ORD IT RUNS IN THE FAMILY I AM THE GWYNNE DYER The blood runs deep when it comes to It's not terrorism that scares him- it's Laurier alumni ... PAGE 12-13 climate change ... PAGE 8 Volume 471ssue 16 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29, 2006 www.cordweekly.mm Feels like home tome It's not always easy to know where 'home' is boxes in an ingenious manner so that they kept out the cold night air. Although Ernest's boxes were not exactly a dream home, they had many of the attributes of home. The boxes provided him with some security; it was warm, I am not exactly sure when it hap­ even· cozy. And like homes ev­ pened, but it did happt;n. And it erywhere, the boxes allowed Er­ wasn't when I went away to uni­ nest private space to keep some versity for the first time or when things secret and to himself. I was a young conscript sent to But for writer Morrow, Ernest the US army during the Korean revealed another side of homeless­ "conflict:' Nonetheless, at some ness, beyond the physical hard­ point I stopped considering the ships, issues of emotion and pain two-story stucco house where my at their· deepest and most basic parents lived for 50 years home. level. But perhaps Morrow's pity And at this wonderful time of the for Ernest was somewhat mis­ year, people will ask, "Are you going placed. People who work with the home for Christmas?" or"Areyougo­ homeless know that homeless­ ing to be home for Christmas?" All ness is not merely "hous~lessness:' · such questions assume we Such a point was recently made all know where home truly is. in a news feature in the New York The painful truth, however, is that Times, where women were living it is not always easy to know exactly in a tent city in Portland, Oregon. where home is. In a recent issue of They called their tent city Camp Time magazine, essayist Lance Mor­ Dignity and made the point they row reflected on the mystery of the were not homeless only houseless. word "home:' He spoke of a man They had a very supportive, caring named Ernest who lived under the community; they were at home. NEW BLOOD - Ginny Dybenko hopes to make some big changes in the School of Business this January. trees in a park. Ernest showed Mor­ They reminded us, "It takes row how he had made his home out of cardboard boxes, interlocking the - SEE HOME, PAGE 22 SBE to innovate and integrate Evolving international aspect of business a prime area of advancement Darfur support MARK D. HOPKINS noted. "People have their own frus­ The goal of this movement is STAFF WRITER trations or their own dreams about twofold in nature. First off, Dyben­ how this place could be. There is ko wants the SBE to take a proactive in question Laurier's business school wants to nobody that knows that better than stance on evolving trends in the bring innovative trends and global­ those in the program:' business world and thus provide its Student directors unsure if supporting anti­ ization to the classroom - and is Discussions have been held with students with the best preparation looking to other faculties for help. the stakeholders and numerous possible: "What we've been doing genocide coalition is within their scope As part of the new SBE Accord, e-mail suggestions from students so far is talking about strategy and the faculty will be undergoing some of past and present have been re­ vision - what do we want this place ARLA LATIO-HALL Prime Minister Stephen Harper, alterations in the new year, and the viewed. Meetings and communica­ to look like in ten years?" INTERNATIONAL EDITOR advocating that more attention magnitude and nature of these tion efforts with these stakeholders Dybenko views the evolv­ should be paid to Darfur. changes will stem from feedback will continue until the new year, at ing international aspect of busi­ What started a~ a helpin~ hand to Canivet recently started up an un­ received from current studt,mts, which point the feedback and new ness as a prime .area to target for a fellow student has turned into a official chapter of Students Taking alumni, faculty and members of the direction will be put into action. advancement. debate about moral judgements Action Now: Darfur (STAND) here local business community. Dybenko will not predict what "If you look at every single web­ and has raised questions about the at Laurier. STAND is a US-based Dean Ginny Dybenko, in only her specific changes will be imple­ site right across the country, they scope of the Students' Union. advocacy group that describes it­ third month at her post, has set up mented until all the feedback is all report to be the leaders in inter­ Josh Smythe, one of fourteen self as a "student anti-genocide co­ various formal and informal meet­ received and carefully reviewed. "I nationalization;' she said. "We have WLUSU directors, brought a mo­ alition:' According to Smythe, who ings to discuss the future vision and don't want to predict anything be­ to strengthen the international tion on behalf of first-year student wanted to start a chapter of STAND strategies of the School of Business cause this isn't about me;' contin­ component. It's unfair to graduate Colleen Canivet to the board at its at Laurier - only to be told by its and Economics (SBE). ued Dybenko. "[But] you can guar­ without really having a good fla- previous meeting nearly two weeks Canadian branch that Canivet had "I really wanted an opportu­ antee by January we'll start to build ago. In it, he proposed that the nity for all the students' input;' she. the teams and start to move:' -SEE DYBENKO, PAGE 5 Board of Directors send a letter to -SEE SCOPE, PAGE 9 2 • WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29, 2006 • THE CORD WEEKLY NEWS THE CORD \VEEKLY -The tie that binds since 1926- phone: (519) 884-1970 ext. 3564 fax: (519) 883-0873 email: [email protected] Healing with sound The Cord Weekly 75 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario Anewer method N2L3C5 of physical therapy WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29, 2006 VOlUME 471SSUE 16 seeks to enter Next Issue: See you in 2007! Canadian clinics QUOTE OF THE WEEK "That's the grossest thing I've ever put in my mouth . and I've sucked some dirty-ass dick."' TONY FERGUSON - Blair Forsyth-Stark, eating a gross coolde NEWS EDITOR CONTRIBUTORS The Laurier Centre for Music Ther­ Mark Adamson Mikelippert Ali Scott apy Research (LCMTR) introduced PauJAJvjz Ben McNeil DavidSIIore Nick Boyd DooMorgenson ParrySohi two new physioacoustic chairs to a Lau111Carlson JamieNeugcbauec OuistineSuiza Chel$e&Gasko Steve Niles BrianWeadict WaleedHafcez Jennifer O'Neill Esther Wheaton small crowd in the Maureen For­ Mark D. Hopkins Jessica Peters Josiah Young DruJe!Tries Shane Porter rester Recital Hall on Saturday. At first glance, the chairs look ist like products from the Sharper Im­ as Wi.!l~~ STAFF age that you'd find in someone's pu Production Assistants ................................. Janel Linseman Copy Editing Manager ............................ Caitlin Henderson ultramodern living room. As nifty Copy Editors ···········-································· ....... Ariel Kroon Liz Funduk as they look, this isn't all they're Ja~ Mallory O'Brien good for. They do everything from be Meredith Barrett Tanith Peny-Milts curing insomnia to helping people ce Healher Olaveson Photo Manager ......................................... tat1 with substance abuse problems to Paul Alviz Online Production Manager ........................ &ydney Helland reducing the pain in injuries sus­ so IT Manager ........................ ~.......................... Kathy Matte OHHHH GAWD YEAH - Caryl Ann Browning, a music therapist, gives the physioacoustic chair a test-run Distribution Manager .................................... .omham Wyatt tained by athletes. ps Cord Interns •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~ ........... Lauren Bums during the presentation in the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall. David Goldberg Clinical therapists who have M Laura Purchase been using physioacoustic chairs disorders. consider using them in his own "[People] are still skeptical be­ are confident that it works but Heidi Ahonen-Eerikainen, psy­ treatments. cause somehow this is connected WlUS~ ADMINISTRATION there's one problem - they don't chotherapist and associate pro­ "If [these chairs produce] some to the new age treatments imd Sha­ President ................................................ Fraser McCracken VP: Advertising ............................................. Angela Foster knowhow. fessor at the LCMTR, is trying to objective findings then sure we manism but it's not ... and that's VP: Brantford .............................................. Paige Desmond Chair of tile Board ...................................... Keren Goltfrie<l "I have no doubt about this sys­ pursue research with Alzheimer's can implement it over things that what I'm trying to tell people;' he Vice Chair ....................................................... Arthur Wong tem;' said Marco Karkldiinen. "I disease but has the same problem are not so effective:' says. Board of Directors ......................................... Rafiq Andani Penny Shearer have given over 7,000 treatments as Karkkainen. "I don't have any The physioacoustic chair origi­ As it stands now, therapists who all and it never ceases to surprise scientific results;' she says. "I can nally went on the market in 1990 have been using the chairs, like in ADVERTISING me:' only tell people what my clients in Finland but sales moved to Nor­ Ali.onen-Eerikainen and Kark­ All advertising inquiries should be directed to Karkkainen is a physical thera­ have been telling me:' way after a lack of Finnish finan­ kainen, don't know why the chairs th VP: Advertising Angela Foster at pist from Finland who flew to Ahonen-Eerikainen is hopeful cial support because of skepticism have the effect that they do on pa­ pr 884·0710, ext. 3560 or [email protected] Canada to present the chairs to the that she can get scientific data to over their medical and therapeutic tients but it is their intent to find in LCMTR.
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