AVBBAOB DAILY CQUlL'A-nOiS for tho MoBth of Jans IBS* the WEATHER Foroeut of O. 8. Weatliw EozaM Hartford 5,428 CtaBoraDy fate toalghi aad Sob- Btanbrr of ttw AiKBt 0^ azeept probably loeal thonder Baraaa of Urcnlattoaa. aowsrs floiiday aftsmoea: not mneh change la tempera tore. VOLs U IL , NO. 242. (dossUled Advortltlng op rage 8.) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1934. (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS I ' « * - Searchers At Spot WTiere Lo.st Boy Was Last Seen MORE FIRING SQUADS FEAR FAMINE, DISEASE IS HITLER’S ANSWER IN COAST STRIKE AREA TO REICH’S ENEMIES SUSAN C. O’NEILL, German Chancellor Discloses 9TH’S SESSION UNION MEN READY AHORNEY, IS DEAD is * i > » r a » TO ABANDON WORK first Woman Actively to lotion” — Defies the World IN CONFUSION # to Boycott His Nation. Practice Law in State. San Francisco’s Mayor Declares, Heat, Light and Food Wrangling Over Minor Mat Passes in Waterbary. Supply Must Continue; Federal Labor Disputes Board By WALTER E. BROCK3LANN ters Prevents Transaction (Coprrlzht, 1914 by Asioclatsd Press) Berlin, July 14.— (A P )—More fir- Waterbury, Conn., July 14.— (AP) Reports “ No Success” After Long Meeting With Em- ing squads and more "purging bj of Vital Easiness; John H. -M is s Susan Cecilia O'Neill, 63. a blood” await any who chtUIengc member of an old W'ate»bury fam- ployers; “ Nothing Can Avert a General Strike” Says ily and the first wo imn actively to Adolf Hitler's rule of Germany. Hyde Beaten by Lessner. practice law in the state, died this This waa the warning Germany Union Leader; Militia Is in Readiness. pondered today as it digested the morning at her home in Woodbury chancellor's Reichstag defense last A_ Ninth District meeting that in ^ ter an Illness of .six months; Miss night of the June 30 "liquidation" of thrills, comedy, and an unwarranted O’Neill was-a brilliant lawyer and o San Franci.sco, July 14— (AP) — ditd of injuries received when alleg- 77 traitors. „ display of personalities ran the highly educated woman. Against the threat of famine and ed strikers'disconnected the air on "Everyone is to know for ail fu- disease, official San Francisco mar- f train. Bateson, who waa riding on ture times,” be said, "that if be gamut of the ridiculous and never A requiem high mos.s wlii be cele- brated at 10 o’clock Monday morn- shalled its forces today and awaited . side of a freight car. was hurled raises his band for attack against approached the sublime In any ing in the.Church of the Immacu- decision fo union labor which stood u, i. - - the state, certain death will be hU sense, was closed abruptly after late Conception in this city Burial lot." two hours of wrangling and dis- ready to strike in mass support bf i,, will be in the New St. Josephine’s its maritime members. I” * J*”” ®® * The speech, to which many parts agreement on a motion to adjourn cemetery. of the world (including America) Heat. light and the all-important i * n>™ber of by a margin of three votes. The Memories of the ^amoiia Lindbergh baby kidnap hunt were revived when a posse of 700 citizens- police Miss O'Neill is survived by a supply of food must continue, Mayor i cars of merchandise to a terminal listened, stood today as a definite motion to' adjourn, made in the brother. Attorney Fr.-;nk B, O'Neill, when non-union stevedores were marker in Hitler's road to the build- plcture.sqm,- woods about ex elusive Hartsdale Manor. N. Y. for Robeit Connor, Angelo J. Rossi declared in assum- midst of three conflicting motions 18-monUi-old grandson of a wc.iltny retired clothing merchant, -who was feared kidnaped from hts home by of Waterbury, and a sister, Mrs. ing the "unlimited emergency loading ships. With a flatcar loaded ing of a new Germany. counter motionc and amendments a demented peddler.’ Here police point at the missing baby’s doll at the point where he was last seen. Agnes O'Neill Garvan, of Hartford. power” granted him under the city with uniformed police pushed ahead Hundreds of Nazis rose and cheer- to motions .already offered, waa Graduated In 1897 charter. of the engine, the train approached ed when the address—an explana- voted, 62 to 59 when nearly two- Miss O’Neill was the daughter of Virtually the last hope of per- Uie terminal, only fo be stoned by tion of the execution of Storm Lead- thirds of the voters present had John and JIary Fitzoafrlck O'Neill; suading employers to arbitrate the strikers. Police under Chief Lawson ers and others June 30—was ended. left the hall. oqe of the oldest families ol Water- maritime strike— critical Issue In i opened fire, wounding four, one of The chancellor- scarcely , noticed In Confusion ADVERSE WEATHER bury. She attended the Convent of the projected general strike of wtom may die. them. He slumped into his chair, The adjournment came only after MAJOR CLUES CRUMBLE Notre Dame here and latei the law union labor—was swept away as Spreads Into Canada one* seemed dazed and somewhat be- the meeting had reached a state school of New York University President Roosevelt's Labor Dis- While otheii bjockade seaports wildered. His head fell, almost to his which was expressed very fittingly from which she was graduated in putes Board reported "no success" girded themselves against- a spread' knees. DELAYS HIGH HOP by Charles Ray, general manager of 1897. after a long meeting with employ- of the strike, the revolt spread Into Hitler’s Answer the Rogers Paper (Company as "in IN BABY KIDNAP CASE On June 19. 1898. she was ad- ers. Canada as the Vancouver district sopfusion and rampant with ill The address was Hitler's answer mitted to the practice of law In Strike Weapon Poised waterfront workers voted for a mass Nreling and personalities" and after to those who criticized the "liqulda- Connecticut and on Aprl; 24, 1904, The general strike weapon, held meeting on a proposal to refuse to ticn" of "traitors.’ It was his de- the principal, business of the meet- Fliers Say It Will Take Place she was admitted to practice before poised over the bay cities, was pass- ing, election of district committee Woman and Man Suspected work United States ships and start- fiance of his foes and his appeal for NINE ARMENIANS the Supreme Court of the United ed in San Francisco to the hands of ed collection of a "war” fund. members, appropriation of funds States in Washington. cuntinued and renewed “blind obedi- an enlarged strike committee which The emergency in the beleaguered ence," to his authority. for the current year and the laying Monday Unless Conditions In 1901 Miss O'Neill gained the meets today to take unified action. of a one-mill tax upon the last Are Released.- Police pQU^p gjuLyy distinction and honor of being the San Francisco Metropolitan area, Opinion is divided among foreign Formation of the committee, rep- became more acute each hour. grand list to carry on the business first woman lawyer to argue a case resenting all of the 144 unions with observers today as to w'bat extent of the district had been transacted. Change Before Then. "A ir and Water Only" Baffled; Two Theories Are ^ ^ _ ___ before the Supreme Court of Con- u total membership of 65,000, was tbe chancellor succeeded in his p.ur- The meeting opened auspiciously necticut. During her legal career poee. Many hold that Hitler Is now authorized yesterday after a Cen- Ga.ioIine stations put up "air and when Attorney George Lessner she tried cases In Water,pury, Hart- tral Labor Council "strategy" com- water only " signs. Fresh meats, Oil the defensive, in contrast to his sounded the discordant note of the Rapid a ty , S. D., July 14— (A P) Advanced by Detectives. Two to Be Executed, the Rest ford, Bridgeport, New Havei) and mittee faked to make a recom- fruits and vegetables were becoming position during the early-months bf evening by questioning the legality other parts of the state. his chancellorship. These observers —A burned finger suffered by Dr. mendation. F.carce, Thousands of panicky resi- of allowing George E. Keith to be When she entered the practice of "Apparently there is nothing that dents swarmed to grocery stores to call the speech one of the least con- named for moderator of the meet- to W. F. G. Swann in testing a cosmic Hartsdale, N. Y.. July 14.— (AP) Be Imprisoned for ray apparatus, is the first casualty law Miss O'Neill became associated can avert a general strike," assert- laj; In siege supplies. The San Fran- vincing of any Hitler has made, ing. Keith waa questioned by Lcss- with her father. Attorney John —Two major clues to the disap- In Moonlight Valley's stratosphere ed George Kidwell, member of the cisco Retail (irocers Association The belief was expressed by some ner on residential qualifications. I O’Neill, and her brothers, the late “strategy” committee who has con- that the hand at the helm of the na- Previously to Lessner's stand, the pearance of Bobby Ckmnor cnim- Archbishop’s Murder. camp where Capt. Albert Stevens limited purchases of flour and sugar and Major William Kepner are pre- slstebtly opposed such' drastic ac- to five pounds for each customer. tion Is not as firm as it was. names of Jacob Greenberg, Mathias bled today as a woman driver and (Continued on Page Eight) tion.
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