DOCPMENT RESUME ED 071 901 8E 015 538 TITLE Project Physics Teacher Guide 4, Light and Electromagnet ism. INSTITUTION Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Project Physics. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C.Bureau of Research. BUREAU NO BR-5-1038 PUB DATE 68 CONTRACT OEC-5-10-058 NOTE 277p.; Authorized Interim Version EDRS PRICE MF-S0.65 HC-S9.87 DESCRIPTORS *Electricity; Instructional Materials; Multimedia Instruction; *Optics; *Physics; Science Activities; Secondary Grades; *secondary School Science; *Teach...rig Guides; Teaching Procedures IDENTIFIERS Harvard Project Physics ABSTRACT Teaching procedures of Project Physics Unit 4are presented to help teachers make effective use of learning materials. Unit cotcents are discussed in courtaction with teaching aidlists, multi-media schedules, schedule blocks, and resources charts. Brief summaries are made, for transparencies, 16mm films, and reader articles. Included is information about the background and development of each unit chapter, procedures used in demonstrations, apparatus operations, notes on the student handbook, and explanation of film loops. Additional articles are concerned with electromagnetic spectra, field concepts, Oersted's own eu:count of his discovery, .Romerls work, and mlectron* series. Current balances and microwave apparatus are analyzed, and a bibliography of references including that of photographic instrumentation is given. Solutions to study guides are provided in detail, and answers to test itemsare suggested. The fourth unit of the text, along with marginal comments on eachsection,is also compiled in the manual. The work of Harvard Project Physics has been financially supported bythe Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Unii'-ed StatesOffice of Education, and Harvard University. (CC) r 415.W.T, 0 F o ()77cfl I I r V V. 0 IC)CD CD CD CD r;p U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPN IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY Project Physics Teacher's Guide An Introduction to Physics4Light and Electromagnetism Authorized Interim Version 1968-69 Distributed by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.New York Toronto This teacher guide is the authorized interim version of one of the many in- structional materials being developed by Harvard Project Physics, including text units, laboratory experiments, and read- ers. Its development has profited from the help of many of the colleagues listed at the front of the text units. Copyright © 1968, Project Physics Incorporated. Copyright is claimed until December 31, 1968. After December 31, 1968, all por- tions of this work not identified herein as the subject of previous copyright shall be in the public domain.The authorized interim version of the Harvard Project Physics course is being distributed at cost by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. by arrangement with Project Physics Incorp rated, a non-profit educational organization. All persons making use of any part of these materials are requested to acknowl- edge the source and the financial support given to Project Physics by the agencies named below, and to include a statement that the publication of such material is not necessari2y enCorsed by Harvard Project Physics or any of the authors of this work. The work of Harvard Project Physics has been financia:..y supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Founda- tion, the National Science Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the United States Office of Education and Harvard University. 03-080019-6 90123 69 9876543 Unit Overview Overview of Unit 4 1 Teaching Aids (list of) 1 Multi-Media Schedule Unit 4 Multi-Media Schedule 2 Details of the Multi-Media Schedule 3 Organization Pages (yellow) Schedule Blocks Resource Charts Experiment Summaries Chapter 13 5 Chapter 14 9 Chapter 15 13 Chapter 16 17 Study Guide Brief answers 21 Solutions to Chapter 13 23 Solutions to Chapter 14 27 Solutions to Chapter 15 32 Solutions to Chapter 16 35 Background and Development Chapter 13 38 enapter 14 42 Chapter 15 44 Chapter 16 45 Aid Summaries Transparencies 47 Film Loops 47 16mm Films 47 Reader 48 Demonstrations D47 Some Electrostatic Demonstrations 51 D48 The Electrophorous 53 D49 Currents and Forces 54 D50 Currents, Magnets and Forces 56 D51 Electric Fields 57 D52 Demonstrations and Experiments with Microwaves 57 Film Loop Notes L41 Standing Electromagnetic Waves 61 Experiment Notes E32* Young's ExperimentWavelength of Light 63 E33* Electric Forces I 63 E34 Electric Forces IICoulomb's Law 64 E35* Currents and Forces 66 E36 Currents, Magnets and Forces E37 Electron Beam Tube 70 E38* Waves, Modulation, Communication 71 Equipment Notes Current Balance 79 Microwave Apparatus 81 Additional Background Articles Electromagnetic Spectrum 85 Fields 87 Oersted 89 Romer 90 "Lectron" Series 91 Bibliography 93 Suggested Answers to Tests Test A 105 Test B 109 Test C 113 Test D 115 Index 119 Unit Overview Overview of Unit Four Experiments Chapters 12 througn 16 should be con- E32* Young's Experiment the Wavelength of sidered together as an integrated sequence Light covering selected aspects of light, waves, electricity and magnetism. The primary E33* Electric Forces I goal of the sequence is to reach a qual- itative understanding of electromagnetic E34 Electric Forces IICoulomb's Lax. waves (Chapter 16), based on the concept of electromagnetic induction. (Chapter 15), E35* Currents and Force, and merging it with the wave description Currents, Magnets and Forces of light (Chapter 13). A secondary pur- E36 pose is to provide the basic physics E37 Electron Beam Tube needed to understandne elements of electrical technology, so as to make contact with a region of applied science E38* Microwaves which has had important social conse- quences (Chapter 15). A third goal is to present some information about the interaction of electric charges with each other and with magnetic fields lransparencies (Chapter 14), not only as a prerequisite T10The Speed of Light to understanding electromagnetic induc- tion and light, but also for later use E Field Inside Conducting Spheres in Units 5 and 6 in connection with ex- T31 perimental atomic and nuclear physics. T32 Magnetic Fields and Moving Charges It should be kept in mind that while Chapters 12, 13 and 14 cover a certain T33 Forces Between Current Carriers amount of fairly standard material on waves, light and electricity, a co-pre- T34 The Electromagnetic Spectrum hensive treatment of these rubjects is not a major goal of the corse, and the temptation to delve more deeply into the topic of electric c;17-iiits should be resisted (within the context of this unit) . Reader Articles R1 Letters from Thomas Jefferson, June 1799 Films (16 mm) R2 On the Method of Theoretical Physics F30 Speed of Light R3 Experiments and Calculations Relative to F31 Introduction to Optics Physicz Optics F32Coulomb'5 Law R4 Velocity of Light 1,33 Elections in a Uniform Magnetic Field R5 Popular Applications of Polarized Light F34 Electromagnetic Waves R6 Action 't a Distance R7 Tie Electronic Revolution Demonstrations R8 The Invention of the Electric Light D47 Electrostatic Demonstrations R9 High Fidelity D48 The Electrophorus R10Future of Direct Current Power Transmi- Dn D49Currents and Forces R11 James Clerk Maxwell Part II D50Currents, Magnets and Forces R12 Collection of Maxwell's Letters D51Electric Fields R13 On the Induction of Electric Currcats D52Microwaves R14 Relationship of Electricity and Magnetism Loops R15 The Electromagnetic Field I L41Standing Electromagnetic Waves R16 Radiation Belts Around the Earth 1 Multi-Media Plan for Unit 4 2 3 LAS STATION 4 ?SSC FILM SMALL GROUP TASCaSSioN froperlres of Light Speed of Lit TEACHER DEmoNSTRATION IsLii3kta'Pailicle or a Conversion of Ener9jto TEACHER PRESENTATION' Wave ? L1911-t- Plistorof MeasurementofSygn.(esrz_iNg vcsciAssiom 1'eloct j of CISktt ( whole class) la 2a 3a 4a Teat :Cinap-Tar 13 Text Continued Chapter 13 Reader. On -Ore Meltiod of The-Text 14.I- oraticaL Finstiztn 14.6 5 6 7 8 TEACHER DEMONSTRATION E xPER 1MENT 34: TEALHER i-EcTURE STUDENTACTIVITY DAY LECTURE Coulomb's Law Current Electricity Static Electricir9 Unique EtectFtoC.tenenators Aclivi19. Make art Electric Cieneraror,, see Stadent Nand- 5a 6a 7a book and aftergicurces. Text14..7 1+,13 Reader :A lvfirror for the Text grzurt,Walter 15 I 155 9 10 11 12 1-A8 6TATlorlS LA6, STATIontS TEACHER VENtoriSTRATIoN Pr2o4 RAM Current 'Balances Currant Balances LECTURE Electric Forces and Fields Electric. ffeEds and Elec./ilea! 'Potential Enen3 9a 10a lla 'Reader The Invention of 12a Write Lab Report -Text15.6 15.9 the Electi-to1.19ht,Tosephson FiniSh 'Proojnaras 13 14 15 16 STUDENT DEmot-ISTRAnoti: TEACHER L.EcriARE FILM 'Prelude -0 'Power Hussins-Tido-e MagneticFields Small aroup .DiscHsslort on Film 13a 14a 15a reieC16( I6 s 16a Text16 i6 .6 ReaderScientific TrnasIna- Ourst de T69r1orl et al. Reading 17 18 19 20 L113RARY *RESEARCH TEACHERLECTURE - DEMON- STUDENT 17F2g56Nrano Ns STUDENT PRESENT/4110 S STRATTON ElecTrorriaytelic machines 17a 18a 19a 20a Re actir9 and Recordlils fe.0.563 and Recordin9 Finish 'RecorotivIss 21 22 23 24 TEACHER ''R2ESE47"ATIoN STATIoNS 176SC FILM CLASS DISCUSSION Maxwell's Contribution to Eleerrorrtayetf6 Waves Science Electromagnetic Waves Existence of Ike Eater andthe. Michelson -Morle Exper:wnent 21a 22a Reader: Action at a 23e 24a 11171111re for Discussionon'R-epare for discussion on Toxt: Unit4, Distance.Maxwell Day ,24, Pay 9+ ii-otoo a and Epilogue 2 Multi-Media Schedule Details of the Multi-Media Schedule 5., fluorescence under ultraviolet light 6. fluorescence by electron bombard- Day 1 ment (Crookes tube or CRO) 7, flint and steel Lab stations: Properties of ..fight 8. hand generator from old telephone and neon tube 1. Reflection. Locate image in a 9.
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