![Volume 13 Issue 19 [PDF]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XIII. No. 19 Ithaca, N. Y., February 15, 1911 Price 10 Cents UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. UNIVERSITY MISCELLANY. eighteen articles, studies in language and literature, by Professor Hart's WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15. Last Saturday was registration former pupils. University lecture—"The Poetry day for the second term. At 6 o'clock and Religion of the Psalms," by the in the morning there were a hundred Rev. Hugh Black, M. A., Union Theo- Harris J. Ryan '87, professor of logical Seminary, New York City. men in line waiting for registration electrical engineering at Stanford Goldwin Smith Hall, Room B, 4 p. m. to begin at 8 o'clock. The man at University, read a paper on "Open Y. W. C. A.—Regular mid-week the head of the line had gone direct atmosphere and dry transformer oil meeting. Barnes Hall, 7:15 p. m. from the Junior Promenade to Gold- as high voltage insulators" at a Agassiz Club—Talk by Mr. A. A. win Smith at 2 a. m. Those who reg- Allen on "Bird Photography." Mc- meeting of the American Institute of Graw Hall, south wing, 7:30 p. m. istered early had the preference in Electrical Engineers in New York The public is cordially invited. making out their schedules of hours City on January 13. Professor Ryan THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16. for the term. has been making a study of atmos- Sanitary Science and Public Health —"The Occupational Diseases of At its recent meeting in New York pheric losses on. transmission lines for Modern Life/'7 W. G. Thompson, M. the intercollegiate football rules com- the past eight months and his paper D., professor of medicine, Cornell Uni- mittee adopted the following resolu- was the result of his investigation. versity Medical College, New York He came from California to read it City. Goldwin Smith Hall, Room A, tion to express its feeling on the res- 12 m. ignation of Professor Dennis, who had before the Institute. On his way to University lecture—"The Poetry been a member for many years, most New York he stayed at Ithaca for and Religion of the Psalms," by the of the time as chairman: "Resolved, a few days. Professor Ryan is now Rev. Hugh Black, M. A., Union Theo- acting as consulting electrical en- logical Seminary, New York City. That the thanks of this committee be Goldwin Smith Hall, Room B, 4 p. m. extended to Professor L. M. Dennis, of gineer on the Los Angeles aqueduct C. U. C. A.—Regular mid-week Cornell University, the retiring chair- project. This is one of the largest meeting. Barnes Hall, 7:15 p. m. man of this committee. That this aqueducts ever planned. Deutscher Verein—Lecture-recital committee express to Professor Den- by Dr. Edward G. Cox on "Brahms In Science for February 10 is print- nis its profound appreciation of the und seine Musik." Barnes Hall Audi- ed the address made by John F. Hay- torium, 8 p. m. great services rendered to football by ford, C. E. '89, as retiring vice-presi- his wise counsel as a member of the FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17. dent of Section D (Mechanical University Faculty meeting—Board- committee for many years and by his Science and Engineering) of the man Hall, 4 p. m. equally signal services to the commit- University lecture—"The Poetry American Association for the Ad- tee as its presiding officer. And fur- and Religion of the Psalms," by the vancement of Science, at Minneapolis ther, that this committee tender to Rev. Hugh Black, M. A., Union Theo- on December 29. It is entitled "The logical Seminary, NeW York City. Professor Dennis its heartiest best relations of isostasy to geodesy, geo- Goldwin Smith Hall, Room B, 4 p. m. wishes." Organ recital—Sage Chapel, 5 p. m. physics and geology." Professor Hay- Cornell-Columbia fencing meet— Professor Nathaniel Schmidt has ford is director of the college of en- The Armory, 8 p. m. Admission 25c. Reserved seats 25c. Minor sports been lecturing in the West. In St. gineering of Northwestern University. season tickets good. Louis on February 4 he spoke on Cornell Congress—Meeting. Gold- "What to do with our armies." Last The Junior Week Era is above the win Smith Hall, Room B, 8 p. m. Saturday the Cornell Club of St. average in literary merit. It is un- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18. Louis gave a luncheon at the Ameri- usual to find in a college magazine Agassiz Club field trip—Subject, can Hotel in honor of Professor so well written a piece of fiction as "Trees in Winter." Leader, Mr. H. "The Builder of Little Ships," a B. Brown. McGraw Hall, north wing, Schmidt. About thirty-five members 2 p. m. were present. He gave an interest- story by F. Dana Burnet Ίl. There Cornell-Lehigh wrestling match— ing and witty talk. George J. Tan- is good verse in the number by Mr. The Armory, 8 p. m. Admission 25c. sey '88 made a short speech of thanks Burnet and C. E. Simonson '12. Reserved seats 25c. Minor Sports on behalf of the local alumni. Season Tickets good. The sanitary science lecture Tues- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19. A volume commemorative of the day was by James Ewing, M. D., Sage Chapel—The Rev. Hugh seventieth birthday, November 2, professor of pathology in the Cornell Black, M. A. Presbyterian. Union 1909, of James Morgan Hart, eme- Theological Seminary, New York University Medical College at New City. Morning service at 11 o'clock. ritus professor of English, has come York, on "Cancer and Its Relation Vesper service at 3:15 o'clock. from the press. It contains to Public Health." 218 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS THE RECENT DISTURBANCE. who resisted the efforts of Chief of ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS. Police Buck to make him move on, The Facts About a Conflict Between Stu- was arrested. Chief Buck was not in Rochester. dents and Police. uniform. This freshman was after- The Cornell Club of Rochester held Newspapers have been giving space ward charged with inciting to riot, its annual meeting and banquet at the to accounts, some of them inaccurate, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to University Club on the evening of of a disturbance, caused by students ten days' imprisonment in the county February 7. Among the speakers were of the University, which occurred'in jail. He is now serving his sentence. Professor R. C. H. Catterall, Harry L. Ithaca on Saturday night, February 4. When this prisoner was taken Taylor '88, County Judge of Erie; We tell below, as accurately as we across the street to the police station Clyde W. Knapp '93, County Judge of can, what took place. the crowd followed and gathered in Wayne, and Eads Johnson '99, Sec- The trouble occurred at a time front of the station. The police say retary of the Cornellian Council. A when midyear examinations were they tried to make several arrests and goodly number of Cornellians in over for a large proportion of the that the crowd took their prisoners Rochester attended the banquet and undergraduates. With the restraint away from them. A stone was all had a good time. of University work removed and thrown through the glass door of the Before the dinner the regular an- with time on their hands, hundreds of station house. The .proctor, who had nual meeting of the club was held and students were in high spirits and were come to the spot as soon as he heard officers for the ensuing year were looking for amusement. If nothing of the trouble, addressed the crowd elected as follows: President, Philip had occurred to cause a crowd to and told them that the police would Will '00; vice-president, Walter L. collect, there would probably have parole the prisoner in his custody as Todd ΊO; secretary, N. J. Weldgen been no trouble. But a traveling soon as the crowd dispersed. He led '05; treasurer, Ralph H. Gorsline '89; stock company which had been play- the way up Seneca street and most governors for two years, William H. ing at the Lyceum theatre during the of the students went with him. As Lines '09, W. 0. Boswell '99; E. L. week had billed a performance of they were scattering, however, one of Wilder '02; Leon Stern '89; D. A. "Three Weeks" for Saturday night. the police arrested a second student, Campbell '08; J. W. Vickery '95; Wil- A report spread that "the students also a freshman, for refusing to move liam B. Zimmer '03. were going to break up the show." So on. This caused another rush to the Since the fire that destroyed the large a crowd gathered that at 8 neighborhood. The proctor again club rooms in the spring of 1909, the o'clock the theatre was filled and told the students to go home, and E. club has had no regular meeting place. several hundred persons were on the G. MacArthur, president of the A year ago the club was reorganized street in front of the house. The man- Student Conference Committee, which and during the past year it has met ager then closed the doors. At his was appointed to judge cases of periodically for a dinner or other request Lieutenant Twesten, the Uni- student misconduct, also appealed to function. The club has been success- versity proctor, addressed the crowd the crowd to disperse. Some of them ful and is now in a flourishing con- outside, which was made up largely of went up the hill, and others hung dition. students, and asked them to disperse, about for two hours until the two Pittsburg.
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