MEETING OF THE WEST OTAGO COMMUNITY BOARD Wednesday, 14 April 2021 commencing at 10.30 am St John Ambulance Rooms Suffolk Street TAPANUI CLUTHA DISTRICT COUNCIL WEST OTAGO COMMUNITY BOARD Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the West Otago Community Board will be held in the St John Ambulance Rooms, Suffolk Street, Tapanui on Wednesday, 14 April 2021, commencing at 10.30 am. Steve Hill CHIEF EXECUTIVE Board Members Barbara Hanna (Chair) Antony Robertson Cecil Crawford Bruce Robertson John Herbert Linda Roulston Lloyd McCall Sue Wink (Deputy Chair) 3 West Otago Community Board Item for DECISION Report Tapanui Commonage Income Meeting Date 14 April 2021 Item Number 1 Prepared By Jules Witt – Group Manager Service Delivery File Reference 508922 REPORT SUMMARY The report advises of the Tapanui Commonage Income and asks the Board to confirm the allocation of the income for the 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24 years and residual funds. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the West Otago Community Board receives the Tapanui Commonage Income report. 2. That the West Otago Community Board agrees/amends/does not agree to annual operation grants of $15,000 and $5,000 for the West Otago Community Centre and the West Otago Swimming Pool respectively, with these to be reviewed on a three- yearly basis. 3. That the West Otago Community Board agrees/amends/does not agree to provide an annual operation grant of $15,000 to the West Otago Health Trust, to be reviewed on a three-yearly basis. 4. That the West Otago Community Board considers projects and/or other uses for the $63,000 Commonage Land Income to the end of 2021/22. REPORT 1. Background The Board has previously allocated $47,000 per annum from the Tapanui Commonage Income since about 2012 and has made allocations as set out overleaf for the past four years. The provision of a loan (funded from commonage income) to support the capital upgrade of the West Otago Swimming Pool was included in a previous Annual Plan but due to the great fundraising effort of the Pool Committee, this loan was not required to be drawn down. Significant upgrades have been identified recently to the West Otago Community Centre, however details of specific funding for this project are not known at the time of writing the report. West Otago Community Board – 14 April 2021 Tapanui Commonage Income 4 Year Recipient/s Amount 2017/18 West Otago Community Centre $15,000 West Otago Swimming Pool $ 5,000 2018/19 West Otago Community Centre $15,000 West Otago Swimming Pool $ 5,000 2019/20 West Otago Community Centre $15,000 West Otago Swimming Pool $ 5,000 West Otago Health Trust $15,000 2020/21 West Otago Community Centre $15,000 West Otago Swimming Pool $ 5,000 2. Available Balance After allocating funds to the West Otago Community Centre and Tapanui Pool respectively for 2020/2021 there is an additional $63,000 available for allocation to the end of this financial year as shown in the table below. West Otago Commonage Money Category 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Rental Income 47,952 48,529 49,084 50,446 54,061 58,229 59,069 59,779 59,989 59,989 (est.) Payments WOCC 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Tapanui Pool (WO Pool) 5,000 5,000 5,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 5,000 114,933 5,000 5,000 WOHT 15,000 27,000 27,000 15,000 WOHT 6,437 Valuation Expenses 2,094 Total Payments 41,437 47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 20,000 129,933 35,000 22,094 Residual Balance 6,515 1,529 2,084 3,446 7,061 11,229 39,069 - 70,154 24,989 37,895 63,663 The Board is therefore asked to consider how it will allocate the existing available funds and the Tapanui Commonage Land income for the 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2022/24 years. It is recommended that the Community Board consider the allocation of funds before the start of the financial year, so they are available for use during the year. 3. West Otago Health Trust Operational Funding Assistance The West Otago Health trust has previously requested assistance with annual operating costs 4. West Otago Health Trust Loan Repayments The projected balance of the West Otago Health Loan Trust loan as at 1 July 2021 is about $659,680. This is being repaid currently at the rate of about $54,700+GST per annum for interest and principal repayments. These have dropped compared to previous years due to a reduction in interest rates. As such, if interest rates increase in the future then these repayments will also increase. This loan has 13 years left after this year before it will be fully repaid. West Otago Community Board – 14 April 2021 Tapanui Commonage Income 5 In the past the Community Board has considered paying off the principal of this loan with commonage money to enable the loan term to be reduced or the annual repayments to be reduced. This is also an option for the use of unallocated Commonage money. 5. Other projects or worthy causes As mentioned previously, there may be a need to support the West Otago Community Centre with capital works or retain funds for upcoming projects associated with the West Otago Community plan process. There may also be other worthy projects in the community that may benefit from assistance and the WOCB may want to retain some commonage funding to enable these projects to be supported as they are confirmed. West Otago Community Board – 14 April 2021 Tapanui Commonage Income 6 West Otago Community Board Item for CONFIRMATION Report West Otago Community Board Minutes Meeting Date 14 April 2021 Item Number 2 Prepared By Julie Gardner – Service Delivery Administrator File Reference 513932 REPORT SUMMARY Attached are the minutes of the meeting of the West Otago Community Board held on 3 March 2021. RECOMMENDATIONS 1 That the West Otago Community Board confirms as a true and correct record the minutes of the meeting of the West Otago Community Board, held on 3 March 2021. West Otago Community Board West Otago Community Board – 14 April 2021 Minutes 7 West Otago Community Board Minutes of the meeting of West Otago Community Board held in the West Otago Community Centre, Sussex Street, Tapanui on Wednesday 3 March 2021, commencing at 10.31am. Present Barbara Hanna (Chairperson), Cecil Crawford, Councillor John Herbert, Bruce Robertson, Linda Roulston and Sue Wink. In Attendance His Worship the Mayor Bryan Cadogan, Steve Hill (Chief Executive) and Karen Piercy (Corporate Services Administrator). Joseph Mooney MP and Gabrielle Mills (West Otago Community Board by-election candidate). Apologies Antony Robertson Moved L Roulston/C Crawford and Resolved: “That the apologies be sustained.” Mayor Cadogan and S Wink arrived 10.32am. LATE ITEMS There were no late items. 1 WEST OTAGO COMMUNITY BOARD MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the West Otago Community Board held on 27 January 2021 were presented for the Board’s confirmation. Moved Councillor Herbert/B Robertson and Resolved: “That the West Otago Community Board confirms as a true and correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2021.” 2 WORK IN PROGRESS UPDATE The Service Delivery Administrator submitted a report that updated the Community Board on progress in relation to issues that had been raised at previous meetings. West Otago Community Board – 3 March 2021 Minutes 8 2.1 Projects 2.1.1 Christmas Tree This item is to stay on the work in progress. 2.1.2 Cell phone Tower Booster MP Joseph Mooney was in attendance. Linda Roulston outlined the progress on the cell phone booster project to date and expressed concern that cell phone connectivity was still lacking in rural areas. Mr Mooney advised that he is very keen to push this issue. He has spoken to a supplier in Gore who advised the issue is not just about money but also about spectrum. A lot of spectrum (licences) have been bought up by bigger operators and now smaller operators can’t buy in. He needs to work with National’s Communications spokesperson on this issue and has been in talks with Great South (Southland Regional Development Agency), who have very good resources and networks available. The Community Board commented that much of the rural industry and emergency services rely on good cell phone coverage which is lacking at present. 2.2 Duncan Road/Station Road Intersection To remain on the work in progress report. 2.3 Tapanui Water Supply There are still people flouting the water restrictions. Hopefully the sign will help rectify this problem. 2.4 Items to stay on WIP 2.4.1 Kelso Triangle This item is to stay on the Work in Progress Report until it has been completed. It has been mown. Long term it needs to go on the mowing schedule. 2.4.2 Hancox Park This item is to stay on the WIP so a decision can be made before the lease is renewed. This is due 31 August 2021. 2.4.3 Land around Sewerage Pond This item is to stay on the WIP so a decision can be made before the lease is renewed which is due by 31 October 2021. 2.5 Road Signs & Barriers A meeting needs to be arranged with farm owners in the vicinity to gain approval on the placement of barriers before they are installed.
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