Best of Tri-County Washington County INSIDE Wednesday,N JUNE 26, 2013 EWSwww.chipleypaper.com Volume 90, Number 21 50¢ For the latest breaking news, visit CHIPLEYPAPER.COM Audit focuses on water department partment is working on a very tight Wausau’s fi nancial health hing- rates every year. IN BRIEF Auditor: Wausau budget. es on the performance of its water The town received grants last Hilton Galloway of the CPA fi rm department. year that infl ated the 2012 revenue Miss Firecracker needs to build Carr, Riggs & Ingram LLC of En- “The town has so much wrapped streams. “It’s hard to put your Pageant Saturday terprise, Ala., told the Town Coun- up in assets; you need to address arms around the fi gures of 2012 cil on Thursday the town showed that,” Galloway said. “I understand and get a real good idea of what VERNON — The annual up reserves $75,000 in assets and $32,000 in you raised water rates last year, you really had,” Galloway said. Miss Firecracker defi cits for a balance of $42,000 in and you will need to address that The water department ended Pageant will be at 2 By RANDAL SEYLER unassigned funds. again this year. You cannot go to the year with a $183 defi cit, which p.m. Saturday at the 638-0212 | @WCN_HCT “You’re right where you should sleep on the water department.” Galloway said was “not enough to Vernon Community [email protected] be, but you should think about try- Rate increases will help keep say or do anything about.” Center. ing to build up some reserves,” the balance sheets in the black, With the current rates, the wa- Sign-in will be at 11 WAUSAU — An audit of Wausau’s Galloway said. The water depart- but Mayor BJ Phillips said he ter department is taking in just a.m. Attire is formal. fi nances shows the town’s fi nances ment revenues covered the depart- hopes the town can get ahead to ment’s expenses, but just barely. the point it doesn’t have to raise See A2 All winners will are improving, but the water de- AUDIT receive a sash, crown and trophy except for Baby Miss, who will PANHANDLE WATERMELON FESTIVAL receive a bib, crown and trophy. Council To compete in the photogenic category, the application and hires photo must be turned in 24 hours before the pageant. Photos must be at least a 4x6 new city but no larger than an 8x10. For more information, call Vernon City Hall attorney at 535-2444 or Laura Brewer at 326-8738. Tagert chosen to Graceville Mt. Zion to have Saturday represent Vernon Sing By RANDAL SEYLER GRACEVILLE — The 638-0212 | @WCN_HCT public is invited to the [email protected] Fifth Saturday Sing at VERNON — With practically 6:30 p.m. Saturday at no discussion by the members, East Mt. Zion United the Vernon City Council voted Methodist Church. to hire Chipley attorney Mi- Refreshments will chelle Blankenship Tagert as RANDAL SEYLER | The News be provided, and the new city attorney. musicians and singers Children enjoy the watermelon roll at the 2012 Panhandle Watermelon Festival. The watermelon roll, Tagert wasn’t the fi rst per- welcome. seed spitting contest and other fun activities will return to Pals Park on Friday night with the opening son nominated for the job, of this year’s Watermelon Festival. however. Councilman Tray Hawkins School Board to made a motion that the city meet Thursday reinstate former city attorney Kerry Adkison, but the motion CHIPLEY — The died for a lack of a second. Washington County Let the good times roll Chairwoman Tina Sloan School Board will have said Adkison had sent an email a special meeting “This type of quality entertain- community to the festival,” Peel to the council asking to be re- at 4 p.m. Thursday, Andy Griggs, Joe Diffi e ment is really special,” Festival said. considered for the position of June 27, at the district Chairman Colby Peel said Thurs- Gates will open at 5 p.m. Friday city attorney. administration building. to perform free concert day at the Washington County at Pals Park, and the event is free At the June 17 city council Chamber of Commerce meeting. and open to the public. workshop, Panama City at- By RANDAL SEYLER Peel said he has received nu- Andy Griggs is an American torney Charles J. Stafford and 638-0212 | @WCN_HCT merous calls from surrounding country music artist. He has re- Tagert both submitted propos- [email protected] communities asking how it is pos- leased three albums for RCA Re- als for service to the city of Ver- INDEX sible for Washington County to put cords Nashville — “You Won’t Ever non, and both attorneys made CHIPLEY — The 57th annual Pan- on such an event for free. Be Lonely,” “Freedom” and “This presentations to the council. Opinion .................................A4 handle Watermelon Festival kicks “For a community our size to be I Gotta See” — and a fourth, “The Tagert offered to serve the Outdoors ...............................A6 off Friday, June 28, at Pals Park able to bring in acts like this and Good Life,” for Montage Music city for a $500 monthly retainer, Sports ...................................A7 with concerts by Andy Griggs at 6 have the event free really says a Extra .....................................B1 p.m. and Joe Diffi e at 7:30 p.m. lot about the commitment by this See WATERMELON A2 See ATTORNEY A2 Faith .....................................B4 Obituaries .............................B5 Classifi eds .............................B7 Business coach: ‘Health and happiness’ also parts of success small business owner can use in his Raciappa said. Having employees “When you reach a milestone, Seminar planned for own working life, said certifi ed busi- to whom tasks can be delegated even a small one, you should cel- Phone: 850-638-0212 ness coach Mark Raciappa. can go a long way toward improv- ebrate it,” Raciappa said. That goes July 17 in Chipley Raciappa is a business coach chipleypaper.com ing the quality of life for a business for business as well as life, and Web site: with ActionCOACH of Tallahas- owner or supervisor. while supervisors may be quick Fax: 850-638-4601 By RANDAL SEYLER see, and he was the guest speaker “There are a lot of defi nitions of to compliment or praise an em- 638-0212 | @WCN_HCT at Thursday’s Washington County success, but health and happiness ployee, they should also be able to [email protected] Chamber of Commerce meeting. are two of the most important,” Ra- commend themselves on a job well Small business owners tend to ciappa said. Dividing up work not done.” CHIPLEY — Leverage is dividing work harder and longer hours than only multiplies the results, it frees Raciappa will present a seminar up work to get greater results — most people, and they also tend to up the business owner or supervi- and leverage is a tool the average work more than their employees, sor to have free time to enjoy life. See BUSINESS A2 Winners and Finalists 2013 Announced TRI-COUNTY Inside Today! WASHINGTON I ofHOLMES I JACKSON 5016835 A2 | Washington County News Local Wednesday, June 26, 2013 AUDIT from page A1 ATTORNEY from page A1 enough to operate. “Eventually, you are City Clerk Margaret Riley also present- which would include attendance at two done. The city’s insurance provider, the going to need to make repairs, or buy ed the council with an advertisement for meetings and two hours of legal service Florida League of Cities, denied the claim, equipment,” Galloway said. “That is when approval. The town will be searching for a per month. Services beyond the two hours saying the city was not responsible for the you will really need to have some reserves new city clerk, and Riley suggested they would be billed at $150 per hour. damage. in the water department.” begin advertising as soon as possible for Stafford offered to attend two meetings In the June 17 workshop, City Clerk The auditor recommended the council her replacement. Riley announced her in- a month for a $500 monthly retainer and Dian Hendrix advised the council that the members remain diligent. “You have to be tention to retire in September during the would bill the city at $200 per hour for le- League of Cities recommended they not cognizant of what the water department is June 13 town council meeting. gal services. Travel expenses were nego- pay for damages the insurance company doing each month,” Galloway said. “You “It looks like a large job description, tiable, Stafford said. found them not responsible for paying. “It almost have the perfect storm in operat- but it’s a large job,” Phillips said. “We defi- After the motion to rehire Adkison died, would set a bad precedent,” Hendrix said. ing by taking in just exactly what you need nitely want to find someone who is well Councilman Joey Brock made the motion She reiterated it on Monday. to operate the system.” qualified.” to hire Tagert. Only Hawkins voted against “They recommended against us doing hiring the Chipley attorney. anything,” Hendrix said. Resident Bill Dobbins asked the coun- “We can understand where you’re com- cil to reconsider their decision. “I think the ing from,” Hawkins told Brown, “but we city is making a huge mistake,” Dobbins have to do what’s best for the city.” WATERMELON from page A1 said. Hendrix provided Brown with contact “I’m sure you hired a good attorney, information for the city’s insurance pro- Group. These four albums have accounted for 13 and Mr. Stafford would be a good attorney vider so he could pursue an appeal.
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