a ee aa ——e Se Radio Times, November 6th, 1925. BIRTHDAY WEEK FEATURES. 4 — Ps i A Foetal = r ARREi DUA 2 (eae) ee=as FoNGURS eeGore iam mowers : 2 HE Be LEEDS- 624 FORa AU PME, Sm pale“GLiviSPOOL Se ee ee Se eer BEOTae STO TRE LAR Ar] Ay Meet = THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE BBC 2ae “Vol.9. No. ih La. ey EVERY FRIDAY. Two Posioe, = = oe OFFICIAL Three Years—Two Committees. PROGRAMMES By J. C. W. REITH, Managing Director of the B.B.C for the week beginning HERE are tio events...n the’ im- These can be ipnored: SUNDAY, November 8th. médiate future which deserve notice but in between them here, The one, -however, has little um- we have a lack of portance in itself. A certain amount of interest andfailure to PROGRAMMES INDEX. interest attaches to it, but ‘the signeicance appreciate, products hes actually in its being a convenient of average intelli- LONDON ... a 298, 300 occasion for stocktaking. I refer to the fenoe perhaps which BELFAST Dec eee eae . 316, 317 third anniversary of Broadcasting. The are only dangerous in other event, practically coincident. with the so far as the indi- above, is the getting to work of the recently- viduals are imipres- BOURNEMOUTH i cascade pe aen aia ‘sue yey appointed Broadcasting Committee, This sionable and liable to is Important, very impertant; probably fall under the in- mach more important than is commonly Huence of those with realized. A stocktaking of some order, ulterior motive but WE WCASTLE...... matin cto nat nei tiy He seaside wi ve 210 coupled with a reviewof the position and an greater intelligence. Mr. a. 0. WW, REITH, assessment of future possibilities, becomes, There appears to he RAI consls Soec ese ole vadictees cin eens SESS therefore, not only peculiarly appropriate, little danger in this instance, as the vast EEEn anes se gee are gee etae peep nom tees gey an OO but quite necessary. It.would be expected mass of the public have long azo come to and required irrespective of any anniversary, see what manner of influence this is which and it is proceeding now, has come among them. They will form their own conclusions and will not easily be ae * u * stampeded or deceived. LEEDS-BRADPORD oo. cc creces jee tector eee caetie ees OES Rarely, if ever, has a Departmental Committee been faced with a task 50 full of * *# oh interest, or, what is more relevant, so full It may be remembered that the 16ya BOTTINGEAM 0 ere vee sas serieey eveee ered iette den sie MOM of responsibility. Por broadcasting is (or Svkes) Committee was set up largely pregnant with influences and potentialities as the result of a series of agitations against the B.B.C. in its very earliest days. These SRMREET cc se ccs ssa ev ten eng ge ey ev ie aloes MAD which ¢levate. [t to compuirison with the printing-press and the steam-engine. It is were directed chiefly against the constitution SIceo ecse esi pan ert arses newreapcedy vee sen oak aan yes tol a power of the first magnitude. This of the Company, conditionsof manufacturms SWANSEA ice ec seissscitibessereis aisurensedaninneaes OUT conception of its future is held not only by membership, apparatus restrictions, licence regulations, and so on, matters which had no STOP PRESS NEWS o..cccccccccssecsseeeeresesterees alg those who have been intimately assoctated with its development, but by men and women connection whatever with SROCUALYE broad- of intelligence generally, casting, but, of course, every phase of our work was, 20 to speak, swbpa'naed as evidence and, IMPORTANT TO READERS. - a me Lo somehowor other, used as evidence for the > cal er bgoria ‘Tiine "iein Ll, Southamptun When something new and wonderful prosecution. The Sykes Committee was unex- pected. It was not according to schedule, The address of the Britah Broadens Company, Lid.is appears, there are at least three types of 1, Sevey Hill, Straed. London, W.C.2, = negative attitude with which one. has to but. there. was .no disguise about the boons Pe rol OF SUBSCRIPTION ta “The Radios Timea” (ja- reckon. .At opposite extremes we have and the blessings it brought in its train— es, tkeae Pee. lis, Sd,; Twelve bovine stupidity and superior disregard. (Continued overleaf in column 3.) S = a rea a =e+ TIMES —- [RovEMBE Gri, 1925 oe ——_— a Three TanTwo Committees. ‘Radio To Make Us Musical. (Continued from the previous page.) the clearance from the HA pions ame charges By Benno Moiseiwitsch, The Famous Pianist. whieh hal hiner iit forwniad, rel THAI chitect ncte vantages of mbterial henefit to the service, HERE je no dealt thai a comntey driwing. room, was a revelation, Some With the exception of an oceastonal polity atade- the bee of maste in ot its pies did nek sacm bo be ateal for brewed: nent it) bine mages, ad, of corse, sundry para- (nat Britain & 2rowine. an casting purposes, but five of them came over raphe week by week essential to and explanatory that one of the factors whieh imostt perfectly, Criticial ae Tam, they gave me crf vtir work, the HL hohe kept mretty cite will mesial it to aeow stall intense peasun:, and [ thought of the delight they mhod Lineprae| Vek, They very rarely go tat of their more i -brivdeseting. When hinet bee ine bo area t iim hers of pecple who have way to answer attacks, They incline to the old- one thinks of nuliians of little opportunity of hearing such a musical treat, fashioned behef that they work best who'do ap jeople Hetening ta. mnie When. a litte later, [wae asked to broadcast, I uetest. | suppose there are few, if any, concerns might after wight may Of decieled to: aber an, L el hiways felt that, ma. far aa enteide Governments of the day which have ‘come tiem or the bret tine ti I >aa (inane, f eould: cli miyvEelt just ait in the in for quite go mech attention From the Presa, ie: regular oway—one is stidio, and Tam glad to say that my antieipations nod from the manchoth in the street amdefhit, strock by the iminense psei- were realmed, It ik largely a matter of persemal ot 4b * = bilities teat bie ahead. Leniperkimenit, Some arfists are only inspired by We juve Lbiways SA ob was all te the goal, even Mr. BENNO Admittedly, broacteasbing pemonal contact with ther aucence, ancl, withent Honesionilly: the attention appeared to he of the MOISEIWITSCH. ig. oti in ite infaney, that, their playing, aA they herselycs nilmit, i variety whieh one conkd have done owt hont and nob Though remarkable sesults apt to lack. warmth and life. mieed, Even the most ill-informed and abusive hive been ohiained in overcoming the technital Inspired by the Unteen. critictain i im some measure or other a tritvate. difficulties of fransnitting. pure musical tone, there In iY hae, rt im not neoeRArY, Aline iL ny There has been a certain amount of it in the past. will probably be marked. improvements curing the and my reason for referring to if here is that the PORT, wi Eire at the piano W thet coat, collar, or next. few years. The effect will inevifably hea lic, With nothing whatever to distract my thoughts, next fow months may see a recricestence of it, larze Imereaso of the number of lateners. I beheve J oa play better than om the plat for 1. possibly concentrations aml combinations of i, Under-Estimating Public Taste. ft was the same in the broadeastine studio. | The assembly of the Committee may be the sign! for the stitrings of opposition, More than tht, there will be ow demared for the round when | nerve) theme that a number of pene wer in the room,. bat, at my redyucat, they were lt is just sa well to-keep this im mind aim) to be hicker losers of musi, fhe heaatiex of the elastics prepared, Much of the eriticiam will be, or has been, eoly reyuire to be known to be appreciated. Eiroael- azkel-to leave. Then J took off ny collar, tic arid iInconaaynent and even lidierona, replete (fo use casting is one of the greatest educative forces in wainteoat and abandoned myself to my task. the house agente” tern) with statements whith, existence to-day. Its power ia felt particularly in [ wis completely happy. ‘There Whe no one Whar if not pouitive lite, are, al any rate, gross mis- the country datricts. People in the large towns me save the operato¢, and the ihought that, in repicsentations of fart, particularly in connection little realise the intense dehaht- that. wireless mimi my own way, [ was entertaining an unacen aidience with balance sheets, division of profits and eo on. has browg lit to the tnhalvtanis of villages isolated! of, perhaps, millions, supplied. me with all the in- One sometimes: wonders how it pete floor spoon, from the ienal mesne of entertainment. spiration © iepched, it ta remarkable experience, Cherches fe motif ultérienr, Tt is often delightfully [ believe that already tisteners would appreciate casy todiscover, Lt probably-ctares one in the face, hei tor misic (hw 18 “uy pplicd, “Ehere 13 always, Inquire, for instance, who is the, inepiration of loom afraid, o tendéney to onder-ctimate the the * attack,” whe owne the medinm by which it is pobhe taste. tia by nie tiene as poor aa ih ia {Continued from column 3.) propegated, omeeet hve gei road las he, are, given ilies rig let. With regard to ther kindred interests, our policy me at .
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