by t'ie Party, further exposes the reality of the Zimbabwean practical movement: that ZANU (PF) is the real representative of the people and that it controls effective political power. Histor) repeated itself a week later, when, once again, the ZANU (PF) candidates and those sponsored by the Party swept all the Senate seats. Although minority parties fielded their own candidates, it was a futile exercise in self deception which further exposed their irrelevance in modern day Zimbabivc. The overwhelming ZANU (PF) victory should ppovide important lessons to the minority parties who must reflect seriously on "whither they want to go'.'. It must also prompt a close reexamination on the part of the minority supporters who have created false hopes around individuals and parochial and sectional interests. Now is the time for the minority parties to pose and answer the question whether to continue indulging in self deception and irrelevance or to contribute to meaningful development by joining the majority Party. Whilst ZANU (PF) has declareId its willingness to accommodate genuine members from minority parties,, it cannot bend over-backwards to entertain unrealistic demands from forces whose irrelevance has been clearly demonstrated. It is our sincere hope that the Parliamentary elections provided important lessons for the minority parties and that the) will seriousl., consider the only viable option: joining the peoples choice, ZANU (PF). LETTERS The Editor, Dynamos must answer It is an establisherJ fact that Dynamos Football club is a c,"owd puller because it is the most popular team in Zimbabwe. This has led the chub to be referred to as "The Seven Million ". Also undisputabte is that the club, of all others in this country has been exposed to international
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