CENS,US OF INDIA 197 1 SERIES-14 MYSORE DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BANGALORE DISTRICT PART X-A: TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTOR) P. PADMANABHA OF TBB INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE .IRBCTOR OF CENSUS OPERATION. MYBORF, , 0 0 0 0 Dr N CD CII ~ CII ~ CII CII Z Z - o· 0 , ::J !=> C) ) m C) ) Z 2"'" ~ r- 1"1"1 ..,., ~ !=> :::lI:In ~ m >m ~ :;0 !C) -"'T'I ..... » 2-4 (0 !::::c ~ 24 12 t ..... >m *¢ ..... W ~ I\J .... "Z~ ~ J001r~®U ~ -'i> OJ 1.11 mC) )<:l 20 \C) » 0 Z ~ :ECi) ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS, 1971 I\J 00...., CI -f C 1"1"1 () ,... :::lI:I> :c ;::::lI:I STATE CAPITAL DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS @ *0 TALUK .. 1'. Nanolpur - 'I'blnunabd1u N .....pur Ho-Hoopet H_Hubll ANDBRA-PRADESB TAM I L N ADU KEMPEGOWDA TOWER, BANGALORE ( Motif o:n. the cover) 'rhe illustration on the covel' page represents one of the four mantapas popularly known as t,he t' Kempegowda towers", found at four cardinal points in Bangalore City. They are found at the upper palace orchards overlooking Riffie Butts in the nort,h ; over a rock in the U1soor lake in the east ; . on the rock to th-e east of Lalbagh Glass house orfthe south and at the northern end of the Kemparo­ bhudi tank bUlld near Gavipur on the west. These towers were built in the early 16th century by Kempegowda, the founder of Bangalore City, perhaps to serve as watch towers in t,h08!' days of frequent warfare. However, the popular belief is that the founder of Bangalore, who foreMw the great future of the new township, had these towers built to indicate the limitR to which the city would expand in course of time. If so, his expectations have been more than fulfilled. Kempegowda. was the most distinguished ruler among A "ali-nad ehiefs of Yelahankll. He ruled over the present Baug/11ol'e territory for nearly 48 years from 1514 A.D. Once, while making a tour of Yelallanka-nad, it is said he came to a village called Sivanasamudram, 10 miles south of Yelahanka and found the village most favourable for the erection of a fort and obtained permission from Achuta Raya of Vijayanagar to establish his capital there. He built a mud fort in 1537 A.D. and shifted IUa capital to the place naming it as Bengaluru. As a rewar4 for hi~ ~al and activity, the Vijayanagfl.ra king Achut,ha Raya grante'd him 12 h.JbZies around Bangalore .. 'These towers in the four corners of Bangalore City besides the temples,of Gav4 Ganga.d4aJ,'~sw:ara and Basavanna are standing monumellts to the memory of this illustrious ruler-the founder of modern Bangalore. PREFACE It has been the tradition of the Census of India to present demographic data in as detailed a manner as possible so as to serve effectively the needs of Census data llsers. It has also been tradition to publish special volumes which incorporate both demographic and non-census data which are con­ sidered to be of great utility. In accordance with this practice taluk and village tables used to be published which were replaced in the 1951 Census, hy the District Census Handbook series. These Handbooks replaced Part IV-Taiuk Tables and Part V-Village Tables of the earlier censuses and presented a large number of tables of a economic, demographic and social significance for taluks and urban areas. The 1961 District Censm, Handbooks were improved by extending the coverage anu administrative statistics were also presented for each district for the preceding decade. The 1971 Census continues, as part of its Tabulation Plan, the District Census Handbook series. The District Census Handbook is presented in three parts for each district. Part A incorporates the Town and Village Directories. I>art B incorporates the Primary Census Abstracts and includes data, in t.he case of rural areas, at the village level and in the case of urban areas at the block level. Part C incorporates other Censlls Tables and administrative statistics. In the case of most of the districts Parts A and B h:1Ve been published together in one volume but in the Case of Bangalore district Parts A and B have been published as separate volumes for convenience. Part C, as in the case of all other districts, is by itself a separate volume. Explanatory Notes have been incorporated explaining the scope and content of the various state· monts, column headings, etc. The District and TaIuk Maps presented ill this volume have been prepared in this office on the basis of maps obtained fronl the Director of Survey, Settlement and Land Records, Governmellt of Mysore. In the District map, to avoid crowding, instead of mentioning the names of villages where community facilities exitit mere Location Code numbers have been indicated. Similarly in the taluk maps, villages have been indicated by their Location Code numbers. For the names of villages one would haye to refer to the alphabetical list of villages of the taluk concerned. In the preparation of Part A of the District Census Handbook we have had the ready and full eo-operation of all the Departments of the St,ate Government. Our whole-he-arter} thanks are tendcJ:cd to them gratefully. In the preparation of this volume we have had the benefit of the guidance and advice of Sri A. Chandra Sekhar I.A.S., Registrar General and Census Commissioner for India. We have also been c'onsidel'ably assisted by the willing co-operation of Sri K. D. Ballal, I.A.S., Deputy Registrar General, Dr. B. K. Roy Barman, Deputy Registra.r General (Social Studies) and S~i K. K. ChakraYOTty. Central Tabulation Officer. We are deeply indebted to them for all the assistanee rendered. The District Census Handbook Part A presented in this volume is among the first few the 1971 census publications. Its early preparation has laid a heavy burden on aU the officers and staff of this office. To each one of them I am deeply obliged. The Director of Printing and Stationery of the Government of Mysol'e has ensured printing ill time and to him I offer our thanks. This is a State Government Publication and the interest evinced by the State Government has encouraged us for which our thanks are tendered. .J une, 1973. P. PADMANARlU OONTENTS P.AGE~ Preface iii PART-A TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY Town Dlreetory Explanatory Notes 3-7 Statement-I Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns S-ll Statement-U Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1969 12-15 Statement-III Municipal Finance 1968-69 16-17 Statement-IV Civic and other Amenities 18-19 Statement-V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, in Towns 1969-70 20-23 Statement-VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 1969-70 ., 24-27 Statement-Vn Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes 28-29 VWage Directory Explanatory Notea Anekal Taluk Bangalore North Taluk 5'-63 Bangalore South Taluk 68-81 Channapatna rraluk 86-93 Devanahalli Taluk 98-111 Doddaballapur Taluk 118-133 Hoskote Taluk l40-157 Kanakapura Taluk 164-177 Magadi Taluk 184-201 N elamangala Taluk 208-223 Rama.na,gal'am Tulllk 23{)-237 APPBRDICS. AppeDdIx~1 Alphabetical List of Villages PAGES Appendix-I- (i) Anekal Taluk 50-52. Appendix-l- (ii) Bangalore North Taluk 64-63 A.ppendix-l- (iii) Bangalore South Taluk 82-84 Appendix-l- (iy) Channapatna Taluk 94-95 Appendix-l- (v) Devanahalli Taink 112-1H> Appendix-l- (vi) Doddaballapur Taluk 134-137 Appendix-I- (vii) Hoskote 'l'aluk 158-161 A ppendix-l-( viii) Kanakapurs, 1'aluk I 78-Un Appendix-l- (ix) Magadi Taluk 202-205 Appendix-I- (x) Nelamangala Taluk 224-227 Appendix-l- (xi) Ramauagaram Taluk 238-239 Appendix-II-Talukwise Abstract of Edueational, Medica.l and othe:r Amentties 242-243 Appendix-III-Brief note on places of Religious) Historical or Arohaeological importance 247-252 Appendix-lV-La.nd Uile particulars of Non- Munioipal Towns 255 lJST OF MAPS Fa(}ing page Maps ]. 8ta.t,(· ~Iap of 1\1ysore Title page 2. Distric.t ;\lap of Bangalore 1 3. Bangalore Urban Agglomemtion 6 i. Anekal Taluk 50 .-) Ba.ngalore North Taluk 64 tl. Bangalor{" South Taluk 82 7. Channapatna Taluk 94 8. Devana,halJi Taluk 112 9. DoddabaUapllJ' Taluk 134 10. Hoskote Taluk 158 11. Ka.nakapura Taluk 178 12. Ma.gadi Taluk 202 l3. Nelamangala Taluk 224 14. Ramanagaram Taluk 238 ,,' MYSORE '3· . 30' BAN GALORE O.STRICT30" POS1T!'otri OF eAN(l.ALOftE OIIlTRIC"T ltr1 t.4 .... S0IlE STATE '3· IS ,j 0' IX TOwNS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO POPUL AT ION ,; 13' o o r II :m:: 12· r-'" ,,' ... ' 45 ::-1 132 INDEX ~ i EEl- ~ STA1!' CAPITAL »> L"'1 STAlE BOUNDARY * I OISTfMtT HEADOtIARTER TALUK HEADQUARTERS DIS'fRICT BOUNDARY TALUK BOUNDARY N-ATIONAL HIGI"IWAY nATE HIGHWAV ., MAJOR DISTRICT ROADS RiveRS. STREA.MS "'-:=-5"""===== MANOIEs .. o ...J TANkS B VILLAGES WITH 5,000 POPULATION IA80\fE • POST & TELEGRAPH OFFiCE P,,. TRV&LLERs BUNGAlOW.. REST HOUSE T.8 . ~cTR~ GAUGE R .. flW"V W'TH1" .. STAiiON HOSPITALS~PRr,""ARY HEALTH 1 ~ ~:~:~;,~~S::~:.~'~~~~~ J ffi C' BROAD GOUGE RA'LWAV WmiSTArJON---'II"iI---­ N,6.RRO'N GAUGE R"'LWAY wITH STATION __;,40Ilr..-~~_ MARICETS eo v f2· '5 ' O,E. D~~M"~:::A::.ICH ----.-.+-:-,------------::-. t-,-:- . , 77 77 5 77 )0 77045 TOWN DIRECTORY TOWN DIRECTORY EXPLANATORY NOTES The Town Directory con::.ists of seven Statements STATEMENT I Status, Growth History and Punc­ the titles of which are as follows :- tionGtl Oategory of Towns. Statement I Status, Growth His tor y and COLUMN 3: LOCATION CODE No.
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